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[TOC] > # 关于本书 主要包含内容: - ECMAScript 2018 - ECMAScript 2019 该书仅包含这些内容,如果要查看其他内容,请到这里: 查看我的其他书籍。 <h3 style="background-color: #FFFF66;border-bottom: thin solid lightgray;">本书尚未完成</h3> “探索 ES2018 和 ES2019”是一本还在持续更新的书。更多内容仍有待发布: - ES2018:ES2018 的相关特性已经完成,本书中进行了描述。 - ES2019:正在进行中。我在[博文](中跟踪未来可能出现的一些特性。确认 ES2019 的特性后,本书会对其进行说明讲解。 现在购买这本书,免费获得未来所有的更新! ## ECMASCRIPT 2018 ### Asynchronous iteration Asynchronous iteration `for-await-of` Asynchronous generators Examples WHATWG Streams are async iterables The specification of asynchronous iteration Alternatives to async iteration Further reading ### Rest/Spread Properties The rest operator (`...`) in object destructuring The spread operator (`...`) in object literals Common use cases for the object spread operator Spreading objects versus Object.assign() ### RegExp named capture groups Numbered capture groups Named capture groups Backreferences `replace()` and named capture groups Named groups that don’t match Implementations Further reading ### RegExp Unicode property escapes Overview Unicode character properties Unicode property escapes for regular expressions Examples Trying it out Further reading ### RegExp lookbehind assertions Lookahead assertions Lookbehind assertions Conclusions Further reading ### `s` (dotAll) flag for regular expressions Overview Limitations of the dot (`.`) in regular expressions The proposal FAQ ### Promise.prototype.finally() How does it work? Use case `.finally()` is similar to `finally {}` in synchronous code Availability Further reading ### Template Literal Revision Tag functions and escape sequences Problem: some text is illegal after backslashes Solution III。ECMAScript 2019. 13\. array.prototype。{flat,flatmap} 13.1。概述 13.2。有关.flatmap()的更多信息 13.3。用例:同时过滤和映射 13.4。用例:映射到多个值 13.5。其他版本的.flatmap() 13.6。有关.flat()的更多信息 13.7。常问问题 13.8。进一步阅读 14\. object.fromentries() 14.1。object.fromentries()vs. object.entries() 14.2。例子 14.3。一个实施 14.4。有关Object.fromentries()的更多详细信息 15\. string.prototype。{trimstart,trimend} 15.1。字符串方法.trimstart()和.trimend() 15.2。遗留字符串方法:.trimleft()和.trimright() 15.3。什么人称计数为空格? 16.符号.prototype.description. 17.可选的捕获约束力 17.1。概述 17.2。用例 17.3。进一步阅读 18.稳定的array.prototype.sort() 19.成熟的json.stringify 20\. JSON超牌 21\. function.prototype.tostring修订版 21.1。算法