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# 从 B+ 树中删除 > 原文: [https://www.programiz.com/dsa/deletion-from-a-b-plus-tree](https://www.programiz.com/dsa/deletion-from-a-b-plus-tree) #### 在本教程中,您将了解有关 B+ 树的删除操作。 此外,您还将找到从 C,C++ ,Java 和 Python 中的 B+ 树中删除元素的工作示例。 删除 B+ 树上的元素包括三个主要事件:搜索**要删除的键所在的节点**,删除键并按需平衡树。 **下溢**是节点中的键数量少于其应容纳的最小键数量的情况。 * * * ## 删除操作 在执行以下步骤之前,必须了解有关度为`m`的 B+ 树的这些事实。 1. 一个节点最多可以有`m`个子节点。 (即 3) 2. 一个节点最多可以包含`m - 1`个键。 (即 2) 3. 一个节点至少应具有`⌈m/2⌉`个子节点。 (即 2) 4. 一个节点(根节点除外)应至少包含`⌈m/2⌉ - 1`键。 (即 1) 删除键时,我们还必须照顾内部节点(即索引)中存在的键,因为这些值在 B+ 树中是多余的。 搜索要删除的键,然后按照以下步骤操作。 ### 情况一 要删除的键仅存在于叶节点上,而不存在于索引(或内部节点)中。 有两种情况: 1. 节点中的键数目超过最小数目。 只需删除键。 ![Delete a key from a B+tree](https://img.kancloud.cn/4f/3f/4f3ff279a1ad2c7e6d829969c9ad60ff_976x920.png "Deletion from a B+ tree") 从 B 树删除 40 2. 节点中有确切的最小键数。 删除键并从直接同级中借用键。 将同级节点的中间键添加到父级。 ![Delete a key from a B+tree](https://img.kancloud.cn/64/05/6405cf27cc8750f23b93d1b5ba23a392_992x1408.png "Deletion from a B+ tree") 从 B 树中删除 5 ### 情况二 内部节点中也存在要删除的键。 然后,我们也必须从内部节点中删除它们。 对于这种情况,有以下几种情况。 1. 如果节点中的键数量超过最小数量,则只需从叶节点删除键,并从内部节点删除键即可。 用顺序后继填充内部节点中的空白区域。 ![Delete a key from a B+tree](https://img.kancloud.cn/8a/3a/8a3a4a66ccc997db7ffba511f789e1e4_896x1408.png "Deletion from a B+ tree") 从 B 树删除 45 2. 如果节点中的键数量确切最小,则删除该键并从其直接同级(通过父级)借用一个键。 使用借来的键填充在索引(内部节点)中创建的空白空间。 ![Delete a key from a B+tree](https://img.kancloud.cn/83/ec/83ec70a5b9d067e5a40ec0e295e6b766_818x1408.png "Deletion from a B+ tree") 从 B 树中删除 35 3. 这种情况与情况 II(1)相似,但是在此处,直接父节点上方会生成空白空间。 删除键后,将空白空间与其同级合并。 用顺序后继填充祖父节点中的空白区域。 ![Delete a key from a B+tree](https://img.kancloud.cn/c4/ca/c4ca76644a24479be4bd503768fcc9ab_798x1896.png "Deletion from a B+ tree") 从 B 树中删除 25 ### 情况三 在这种情况下,树的高度会缩小。 这有点复杂。从下面的树中删除 55 会导致这种情况。 在下面的插图中可以理解。 ![Delete a key from a B+tree](https://img.kancloud.cn/dc/e2/dce2183c53bf54344c1a836ca037f39c_656x1768.png "Deletion from a B+ tree") 从 B 树中删除 55 * * * ## Python,Java 和 C/C++ 示例 ```py # B+ tee in python import math # Node creation class Node: def __init__(self, order): self.order = order self.values = [] self.keys = [] self.nextKey = None self.parent = None self.check_leaf = False # Insert at the leaf def insert_at_leaf(self, leaf, value, key): if (self.values): temp1 = self.values for i in range(len(temp1)): if (value == temp1[i]): self.keys[i].append(key) break elif (value < temp1[i]): self.values = self.values[:i] + [value] + self.values[i:] self.keys = self.keys[:i] + [[key]] + self.keys[i:] break elif (i + 1 == len(temp1)): self.values.append(value) self.keys.append([key]) break else: self.values = [value] self.keys = [[key]] # B plus tree class BplusTree: def __init__(self, order): self.root = Node(order) self.root.check_leaf = True # Insert operation def insert(self, value, key): value = str(value) old_node = self.search(value) old_node.insert_at_leaf(old_node, value, key) if (len(old_node.values) == old_node.order): node1 = Node(old_node.order) node1.check_leaf = True node1.parent = old_node.parent mid = int(math.ceil(old_node.order / 2)) - 1 node1.values = old_node.values[mid + 1:] node1.keys = old_node.keys[mid + 1:] node1.nextKey = old_node.nextKey old_node.values = old_node.values[:mid + 1] old_node.keys = old_node.keys[:mid + 1] old_node.nextKey = node1 self.insert_in_parent(old_node, node1.values[0], node1) # Search operation for different operations def search(self, value): current_node = self.root while(current_node.check_leaf == False): temp2 = current_node.values for i in range(len(temp2)): if (value == temp2[i]): current_node = current_node.keys[i + 1] break elif (value < temp2[i]): current_node = current_node.keys[i] break elif (i + 1 == len(current_node.values)): current_node = current_node.keys[i + 1] break return current_node # Find the node def find(self, value, key): l = self.search(value) for i, item in enumerate(l.values): if item == value: if key in l.keys[i]: return True else: return False return False # Inserting at the parent def insert_in_parent(self, n, value, ndash): if (self.root == n): rootNode = Node(n.order) rootNode.values = [value] rootNode.keys = [n, ndash] self.root = rootNode n.parent = rootNode ndash.parent = rootNode return parentNode = n.parent temp3 = parentNode.keys for i in range(len(temp3)): if (temp3[i] == n): parentNode.values = parentNode.values[:i] + \ [value] + parentNode.values[i:] parentNode.keys = parentNode.keys[:i + 1] + [ndash] + parentNode.keys[i + 1:] if (len(parentNode.keys) > parentNode.order): parentdash = Node(parentNode.order) parentdash.parent = parentNode.parent mid = int(math.ceil(parentNode.order / 2)) - 1 parentdash.values = parentNode.values[mid + 1:] parentdash.keys = parentNode.keys[mid + 1:] value_ = parentNode.values[mid] if (mid == 0): parentNode.values = parentNode.values[:mid + 1] else: parentNode.values = parentNode.values[:mid] parentNode.keys = parentNode.keys[:mid + 1] for j in parentNode.keys: j.parent = parentNode for j in parentdash.keys: j.parent = parentdash self.insert_in_parent(parentNode, value_, parentdash) # Delete a node def delete(self, value, key): node_ = self.search(value) temp = 0 for i, item in enumerate(node_.values): if item == value: temp = 1 if key in node_.keys[i]: if len(node_.keys[i]) > 1: node_.keys[i].pop(node_.keys[i].index(key)) elif node_ == self.root: node_.values.pop(i) node_.keys.pop(i) else: node_.keys[i].pop(node_.keys[i].index(key)) del node_.keys[i] node_.values.pop(node_.values.index(value)) self.deleteEntry(node_, value, key) else: print("Value not in Key") return if temp == 0: print("Value not in Tree") return # Delete an entry def deleteEntry(self, node_, value, key): if not node_.check_leaf: for i, item in enumerate(node_.keys): if item == key: node_.keys.pop(i) break for i, item in enumerate(node_.values): if item == value: node_.values.pop(i) break if self.root == node_ and len(node_.keys) == 1: self.root = node_.keys[0] node_.keys[0].parent = None del node_ return elif (len(node_.keys) < int(math.ceil(node_.order / 2)) and node_.check_leaf == False) or (len(node_.values) < int(math.ceil((node_.order - 1) / 2)) and node_.check_leaf == True): is_predecessor = 0 parentNode = node_.parent PrevNode = -1 NextNode = -1 PrevK = -1 PostK = -1 for i, item in enumerate(parentNode.keys): if item == node_: if i > 0: PrevNode = parentNode.keys[i - 1] PrevK = parentNode.values[i - 1] if i < len(parentNode.keys) - 1: NextNode = parentNode.keys[i + 1] PostK = parentNode.values[i] if PrevNode == -1: ndash = NextNode value_ = PostK elif NextNode == -1: is_predecessor = 1 ndash = PrevNode value_ = PrevK else: if len(node_.values) + len(NextNode.values) < node_.order: ndash = NextNode value_ = PostK else: is_predecessor = 1 ndash = PrevNode value_ = PrevK if len(node_.values) + len(ndash.values) < node_.order: if is_predecessor == 0: node_, ndash = ndash, node_ ndash.keys += node_.keys if not node_.check_leaf: ndash.values.append(value_) else: ndash.nextKey = node_.nextKey ndash.values += node_.values if not ndash.check_leaf: for j in ndash.keys: j.parent = ndash self.deleteEntry(node_.parent, value_, node_) del node_ else: if is_predecessor == 1: if not node_.check_leaf: ndashpm = ndash.keys.pop(-1) ndashkm_1 = ndash.values.pop(-1) node_.keys = [ndashpm] + node_.keys node_.values = [value_] + node_.values parentNode = node_.parent for i, item in enumerate(parentNode.values): if item == value_: p.values[i] = ndashkm_1 break else: ndashpm = ndash.keys.pop(-1) ndashkm = ndash.values.pop(-1) node_.keys = [ndashpm] + node_.keys node_.values = [ndashkm] + node_.values parentNode = node_.parent for i, item in enumerate(p.values): if item == value_: parentNode.values[i] = ndashkm break else: if not node_.check_leaf: ndashp0 = ndash.keys.pop(0) ndashk0 = ndash.values.pop(0) node_.keys = node_.keys + [ndashp0] node_.values = node_.values + [value_] parentNode = node_.parent for i, item in enumerate(parentNode.values): if item == value_: parentNode.values[i] = ndashk0 break else: ndashp0 = ndash.keys.pop(0) ndashk0 = ndash.values.pop(0) node_.keys = node_.keys + [ndashp0] node_.values = node_.values + [ndashk0] parentNode = node_.parent for i, item in enumerate(parentNode.values): if item == value_: parentNode.values[i] = ndash.values[0] break if not ndash.check_leaf: for j in ndash.keys: j.parent = ndash if not node_.check_leaf: for j in node_.keys: j.parent = node_ if not parentNode.check_leaf: for j in parentNode.keys: j.parent = parentNode # Print the tree def printTree(tree): lst = [tree.root] level = [0] leaf = None flag = 0 lev_leaf = 0 node1 = Node(str(level[0]) + str(tree.root.values)) while (len(lst) != 0): x = lst.pop(0) lev = level.pop(0) if (x.check_leaf == False): for i, item in enumerate(x.keys): print(item.values) else: for i, item in enumerate(x.keys): print(item.values) if (flag == 0): lev_leaf = lev leaf = x flag = 1 record_len = 3 bplustree = BplusTree(record_len) bplustree.insert('5', '33') bplustree.insert('15', '21') bplustree.insert('25', '31') bplustree.insert('35', '41') bplustree.insert('45', '10') printTree(bplustree) if(bplustree.find('5', '34')): print("Found") else: print("Not found") ``` ```java // Searching on a B+ tree in Java import java.util.*; public class BPlusTree { int m; InternalNode root; LeafNode firstLeaf; // Binary search program private int binarySearch(DictionaryPair[] dps, int numPairs, int t) { Comparator<DictionaryPair> c = new Comparator<DictionaryPair>() { @Override public int compare(DictionaryPair o1, DictionaryPair o2) { Integer a = Integer.valueOf(o1.key); Integer b = Integer.valueOf(o2.key); return a.compareTo(b); } }; return Arrays.binarySearch(dps, 0, numPairs, new DictionaryPair(t, 0), c); } // Find the leaf node private LeafNode findLeafNode(int key) { Integer[] keys = this.root.keys; int i; for (i = 0; i < this.root.degree - 1; i++) { if (key < keys[i]) { break; } } Node child = this.root.childPointers[i]; if (child instanceof LeafNode) { return (LeafNode) child; } else { return findLeafNode((InternalNode) child, key); } } // Find the leaf node private LeafNode findLeafNode(InternalNode node, int key) { Integer[] keys = node.keys; int i; for (i = 0; i < node.degree - 1; i++) { if (key < keys[i]) { break; } } Node childNode = node.childPointers[i]; if (childNode instanceof LeafNode) { return (LeafNode) childNode; } else { return findLeafNode((InternalNode) node.childPointers[i], key); } } // Finding the index of the pointer private int findIndexOfPointer(Node[] pointers, LeafNode node) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) { if (pointers[i] == node) { break; } } return i; } // Get the mid point private int getMidpoint() { return (int) Math.ceil((this.m + 1) / 2.0) - 1; } // Balance the tree private void handleDeficiency(InternalNode in) { InternalNode sibling; InternalNode parent = in.parent; if (this.root == in) { for (int i = 0; i < in.childPointers.length; i++) { if (in.childPointers[i] != null) { if (in.childPointers[i] instanceof InternalNode) { this.root = (InternalNode) in.childPointers[i]; this.root.parent = null; } else if (in.childPointers[i] instanceof LeafNode) { this.root = null; } } } } else if (in.leftSibling != null && in.leftSibling.isLendable()) { sibling = in.leftSibling; } else if (in.rightSibling != null && in.rightSibling.isLendable()) { sibling = in.rightSibling; int borrowedKey = sibling.keys[0]; Node pointer = sibling.childPointers[0]; in.keys[in.degree - 1] = parent.keys[0]; in.childPointers[in.degree] = pointer; parent.keys[0] = borrowedKey; sibling.removePointer(0); Arrays.sort(sibling.keys); sibling.removePointer(0); shiftDown(in.childPointers, 1); } else if (in.leftSibling != null && in.leftSibling.isMergeable()) { } else if (in.rightSibling != null && in.rightSibling.isMergeable()) { sibling = in.rightSibling; sibling.keys[sibling.degree - 1] = parent.keys[parent.degree - 2]; Arrays.sort(sibling.keys, 0, sibling.degree); parent.keys[parent.degree - 2] = null; for (int i = 0; i < in.childPointers.length; i++) { if (in.childPointers[i] != null) { sibling.prependChildPointer(in.childPointers[i]); in.childPointers[i].parent = sibling; in.removePointer(i); } } parent.removePointer(in); sibling.leftSibling = in.leftSibling; } if (parent != null && parent.isDeficient()) { handleDeficiency(parent); } } private boolean isEmpty() { return firstLeaf == null; } private int linearNullSearch(DictionaryPair[] dps) { for (int i = 0; i < dps.length; i++) { if (dps[i] == null) { return i; } } return -1; } private int linearNullSearch(Node[] pointers) { for (int i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) { if (pointers[i] == null) { return i; } } return -1; } private void shiftDown(Node[] pointers, int amount) { Node[] newPointers = new Node[this.m + 1]; for (int i = amount; i < pointers.length; i++) { newPointers[i - amount] = pointers[i]; } pointers = newPointers; } private void sortDictionary(DictionaryPair[] dictionary) { Arrays.sort(dictionary, new Comparator<DictionaryPair>() { @Override public int compare(DictionaryPair o1, DictionaryPair o2) { if (o1 == null && o2 == null) { return 0; } if (o1 == null) { return 1; } if (o2 == null) { return -1; } return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); } private Node[] splitChildPointers(InternalNode in, int split) { Node[] pointers = in.childPointers; Node[] halfPointers = new Node[this.m + 1]; for (int i = split + 1; i < pointers.length; i++) { halfPointers[i - split - 1] = pointers[i]; in.removePointer(i); } return halfPointers; } private DictionaryPair[] splitDictionary(LeafNode ln, int split) { DictionaryPair[] dictionary = ln.dictionary; DictionaryPair[] halfDict = new DictionaryPair[this.m]; for (int i = split; i < dictionary.length; i++) { halfDict[i - split] = dictionary[i]; ln.delete(i); } return halfDict; } private void splitInternalNode(InternalNode in) { InternalNode parent = in.parent; int midpoint = getMidpoint(); int newParentKey = in.keys[midpoint]; Integer[] halfKeys = splitKeys(in.keys, midpoint); Node[] halfPointers = splitChildPointers(in, midpoint); in.degree = linearNullSearch(in.childPointers); InternalNode sibling = new InternalNode(this.m, halfKeys, halfPointers); for (Node pointer : halfPointers) { if (pointer != null) { pointer.parent = sibling; } } sibling.rightSibling = in.rightSibling; if (sibling.rightSibling != null) { sibling.rightSibling.leftSibling = sibling; } in.rightSibling = sibling; sibling.leftSibling = in; if (parent == null) { Integer[] keys = new Integer[this.m]; keys[0] = newParentKey; InternalNode newRoot = new InternalNode(this.m, keys); newRoot.appendChildPointer(in); newRoot.appendChildPointer(sibling); this.root = newRoot; in.parent = newRoot; sibling.parent = newRoot; } else { parent.keys[parent.degree - 1] = newParentKey; Arrays.sort(parent.keys, 0, parent.degree); int pointerIndex = parent.findIndexOfPointer(in) + 1; parent.insertChildPointer(sibling, pointerIndex); sibling.parent = parent; } } private Integer[] splitKeys(Integer[] keys, int split) { Integer[] halfKeys = new Integer[this.m]; keys[split] = null; for (int i = split + 1; i < keys.length; i++) { halfKeys[i - split - 1] = keys[i]; keys[i] = null; } return halfKeys; } public void insert(int key, double value) { if (isEmpty()) { LeafNode ln = new LeafNode(this.m, new DictionaryPair(key, value)); this.firstLeaf = ln; } else { LeafNode ln = (this.root == null) ? this.firstLeaf : findLeafNode(key); if (!ln.insert(new DictionaryPair(key, value))) { ln.dictionary[ln.numPairs] = new DictionaryPair(key, value); ln.numPairs++; sortDictionary(ln.dictionary); int midpoint = getMidpoint(); DictionaryPair[] halfDict = splitDictionary(ln, midpoint); if (ln.parent == null) { Integer[] parent_keys = new Integer[this.m]; parent_keys[0] = halfDict[0].key; InternalNode parent = new InternalNode(this.m, parent_keys); ln.parent = parent; parent.appendChildPointer(ln); } else { int newParentKey = halfDict[0].key; ln.parent.keys[ln.parent.degree - 1] = newParentKey; Arrays.sort(ln.parent.keys, 0, ln.parent.degree); } LeafNode newLeafNode = new LeafNode(this.m, halfDict, ln.parent); int pointerIndex = ln.parent.findIndexOfPointer(ln) + 1; ln.parent.insertChildPointer(newLeafNode, pointerIndex); newLeafNode.rightSibling = ln.rightSibling; if (newLeafNode.rightSibling != null) { newLeafNode.rightSibling.leftSibling = newLeafNode; } ln.rightSibling = newLeafNode; newLeafNode.leftSibling = ln; if (this.root == null) { this.root = ln.parent; } else { InternalNode in = ln.parent; while (in != null) { if (in.isOverfull()) { splitInternalNode(in); } else { break; } in = in.parent; } } } } } public Double search(int key) { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } LeafNode ln = (this.root == null) ? this.firstLeaf : findLeafNode(key); DictionaryPair[] dps = ln.dictionary; int index = binarySearch(dps, ln.numPairs, key); if (index < 0) { return null; } else { return dps[index].value; } } public ArrayList<Double> search(int lowerBound, int upperBound) { ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>(); LeafNode currNode = this.firstLeaf; while (currNode != null) { DictionaryPair dps[] = currNode.dictionary; for (DictionaryPair dp : dps) { if (dp == null) { break; } if (lowerBound <= dp.key && dp.key <= upperBound) { values.add(dp.value); } } currNode = currNode.rightSibling; } return values; } public BPlusTree(int m) { this.m = m; this.root = null; } public class Node { InternalNode parent; } private class InternalNode extends Node { int maxDegree; int minDegree; int degree; InternalNode leftSibling; InternalNode rightSibling; Integer[] keys; Node[] childPointers; private void appendChildPointer(Node pointer) { this.childPointers[degree] = pointer; this.degree++; } private int findIndexOfPointer(Node pointer) { for (int i = 0; i < childPointers.length; i++) { if (childPointers[i] == pointer) { return i; } } return -1; } private void insertChildPointer(Node pointer, int index) { for (int i = degree - 1; i >= index; i--) { childPointers[i + 1] = childPointers[i]; } this.childPointers[index] = pointer; this.degree++; } private boolean isDeficient() { return this.degree < this.minDegree; } private boolean isLendable() { return this.degree > this.minDegree; } private boolean isMergeable() { return this.degree == this.minDegree; } private boolean isOverfull() { return this.degree == maxDegree + 1; } private void prependChildPointer(Node pointer) { for (int i = degree - 1; i >= 0; i--) { childPointers[i + 1] = childPointers[i]; } this.childPointers[0] = pointer; this.degree++; } private void removeKey(int index) { this.keys[index] = null; } private void removePointer(int index) { this.childPointers[index] = null; this.degree--; } private void removePointer(Node pointer) { for (int i = 0; i < childPointers.length; i++) { if (childPointers[i] == pointer) { this.childPointers[i] = null; } } this.degree--; } private InternalNode(int m, Integer[] keys) { this.maxDegree = m; this.minDegree = (int) Math.ceil(m / 2.0); this.degree = 0; this.keys = keys; this.childPointers = new Node[this.maxDegree + 1]; } private InternalNode(int m, Integer[] keys, Node[] pointers) { this.maxDegree = m; this.minDegree = (int) Math.ceil(m / 2.0); this.degree = linearNullSearch(pointers); this.keys = keys; this.childPointers = pointers; } } public class LeafNode extends Node { int maxNumPairs; int minNumPairs; int numPairs; LeafNode leftSibling; LeafNode rightSibling; DictionaryPair[] dictionary; public void delete(int index) { this.dictionary[index] = null; numPairs--; } public boolean insert(DictionaryPair dp) { if (this.isFull()) { return false; } else { this.dictionary[numPairs] = dp; numPairs++; Arrays.sort(this.dictionary, 0, numPairs); return true; } } public boolean isDeficient() { return numPairs < minNumPairs; } public boolean isFull() { return numPairs == maxNumPairs; } public boolean isLendable() { return numPairs > minNumPairs; } public boolean isMergeable() { return numPairs == minNumPairs; } public LeafNode(int m, DictionaryPair dp) { this.maxNumPairs = m - 1; this.minNumPairs = (int) (Math.ceil(m / 2) - 1); this.dictionary = new DictionaryPair[m]; this.numPairs = 0; this.insert(dp); } public LeafNode(int m, DictionaryPair[] dps, InternalNode parent) { this.maxNumPairs = m - 1; this.minNumPairs = (int) (Math.ceil(m / 2) - 1); this.dictionary = dps; this.numPairs = linearNullSearch(dps); this.parent = parent; } } public class DictionaryPair implements Comparable<DictionaryPair> { int key; double value; public DictionaryPair(int key, double value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } public int compareTo(DictionaryPair o) { if (key == o.key) { return 0; } else if (key > o.key) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { BPlusTree bpt = null; bpt = new BPlusTree(3); bpt.insert(5, 33); bpt.insert(15, 21); bpt.insert(25, 31); bpt.insert(35, 41); bpt.insert(45, 10); if (bpt.search(15) != null) { System.out.println("Found"); } else { System.out.println("Not Found"); } ; } } ``` ```c // Searching on a B+ Tree in C #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> // Default order #define ORDER 3 typedef struct record { int value; } record; // Node typedef struct node { void **pointers; int *keys; struct node *parent; bool is_leaf; int num_keys; struct node *next; } node; int order = ORDER; node *queue = NULL; bool verbose_output = false; // Enqueue void enqueue(node *new_node); // Dequeue node *dequeue(void); int height(node *const root); int pathToLeaves(node *const root, node *child); void printLeaves(node *const root); void printTree(node *const root); void findAndPrint(node *const root, int key, bool verbose); void findAndPrintRange(node *const root, int range1, int range2, bool verbose); int findRange(node *const root, int key_start, int key_end, bool verbose, int returned_keys[], void *returned_pointers[]); node *findLeaf(node *const root, int key, bool verbose); record *find(node *root, int key, bool verbose, node **leaf_out); int cut(int length); record *makeRecord(int value); node *makeNode(void); node *makeLeaf(void); int getLeftIndex(node *parent, node *left); node *insertIntoLeaf(node *leaf, int key, record *pointer); node *insertIntoLeafAfterSplitting(node *root, node *leaf, int key, record *pointer); node *insertIntoNode(node *root, node *parent, int left_index, int key, node *right); node *insertIntoNodeAfterSplitting(node *root, node *parent, int left_index, int key, node *right); node *insertIntoParent(node *root, node *left, int key, node *right); node *insertIntoNewRoot(node *left, int key, node *right); node *startNewTree(int key, record *pointer); node *insert(node *root, int key, int value); // Enqueue void enqueue(node *new_node) { node *c; if (queue == NULL) { queue = new_node; queue->next = NULL; } else { c = queue; while (c->next != NULL) { c = c->next; } c->next = new_node; new_node->next = NULL; } } // Dequeue node *dequeue(void) { node *n = queue; queue = queue->next; n->next = NULL; return n; } // Print the leaves void printLeaves(node *const root) { if (root == NULL) { printf("Empty tree.\n"); return; } int i; node *c = root; while (!c->is_leaf) c = c->pointers[0]; while (true) { for (i = 0; i < c->num_keys; i++) { if (verbose_output) printf("%p ", c->pointers[i]); printf("%d ", c->keys[i]); } if (verbose_output) printf("%p ", c->pointers[order - 1]); if (c->pointers[order - 1] != NULL) { printf(" | "); c = c->pointers[order - 1]; } else break; } printf("\n"); } // Calculate height int height(node *const root) { int h = 0; node *c = root; while (!c->is_leaf) { c = c->pointers[0]; h++; } return h; } // Get path to root int pathToLeaves(node *const root, node *child) { int length = 0; node *c = child; while (c != root) { c = c->parent; length++; } return length; } // Print the tree void printTree(node *const root) { node *n = NULL; int i = 0; int rank = 0; int new_rank = 0; if (root == NULL) { printf("Empty tree.\n"); return; } queue = NULL; enqueue(root); while (queue != NULL) { n = dequeue(); if (n->parent != NULL && n == n->parent->pointers[0]) { new_rank = pathToLeaves(root, n); if (new_rank != rank) { rank = new_rank; printf("\n"); } } if (verbose_output) printf("(%p)", n); for (i = 0; i < n->num_keys; i++) { if (verbose_output) printf("%p ", n->pointers[i]); printf("%d ", n->keys[i]); } if (!n->is_leaf) for (i = 0; i <= n->num_keys; i++) enqueue(n->pointers[i]); if (verbose_output) { if (n->is_leaf) printf("%p ", n->pointers[order - 1]); else printf("%p ", n->pointers[n->num_keys]); } printf("| "); } printf("\n"); } // Find the node and print it void findAndPrint(node *const root, int key, bool verbose) { node *leaf = NULL; record *r = find(root, key, verbose, NULL); if (r == NULL) printf("Record not found under key %d.\n", key); else printf("Record at %p -- key %d, value %d.\n", r, key, r->value); } // Find and print the range void findAndPrintRange(node *const root, int key_start, int key_end, bool verbose) { int i; int array_size = key_end - key_start + 1; int returned_keys[array_size]; void *returned_pointers[array_size]; int num_found = findRange(root, key_start, key_end, verbose, returned_keys, returned_pointers); if (!num_found) printf("None found.\n"); else { for (i = 0; i < num_found; i++) printf("Key: %d Location: %p Value: %d\n", returned_keys[i], returned_pointers[i], ((record *) returned_pointers[i]) ->value); } } // Find the range int findRange(node *const root, int key_start, int key_end, bool verbose, int returned_keys[], void *returned_pointers[]) { int i, num_found; num_found = 0; node *n = findLeaf(root, key_start, verbose); if (n == NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; i < n->num_keys && n->keys[i] < key_start; i++) ; if (i == n->num_keys) return 0; while (n != NULL) { for (; i < n->num_keys && n->keys[i] <= key_end; i++) { returned_keys[num_found] = n->keys[i]; returned_pointers[num_found] = n->pointers[i]; num_found++; } n = n->pointers[order - 1]; i = 0; } return num_found; } // Find the leaf node *findLeaf(node *const root, int key, bool verbose) { if (root == NULL) { if (verbose) printf("Empty tree.\n"); return root; } int i = 0; node *c = root; while (!c->is_leaf) { if (verbose) { printf("["); for (i = 0; i < c->num_keys - 1; i++) printf("%d ", c->keys[i]); printf("%d] ", c->keys[i]); } i = 0; while (i < c->num_keys) { if (key >= c->keys[i]) i++; else break; } if (verbose) printf("%d ->\n", i); c = (node *)c->pointers[i]; } if (verbose) { printf("Leaf ["); for (i = 0; i < c->num_keys - 1; i++) printf("%d ", c->keys[i]); printf("%d] ->\n", c->keys[i]); } return c; } record *find(node *root, int key, bool verbose, node **leaf_out) { if (root == NULL) { if (leaf_out != NULL) { *leaf_out = NULL; } return NULL; } int i = 0; node *leaf = NULL; leaf = findLeaf(root, key, verbose); for (i = 0; i < leaf->num_keys; i++) if (leaf->keys[i] == key) break; if (leaf_out != NULL) { *leaf_out = leaf; } if (i == leaf->num_keys) return NULL; else return (record *)leaf->pointers[i]; } int cut(int length) { if (length % 2 == 0) return length / 2; else return length / 2 + 1; } record *makeRecord(int value) { record *new_record = (record *)malloc(sizeof(record)); if (new_record == NULL) { perror("Record creation."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { new_record->value = value; } return new_record; } node *makeNode(void) { node *new_node; new_node = malloc(sizeof(node)); if (new_node == NULL) { perror("Node creation."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } new_node->keys = malloc((order - 1) * sizeof(int)); if (new_node->keys == NULL) { perror("New node keys array."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } new_node->pointers = malloc(order * sizeof(void *)); if (new_node->pointers == NULL) { perror("New node pointers array."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } new_node->is_leaf = false; new_node->num_keys = 0; new_node->parent = NULL; new_node->next = NULL; return new_node; } node *makeLeaf(void) { node *leaf = makeNode(); leaf->is_leaf = true; return leaf; } int getLeftIndex(node *parent, node *left) { int left_index = 0; while (left_index <= parent->num_keys && parent->pointers[left_index] != left) left_index++; return left_index; } node *insertIntoLeaf(node *leaf, int key, record *pointer) { int i, insertion_point; insertion_point = 0; while (insertion_point < leaf->num_keys && leaf->keys[insertion_point] < key) insertion_point++; for (i = leaf->num_keys; i > insertion_point; i--) { leaf->keys[i] = leaf->keys[i - 1]; leaf->pointers[i] = leaf->pointers[i - 1]; } leaf->keys[insertion_point] = key; leaf->pointers[insertion_point] = pointer; leaf->num_keys++; return leaf; } node *insertIntoLeafAfterSplitting(node *root, node *leaf, int key, record *pointer) { node *new_leaf; int *temp_keys; void **temp_pointers; int insertion_index, split, new_key, i, j; new_leaf = makeLeaf(); temp_keys = malloc(order * sizeof(int)); if (temp_keys == NULL) { perror("Temporary keys array."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } temp_pointers = malloc(order * sizeof(void *)); if (temp_pointers == NULL) { perror("Temporary pointers array."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } insertion_index = 0; while (insertion_index < order - 1 && leaf->keys[insertion_index] < key) insertion_index++; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < leaf->num_keys; i++, j++) { if (j == insertion_index) j++; temp_keys[j] = leaf->keys[i]; temp_pointers[j] = leaf->pointers[i]; } temp_keys[insertion_index] = key; temp_pointers[insertion_index] = pointer; leaf->num_keys = 0; split = cut(order - 1); for (i = 0; i < split; i++) { leaf->pointers[i] = temp_pointers[i]; leaf->keys[i] = temp_keys[i]; leaf->num_keys++; } for (i = split, j = 0; i < order; i++, j++) { new_leaf->pointers[j] = temp_pointers[i]; new_leaf->keys[j] = temp_keys[i]; new_leaf->num_keys++; } free(temp_pointers); free(temp_keys); new_leaf->pointers[order - 1] = leaf->pointers[order - 1]; leaf->pointers[order - 1] = new_leaf; for (i = leaf->num_keys; i < order - 1; i++) leaf->pointers[i] = NULL; for (i = new_leaf->num_keys; i < order - 1; i++) new_leaf->pointers[i] = NULL; new_leaf->parent = leaf->parent; new_key = new_leaf->keys[0]; return insertIntoParent(root, leaf, new_key, new_leaf); } node *insertIntoNode(node *root, node *n, int left_index, int key, node *right) { int i; for (i = n->num_keys; i > left_index; i--) { n->pointers[i + 1] = n->pointers[i]; n->keys[i] = n->keys[i - 1]; } n->pointers[left_index + 1] = right; n->keys[left_index] = key; n->num_keys++; return root; } node *insertIntoNodeAfterSplitting(node *root, node *old_node, int left_index, int key, node *right) { int i, j, split, k_prime; node *new_node, *child; int *temp_keys; node **temp_pointers; temp_pointers = malloc((order + 1) * sizeof(node *)); if (temp_pointers == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } temp_keys = malloc(order * sizeof(int)); if (temp_keys == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (i = 0, j = 0; i < old_node->num_keys + 1; i++, j++) { if (j == left_index + 1) j++; temp_pointers[j] = old_node->pointers[i]; } for (i = 0, j = 0; i < old_node->num_keys; i++, j++) { if (j == left_index) j++; temp_keys[j] = old_node->keys[i]; } temp_pointers[left_index + 1] = right; temp_keys[left_index] = key; split = cut(order); new_node = makeNode(); old_node->num_keys = 0; for (i = 0; i < split - 1; i++) { old_node->pointers[i] = temp_pointers[i]; old_node->keys[i] = temp_keys[i]; old_node->num_keys++; } old_node->pointers[i] = temp_pointers[i]; k_prime = temp_keys[split - 1]; for (++i, j = 0; i < order; i++, j++) { new_node->pointers[j] = temp_pointers[i]; new_node->keys[j] = temp_keys[i]; new_node->num_keys++; } new_node->pointers[j] = temp_pointers[i]; free(temp_pointers); free(temp_keys); new_node->parent = old_node->parent; for (i = 0; i <= new_node->num_keys; i++) { child = new_node->pointers[i]; child->parent = new_node; } return insertIntoParent(root, old_node, k_prime, new_node); } node *insertIntoParent(node *root, node *left, int key, node *right) { int left_index; node *parent; parent = left->parent; if (parent == NULL) return insertIntoNewRoot(left, key, right); left_index = getLeftIndex(parent, left); if (parent->num_keys < order - 1) return insertIntoNode(root, parent, left_index, key, right); return insertIntoNodeAfterSplitting(root, parent, left_index, key, right); } node *insertIntoNewRoot(node *left, int key, node *right) { node *root = makeNode(); root->keys[0] = key; root->pointers[0] = left; root->pointers[1] = right; root->num_keys++; root->parent = NULL; left->parent = root; right->parent = root; return root; } node *startNewTree(int key, record *pointer) { node *root = makeLeaf(); root->keys[0] = key; root->pointers[0] = pointer; root->pointers[order - 1] = NULL; root->parent = NULL; root->num_keys++; return root; } node *insert(node *root, int key, int value) { record *record_pointer = NULL; node *leaf = NULL; record_pointer = find(root, key, false, NULL); if (record_pointer != NULL) { record_pointer->value = value; return root; } record_pointer = makeRecord(value); if (root == NULL) return startNewTree(key, record_pointer); leaf = findLeaf(root, key, false); if (leaf->num_keys < order - 1) { leaf = insertIntoLeaf(leaf, key, record_pointer); return root; } return insertIntoLeafAfterSplitting(root, leaf, key, record_pointer); } int main() { node *root; char instruction; root = NULL; root = insert(root, 5, 33); root = insert(root, 15, 21); root = insert(root, 25, 31); root = insert(root, 35, 41); root = insert(root, 45, 10); printTree(root); findAndPrint(root, 15, instruction = 'a'); } ``` ```cpp // Searching on a B+ tree in C++ #include <climits> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int MAX = 3; // BP node class Node { bool IS_LEAF; int *key, size; Node **ptr; friend class BPTree; public: Node(); }; // BP tree class BPTree { Node *root; void insertInternal(int, Node *, Node *); Node *findParent(Node *, Node *); public: BPTree(); void search(int); void insert(int); void display(Node *); Node *getRoot(); }; Node::Node() { key = new int[MAX]; ptr = new Node *[MAX + 1]; } BPTree::BPTree() { root = NULL; } // Search operation void BPTree::search(int x) { if (root == NULL) { cout << "Tree is empty\n"; } else { Node *cursor = root; while (cursor->IS_LEAF == false) { for (int i = 0; i < cursor->size; i++) { if (x < cursor->key[i]) { cursor = cursor->ptr[i]; break; } if (i == cursor->size - 1) { cursor = cursor->ptr[i + 1]; break; } } } for (int i = 0; i < cursor->size; i++) { if (cursor->key[i] == x) { cout << "Found\n"; return; } } cout << "Not found\n"; } } // Insert Operation void BPTree::insert(int x) { if (root == NULL) { root = new Node; root->key[0] = x; root->IS_LEAF = true; root->size = 1; } else { Node *cursor = root; Node *parent; while (cursor->IS_LEAF == false) { parent = cursor; for (int i = 0; i < cursor->size; i++) { if (x < cursor->key[i]) { cursor = cursor->ptr[i]; break; } if (i == cursor->size - 1) { cursor = cursor->ptr[i + 1]; break; } } } if (cursor->size < MAX) { int i = 0; while (x > cursor->key[i] && i < cursor->size) i++; for (int j = cursor->size; j > i; j--) { cursor->key[j] = cursor->key[j - 1]; } cursor->key[i] = x; cursor->size++; cursor->ptr[cursor->size] = cursor->ptr[cursor->size - 1]; cursor->ptr[cursor->size - 1] = NULL; } else { Node *newLeaf = new Node; int virtualNode[MAX + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { virtualNode[i] = cursor->key[i]; } int i = 0, j; while (x > virtualNode[i] && i < MAX) i++; for (int j = MAX + 1; j > i; j--) { virtualNode[j] = virtualNode[j - 1]; } virtualNode[i] = x; newLeaf->IS_LEAF = true; cursor->size = (MAX + 1) / 2; newLeaf->size = MAX + 1 - (MAX + 1) / 2; cursor->ptr[cursor->size] = newLeaf; newLeaf->ptr[newLeaf->size] = cursor->ptr[MAX]; cursor->ptr[MAX] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < cursor->size; i++) { cursor->key[i] = virtualNode[i]; } for (i = 0, j = cursor->size; i < newLeaf->size; i++, j++) { newLeaf->key[i] = virtualNode[j]; } if (cursor == root) { Node *newRoot = new Node; newRoot->key[0] = newLeaf->key[0]; newRoot->ptr[0] = cursor; newRoot->ptr[1] = newLeaf; newRoot->IS_LEAF = false; newRoot->size = 1; root = newRoot; } else { insertInternal(newLeaf->key[0], parent, newLeaf); } } } } // Insert Operation void BPTree::insertInternal(int x, Node *cursor, Node *child) { if (cursor->size < MAX) { int i = 0; while (x > cursor->key[i] && i < cursor->size) i++; for (int j = cursor->size; j > i; j--) { cursor->key[j] = cursor->key[j - 1]; } for (int j = cursor->size + 1; j > i + 1; j--) { cursor->ptr[j] = cursor->ptr[j - 1]; } cursor->key[i] = x; cursor->size++; cursor->ptr[i + 1] = child; } else { Node *newInternal = new Node; int virtualKey[MAX + 1]; Node *virtualPtr[MAX + 2]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { virtualKey[i] = cursor->key[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX + 1; i++) { virtualPtr[i] = cursor->ptr[i]; } int i = 0, j; while (x > virtualKey[i] && i < MAX) i++; for (int j = MAX + 1; j > i; j--) { virtualKey[j] = virtualKey[j - 1]; } virtualKey[i] = x; for (int j = MAX + 2; j > i + 1; j--) { virtualPtr[j] = virtualPtr[j - 1]; } virtualPtr[i + 1] = child; newInternal->IS_LEAF = false; cursor->size = (MAX + 1) / 2; newInternal->size = MAX - (MAX + 1) / 2; for (i = 0, j = cursor->size + 1; i < newInternal->size; i++, j++) { newInternal->key[i] = virtualKey[j]; } for (i = 0, j = cursor->size + 1; i < newInternal->size + 1; i++, j++) { newInternal->ptr[i] = virtualPtr[j]; } if (cursor == root) { Node *newRoot = new Node; newRoot->key[0] = cursor->key[cursor->size]; newRoot->ptr[0] = cursor; newRoot->ptr[1] = newInternal; newRoot->IS_LEAF = false; newRoot->size = 1; root = newRoot; } else { insertInternal(cursor->key[cursor->size], findParent(root, cursor), newInternal); } } } // Find the parent Node *BPTree::findParent(Node *cursor, Node *child) { Node *parent; if (cursor->IS_LEAF || (cursor->ptr[0])->IS_LEAF) { return NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < cursor->size + 1; i++) { if (cursor->ptr[i] == child) { parent = cursor; return parent; } else { parent = findParent(cursor->ptr[i], child); if (parent != NULL) return parent; } } return parent; } // Print the tree void BPTree::display(Node *cursor) { if (cursor != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < cursor->size; i++) { cout << cursor->key[i] << " "; } cout << "\n"; if (cursor->IS_LEAF != true) { for (int i = 0; i < cursor->size + 1; i++) { display(cursor->ptr[i]); } } } } // Get the root Node *BPTree::getRoot() { return root; } int main() { BPTree node; node.insert(5); node.insert(15); node.insert(25); node.insert(35); node.insert(45); node.insert(55); node.insert(40); node.insert(30); node.insert(20); node.display(node.getRoot()); node.search(15); } ``` * * * ## 删除复杂度 时间复杂度:`Θ(t log_t(n))` 复杂度由`Θ(log_t(n))`决定。