企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持知识库和私有化部署方案 广告
# haasomeapi.apis.CustomBotApi模块 ## 功能 ``` class haasomeapi.apis.CustomBotApi.CustomBotApi(connectionstring:str,privatekey:str ) Bases: haasomeapi.apis.ApiBase.ApiBase ``` Custom Bot API类,提供对Custom Bot api端点的访问 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | connectionstring | str | Connection String Formatted Ex. []( | |privatekey |str|Private Key Set In The Haas Settings| ``` activate_custom_bot(botguid:str,withextra:bool ) ``` 激活自定义机器人 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | botguid | str |Custom 机器人guid| | withextra | bool|with extra| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result bool:如果激活成功| ``` add_advanced_index_bot_index(botguid:str,index:haasomeapi.dataobjects.custombots.dataobjects.AdvancedIndexBotIndexSaveObject.AdvancedIndexBotIndexSaveObject,realocatebalance:bool,raisebalance:bool ) ``` Addes a index to preexiting advanced index bot :param botguid: str: Custom bot guid :param index: AdvancedIndexBotIndexSaveObject Index to add :param reallocatebalance: bool: reallocate current index balance :param raisebalance: bool: increase current index balance | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result AdvancedIndexBot: 代币指数机器人对象| ``` add_crypto_index_bot_index(botguid:str,index:haasomeapi.dataobjects.custombots.dataobjects.CryptoIndexBotIndexSaveObject.CryptoIndexBotIndexSaveObject,realocatebalance:bool,raisebalance:bool ) ``` Addes a index to preexiting crypto index bot :param botguid: str: Custom bot guid :param index: [CryptoIndexBotIndexSaveObject]( Index to add :param reallocatebalance: bool: reallocate current index balance :param raisebalance: bool: increase current index balance | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result [CryptoIndexBot]( 代币指数机器人对象| ``` add_order_bot_order(botguid:str,dependson:str,dependsonnotexecuted:str,amount:float,price:float,triggerprice:float,templateguid:str,direction:haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType,triggertype:haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderBotTriggerType.EnumOrderBotTriggerType ) ``` 向订单机器人添加订单 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| |dependson |str |这个顺序取决于订单模板guid| |dependsonnotexecuted |str |这取决于不执行命令guid| |**amount** | float|交易金额| | price |float |订单的价格| |**triggerprice** | float |订单的触发价格| |templateguid | str|订单模板,用于使用guid| |**direction** | [EnumOrderType](|订单方向(买/卖)| |**triggertype** | [EnumOrderBotTriggerType](|触发类型| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result [OrderBot]( Order bot object| ``` backtest_custom_bot(botguid:str,minutestotest:int ) ``` 回测自定义机器人(注意:此功能将向交易所发出请求,所以不要经常使用) | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | minutestotest |int|过去测试的分钟数| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result [BaseCustomBot]( BaseCustomBot of the bot that was backtested| ``` backtest_custom_bot_on_market(accountguid:STR,botguid:STR,minutestotest:INT,primarycoin:STR,secondarycoin:STR,contractname:STR ) ``` 在指定的市场上测试自定义机器人(注意:此功能不会调用交换机可以根据需要使用。) | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid | str |The account guid| |**botguid** |str |自定义机器人guid| |**minutestotest** |int |过去测试的分钟数| |primarycoin |str |基础代币 Ex. 如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB| | secondarycoin|str |计价代币 Ex. 如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC| |**contractname** |str |合同名称(可选)| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result [BaseCustomBot]( BaseCustomBot of the bot that was backtested| ``` backtest_custom_bot_unix_time(botguid:str,startunix:int,endunix:int ) ``` 回测自定义机器人(注意:此功能会向交易所发出请求,所以不要经常使用) | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| |**botguid** |str |自定义机器人guid| |**startunix** |int |以unix时间表示开始的时间| |**endunix** |int |以unix时间表示结束的时间| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result [BaseCustomBot]( BaseCustomBot of the bot that was backtested| ``` clear_custom_bot(botguid:str ) ``` 清除自定义机器人历史记录并返回BaseCustomBot对象 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| |**botguid** |str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result [BaseCustomBot]( BaseCustomBot of the bot that was cleared| ``` clear_custom_bot_specific(botguid:str,bottype:haasomeapi.enums.EnumCustomBotType.EnumCustomBotType ) ``` 清除自定义机器人历史记录并返回特定的custom bot对象 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| |**botguid** |str |自定义机器人guid| |**bottype** | [EnumCustomBotType](|返回自定义机器人类型| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result any:指定的自定义机器人对象| ``` clone_custom_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, bottype: haasomeapi.enums.EnumCustomBotType.EnumCustomBotType, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float) ``` 克隆自定义机器人 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid | str |The account guid| |**botguid** |str |自定义机器人guid| |**bottype** | [EnumCustomBotType]( |要创建的bottype| |**botname** |str |新自定义机器人的名称| |primarycoin |str |基础代币 Ex. 如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB| | secondarycoin|str |计价代币 Ex. 如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC| |**contractname** |str |**合同**名称(选项)| |leverage |float |杠杆百分比| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result any:指定的自定义机器人对象| ``` clone_custom_bot_simple(accountguid:str,botguid:str,botname:str ) ``` 克隆一个简化的自定义机器人 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid | str |The account guid| |**botguid** |str |自定义机器人guid| |**botname** |str |新自定义机器人的名称| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | |In.[BaseCustomBot]( of the bot that was backtested| ``` deactivate_custom_bot(botguid:str,withextra:bool ) ``` 停用自定义机器人 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| |**botguid** |str |自定义机器人guid| |**withextra** |bool |with extra| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result bool: 如果停用成功| ``` edit_order_bot_order(botguid:str,orderguid:str,dependson:str,dependsonnotexecuted:str,amount:float,price:float,triggerprice:float,templateguid:str,direction:haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType,triggertype:haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderBotTriggerType .EnumOrderBotTriggerType ) ``` 在订单机器人上编辑订单 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | **orderguid** | str |编辑命令的指导| |dependson |str |这个顺序取决于订单模板guid| |dependsonnotexecuted |str |这取决于不执行命令guid| |**amount** | float|交易金额| | price |float |订单的价格| |**triggerprice** | float |订单的触发价格| |templateguid | str|订单模板,用于使用guid| |**direction** | [EnumOrderType](|订单方向(买/卖)| |**triggertype** | [EnumOrderBotTriggerType](|触发类型| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In .result [OrderBot]( Order bot object| ``` flash_crash_bot_add_buy_order(botguid:str ) ``` 快速调用将买单添加到正在运行的flash crash_bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In.result [FlashCrashBot]( Crash bot对象| ``` flash_crash_bot_add_sell_order(botguid:str ) ``` 快速调用以向正在运行的flash crash_bot添加卖单 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回 | |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse]( | | In.result [FlashCrashBot]( Crash bot对象| ``` flash_crash_bot_live_edit(botguid:str,isbuyorder:bool,addorder:bool ) ``` 为正在运行的flash crash(闪电崩盘)添加订单 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | **isbuyorder** |bool |是添加买单的订单| | **addorder** |bool |我们应该添加订单还是删除订单 | 返回 | |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [FlashCrashBot]( Crash bot| ``` flash_crash_bot_quck_start(botguid:str ) ``` Flash Crash快速启动(不要替换订单) | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| In .result bool: 如果快速启动成功| ``` flash_crash_bot_quick_start_all(botguid:str ) ``` Flash Crash快速启动(替换订单丢失) | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| In .result bool: 如果快速启动成功| ``` flash_crash_bot_remove_buy_order(botguid:str ) ``` 快速调用将买单移至正在运行的flash crash_bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [FlashCrashBot]( Crash bot对象| ``` flash_crash_bot_remove_sell_order(botguid:str ) ``` 快速调用将卖单移至正在运行的flash crash_bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [FlashCrashBot]( Crash bot对象| ``` flip_accumulation_bot(botguid:str ) ``` 翻转 Accumulation bot从买到卖或卖到买 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In .result bool: 如果翻转成功| ``` get_all_custom_bots() ``` 返回创建的所有自定义机器人 | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| |In .result List[ [BaseCustomBot](]| ``` get_custom_bot(botguid:str,bottype:haasomeapi.enums.EnumCustomBotType.EnumCustomBotType ) ``` 返回自定义机器人匹配机器人guid | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | bottype |[EnumCustomBotType](|要返回的bot类型 | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result any:指定的bottype对象| ``` include_advanced_index_bot_index(botguid:str,coin:str ) ``` Includes a excluded index from the advanced index bot :param botguid: str: Custom bot guid :param coin: std: Coin to include from index | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result AdvancedIndexBot: Crypto Index bot object| ``` new_custom_bot(accountguid:STR,bottype:haasomeapi.enums.EnumCustomBotType.EnumCustomBotType,botname:STR,primarycoin:STR,secondarycoin:STR,contractname:STR ) ``` 创建一个新的自定义机器人 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid | str |The account guid| |**bottype** | [EnumCustomBotType]( |要创建的bottype| |**botname** |str |新自定义机器人的名称| |primarycoin |str |基础代币 Ex. 如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB| | secondarycoin|str |计价代币 Ex. 如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC| |**contractname** |str |**合同**名称(选项)| | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result any:指定的bot类型对象| ``` new_custom_bot_from_market(accountguid:str,bottype:haasomeapi.enums.EnumCustomBotType.EnumCustomBotType,botname:str,market:haasomeapi.dataobjects.marketdata.Market.Market ) ``` 从市场对象创建一个新的自定义bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid | str |The account guid| |**bottype** | [EnumCustomBotType]( |要创建的bottype| |**botname** |str |新自定义机器人的名称| |Parama市场| [Market](|使用市场对象 | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result any:指定的bot类型对象| ``` rebalance_advanced_index_bot_index(botguid:str ) ``` Rebalance a advanced index bot :param botguid: str: Custom bot guid | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result AdvancedIndexBot:Crypto Index bot object| ``` remove_advanced_index_bot_index(botguid:str,coin:str,lowerbalance:bool ) ``` Removes a index from preexiting advanced index bot :param botguid: str: Custom bot guid :param coin: std: Coin to remove from index :param lowerbalance: bool: Reduce the index balance | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result AdvancedIndexBot:Crypto Index bot object| ``` remove_all_order_bot_order(botguid:str ) ``` 从订单机器人中删除所有订单 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result中[OrderBot]( bot object| ``` remove_crypto_index_bot_index(botguid:str,coin:str,lowerbalance:bool ) ``` Removes a index from preexiting crypto index bot :param botguid: str: Custom bot guid :param coin: std: Coin to remove from index :param lowerbalance: bool: Reduce the index balance | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [CryptoIndexBot]( Crypto Index bot object| ``` remove_custom_bot(botguid:str ) ``` 删除(删除)自定义bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result bool:如果删除成功| ``` remove_order_bot_order(botguid:str,orderguid:str ) ``` 删除(删除)订单机器人上的订单 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| |orderguid|str|命令guid | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result中[OrderBot]( bot object| ``` reset_order_bot_order(botguid:str,orderguid:str ) ``` 重置订单机器人的订单 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| |orderguid|str|命令guid | 返回| |---| | [HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result中[OrderBot]( bot object| ``` set_mad_hatter_indicator_parameter(botguid:str,type:haasomeapi.enums.EnumMadHatterIndicators.EnumMadHatterIndicators,fieldNo:int,value:any ) ``` 修改Mad Hatter指标参数 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| |type | [EnumMadHatterIndicators](|要修改的指标类型 | fieldNo|int|要修改的字段 |value|any|字段的值 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [MadHatterBot]( Hatter bot对象| ``` set_mad_hatter_safety_parameter(botguid:str,type:haasomeapi.enums.EnumMadHatterSafeties.EnumMadHatterSafeties,value:any ) ``` 修改Mad hatter安全参数 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| | type |[EnumMadHatterSafeties](|要修改的安全类型 |value |any|安全值 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [MadHatterBot]( Hatter bot对象| ``` setup_accumulation_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, stoptype: haasomeapi.enums.EnumAccumulationBotStopType.EnumAccumulationBotStopType, stoptypevalue: float, randomordersizex: float, randomordersizey: float, randomordertimex: int, randomordertimey: int, direction: haasomeapi.enums.EnumOrderType.EnumOrderType, triggeronprice: bool, triggerwhenhigher: bool, triggervalue: float) ``` 修改Accumulation bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC |stoptype|[EnumAccumulationBotStopType](|停止类型 | stoptypevalue| float|与停止类型关联的停止值 | randomordersizex|float|随机订单大小开始 |randomordersizey| float|随机订单大小结束 | randomordertimex |int|以秒为单位的随机排序时间 | randomordertimey | int|以秒为单位的随机顺序时间 | direction| [EnumOrderType](|订单方向(买/卖) | triggeronprice |bool|按特定价格触发 |triggerwhenhigher |bool|当标记价格高于触发价格时触发 | triggervalue | float|触发价格 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [AccumulationBot]( bot对象| ``` setup_advanced_index_bot(accountguid:str,botguid:str,botname:str,templateguid:str,basecoin:str,totalIndexValue:float,rebalanceInterval:int,rebalanceType:haasomeapi.enums.EnumAdvancedIndexBotRebalanceType.EnumAdvancedIndexBotRebalanceType,allocateProfits:bool,preserveBaseIndexPrecentage:bool,index:List [haasomeapi.dataobjects.custombots.dataobjects.AdvancedIndexBotIndexSaveObject.AdvancedIndexBotIndexSaveObject] ) ``` 修改Crypto Index bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | templateguid|str|使用订单模板guid |basecoin|str|index bot 的计价代币 比如BTC |totalIndexValue|float|index应使用的总值。 |rebalanceInterval | int|重新平衡的频率 |allocateprofits| bool|执行利润分配 |preserveBaseIndexPercentage|bool|确保index 百分比永远不会低于开始百分比 |index| List [AdvancedIndexBotIndexSaveObject]|AdvancedIndexBotIndexSaveObject构造index的列表。 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result AdvancedIndexBot: Crypto Index bot object| ``` setup_crypto_index_bot(accountguid:str,botguid:str,botname:str,templateguid:str,basecoin:str,totalIndexValue:float,individualgrowth:bool,allocateprofits:bool,index:List [haasomeapi.dataobjects.custombots.dataobjects.CryptoIndexBotIndexSaveObject.CryptoIndexBotIndexSaveObject] ) ``` 修改Crypto Index bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | templateguid|str|使用订单模板guid |basecoin|str|index bot 的计价代币 比如BTC |totalIndexValue|float|index应使用的总值 | individualgrowth|bool|使用个人成长算法 |allocateprofits | bool|执行利润分配 |index | List [ [CryptoIndexBotIndexSaveObject](]|[CryptoIndexBotIndexSaveObject](构造index的列表。 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [CryptoIndexBot]( Crypto Index bot object| ``` setup_email_bot(accountguid:str,botguid:str,botname:str,primarycoin:str,secondarycoin:str,contractname:str,leverage:float,amountType:haasomeapi.enums.EnumBotTradeAmount.EnumBotTradeAmount,tradeamount:float,fee:float,templateguid:str ,position:str,actions:list [haasomeapi.dataobjects.custombots.dataobjects.EmailBotAction.EmailBotAction],stoploss:float,minchangetobuy:float,minchangetosell:float ) ``` 修改电子邮件机器人 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC |contractname |str|合同名称(可选) |leverage|float|杠杆百分比使用(可选) | amountType |EnumBotTradeAmount|交易金额类型 |tradeamount |float|要使用的机器人的交易金额 lfee|float|计算中使用的费用百分比 |templateguid | str|要使用的订单模板 |position |str|Position bot should start in EX. For BNB/BTC if you have no BNB set to BTC |actions |List [ [EmailBotAction](]|[EmailBotAction](从中构建电子邮件机器人的列表 |stoploss |float|止损百分比 | minchangetobuy| float|Min Change To Buy insurance setting |minchangetosell |float|Min Change To Sell Insurance setting | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [EmailBot](电子邮件bot对象| ``` setup_flash_crash_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, fee: float, baseprice: float, priceSpreadType: haasomeapi.enums.EnumFlashSpreadOptions.EnumFlashSpreadOptions, pricespread: float, percentageboost: float, minpercentage: float, maxpercentage: float, amounttype: haasomeapi.enums.EnumCurrencyType.EnumCurrencyType, amountspread: float, buyamount: float, sellamount: float, refilldelay: int, safetyenabled: bool, safetytriggerlevel: float, safetymoveinout: bool, followthetrend: bool, followthetrendchannelrange: int, followthetrendchanneloffset: int, followthetrendtimeout: int) ``` 修改Flash Crash bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC fee|float|计算中使用的费用百分比 |baseprice |float|Base price for FCB to start at |priceSpreadType| [EnumFlashSpreadOptions]( |FCB 价差类型 |pricepread |float |价差价值 |percentageboost|float |Percentage boost value to be set with PercentageBoost spread type. |minpercentage| float|Min Percentage value to be used with percentage spread type |maxpercentage|float|Max Percentage value to be used with percentage spread type |amounttype| [EnumCurrencyType](|代币类型 amountpread| float|当前金额价差 buyamount| float|买单数量 sellamount | float|卖单数量 refilldelay |int|以分钟为单位的补充订单延迟 safetyenabled| bool|启用安全性 safetytriggerlevel | float|价格值安全应该激活 safetymoveinout| bool|安全移出价值 followthetrend |bool|激活跟随趋势 followthetrendchannelrange | int|遵循趋势通道范围 followthetrendchanneloffset| int|跟随趋势通道偏移 followthetrendtimeout |int|遵循趋势超时值 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [FlashCrashBot]( Crash bot对象| ``` setup_intellibot_alice(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, amountType: haasomeapi.enums.EnumBotTradeAmount.EnumBotTradeAmount, tradeamount: float, fee: float) ``` 修改Intelli Bot Alice bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC |contractname |str|合同名称(可选) |leverage|float|杠杆百分比使用(可选) | amountType |EnumBotTradeAmount|交易金额类型 |tradeamount |float|要使用的机器人的交易金额 lfee|float|计算中使用的费用百分比 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In .result [BaseCustomBot](对象| ``` setup_inter_exchange_arbitrage_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, accountguid2: str, primarycoin2: str, secondarycoin2: str, tradeamount: float, triggerlevel: float, templateguid: str, maxamount: float, maxtrades: int) ``` Modify Inter Exchange Arbitrage bot :param accountguid: str: Account guid :param botguid: str: Custom bot guid :param botname: str: Name for the new custom bot :param primarycoin: str: Primary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB :param secondarycoin: str: Secondary currency Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC :param accountguid2: str: Seoncdary Account Guid :param primarycoin2: str: Primary currency of the second account Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BNB :param secondarycoin2: str: Secondary currency of the second account Ex. If BNB/BTC then set this to BTC :param tradeamount: float: Trade amount to use :param triggerlevel: float: Trigger level for trades in percentage :param templateguid: str: Order template to use Guid :param maxamount: float: Max amount to trade a day :param maxtrades: int: Max trades to execute a day | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [InterExchangeArbitrageBot]( Exchange Arbitrage bot(搬砖套利机器人)| ``` setup_mad_hatter_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, templateguid: str, position: str, fee: float, amountType: haasomeapi.enums.EnumBotTradeAmount.EnumBotTradeAmount, tradeamount: float, useconsensus: bool, disableafterstoploss: bool, interval: int, includeincompleteinterval: bool) ``` 修改Mad Hatter bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC | templateguid|str|使用订单模板guid |position |str|Position bot should start in EX. For BNB/BTC if you have no BNB set to BTC lfee|float|计算中使用的费用百分比 | amountType |EnumBotTradeAmount|交易金额类型 tradeamount | float| 交易金额 useconsensus | bool| 启用共识模式 disableafterstoploss| bool| 在止损后禁用机器人 interval | int| Price Ticker Minute Interval。1,2,3,,5,15,30等 includeincompleteinterval | bool| Allow a incomplete price ticker | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [MadHatterBot]( Hatter bot对象| ``` setup_market_making_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, tradeamount: float, fee: float, offset: float, resettimeout: int, usedsecondorder: bool, secondoffset: float) ``` 修改做市商机器人 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC | tradeamount |float|交易金额 fee | float|计算中使用的费用百分比 offset | float|一阶偏移值 resettimeout | int|以分钟为单位重置超时 usedsecondorder| bool|使用第二个订单 secondoffset | float|二阶偏移量 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [MarketMakingBot](做市商机器人对象| ``` setup_order_bot(accountguid:STR,botguid:STR,botname:STR,primarycoin:STR,secondarycoin:STR ) ``` 修改order 机器人 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result中[OrderBot]( bot object| ``` setup_ping_pong_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractbame: str, leverage: float, amountType: haasomeapi.enums.EnumBotTradeAmount.EnumBotTradeAmount, tradeamount: float, position: str, fee: float) ``` 修改Ping Pong bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC |contractname |str|合同名称(可选) |leverage|float|杠杆百分比使用(可选) | amountType |EnumBotTradeAmount|交易金额类型 |tradeamount |float|要使用的机器人的交易金额 position |str |Position bot should start in EX. For BNB/BTC if you have no BNB set to BTC |fee |float |计算中使用的费用百分比 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [BaseCustomBot]( Pong is just a BaseCustomBot BaseCustomBot object| ``` setup_scalper_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, templateguid: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, amountType: haasomeapi.enums.EnumBotTradeAmount.EnumBotTradeAmount, tradeamount: float, position: str, fee: float, targetpercentage: float, safetythreshold: float) ``` 修改Scalper bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC |templateguid| str|使用Guid的订单模板 |contractname |str|合同名称(可选) |leverage|float|杠杆百分比使用(可选) | amountType |EnumBotTradeAmount|交易金额类型 |tradeamount |float|要使用的机器人的交易金额 position |str |Position bot should start in EX. For BNB/BTC if you have no BNB set to BTC |fee |float |计算中使用的费用百分比 |targetpercentage |float| |safetythreshold | float| | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [ScalperBot]( bot对象| ``` setup_script_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, templateguid: str, contractbame: str, leverage: float, tradeamount: float, position: str, fee: float, scriptid: str) ``` 修改脚本机器人 参数: accountguid str:帐户guid botguid str:自定义机器人guid botname str:新自定义机器人的名称 primarycoin str:基础代币Ex。如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB secondarycoin str:计价代币Ex。如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC :param templateguid :str: Order template to use Guid :param contractbame: str: Contract name (Optional) :param leverage: float: Leverage percentage to use (Optional) :param tradeamount: float: Trade amount to use :param position: str: Position bot should start in EX. For BNB/BTC if you have no BNB set to BTC :param fee: float: Fee percentage to be used in calculations :param scriptid: str: Script Id for bot to use | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [ScriptBot]( Bot Object| ``` setup_script_bot_parameters(botguid:str,fieldno:int,value:any ) ``` 修改脚本bot参数 | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | **botguid** | str |自定义机器人guid| fieldno | int | 要修改的字段编号 value | any | 字段的值 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [ScriptBot]( Bot Object| ``` setup_zone_recovery_bot(accountguid: str, botguid: str, botname: str, primarycoin: str, secondarycoin: str, contractname: str, leverage: float, tradeamount: float, maxtradeamount: float, factorlong: float, factorshort: float, targetprofit: float, zone: float) ``` 修改zone_recovery_bot | 参数 |类型 |说明| |---|---|---| | accountguid|str|帐户guid |botguid|str|自定义机器人guid |botname| str|新自定义机器人的名称 | primarycoin |str|基础代币。EX:如果BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BNB | secondarycoin| str|计价代币。EX:BNB / BTC然后将其设置为BTC |contractname |str|合同名称(可选) |leverage|float|杠杆百分比使用(可选) |tradeamount |float|要使用的机器人的交易金额 maxtradeamount |float|最大交易金额 factorlong|float|Factor long value factorhort|float|Factor short value targetprofit| float|目标利润百分比 zone | float|区域值 | 返回| |---| |[HaasomeClientResponse](| | In.result [ZoneRecoveryBot]( Recovery bot对象|