## 订单商品(订单ID)
$ordergoods = pdo_fetchall("select og.id,og.total,og.realprice,g.nocommission from " . tablename('ewei_shop_order_goods') . ' og left join ' . tablename('ewei_shop_goods') . ' g on g.id = og.goodsid where og.orderid=:orderid and og.uniacid=:uniacid', array(':orderid' => $orderid, ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
foreach($ordergoods as $v){
$hasokgoods = true;
$goodscount += $v['total'];
$commissions = $this->getOrderCommissions($orderid,$v['id']);
$commissionl1 += $commissions['level1'];
$allprice += $v['realprice'];
## 下线人数
$ztcount = pdo_fetchcolumn('select count(id) from ' . tablename('ewei_shop_member') . " where uniacid=:uniacid and agentid=:agentid and status=1 and isagent=1 and agentlevel>=0 limit 1", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':agentid' => $agentuser['id']));
$allxj = pdo_fetchall('select id from ' . tablename('ewei_shop_commission_relation') . ' where pid=:pid', array(':pid' => $id), 'id')
$zjcount = pdo_fetchcolumn('select count(*) from ' . tablename('ewei_shop_commission_relation') . ' a left join ' . tablename('ewei_shop_member') . ' m on m.id = a.id where a.pid=:pid and m.status=1 and m.isagent=1 and m.agentlevel=:levelid limit 1', array(':pid' => $agentuser['id'],':levelid' => $levelid));
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