合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
**基本信息** 接口地址:`http[s]://api.12xue.com/paper/stuinfo` 请求方式:`GET` 请求类型:`application/x-www-form-urlencoded` 响应类型:`json` **请求头** |参数名|必选|描述|默认值| |---|---|---|---| |Token|否|用户唯一token|-| |Source|是|客户端来源标识|-| |Version|是|客户端当前版本号|1.0.0| |Identity|否|用户角色|-| **参数** |参数名|必选|类型|描述|默认值| |---|---|---|---|---| |uid|是|string|学生uid|-| |classid|是|string|班级id|-| |paperid|是|string|试卷id|-| **返回示例** - success ```json { "ret": 0, "msg": "获取成功~", "data": { "id": "1115984023354339589", "title": "20200826 0838", "content": "", "fbrxm": "三中一", "type": 3, "full_marks": 150, "zts": 28, "make_up": 1, "standard": 120, "auto_submit": 1, "start_time": 1598402340, "time_length": 120, "finish_time": 1598409540, "bjid": "1000155563789471449", "bjmc": "2019级二班", "is_complete": 5, "user_marks": "0.00", "duration": 0, "review_complete": 0, "materiallist": [ { "id": "1598402335873657641", "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "title": "第一大题", "discript": "", "sort": 0, "data": [ { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000159825962070417", "zymc": "急急急", "tx": "dxxz", "tx_code": "1", "sort": 1, "score": "10.0", "part_score": "10.0", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 0, "nyd": 2, "txstr": "单项选择", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "10.0", "is_true": 2, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 2 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000159825445100594", "zymc": "2222", "tx": "dxxz", "tx_code": "1", "sort": 2, "score": "9.0", "part_score": "9.0", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 0, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "单项选择", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "9.0", "is_true": 2, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 3 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000151079391500168", "zymc": "1111111111", "tx": "duoxt", "tx_code": "1", "sort": 3, "score": "4.0", "part_score": "4,2", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 0, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "多选题", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "4.0", "is_true": 2, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 4 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000148282390369384", "zymc": "多选题哈哈好的得到", "tx": "duoxt", "tx_code": "1", "sort": 4, "score": "4.0", "part_score": "4,2", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 0, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "多选题", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "4.0", "is_true": 2, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 5 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000159825794633007", "zymc": "11222", "tx": "tdjh", "tx_code": "1", "sort": 5, "score": "4.0", "part_score": "4.0", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 0, "nyd": 2, "txstr": "听单句话", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "4.0", "is_true": 1, "user_score": "4.00", "num": 6 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000159825394480301", "zymc": "11111111", "tx": "tdjh", "tx_code": "1", "sort": 6, "score": "4.0", "part_score": "4.0", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 0, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "听单句话", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "4.0", "is_true": 1, "user_score": "4.00", "num": 7 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000156618032886658", "zymc": "dfgfdsgadf", "tx": "tdh", "tx_code": "4", "sort": 7, "score": "12.0", "part_score": "4,4,4", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 3, "nyd": 3, "txstr": "听对话", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "12.0", "is_true": 2, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 8 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000155927006282077", "zymc": "19053101作业在线添加听独白-极简模式", "tx": "tdb", "tx_code": "4", "sort": 10, "score": "8.0", "part_score": "4,4", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 2, "nyd": 2, "txstr": "听独白", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "8.0", "is_true": 3, "user_score": "4.00", "num": 9 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000159825326778197", "zymc": "200824作业添加新题型听套题", "tx": "ttt", "tx_code": "4", "sort": 12, "score": "8.0", "part_score": "4,4", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 2, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "听套题", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "8.0", "is_true": 2, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 10 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000156681012952664", "zymc": "dasdsad", "tx": "ldt", "tx_code": "3", "sort": 14, "score": "4.0", "part_score": "4.0", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 0, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "朗读题", "tx_tip": "朗读材料", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "4.0", "is_true": 0, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 11 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000156818099672000", "zymc": "This morning we went to the vegetable market and bought crabs. After we got home, we made a seafood fried rice. It was really super delicious. Finally, the pot smelled terrible. What could we do after we died? Did we still eat seafood? I went to the amusement park today and bought Iron Man. Was it really super happy that you bought Spider Man? I want to buy Xuanyi, but I still need 80,000 yuan to sponsor it.This morning we went to the vegetable market and bought crabs. After we got home, we made a seafood fried rice. It was really super delicious. Finally, the pot smelled terrible. What could we do after we died? Did we still eat seafood? I went to the amusement park today and bought Iron Man. Was it really super happy that you bought Spider Man? I want to buy Xuanyi, but I still need 80,000 yuan to sponsor it.This morning we went to the vegetable market and bought crabs. After we got home, we made a seafood fried rice. It was really super delicious. Finally, the pot smelled terrible. What could we do after we died? Did we still eat seafood? I went to the amusement park today and bought Iron Man. Was it really super happy that you bought Spider Man? I want to buy Xuanyi, but I still need 80,000 yuan to sponsor it.", "tx": "tkt", "tx_code": "2", "sort": 15, "score": "8.0", "part_score": "4,4", "group_id": "1598402335873657641", "xts": 2, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "填空题", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "8.0", "is_true": 0, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 12 } ] }, { "id": "1598402335873108011", "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "title": "第2大题", "discript": "", "sort": 1, "data": [ { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000148282391765472", "zymc": "判断题打死大四", "tx": "pdt", "tx_code": "1", "sort": 16, "score": "5.0", "part_score": "5.0", "group_id": "1598402335873108011", "xts": 0, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "判断题", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "5.0", "is_true": 1, "user_score": "5.00", "num": 14 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000154517889436901", "zymc": "123", "tx": "wendt", "tx_code": "3", "sort": 17, "score": "5.0", "part_score": "5", "group_id": "1598402335873108011", "xts": 1, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "问答题", "tx_tip": "参考答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "5.0", "is_true": 0, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 15 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000156783383386960", "zymc": "556456456", "tx": "wxtk", "tx_code": "4", "sort": 18, "score": "30.0", "part_score": "5,5,5,5,5,5", "group_id": "1598402335873108011", "xts": 6, "nyd": 2, "txstr": "完形填空", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "30.0", "is_true": 3, "user_score": "20.00", "num": 16 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000156326469558942", "zymc": "fdsfdsfs", "tx": "ydlj", "tx_code": "4", "sort": 24, "score": "15.0", "part_score": "5,5,5", "group_id": "1598402335873108011", "xts": 3, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "阅读理解", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "15.0", "is_true": 2, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 17 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000159704966174986", "zymc": "英语,任务型阅读习题,3个小题,第1、2个是普通题,第3个是断句题。", "tx": "rwxyd", "tx_code": "5", "sort": 27, "score": "15.0", "part_score": "5,5,5", "group_id": "1598402335873108011", "xts": 3, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "任务型阅读", "tx_tip": "正确答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "15.0", "is_true": 0, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 18 }, { "paper_id": "1115984023354339589", "resource_id": "1000156030235414418", "zymc": " (考点:离子方程式的书写 一般)有下列物质:①硫酸 ②盐酸 ③氯气 ④硫酸钡 ⑤酒精 ⑥铜 ⑦醋酸 ⑧氯化氢 ⑨蔗糖 ⑩氨气 ⑪CO<sub style=\"text-indent: 21pt;\">2</sub><sub style=\"text-indent: 21pt;\"> </sub>⑫NaHCO<sub style=\"text-indent: 21pt;\">3</sub> ⑬Al(OH)<sub style=\"text-indent: 21pt;\">3</sub> ⑭NaOH(1)属于非电解质的为 (填序号,下同),属于弱电解质的为 ,能导电的是 。(2)写出下列反应的离子方程式。①NH<sub>3</sub>通入盐酸中: 。②氨水与硫酸溶液混合: 。③NaHCO<sub>3</sub>溶于醋酸: 。④过量CO<sub>2</sub>与NaOH溶液反应: 。", "tx": "smbd", "tx_code": "3", "sort": 28, "score": "5.0", "part_score": "5.0", "group_id": "1598402335873108011", "xts": 0, "nyd": 1, "txstr": "书面表达", "tx_tip": "参考答案", "isTktAutomatic": 0, "xtzf": "5.0", "is_true": 0, "user_score": "0.00", "num": 19 } ] } ], "isshowanswer": 0 } } ``` **返回参数说明** |参数名|类型|说明| |---|---|---| |ret |int |状态码 0:成功| |msg |string |状态消息 ok:成功| --: 该接口最后修订时间:2020-08-18 13:29:28 * * * * *