企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持知识库和私有化部署方案 广告
#### 目录框架 ``` inventory/ # Server清单 testenv productenv roles/ # 任务列表 testbox/ # 项目名称orAPP名称 tasks/ main.yml # 任务主文件 deploy.yml # 任务入口,调度roles任务 ``` #### 目录约定 ```shell # 主配置文件 tasks - contains the main list of tasks to be executed by the role. # 处理任务 handlers - contains handlers, which may be used by this role or even anywhere outside this role. # 默认变量,我理解是全局 defaults - default variables for the role (see Variables for more information). # 自定义变量,我理解是临时 vars - other variables for the role (see Variables for more information). # 要拷贝的文件(不需要更改) files - contains files which can be deployed via this role. # 要使用的模版(需要更改) templates - contains templates which can be deployed via this role. # 元数据(待研究) meta - defines some meta data for this role. See below for more details. ``` #### 基础语法(多行缩进) ``` 对齐很重要,不要混用tab和空格 建议用2个空格分级 字符串不一定需要双引号 允许空行,增加可读性 连续项目使用"-" map结构中的key/value用":"分割,:后面有空格 "---"开头,顶行首写 k/v值大小写敏感 最少需要name:task,一个name只能有一个task ``` #### 在Playbook中设置变量 ```yaml --- - hosts: all gather_facts: no vars: user: "ding1" tasks: - name: create user user: name="{{user}}" - name: echo user debug: msg="{{user}}" ``` 在调用文件中的变量 vars.yml ```yaml --- - hosts: all gather_facts: no vars_files: - var.yml tasks: - name: create user user: name="{{user}}" - name: echo user debug: msg="{{user}}---->{{sex}}" ``` var.yml ```yaml --- user: ding sex: man ``` 在Roles的vars和defaults中设置变量 使用一个在playbook中注册的变量 ```yaml --- - hosts: all gather_facts: no tasks: - name: register vars shell: hostname register: info - name: display vars debug: msg="{{info.stdout}}" ```