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# 考试主题 > 原文:<https://github.com/angrave/SystemProgramming/wiki/Exam-Topics> 期末考试可能包括多项选择题,可以测试您对以下内容的掌握程度。 ``` CSP (critical section problems) HTTP SIGINT TCP TLB Virtual Memory arrays barrier c strings chmod client/server coffman conditions condition variables context switch deadlock dining philosophers epoll exit file I/O file system representation fork/exec/wait fprintf free heap allocator heap/stack inode vs name malloc mkfifo mmap mutexes network ports open/close operating system terms page fault page tables pipes pointer arithmetic pointers printing (printf) producer/consumer progress/mutex race conditions read/write reader/writer resource allocation graphs ring buffer scanf buffering scheduling select semaphores signals sizeof stat stderr/stdout symlinks thread control (_create, _join, _exit) variable initializers variable scope vm thrashing wait macros write/read with errno, EINTR and partial data ```