合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
# 第05章 布尔索引 ```py In[1]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline ``` ## 1\. 计算布尔值统计信息 ```py # 读取movie,设定行索引是movie_title In[2]: pd.options.display.max_columns = 50 In[3]: movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv', index_col='movie_title') movie.head() Out[3]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/46/f2/46f210d0aef57cae2b79580406456133_1202x609.png) ```py # 判断电影时长是否超过两小时 In[4]: movie_2_hours = movie['duration'] > 120 movie_2_hours.head(10) Out[4]: movie_title Avatar True Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End True Spectre True The Dark Knight Rises True Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens False John Carter True Spider-Man 3 True Tangled False Avengers: Age of Ultron True Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince True Name: duration, dtype: bool ``` ```py # 有多少时长超过两小时的电影 In[5]: movie_2_hours.sum() Out[5]: 1039 ``` ```py # 超过两小时的电影的比例 In[6]: movie_2_hours.mean() Out[6]: 0.21135069161920261 ``` ```py # 用describe()输出一些该布尔Series信息 In[7]: movie_2_hours.describe() Out[7]: count 4916 unique 2 top False freq 3877 Name: duration, dtype: object ``` ```py # 实际上,dureation这列是有缺失值的,要想获得真正的超过两小时的电影的比例,需要先删掉缺失值 In[8]: movie['duration'].dropna().gt(120).mean() Out[8]: 0.21199755152009794 ``` ### 原理 ```py # 统计False和True值的比例 In[9]: movie_2_hours.value_counts(normalize=True) Out[9]: False 0.788649 True 0.211351 Name: duration, dtype: float64 ``` ### 更多 ```py # 比较同一个DataFrame中的两列 In[10]: actors = movie[['actor_1_facebook_likes', 'actor_2_facebook_likes']].dropna() (actors['actor_1_facebook_likes'] > actors['actor_2_facebook_likes']).mean() Out[10]: 0.97776871303283708 ``` ## 2\. 构建多个布尔条件 ```py In[11]: movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv', index_col='movie_title') movie.head() Out[11]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/22/48/2248b128785514a68f5f9f7b6feee1f3_1204x612.png) ```py # 创建多个布尔条件 In[12]: criteria1 = movie.imdb_score > 8 criteria2 = movie.content_rating == 'PG-13' criteria3 = (movie.title_year < 2000) | (movie.title_year >= 2010) criteria2.head() Out[12]: movie_title Avatar True Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End True Spectre True The Dark Knight Rises True Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens False Name: content_rating, dtype: bool ``` ```py # 将这些布尔条件合并成一个 In[13]: criteria_final = criteria1 & criteria2 & criteria3 criteria_final.head() Out[13]: movie_title Avatar False Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End False Spectre False The Dark Knight Rises True Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens False Name: content_rating, dtype: bool ``` ### 更多 ```py # 在Pandas中,位运算符(&, |, ~)的优先级高于比较运算符,因此如过前面的条件3不加括号,就会报错 In[14]: movie.title_year < 2000 | movie.title_year > 2009 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/Ted/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ops.py in na_op(x, y) 882 try: --> 883 result = op(x, y) 884 except TypeError: /Users/Ted/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ops.py in <lambda>(x, y) 130 names('rand_'), op('&')), --> 131 ror_=bool_method(lambda x, y: operator.or_(y, x), 132 names('ror_'), op('|')), TypeError: ufunc 'bitwise_or' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe'' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/Ted/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ops.py in na_op(x, y) 900 y = bool(y) --> 901 result = lib.scalar_binop(x, y, op) 902 except: pandas/_libs/lib.pyx in pandas._libs.lib.scalar_binop (pandas/_libs/lib.c:15035)() ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'Python object' but got 'double' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-14-1e7ee3f1401c> in <module>() ----> 1 movie.title_year < 2000 | movie.title_year > 2009 /Users/Ted/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ops.py in wrapper(self, other) 933 is_integer_dtype(np.asarray(other)) else fill_bool) 934 return filler(self._constructor( --> 935 na_op(self.values, other), 936 index=self.index)).__finalize__(self) 937 /Users/Ted/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ops.py in na_op(x, y) 903 raise TypeError("cannot compare a dtyped [{0}] array with " 904 "a scalar of type [{1}]".format( --> 905 x.dtype, type(y).__name__)) 906 907 return result TypeError: cannot compare a dtyped [float64] array with a scalar of type [bool] ``` ## 3\. 用布尔索引过滤 ```py # 读取movie数据集,创建布尔条件 In[15]: movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv', index_col='movie_title') crit_a1 = movie.imdb_score > 8 crit_a2 = movie.content_rating == 'PG-13' crit_a3 = (movie.title_year < 2000) | (movie.title_year > 2009) final_crit_a = crit_a1 & crit_a2 & crit_a3 # 创建第二个布尔条件 In[16]: crit_b1 = movie.imdb_score < 5 crit_b2 = movie.content_rating == 'R' crit_b3 = (movie.title_year >= 2000) & (movie.title_year <= 2010) final_crit_b = crit_b1 & crit_b2 & crit_b3 # 将这两个条件用或运算合并起来 In[17]: final_crit_all = final_crit_a | final_crit_b final_crit_all.head() Out[17]: movie_title Avatar False Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End False Spectre False The Dark Knight Rises True Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens False dtype: bool ``` ```py # 用最终的布尔条件过滤数据 In[18]: movie[final_crit_all].head() Out[18]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/d5/f7/d5f75e56d82c1add52f65af456ef9c6d_1202x528.png) ```py # 使用loc,对指定的列做过滤操作,可以清楚地看到过滤是否起作用 In[19]: cols = ['imdb_score', 'content_rating', 'title_year'] movie_filtered = movie.loc[final_crit_all, cols] movie_filtered.head(10) Out[19]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/72/00/7200c5d7a429a5afa5fe2d1c50c35bae_621x478.png) ### 更多 ```py # 用一个长布尔表达式代替前面由短表达式生成的布尔条件 In[21]: final_crit_a2 = (movie.imdb_score > 8) & \ (movie.content_rating == 'PG-13') & \ ((movie.title_year < 2000) | (movie.title_year > 2009)) final_crit_a2.equals(final_crit_a) Out[21]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/72/54/7254576652737cfdcd362515590e9c62_1215x448.png) ## 4\. 用标签索引代替布尔索引 ```py # 用布尔索引选取所有得克萨斯州的学校 >>> college = pd.read_csv('data/college.csv') >>> college[college['STABBR'] == 'TX'].head() ``` ```py # 用STABBR作为行索引,然后用loc选取 In[22]: college2 = college.set_index('STABBR') college2.loc['TX'].head() Out[22]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/87/9e/879e08666cfe3dc3d0c6d469816f48ce_1205x487.png) ```py # 比较二者的速度 In[23]: %timeit college[college['STABBR'] == 'TX'] 1.51 ms ± 51.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) In[24]: %timeit college2.loc['TX'] 604 µs ± 23.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) ``` ```py # 使用STABBR作为行索引所用的时间 In[25]: %timeit college2 = college.set_index('STABBR') 1.28 ms ± 47.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) ``` ### 更多 ```py # 使用布尔索引和标签选取多列 In[26]: states =['TX', 'CA', 'NY'] college[college['STABBR'].isin(states)] college2.loc[states].head() Out[26]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/81/7b/817bfe84c031ef77f4e3e0d91071417e_1204x487.png) ## 5\. 用唯一和有序索引选取 ```py # 读取college数据集,使用STABBR作为行索引,检查行索引是否有序 In[27]: college = pd.read_csv('data/college.csv') college2 = college.set_index('STABBR') In[28]: college2.index.is_monotonic Out[28]: False ``` ```py # 将college2排序,存储成另一个对象,查看其是否有序 In[29]: college3 = college2.sort_index() college3.index.is_monotonic Out[29]: True ``` ```py # 从这三个DataFrame选取得克萨斯州,比较速度 In[30]: %timeit college[college['STABBR'] == 'TX'] 1.58 ms ± 63.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) In[31]: %timeit college2.loc['TX'] 622 µs ± 18.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) In[32]: %timeit college3.loc['TX'] 198 µs ± 5.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) ``` ```py # 使用INSTNM作为行索引,检测行索引是否唯一 In[33]: college_unique = college.set_index('INSTNM') college_unique.index.is_unique Out[33]: True ``` ```py # 用布尔索引选取斯坦福大学 In[34]: college[college['INSTNM'] == 'Stanford University'] Out[34]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/09/01/0901d5732947417d6bd769daf3155412_1205x142.png) ```py # 用行索引标签选取斯坦福大学 In[35]: college_unique.loc['Stanford University'] Out[35]: CITY Stanford STABBR CA HBCU 0 MENONLY 0 WOMENONLY 0 RELAFFIL 0 SATVRMID 730 SATMTMID 745 DISTANCEONLY 0 UGDS 7018 UGDS_WHITE 0.3752 UGDS_BLACK 0.0591 UGDS_HISP 0.1607 UGDS_ASIAN 0.1979 UGDS_AIAN 0.0114 UGDS_NHPI 0.0038 UGDS_2MOR 0.1067 UGDS_NRA 0.0819 UGDS_UNKN 0.0031 PPTUG_EF 0 CURROPER 1 PCTPELL 0.1556 PCTFLOAN 0.1256 UG25ABV 0.0401 MD_EARN_WNE_P10 86000 GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP 12782 Name: Stanford University, dtype: object ``` ```py # 比较两种方法的速度 In[36]: %timeit college[college['INSTNM'] == 'Stanford University'] 1.44 ms ± 66 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) In[37]: %timeit college_unique.loc['Stanford University'] 191 µs ± 5.31 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) ``` ### 更多 ```py # 使用CITY和STABBR两列作为行索引,并进行排序 In[38]: college.index = college['CITY'] + ', ' + college['STABBR'] college = college.sort_index() college.head() Out[38]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/bf/2a/bf2ae83357bcde6b061040417f2c239a_1202x448.png) ```py # 选取所有Miami, FL的大学 In[39]: college.loc['Miami, FL'].head() Out[39]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/0c/63/0c63eceb1326624d7e3cf879a2bbb20d_1202x553.png) ```py # 速度比较 In[40]: %%timeit crit1 = college['CITY'] == 'Miami' crit2 = college['STABBR'] == 'FL' college[crit1 & crit2] 2.83 ms ± 82.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) In[41]: %timeit college.loc['Miami, FL'] 226 µs ± 17.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) ``` ```py # 判断这两个条件是否相同 In[42]: college[(college['CITY'] == 'Miami') & (college['STABBR'] == 'FL')].equals(college.loc['Miami, FL']) Out[42]: True ``` ## 6\. 观察股价 ```py # 读取Schlumberger stock数据集,行索引设为Date列,并将其转变为DatetimeIndex In[43]: slb = pd.read_csv('data/slb_stock.csv', index_col='Date', parse_dates=['Date']) slb.head() Out[43]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/0e/40/0e40fceb0e1a2eedf5791818c158b216_481x277.png) ```py # 选取Close这列,用describe返回统计信息 In[44]: slb_close = slb['Close'] slb_summary = slb_close.describe(percentiles=[.1, .9]) slb_summary Out[44]: count 1895.000000 mean 79.121905 std 11.767802 min 51.750000 10% 64.892000 50% 78.000000 90% 93.248000 max 117.950000 Name: Close, dtype: float64 ``` ```py # 用布尔索引选取最高和最低10%的收盘价 In[45]: upper_10 = slb_summary.loc['90%'] lower_10 = slb_summary.loc['10%'] criteria = (slb_close < lower_10) | (slb_close > upper_10) slb_top_bottom_10 = slb_close[criteria] # 过滤出的数据使用灰色,所有的收盘价使用黑色,用matplotlib在十分之一和十分之九分位数位置画横线 In[46]: slb_close.plot(color='black', figsize=(12,6)) slb_top_bottom_10.plot(marker='o', style=' ', ms=4, color='lightgray') xmin = criteria.index[0] xmax = criteria.index[-1] plt.hlines(y=[lower_10, upper_10], xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax,color='black') Out[46]: <matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x1174b3278> ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/4c/93/4c93db535e215ffe39e4beca106bd5cc_1079x532.png) ### 更多 ```py # 使用fill_between可以在两条线之间填充颜色 In[47]: slb_close.plot(color='black', figsize=(12,6)) plt.hlines(y=[lower_10, upper_10], xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax,color='lightgray') plt.fill_between(x=criteria.index, y1=lower_10, y2=slb_close.values, color='black') plt.fill_between(x=criteria.index,y1=lower_10, y2=slb_close.values, where=slb_close < lower_10, color='lightgray') plt.fill_between(x=criteria.index, y1=upper_10, y2=slb_close.values, where=slb_close > upper_10, color='lightgray') Out[47]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/f7/c2/f7c2a07c87f6f4596e8db4a815ebd7d2_1068x535.png) ## 7\. 翻译SQL的WHERE语句 ```py # 读取employee数据集 In[48]: employee = pd.read_csv('data/employee.csv') # 对各项做下了解 In[49]: employee.DEPARTMENT.value_counts().head() Out[49]: Houston Police Department-HPD 638 Houston Fire Department (HFD) 384 Public Works & Engineering-PWE 343 Health & Human Services 110 Houston Airport System (HAS) 106 Name: DEPARTMENT, dtype: int64 In[50]: employee.GENDER.value_counts() Out[50]: Male 1397 Female 603 Name: GENDER, dtype: int64 In[51]: employee.BASE_SALARY.describe().astype(int) Out[51]: count 1886 mean 55767 std 21693 min 24960 25% 40170 50% 54461 75% 66614 max 275000 Name: BASE_SALARY, dtype: int64 ``` ```py # 创建布尔条件,并从'UNIQUE_ID', 'DEPARTMENT', 'GENDER', 'BASE_SALARY'四列选取 In[52]: depts = ['Houston Police Department-HPD', 'Houston Fire Department (HFD)'] criteria_dept = employee.DEPARTMENT.isin(depts) criteria_gender = employee.GENDER == 'Female' criteria_sal = (employee.BASE_SALARY >= 80000) & \ (employee.BASE_SALARY <= 120000) In[53]: criteria_final = criteria_dept & criteria_gender & criteria_sal In[54]: select_columns = ['UNIQUE_ID', 'DEPARTMENT', 'GENDER', 'BASE_SALARY'] employee.loc[criteria_final, select_columns].head() Out[54]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/c1/68/c168f569e04b4f308189244d06549291_707x243.png) ### 更多 ```py # 使用between选取80000到120000之间的薪水 In[55]: criteria_sal = employee.BASE_SALARY.between(80000, 120000) # 排除最常出现的5家单位 In[56]: top_5_depts = employee.DEPARTMENT.value_counts().index[:5] criteria = ~employee.DEPARTMENT.isin(top_5_depts) employee[criteria].head() Out[56]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/ae/8d/ae8d110cb8de8fb9c29d21ade16a01a9_1204x465.png) 功能一样的SQL语句是: ```py SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE DEPARTMENT not in ( SELECT DEPARTMENT FROM ( SELECT DEPARTMENT, COUNT(1) as CT FROM EMPLOYEE GROUP BY DEPARTMENT ORDER BY CT DESC LIMIT 5 ) ); ``` ## 8\. 确定股票收益的正态值 ```py # 加载亚马逊的股票数据,使用Data作为行索引 In[57]: amzn = pd.read_csv('data/amzn_stock.csv', index_col='Date', parse_dates=['Date']) amzn.head() Out[57]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/1a/2d/1a2db6f25f9f6a72c8f41d71319f0ae4_511x286.png) ```py # 选取Close收盘价,用pct_change()计算每日回报率 In[58]: amzn_daily_return = amzn.Close.pct_change() amzn_daily_return.head() Out[58]: Date 2010-01-04 NaN 2010-01-05 0.005900 2010-01-06 -0.018116 2010-01-07 -0.017013 2010-01-08 0.027077 Name: Close, dtype: float64 ``` ```py # 去掉缺失值,画一张柱状图,查看分布情况 In[59]: amzn_daily_return = amzn_daily_return.dropna() amzn_daily_return.hist(bins=20) Out[59]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1174b3128> ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/1f/09/1f09e8a652b8855eb955f015c694916d_566x385.png) ```py # 计算平均值和标准差 In[60]: mean = amzn_daily_return.mean() std = amzn_daily_return.std() # 计算每个数据的z-score的绝对值:z-score是远离平均值的标准差值得个数 In[61]: abs_z_score = amzn_daily_return.sub(mean).abs().div(std) # 计算位于1,2,3个标准差之内的收益率的比例 In[62]: pcts = [abs_z_score.lt(i).mean() for i in range(1,4)] print('{:.3f} fall within 1 standard deviation. ' '{:.3f} within 2 and {:.3f} within 3'.format(*pcts)) 0.787 fall within 1 standard deviation. 0.956 within 2 and 0.985 within 3 ``` ### 更多 ```py # 将上面的方法整合成一个函数 In[63]: def test_return_normality(stock_data): close = stock_data['Close'] daily_return = close.pct_change().dropna() daily_return.hist(bins=20) mean = daily_return.mean() std = daily_return.std() abs_z_score = abs(daily_return - mean) / std pcts = [abs_z_score.lt(i).mean() for i in range(1,4)] print('{:.3f} fall within 1 standard deviation. ' '{:.3f} within 2 and {:.3f} within 3'.format(*pcts)) In[64]: slb = pd.read_csv('data/slb_stock.csv', index_col='Date', parse_dates=['Date']) test_return_normality(slb) 0.742 fall within 1 standard deviation. 0.946 within 2 and 0.986 within 3 ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/f9/54/f954a424e6069c5e82862443e98aa857_565x380.png) ## 9\. 使用查询方法提高布尔索引的可读性 ```py # 读取employee数据,确定选取的部门和列 In[65]: employee = pd.read_csv('data/employee.csv') depts = ['Houston Police Department-HPD', 'Houston Fire Department (HFD)'] select_columns = ['UNIQUE_ID', 'DEPARTMENT', 'GENDER', 'BASE_SALARY'] # 创建查询字符串,并执行query方法 In[66]: qs = "DEPARTMENT in @depts " \ "and GENDER == 'Female' " \ "and 80000 <= BASE_SALARY <= 120000" emp_filtered = employee.query(qs) emp_filtered[select_columns].head() Out[66]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/fd/f7/fdf7fbfe78d58eb61d49ca4ff541a1e6_703x246.png) ### 更多 ```py # 若要不使用部门列表,也可以使用下面的方法 In[67]: top10_depts = employee.DEPARTMENT.value_counts().index[:10].tolist() qs = "DEPARTMENT not in @top10_depts and GENDER == 'Female'" employee_filtered2 = employee.query(qs) employee_filtered2[['DEPARTMENT', 'GENDER']].head() Out[67]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/72/ca/72cafee38f3de3047994aef7c79f51ea_417x249.png) ## 10\. 用where方法保留Series ```py # 读取movie数据集,movie_title作为行索引,actor_1_facebook_likes列删除缺失值 In[68]: movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv', index_col='movie_title') fb_likes = movie['actor_1_facebook_likes'].dropna() fb_likes.head() Out[68]: movie_title Avatar 1000.0 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 40000.0 Spectre 11000.0 The Dark Knight Rises 27000.0 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 131.0 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, dtype: float64 ``` ```py # 使用describe获得对数据的认知 In[69]: fb_likes.describe(percentiles=[.1, .25, .5, .75, .9]).astype(int) Out[69]: count 4909 mean 6494 std 15106 min 0 10% 240 25% 607 50% 982 75% 11000 90% 18000 max 640000 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, dtype: int64 ``` ```py # 作用和前面相同(这里是作者代码弄乱了) In[70]: fb_likes.describe(percentiles=[.1,.25,.5,.75,.9]) Out[70]: count 4909.000000 mean 6494.488491 std 15106.986884 min 0.000000 10% 240.000000 25% 607.000000 50% 982.000000 75% 11000.000000 90% 18000.000000 max 640000.000000 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, dtype: float64 ``` ```py # 画一张柱状图 In[71]: fb_likes.hist() Out[71]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10f9fbe80> ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/b4/f6/b4f6e472d2ea4aeedc8de167c0532491_583x383.png) ```py # 检测小于20000个喜欢的的比例 In[72]: criteria_high = fb_likes < 20000 criteria_high.mean().round(2) Out[71]: 0.91000000000000003 ``` ```py # where条件可以返回一个同样大小的Series,但是所有False会被替换成缺失值 In[73]: fb_likes.where(criteria_high).head() Out[73]: movie_title Avatar 1000.0 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End NaN Spectre 11000.0 The Dark Knight Rises NaN Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 131.0 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, dtype: float64 ``` ```py # 第二个参数other,可以让你控制替换值 In[74]: fb_likes.where(criteria_high, other=20000).head() Out[74]: movie_title Avatar 1000.0 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 20000.0 Spectre 11000.0 The Dark Knight Rises 20000.0 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 131.0 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, dtype: float64 ``` ```py # 通过where条件,设定上下限的值 In[75]: criteria_low = fb_likes > 300 fb_likes_cap = fb_likes.where(criteria_high, other=20000)\ .where(criteria_low, 300) fb_likes_cap.head() Out[75]: movie_title Avatar 1000.0 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 20000.0 Spectre 11000.0 The Dark Knight Rises 20000.0 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 300.0 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, dtype: float64 ``` ```py # 原始Series和修改过的Series的长度是一样的 In[76]: len(fb_likes), len(fb_likes_cap) Out[76]: (4909, 4909) ``` ```py # 再做一张柱状图,效果好多了 In[77]: fb_likes_cap.hist() Out[77]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10eeea8d0> ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/dc/8e/dc8e9c2ec7623c0ef8de940214598e97_582x380.png) ```py In[78]: fb_likes_cap2 = fb_likes.clip(lower=300, upper=20000) fb_likes_cap2.equals(fb_likes_cap) Out[78]: True ``` ## 11\. 对DataFrame的行做mask ```py # 读取movie,根据条件进行筛选 In[79]: movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv', index_col='movie_title') c1 = movie['title_year'] >= 2010 c2 = movie['title_year'].isnull() criteria = c1 | c2 # 使用mask方法,使所有满足条件的数据消失 In[80]: movie.mask(criteria).head() Out[80]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/a0/86/a0860549dab8d8c9b36f8f3e15690c86_1586x580.png) ```py # 去除缺失值 In[81]: movie_mask = movie.mask(criteria).dropna(how='all') movie_mask.head() Out[81]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/09/37/093737843881775038c2dbfcc3708dc9_1198x611.png) ```py # 用布尔索引选取title_year小于2010的电影 In[82]: movie_boolean = movie[movie['title_year'] < 2010] movie_boolean.head() Out[82]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/ad/db/addb8727a35fa3e3a702a69dc02ecf0b_1204x607.png) ```py # 判断这两种方法是否相同 In[83]: movie_mask.equals(movie_boolean) Out[83]: False ``` ```py # 判断二者的形状是否相同 In[84]: movie_mask.shape == movie_boolean.shape Out[84]: True ``` ```py # mask方法产生了许多缺失值,缺失值是float类型,所以之前是整数型的列都变成了浮点型 In[85]: movie_mask.dtypes == movie_boolean.dtypes Out[85]: color True director_name True num_critic_for_reviews True duration True director_facebook_likes True actor_3_facebook_likes True actor_2_name True actor_1_facebook_likes True gross True genres True actor_1_name True num_voted_users False cast_total_facebook_likes False actor_3_name True facenumber_in_poster True plot_keywords True movie_imdb_link True num_user_for_reviews True language True country True content_rating True budget True title_year True actor_2_facebook_likes True imdb_score True aspect_ratio True movie_facebook_likes False dtype: bool ``` ```py # Pandas有一个assert_frame_equal方法,可以判断两个Pandas对象是否一样,而不检测其数据类型 In[86]: from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal assert_frame_equal(movie_boolean, movie_mask, check_dtype=False) ``` ### 更多 ```py # 比较mask和布尔索引的速度,两者相差了一个数量级 In[87]: %timeit movie.mask(criteria).dropna(how='all') 11.1 ms ± 48.3 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each) In[88]: %timeit movie[movie['title_year'] < 2010] 1.12 ms ± 36.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each) ``` ## 12\. 使用布尔值、整数、标签进行选取 ```py # 读取movie,根据布尔条件选取 In[89]: movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv', index_col='movie_title') c1 = movie['content_rating'] == 'G' c2 = movie['imdb_score'] < 4 criteria = c1 & c2 In[90]: movie_loc = movie.loc[criteria] movie_loc.head() Out[90]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/20/f1/20f171e232d6c5cf6b3ceb9639b80517_1205x579.png) ```py # 检查loc条件和布尔条件创建出来的两个DataFrame是否一样 In[91]: movie_loc.equals(movie[criteria]) Out[91]: True ``` ```py # 尝试用.iloc使用布尔索引 In[92]: movie_iloc = movie.iloc[criteria] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-92-24a12062c6c3> in <module>() ----> 1 movie_iloc = movie.iloc[criteria] /Users/Ted/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexing.py in __getitem__(self, key) 1326 else: 1327 key = com._apply_if_callable(key, self.obj) -> 1328 return self._getitem_axis(key, axis=0) 1329 1330 def _is_scalar_access(self, key): /Users/Ted/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexing.py in _getitem_axis(self, key, axis) 1731 1732 if is_bool_indexer(key): -> 1733 self._has_valid_type(key, axis) 1734 return self._getbool_axis(key, axis=axis) 1735 /Users/Ted/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexing.py in _has_valid_type(self, key, axis) 1588 "indexing on an integer type " 1589 "is not available") -> 1590 raise ValueError("iLocation based boolean indexing cannot use " 1591 "an indexable as a mask") 1592 return True ValueError: iLocation based boolean indexing cannot use an indexable as a mask ``` ```py # 但是,却可以使用布尔值得ndarray,用values可以取出array In[93]: movie_iloc = movie.iloc[criteria.values] In[94]: movie_iloc.equals(movie_loc) Out[94]: True In[95]: movie.loc[criteria.values] Out[95]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/f4/be/f4bec7bd6bf93277b6fb9620fc5daded_1209x670.png) ```py # 布尔索引也可以用来选取列 In[96]: criteria_col = movie.dtypes == np.int64 criteria_col.head() Out[96]: color False director_name False num_critic_for_reviews False duration False director_facebook_likes False dtype: bool ``` ```py In[97]: movie.loc[:, criteria_col].head() Out[97]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/af/fa/affab611e32d018b5d5c02a7971473b8_1029x285.png) ```py # 因为criteria_col是包含行索引的一个Series,必须要使用底层的ndarray,才能使用,iloc In[98]: movie.iloc[:, criteria_col.values].head() Out[98]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/23/2b/232ba17053f8b1671918a5c32acc8aaf_1030x286.png) ```py # 选取'content_rating', 'imdb_score', 'title_year', 'gross'四列,按照imdb_score升序排列 In[99]: cols = ['content_rating', 'imdb_score', 'title_year', 'gross'] movie.loc[criteria, cols].sort_values('imdb_score') Out[99]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/7a/b6/7ab6ecd202876cf34caaa55269a356b3_773x314.png) ```py # 用get_loc获取这四列的整数位置 In[100]: col_index = [movie.columns.get_loc(col) for col in cols] col_index Out[100]: [20, 24, 22, 8] ``` ```py # 这时候就可以使用iloc了 In[101]: movie.iloc[criteria.values, col_index].sort_values('imdb_score') Out[101]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/bc/d2/bcd23e41c575c7ba98c830fd74ea40bb_772x321.png) ### 原理 ```py # 查看Series的底层结构 In[102]: a = criteria.values a[:5] Out[102]: array([False, False, False, False, False], dtype=bool) In[103]: len(a), len(criteria) Out[103]: (4916, 4916) ``` ### 更多 ```py # 传入的布尔索引可以跟要操作的DataFrame长度不同 In[104]: movie.loc[[True, False, True], [True, False, False, True]] Out[104]: ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/a3/98/a398c8a17153f6738a5cd2c6703abf5e_285x163.png)