合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
## 6) 负载均衡获取Host主机信息API ​ 接下来,我们来就来实现Lars系统第一个暴露给业务开发者的API,`get_host`获取主机信息。 ### 6.1 Lars-API:GetHost()方法客户端实现 ​ 我们首先先提供一个`C++`语言的API接口层,以后根据不同的业务的实现语言,可以多实现一些其他语言的API接口层。 在`/Lars`下创建`api/`文件夹. ```bash /Lars/api/ └── cpp/ ├── example/ │   ├── example.cpp │   └── Makefile ├── lars_api/ │   ├── lars_api.cpp │   ├── lars_api.h │   └── Makefile └── lib/ ``` ​ > lars_api/lars_api.h ```c #pragma once #include "lars_reactor.h" #include <string> class lars_client { public: lars_client(); ~lars_client(); //lars 系统获取host信息 得到可用host的ip和port int get_host(int modid, int cmdid, std::string& ip, int &port); private: int _sockfd[3]; //3个udp socket fd 对应agent 3个udp server uint32_t _seqid; //消息的序列号 }; ``` > lars_api/lars_api.cpp ```c #include "lars_api.h" #include "lars.pb.h" #include <string.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> lars_client::lars_client():_seqid(0) { printf("lars_client()\n"); //1 初始化服务器地址 struct sockaddr_in servaddr; bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; //默认的ip地址是本地,因为是API和agent应该部署于同一台主机上 inet_aton("", &servaddr.sin_addr); //2. 创建3个UDPsocket for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { _sockfd[i] = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, IPPROTO_UDP); if (_sockfd[i] == -1) { perror("socket()"); exit(1); } //agent的3个udp端口默认为8888,8889, 8890 servaddr.sin_port = htons(8888 + i); int ret = connect(_sockfd[i], (const struct sockaddr *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); if (ret == -1) { perror("connect()"); exit(1); } printf("connection agent udp server succ!\n"); } } lars_client::~lars_client() { printf("~lars_client()\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { close(_sockfd[i]); } } //lars 系统获取host信息 得到可用host的ip和port int lars_client::get_host(int modid, int cmdid, std::string &ip, int &port) { //从本地agent service获取 host信息 uint32_t seq = _seqid++; //1. 封装请求信息 lars::GetHostRequest req; req.set_seq(seq);//序列编号 req.set_modid(modid); req.set_cmdid(cmdid); //2. send char write_buf[4096], read_buf[80*1024]; //消息头 msg_head head; head.msglen = req.ByteSizeLong(); head.msgid = lars::ID_GetHostRequest; memcpy(write_buf, &head, MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN); //消息体 req.SerializeToArray(write_buf+MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN, head.msglen); //简单的hash来发给对应的agent udp server int index = (modid + cmdid) %3; int ret = sendto(_sockfd[index], write_buf, head.msglen + MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN, 0, NULL, 0); if (ret == -1) { perror("sendto"); return lars::RET_SYSTEM_ERROR; } //3. recv int message_len; lars::GetHostResponse rsp; do { message_len = recvfrom(_sockfd[index], read_buf, sizeof(read_buf), 0, NULL, NULL); if (message_len == -1) { perror("recvfrom"); return lars::RET_SYSTEM_ERROR; } //消息头 memcpy(&head, read_buf, MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN); if (head.msgid != lars::ID_GetHostResponse) { fprintf(stderr, "message ID error!\n"); return lars::RET_SYSTEM_ERROR; } //消息体 ret = rsp.ParseFromArray(read_buf + MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN, message_len - MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN); if (!ret) { fprintf(stderr, "message format error: head.msglen = %d, message_len = %d, message_len - MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN = %d, head msgid = %d, ID_GetHostResponse = %d\n", head.msglen, message_len, message_len-MESSAGE_HEAD_LEN, head.msgid, lars::ID_GetHostResponse); return lars::RET_SYSTEM_ERROR; } } while (rsp.seq() < seq); if (rsp.seq() != seq || rsp.modid() != modid || rsp.cmdid() != cmdid) { fprintf(stderr, "message format error\n"); return lars::RET_SYSTEM_ERROR; } //4 处理消息 if (rsp.retcode() == 0) { lars::HostInfo host = rsp.host(); struct in_addr inaddr; inaddr.s_addr = host.ip(); ip = inet_ntoa(inaddr); port = host.port(); } return rsp.retcode();//lars::RET_SUCC } ``` ​ 模拟Lars的支持的传输协议,发送udp请求,其中message的ID是`ID_GetHostRequest`,返回的消息结构类型是`GetHostResponse`。每个消息有一个seq序列号,防止udp的丢包和消息不对称情况。 > lars_api/Makefile ```makefile TARGET= ../lib/liblarsclient.a CXX=g++ CFLAGS=-g -O2 -Wall -Wno-deprecated BASE=../../../base BASE_H=$(BASE)/include PROTO = $(BASE)/proto PROTO_H = $(BASE)/proto LARS_REACTOR=../../../lars_reactor LARS_REACTOR_H =$(LARS_REACTOR)/include LARS_REACTOR_LIB=$(LARS_REACTOR)/lib -llreactor OTHER_LIB = -lpthread -ldl -lprotobuf SRC= ./ INC= -I./include -I$(BASE_H) -I$(LARS_REACTOR_H) -I$(PROTO_H) LIB= -L$(LARS_REACTOR_LIB) $(OTHER_LIB) OBJS = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.cpp))) OBJS += $(PROTO)/lars.pb.o $(TARGET): $(OBJS) mkdir -p ../lib ar cqs $@ $^ %.o: %.cpp $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(INC) .PHONY: clean clean: -rm -f ./*.o $(PROTO)/lars.pb.o $(TARGET) ``` ​ 最终生成一个liblarsclient.a静态库,供开发者使用。 接下来我们来实现一个模拟的业务端,example/ > example/example.cpp ```c #include "lars_api.h" #include <iostream> void usage() { printf("usage: ./example [modid] [cmdid]\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 3) { usage(); return 1; } int modid = atoi(argv[1]); int cmdid = atoi(argv[2]); lars_client api; std::string ip; int port; int ret = api.get_host(modid, cmdid, ip, port); if (ret == 0) { std::cout << "host is " << ip << ":" << port << std::endl; //上报调用结果 } return 0; } ``` > example/Makefile ```makefile CXX = g++ CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall -Wno-deprecated LARS_REACTOR=../../../lars_reactor LARS_REACTOR_H =$(LARS_REACTOR)/include LARS_REACTOR_LIB=$(LARS_REACTOR)/lib -llreactor all: $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -o example example.cpp -I$(LARS_REACTOR_H) -I../lars_api ../lib/liblarsclient.a -lprotobuf .PHONY: clean clean: -rm ./example ``` ### 6.2 Agent UDP Server处理API-GetHost请求 ```bash API:get_host()—>Agent UDP Server—>route_lb—>load_balance ``` 如上所示,get_host的请求消息会依次经过agent udp server处理`ID_GetHostRequest`,然后交给某个`route_lb` 那么,API一旦发送get_host, Agent UDP Server需要添加一个对应的处理该消息的路由处理业务。 > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/agent_udp_server.cpp ```c void * agent_server_main(void * args) { long index = (long)args; short port = index + 8888; event_loop loop; udp_server server(&loop, "", port); //给server注册消息分发路由业务, 每个udp拥有一个对应的route_lb server.add_msg_router(lars::ID_GetHostRequest, get_host_cb, r_lb[port-8888]); printf("agent UDP server :port %d is started...\n", port); loop.event_process(); return NULL; } ``` 其中`get_host_cb()`实现如下: > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/agent_udp_server.cpp ```c static void get_host_cb(const char *data, uint32_t len, int msgid, net_connection *net_conn, void *user_data) { printf("get_host_cb is called ....\n"); //解析api发送的请求包 lars::GetHostRequest req; req.ParseFromArray(data, len); int modid = req.modid(); int cmdid = req.cmdid(); //设置回执消息 lars::GetHostResponse rsp; rsp.set_seq(req.seq()); rsp.set_modid(modid); rsp.set_cmdid(cmdid); route_lb *ptr_route_lb = (route_lb*)user_data; //调用route_lb的获取host方法,得到rsp返回结果 ptr_route_lb->get_host(modid, cmdid, rsp); //打包回执给api消息 std::string responseString; rsp.SerializeToString(&responseString); net_conn->send_message(responseString.c_str(), responseString.size(), lars::ID_GetHostResponse); printf("rspstring size = %d\n", responseString.size()); } ``` ​ 这里面实际上的最终业务,交给了route_lb的`get_host()`方法,而且其中`lars::GetHostResponse rsp;`做为函数的返回参数类型。 ​ `r_lb`是全局定义的3个route_lb对象.定义实现如下. > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/main_server.cpp ```c //每个Agent UDP server的 负载均衡器路由 route_lb route_lb * r_lb[3]; static void create_route_lb() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int id = i + 1; //route_lb的id从1 开始计数 r_lb[i] = new route_lb(id); if (r_lb[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "no more space to new route_lb\n"); exit(1); } } } static void init_lb_agent() { //1. 加载配置文件 config_file::setPath("./conf/lars_lb_agent.conf"); lb_config.probe_num = config_file::instance()->GetNumber("loadbalance", "probe_num", 10); lb_config.init_succ_cnt = config_file::instance()->GetNumber("loadbalance", "init_succ_cnt", 180); //2. 初始化3个route_lb模块 create_route_lb(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { //1 初始化环境 init_lb_agent(); //1.5 初始化LoadBalance的负载均衡器 //2 启动udp server服务,用来接收业务层(调用者/使用者)的消息 start_UDP_servers(); // ... return 0; } ``` ​ 接下来我们在看看`route_lb->get_host(modid, cmdid, rsp);`的实现。 > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/route_lb.cpp ```c #include "route_lb.h" #include "lars.pb.h" //构造初始化 route_lb::route_lb(int id):_id(id) { pthread_mutex_init(&_mutex, NULL); } //agent获取一个host主机,将返回的主机结果存放在rsp中 int route_lb::get_host(int modid, int cmdid, lars::GetHostResponse &rsp) { int ret = lars::RET_SUCC; //1. 得到key uint64_t key = ((uint64_t)modid << 32) + cmdid; pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex); //2. 当前key已经存在_route_lb_map中 if (_route_lb_map.find(key) != _route_lb_map.end()) { //2.1 取出对应的load_balance load_balance *lb = _route_lb_map[key]; if (lb->empty() == true) { //存在lb 里面的host为空,说明正在pull()中,还没有从dns_service返回来,所以直接回复不存在 assert(lb->status == load_balance::PULLING); rsp.set_retcode(lars::RET_NOEXIST); } else { ret = lb->choice_one_host(rsp); rsp.set_retcode(ret); //TODO 超时重拉路由 } } //3. 当前key不存在_route_lb_map中 else { //3.1 新建一个load_balance load_balance *lb = new load_balance(modid, cmdid); if (lb == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "no more space to create loadbalance\n"); exit(1); } //3.2 新建的load_balance加入到map中 _route_lb_map[key] = lb; //3.3 从dns service服务拉取具体的host信息 lb->pull(); //3.4 设置rsp的回执retcode rsp.set_retcode(lars::RET_NOEXIST); ret = lars::RET_NOEXIST; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&_mutex); return ret; } ``` get_host在获取host的时候是一个动态的获取模式,如果根据当前的modid/cmdid请求的load_balance模块来获取,如果load_balance存在,则直接调用`load_balance`的`choice_one_host()`方法获取。 如果load_balance不存在,需要新建load_balance,并且当前的load_balance所携带的host信息,需要从远程dns service下载拉取下来,调用`pull()`方法来实现。 #### **本端选择host信息(load_balance存在情况)** > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/load_balance.cpp ```c //从一个host_list中得到一个节点放到GetHostResponse 的HostInfo中 static void get_host_from_list(lars::GetHostResponse &rsp, host_list &l) { //选择list中第一个节点 host_info *host = l.front(); //HostInfo自定义类型,proto3并没提供set方法,而是通过mutable_接口返回HostInfo的指针,可根据此指针进行赋值操作 lars::HostInfo* hip = rsp.mutable_host(); hip->set_ip(host->ip); hip->set_port(host->port); //将上面处理过的第一个节点放在队列的末尾 l.pop_front(); l.push_back(host); } //从两个队列中获取一个host给到上层 int load_balance::choice_one_host(lars::GetHostResponse &rsp) { //1 判断_dile_list队列是否已经空,如果空表示没有空闲节点 if (_idle_list.empty() == true) { // 1.1 判断是否已经超过了probe_num if (_access_cnt >= lb_config.probe_num) { _access_cnt = 0; //从 overload_list中选择一个已经过载的节点 get_host_from_list(rsp, _overload_list); } else { //明确返回给API层,已经过载了 ++_access_cnt; return lars::RET_OVERLOAD; } } else { // 2 判断过载列表是否为空 if (_overload_list.empty() == true) { //2.1 当前modid/cmdid所有节点均为正常 //选择一个idle节点 get_host_from_list(rsp, _idle_list); } else { //2.2 有部分节点过载 //判断访问次数是否超过probe_num阈值,超过则从overload_list取出一个 if (_access_cnt >= lb_config.probe_num) { _access_cnt = 0; get_host_from_list(rsp, _overload_list); } else { //正常从idle_list中选出一个节点 ++_access_cnt; get_host_from_list(rsp, _idle_list); } //选择一个idle节点 get_host_from_list(rsp, _idle_list); } } return lars::RET_SUCC; } ``` 从`idle_list`和`over_list`中的去取出适当的host阶段返回给上层。 #### **远程拉取host信息(load_balance不存在情况)** load_balance首先向dns_client的thread_queue发送`GetRouteRequest`请求。load_balance更新为`PULLING`状态。 ##### pull发送请求过程 ```bash load_balance->pull() ----> dns client ----> dns server ``` > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/load_balance.cpp ```c //如果list中没有host信息,需要从远程的DNS Service发送GetRouteHost请求申请 int load_balance::pull() { //请求dns service请求 lars::GetRouteRequest route_req; route_req.set_modid(_modid); route_req.set_cmdid(_cmdid); //通过dns client的thread queue发送请求 dns_queue->send(route_req); //由于远程会有一定延迟,所以应该给当前的load_balance模块标记一个正在拉取的状态 status = PULLING; return 0; } ``` > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/dns_client.cpp ``` #include "lars_reactor.h" #include "main_server.h" #include <pthread.h> //typedef void io_callback(event_loop *loop, int fd, void *args); //只要thread_queue有数据,loop就会触发此回调函数来处理业务 void new_dns_request(event_loop *loop, int fd, void *args) { tcp_client *client = (tcp_client*)args; //1. 将请求数据从thread_queue中取出, std::queue<lars::GetRouteRequest> msgs; //2. 将数据放在queue队列中 dns_queue->recv(msgs); //3. 遍历队列,通过client依次将每个msg发送给reporter service while (!msgs.empty()) { lars::GetRouteRequest req = msgs.front(); msgs.pop(); std::string requestString; req.SerializeToString(&requestString); //client 发送数据 client->send_message(requestString.c_str(), requestString.size(), lars::ID_GetRouteRequest); } } //... void *dns_client_thread(void* args) { printf("dns client thread start\n"); event_loop loop; //1 加载配置文件得到dns service ip + port std::string ip = config_file::instance()->GetString("dnsserver", "ip", ""); short port = config_file::instance()->GetNumber("dnsserver", "port", 0); //2 创建客户端 tcp_client client(&loop, ip.c_str(), port, "dns client"); //3 将thread_queue消息回调事件,绑定到loop中 dns_queue->set_loop(&loop); dns_queue->set_callback(new_dns_request, &client); //4 设置当收到dns service回执的消息ID_GetRouteResponse处理函数 client.add_msg_router(lars::ID_GetRouteResponse, deal_recv_route); //启动事件监听 loop.event_process(); return NULL; } void start_dns_client() { //开辟一个线程 pthread_t tid; //启动线程业务函数 int ret = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, dns_client_thread, NULL); if (ret == -1) { perror("pthread_create"); exit(1); } //设置分离模式 pthread_detach(tid); } ``` ##### 接收远程host信息回执过程 ```bash dns service ----> dns client ----> route_lb::update_host() ----> load_balance::update() ``` > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/dns_client.cpp ```c /* * 处理远程dns service回复的modid/cmdid对应的路由信息 * */ void deal_recv_route(const char *data, uint32_t len, int msgid, net_connection *net_conn, void *user_data) { lars::GetRouteResponse rsp; //解析远程消息到proto结构体中 rsp.ParseFromArray(data, len); int modid = rsp.modid(); int cmdid = rsp.cmdid(); int index = (modid+cmdid)%3; // 将该modid/cmdid交给一个route_lb处理 将rsp中的hostinfo集合加入到对应的route_lb中 r_lb[index]->update_host(modid, cmdid, rsp); } ``` > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/route_lb.cpp ```c //根据Dns Service返回的结果更新自己的route_lb_map int route_lb::update_host(int modid, int cmdid, lars::GetRouteResponse &rsp) { //1. 得到key uint64_t key = ((uint64_t)modid << 32) + cmdid; pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex); //2. 在_route_map中找到对应的key if (_route_lb_map.find(key) != _route_lb_map.end()) { load_balance *lb = _route_lb_map[key]; if (rsp.host_size() == 0) { //2.1 如果返回的结果 lb下已经没有任何host信息,则删除该key delete lb; _route_lb_map.erase(key); } else { //2.2 更新新host信息 lb->update(rsp); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&_mutex); return 0; } ``` > lars_loadbalance_agent/src/load_balance.cpp ```c //根据dns service远程返回的结果,更新_host_map void load_balance::update(lars::GetRouteResponse &rsp) { //确保dns service返回的结果有host信息 assert(rsp.host_size() != 0); std::set<uint64_t> remote_hosts; std::set<uint64_t> need_delete; //1. 插入新增的host信息 到_host_map中 for (int i = 0; i < rsp.host_size(); i++) { //1.1 得到rsp中的一个host const lars::HostInfo & h = rsp.host(i); //1.2 得到ip+port的key值 uint64_t key = ((uint64_t)h.ip() << 32) + h.port(); remote_hosts.insert(key); //1.3 如果自身的_host_map找不到当下的key,说明是新增 if (_host_map.find(key) == _host_map.end()) { //新增 host_info *hi = new host_info(h.ip(), h.port(), lb_config.init_succ_cnt); if (hi == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "new host_info error!\n"); exit(1); } _host_map[key] = hi; //新增的host信息加入到 空闲列表中 _idle_list.push_back(hi); } } //2. 删除减少的host信息 从_host_map中 //2.1 得到哪些节点需要删除 for (host_map_it it = _host_map.begin(); it != _host_map.end(); it++) { if (remote_hosts.find(it->first) == remote_hosts.end()) { //该key在host_map中存在,而在远端返回的结果集不存在,需要锁定被删除 need_delete.insert(it->first); } } //2.2 删除 for (std::set<uint64_t>::iterator it = need_delete.begin(); it != need_delete.end(); it++) { uint64_t key = *it; host_info *hi = _host_map[key]; if (hi->overload == true) { //从过载列表中删除 _overload_list.remove(hi); } else { //从空闲列表删除 _idle_list.remove(hi); } delete hi; } } ``` #### load balance agent V0.3--API get_host请求功能单元测试 为了方便我们编译Lars的全部模块,我们在/Lars/下提供一个Makefile来编译子目录模块 > /Lars/Makefile ```makefile SUBDIRS = lars_reactor lars_dns lars_reporter lars_loadbalance_agent .PHONY: all all: @list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ echo "Clean in $$subdir";\ $(MAKE) -C $$subdir;\ done .PHONY: clean clean: @echo Making clean @list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \ echo "Clean in $$subdir";\ $(MAKE) -C $$subdir clean;\ done ``` 现在我们编译,然后分别启动`lars_dns`,`lars_reporter`,`lars_loadbalance_agent` > lars_dns ```bash ~/Lars/lars_dns$ ./bin/lars_dns msg_router init... create 0 thread create 1 thread create 2 thread create 3 thread create 4 thread add msg cb msgid = 1 lars dns service .... now route version is 1573034612 modID = 1, cmdID = 1, ip = 3232235953, port = 7777 modID = 1, cmdID = 2, ip = 3232235954, port = 7776 modID = 2, cmdID = 1, ip = 3232235955, port = 7778 modID = 2, cmdID = 2, ip = 3232235956, port = 7779 load data to tmep succ! size is 4 load data to tmep succ! size is 4 ... ``` > lars_reporter ```c ~/Lars/lars_reporter$ ./bin/lars_reporter msg_router init... create 0 thread create 1 thread create 2 thread create 3 thread create 4 thread add msg cb msgid = 3 ``` > lars_lb_agent ```bash ~/Lars/lars_loadbalance_agent$ ./bin/lars_lb_agent msg_router init... UDP server on is running... add msg cb msgid = 4 agent UDP server :port 8888 is started... msg_router init... msg_router init... UDP server on is running... add msg cb msgid = 4 agent UDP server :port 8890 is started... [report] client thread start... done! msg_router init... UDP server on is running... add msg cb msgid = 4 agent UDP server :port 8889 is started... dns client thread start do_connect EINPROGRESS connect succ! msg_router init... do_connect EINPROGRESS add msg cb msgid = 2 connect succ! ``` 启动API example/的单元测试程序 > API:get_host example ```bash ~/Lars/api/cpp/example$ ./example 1 1 lars_client() connection agent udp server succ! connection agent udp server succ! connection agent udp server succ! host is ~lars_client() ``` --- ### 关于作者: 作者:`Aceld(刘丹冰)` mail: [danbing.at@gmail.com](mailto:danbing.at@gmail.com) github: [https://github.com/aceld](https://github.com/aceld) 原创书籍: [https://ihavenolimitations.xyz/@aceld](https://ihavenolimitations.xyz/@aceld) ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/b0/d1/b0d11a21ba62e96aef1c11d5bfff2cf8_227x227.jpg) >**原创声明:未经作者允许请勿转载, 如果转载请注明出处**