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### select 数据库查询 select($table, $columns, $where) * ##### table [string] 表名. * ##### columns [string/array] 要查询的字段名. * ##### where (optional) [array] 查询的条件. select($table, $join, $columns, $where) * ##### table [string] 表名. * ##### join [array] 多表查询,不使用可以忽略. * ##### columns [string/array] 要查询的字段名. * ##### where (optional) [array] 查询的条件. 返回: [array] 你可以使用*来匹配所有字段, 但如果你指名字段名可以很好的提高性能. ~~~ $database = new medoo(); $datas = $database->select("account", [ "user_name", "email" ], [ "user_id[>]" => 100 ]); // $datas = array( // [0] => array( // "user_name" => "foo", // "email" => "" // ), // [1] => array( // "user_name" => "cat", // "email" => "" // ) // ) foreach($datas as $data) { echo "user_name:" . $data["user_name"] . " - email:" . $data["email"] . ""; } // Select all columns $datas = $database->select("account", "*"); // Select a column $datas = $database->select("account", "user_name"); // $datas = array( // [0] => "foo", // [1] => "cat" // ) ~~~ #### 表关联 多表查询SQL较为复杂,使用Medoo可以轻松的解决它 ~~~ // [>] == LEFT JOIN // [<] == RIGH JOIN // [<>] == FULL JOIN // [><] == INNER JOIN $database->select("post", [ // Here is the table relativity argument that tells the relativity between the table you want to join. // The row author_id from table post is equal the row user_id from table account "[>]account" => ["author_id" => "user_id"], // The row user_id from table post is equal the row user_id from table album. // This is a shortcut to declare the relativity if the row name are the same in both table. "[>]album" => "user_id", // [post.user_id is equal photo.user_id and post.avatar_id is equal photo.avatar_id] // Like above, there are two row or more are the same in both table. "[>]photo" => ["user_id", "avatar_id"], // If you want to join the same table with different value, // you have to assign the table with alias. "[>]account (replyer)" => ["replyer_id" => "user_id"], // You can refer the previous joined table by adding the table name before the column. "[>]account" => ["author_id" => "user_id"], "[>]album" => ["account.user_id" => "user_id"], // Multiple condition "[>]account" => [ "author_id" => "user_id", "album.user_id" => "user_id" ] ], [ "post.post_id", "post.title", "account.user_id", "", "replyer.user_id", "" ], [ "post.user_id" => 100, "ORDER" => ["post.post_id" => "DESC"], "LIMIT" => 50 ]); // SELECT // `post`.`post_id`, // `post`.`title`, // `account`.`city` // FROM `post` // LEFT JOIN `account` ON `post`.`author_id` = `account`.`user_id` // LEFT JOIN `album` USING (`user_id`) // LEFT JOIN `photo` USING (`user_id`, `avatar_id`) // WHERE // `post`.`user_id` = 100 // ORDER BY `post`.`post_id` DESC // LIMIT 50 ~~~ #### 数据映射 根据您所需要的数据结构,自定义输出的数据格式 ~~~ $data = $database->select("post", [ "[>]account" => ["user_id"] ], [ "post.post_id", "post.content", "userData" => [ "account.user_id", "", "meta" => [ "account.location", "account.gender" ] ] ], [ "LIMIT" => [0, 2] ]); echo json_encode($data); // Outputed data [ { post_id: "1", content: "Hello world!", userData: { user_id: "1", email: "", meta: { location: "New York", gender: "male" } } }, { post_id: "2", content: "Hey everyone", userData: { user_id: "2", email: "", meta: { location: "London", gender: "female" } } } ] ~~~ #### 字段别名 你可以使用别名,以防止字段冲突 ~~~ $data = $database->select("account", [ "user_id", "nickname(my_nickname)" ], [ "LIMIT" => 20 ]); // $data = array( // [0] => array( // "user_id" => "1", // "my_nickname" => "foo" // ), // [1] => array( // "user_id" => "2", // "my_nickname" => "bar" // ) // ) $data = $database->select("post (content)", [ "[>]account (user)" => "user_id", ], [ "content.user_id (author_id)", "user.user_id" ], [ "LIMIT" => 20 ]); // SELECT // "content"."user_id" AS author_id, // "user"."user_id" // FROM // "post" AS "content" // LEFT JOIN "account" AS "user" USING ("user_id") // LIMIT 2 // $data = array( // [0] => array( // "author_id" => "1", // "user_id" => "321" // ), // [1] => array( // "author_id" => "2", // "user_id" => "322" // ) // ) ~~~