# 准备好后端的现成套路
得益于php7对GBK中文目录的支持,codeigniter的 `Filesystem Helper` ,就能得到全部目录(包含子目录)的数组:
Sub-folders contained within the directory will be mapped as well. If you wish to control the recursion depth, you can do so using the second parameter (integer). A depth of 1 will only map the top level directory:
$map = directory_map('./mydirectory/', 1);
By default, hidden files will not be included in the returned array. To override this behavior, you may set a third parameter to true (boolean):
$map = directory_map('./mydirectory/', FALSE, TRUE);
Each folder name will be an array index, while its contained files will be numerically indexed. Here is an example of a typical array:
Array (
[libraries] => Array
[0] => benchmark.html
[1] => config.html
["database/"] => Array
[0] => query_builder.html
[1] => binds.html
[2] => configuration.html
[3] => connecting.html
[4] => examples.html
[5] => fields.html
[6] => index.html
[7] => queries.html
[2] => email.html
[3] => file_uploading.html
[4] => image_lib.html
[5] => input.html
[6] => language.html
[7] => loader.html
[8] => pagination.html
[9] => uri.html
# 准备好前端的现成套路
采用 [zui.sexy](http://zui.sexy/) 的 「树形菜单」现成方案。

# 在Codeigniter中开工
首先,我在 `e:\xampp\htdocs\public\data\` 中新建了如下文件和文件夹,我日后的所有文件都会放在 `data` 这个文件夹中:
---- a.txt
---- b.txt
---- c.txt
---- a.txt
---- b.txt
---- c.txt
---- a.txt
---- b.txt
---- c.txt
---- a.txt
---- b.txt
---- c.txt
然后,我在 `Controller` 中新建一个 `Kanban.php`:
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
class Kanban extends Controller{
function __construct(){
public function index(){
$map = directory_map('./');
`directory_map('./')` 里面的 `./` 表示 `e:\xampp\htdocs\public\` ;
所以,当我要显示 `public\data` 文件夹内容的时候:
$map = directory_map('./data');
