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# Python 运算符重载 > 原文: [https://thepythonguru.com/python-operator-overloading/](https://thepythonguru.com/python-operator-overloading/) * * * 于 2020 年 1 月 7 日更新 * * * 您已经看到可以使用`+`运算符添加数字,并同时连接字符串。 这是可能的,因为`int`类和`str`类都重载了`+`运算符。 运算符实际上是在各个类中定义的方法。 运算符的定义方法称为运算符重载。 例如:要对自定义对象使用`+`运算符,您需要定义一个名为`__add__`的方法。 让我们举个例子来更好地理解 ```py import math class Circle:     def __init__(self, radius):         self.__radius = radius     def setRadius(self, radius):         self.__radius = radius     def getRadius(self):         return self.__radius     def area(self):         return math.pi * self.__radius ** 2     def __add__(self, another_circle):         return Circle( self.__radius + another_circle.__radius ) c1 = Circle(4) print(c1.getRadius()) c2 = Circle(5) print(c2.getRadius()) c3 = c1 + c2 # This became possible because we have overloaded + operator by adding a    method named __add__ print(c3.getRadius()) ``` **预期输出**: ```py 4 5 9 ``` ```py import math class Circle: def __init__(self, radius): self.__radius = radius def setRadius(self, radius): self.__radius = radius def getRadius(self): return self.__radius def area(self): return math.pi * self.__radius ** 2 def __add__(self, another_circle): return Circle( self.__radius + another_circle.__radius ) c1 = Circle(4) print(c1.getRadius()) c2 = Circle(5) print(c2.getRadius()) c3 = c1 + c2 # This became possible because we have overloaded + operator by adding a method named __add__ print(c3.getRadius()) ``` 在上面的示例中,我们添加了`__add__()`方法,该方法允许使用`+`运算符添加两个圆形对象。 在`__add__()`方法内部,我们正在创建一个新对象并将其返回给调用者。 Python 还有许多其他特殊方法,例如`__add__()`,请参见下面的列表。 | 运算符 | 函数 | 方法说明 | | --- | --- | --- | | `+` | `__add__(self, other)` | 加法 | | `*` | `__mul__(self, other)` | 乘法 | | `-` | `__sub__(self, other)` | 减法 | | `%` | `__mod__(self, other)` | 余数 | | `/` | `__truediv__(self, other)` | 除法 | | `<` | `__lt__(self, other)` | 小于 | | `<=` | `__le__(self, other)` | 小于或等于 | | `==` | `__eq__(self, other)` | 等于 | | `!=` | `__ne__(self, other)` | 不等于 | | `>` | `__gt__(self, other)` | 大于 | `>=`,`__ge__(self, other)`,大于或等于`[index]`,`__getitem__(self, index)`,索引运算符`in`,`__contains__(self, value)`,检查成员资格`len`,`__len__(self)`,元素数`str`,`__str__(self)`的字符串表示形式 下面的程序使用上面提到的一些函数来重载运算符。 ```py import math class Circle:     def __init__(self, radius):         self.__radius = radius     def setRadius(self, radius):         self.__radius = radius     def getRadius(self):         return self.__radius     def area(self):         return math.pi * self.__radius ** 2     def __add__(self, another_circle):         return Circle( self.__radius + another_circle.__radius )     def __gt__(self, another_circle):         return self.__radius > another_circle.__radius     def __lt__(self, another_circle):         return self.__radius < another_circle.__radius     def __str__(self):         return "Circle with radius " + str(self.__radius) c1 = Circle(4) print(c1.getRadius()) c2 = Circle(5) print(c2.getRadius()) c3 = c1 + c2 print(c3.getRadius()) print( c3 > c2) # Became possible because we have added __gt__ method print( c1 < c2) # Became possible because we have added __lt__ method print(c3) # Became possible because we have added __str__ method ``` **预期输出**: ```py 4 5 9 True True Circle with radius 9 ``` ```py import math class Circle: def __init__(self, radius): self.__radius = radius def setRadius(self, radius): self.__radius = radius def getRadius(self): return self.__radius def area(self): return math.pi * self.__radius ** 2 def __add__(self, another_circle): return Circle( self.__radius + another_circle.__radius ) def __gt__(self, another_circle): return self.__radius > another_circle.__radius def __lt__(self, another_circle): return self.__radius < another_circle.__radius def __str__(self): return "Circle with radius " + str(self.__radius) c1 = Circle(4) print(c1.getRadius()) c2 = Circle(5) print(c2.getRadius()) c3 = c1 + c2 print(c3.getRadius()) print( c3 > c2) # Became possible because we have added __gt__ method print( c1 < c2) # Became possible because we have added __lt__ method print(c3) # Became possible because we have added __str__ method ``` 下一课是[继承和多态](/python-inheritance-and-polymorphism/)。 * * * * * *