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[TOC] # 服务器用emacs ## Ubuntu下安装: 持续更新…… 方法一:只需要在终端逐条输入下列命令即可 (emacs-snapshot 是最新版本,更新速度相对较快) ~~~ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-elisp/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install emacs-snapshot emacs-snapshot-el ~~~ # terminal中的 Emacs ## Package: emacs25-nox (25.1+1-3ubuntu4) GNU Emacs editor (without GUI support) ## emacs -nw 选项nw代表"no window" I would think that any GNU Emacs would accept the -nw command line option; the http://emacsformacosx.com/ version included. You can then use a shell alias or wrapper script to do that by default. e.g. for bash, you could use alias emacs="emacs -nw" (and add it to your .bashrc file to make it persistent)。 # 配置 ## 下载并安装emacs配置文件 ~~~ git clone https://github.com/robin-liu-1983/emacs-robin.d.git cd emacs-robin.d cp -rf emacs.d ~/.emacs.d ~~~ ## 配置文件说明 # 基本操作 # 参考 [为什么 Emacs 和 Vi 的学习曲线非常陡峭](http://blog.jobbole.com/87872/)