# Potato crop guide: How to grow potatoes and get optimum yields
Recommended soil types for growing potatoes, special sensitivities, nutritional requirements and fertilization recommendations for various fertilizers – Find all there is to know about growing potatoes in Haifa's complete crop guide.
Growing potatoes and getting high yield of quality crop requires knowledge and expertise. Haifa's potato crop guide provides profound and practical knowledge gathered over decades of field experience that will greatly assist you in achieving optimal plant nutrition and obtaining excellent results in the field.
Here are just few of the facts, tips and knowledge you will find in this thorough crop guide:
The potato ranks as the world's fourth most important food crop, after maize, wheat and rice.
* Since potatoes are sensitive to the chloride anion, it is essential to use chloride-free fertilizers, which contribute to increased yield and quality.
* Potato growth is classified into five distinct growth phases, and each growth stage has to be considered when managing the crop.
* The highest requirement for potassium is during the bulking up stage of the tubers. The flowering of potato plants indicates the beginning of this morphological stage.
* Adequate control over Nitrogen (N) supply is highly important to obtain high yields of excellent quality potatoes.
* Calcium deficiency interferes with root growth, causes deformation of foliage growth tips, and may result in reduced yields and poor quality.
# General growing conditions
## 1.1 The plant
The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an herbaceous annual that grows up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall and produces tubers, which are botanically thickened stems that are so rich in starch that they rank as the world's fourth most important food crop, after maize, wheat and rice.
The potato belongs to the Solanaceae, and shares the genus Solanum with at least 1,000 other species, including tomato and eggplant. S. tuberosum is divided into two, only slightly different, subspecies: andigena, which is adapted to short day conditions and is mainly grown in the Andes, and tuberosum, the potato now cultivated around the world, which is believed to descend from a small introduction to Europe of andigena potatoes that later adapted to longer day conditions.

Figure 1: A scheme of the potato plant
## 1.2 Soil type and pH
Potatoes will grow on most soils, organic as well as mineral ones. But, light and medium texture soils are recommended where mechanical harvesting is practiced, to avoid difficulties in harvesting when weather conditions are adverse at harvest time. Lowest possible soil pH is 5.5. Soil pH below 4.8 generally results in impaired growth.
Too alkaline conditions can adversely affect skin quality and can induce micronutrients deficiencies.
## 1.3 Special sensitivities of the potato plant
1.3.1 Chloride
Potatoes are sensitive to the chloride anion. Chloride damage is manifested by scorching of the leaf tips and margins, and leaves yellowing and distortion. Fertilization with chloride-free fertilizers will, therefore, contribute to increased yields and to the improvement of their quality.
1.3.2 Boron deficiency
“Hollow Heart”, by comparison, is characterized by formation of a cavity near the tuber centre, without any external indication of this syndrome. It is the result of soil boron deficiency. Rapid growth of the tuber, sometimes due to too low plant density, may cause this syndrome, too.
1.3.3 Storage conditions
“Black heart” symptom of potatoes is caused by a limited supply of oxygen to the tubers during their storage, and cannot be alleviated by improved growth conditions.
## 1.4 Irrigation
During the early growth phase, until tuber formation, it is essential to keep the soil constantly and uniformly wet to a depth of at least 10-15cm. The frequency of irrigation cycles during this period should be determined according to the specific soil type and climate conditions.
During the second growth phase, during tuber development, irrigation will be less frequent and applied once every 3-5 days. This allows efficient root respiration and intensifying growth rate. Potatoes can be irrigated almost until harvest.
Irrigation at tuber initiation can affect the skin quality of daughter tubers by influencing phytopathogens, either favorably or adversely, according to conditions, and moisture rate present. A monitored drip system equipped with a Nutrigation™ (fertigation) device is the preferable method of irrigation (Fig. 2)

Figure 2: Drip-irrigated potato field in southern Israel
## 1.5 Crop uses
Potatoes are consumed fresh, and are being processed to chips and crisps. Potatoes are also used for the production of starch. Selected plots are grown for seed production.
Potatoes grown for processing are valued for yield, size, shape, and mainly for dry matter content (measured by specific gravity). As the specific gravity increases, the water content of the potato decreases, improving the frying properties and flavor. Management factors, including plant nutrition treatments, will influence potato yield, quality, and storage properties.
## 1.6 Crop growth stages
Potato growth is classified into five distinct growth phases (Fig. 3). The exact timing of these growth phases depends on many environmental and management factors that vary between locations and cultivars. However, these distinct stages of growth need to be considered when managing the crop.

Figure 3: Main stages of growth and development of potatoes
The nutritional requirements of the developing potato change during the growing season.
### Stage I Sprout development
Sprout develops from eyes on seed tubers and grows upward to emerge from the soil. Roots begin to develop at the base of emerging sprouts.
### 1. 芽条生长期
### Stage II Vegetative growth
Leaves and brunch stems develop from aboveground nodes along emerged sprouts. Roots and stolons develop at below-ground nodes. Photosynthesis begins.
### 2. 幼苗期
### Stage III Tuber initiation
Tubers form at stolon tips but are not yet appreciably enlarging. In most cultivars the end of this stage coincides with early flowering.
### 3. 块茎形成期
### Stage IV Tuber bulking
Tuber cells expand with the accumulation of water, nutrients, and carbohydrates. Tubers become the dominant site for deposition of carbohydrates and mobile inorganic nutrients.
### 4. 块茎增长期
### Stage V Maturation
Vines turn yellow and lose leaves, photo-synthesis decreases, tuber growth slows, and vines eventually die. Tuber dry matter content reaches a maximum and tuber skins set.
### 5. 淀粉积累期
# Nutritional requirements
## 2.1 Nutrient uptake curves
Nutrients uptake is at its greatest during tuber bulking up (intensive volume increase process).
The amount of nutrients removed by a potato crop is closely related to yield. Usually, twice the yield will result twice the removal of nutrients. Nutrients need to be applied as accurately as possible to the zone of uptake, slightly before, or at the time that the crop needs them. Failure to ensure that each plant gets the right balance of nutrients can spoil crop quality and reduce yield.
The highest requirement for potassium, as shown on Figure 4, is during the bulking up stage of the tubers. The flowering of potato plants is an indication when this morphological stage starts. Consequently, the ideal side-dressing period with Multi-K™ would be during the tuber bulking stage.
Figure 4: Uptake of macronutrient uptake by a whole potato plant
Source: Harris (1978)

The daily requirements of potato tubers during the critical bulking stage are 4.5 kg/ha N, 0.3 kg/ha P and 6.0 kg/ha K. Potassium requirements of potato tubers during the bulking stage are very high as they are considered to be luxury consumers of potassium. Daily yield increase during the critical tuber bulking stage can reach 1000 - 1500 kg/ha/day. Therefore, it is important to supply the required plant nutrients during the tuber bulking stage in right N-P-K ratio and in ample quantities.
Figure 5: Uptake of macro and secondary nutrients by vines and tubers of potato plants yielding 55 ton/ha
Source: Reiz, 1991

Figure 6: Uptake of micro-nutrients by vines and tubers of potato plants yielding 55 ton/ha

2.2 Main functions of plant nutrients
Table 1: Summary of main functions of plant nutrients
| Nutrient | Functions |
| --- | --- |
| Nitrogen (N) | Synthesis of proteins (growth and yield).生长与发育 |
| Phosphorus (P) | Cellular division and formation of energetic structures.细胞分裂、分化 |
| Potassium (K) | Transport of sugars, stomata control, cofactor of many enzymes, reduces susceptibility to plant diseases. 糖分转移、气孔、酶、增强免疫力 |
| Calcium (Ca) | A major building block in cell walls, and reduces susceptibility to diseases. 细胞壁 |
| Sulfur (S) | Synthesis of essential amino acids cystine and methionine. |
| Magnesium (Mg) | Central part of chlorophyll molecule. 叶绿素 |
| Iron (Fe) | Chlorophyll synthesis. 叶绿素 |
| Manganese (Mn) | Necessary in the photosynthesis process. |
| Boron (B) | Formation of cell wall. Germination and elongation of pollen tube.Participates in the metabolism and transport of sugars. |
| Zinc (Zn) | Auxins synthesis. |
| Copper (Cu) | Influences in the metabolism of nitrogen and carbohydrates. |
| Molybdenum (Mo) | Component of nitrate-reductase and nitrogenase enzymes. |
# Fertilization recommendations