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**Ext 扩展组件** 开发环境: System:Windows WebBrowser:IE6+、Firefox3+ JavaEE Server:tomcat5.0.2.8、tomcat6 IDE:eclipse、MyEclipse 6.5 开发依赖库: JavaEE5、ext 2.2.2 Blog:[]( []( ### 一、Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel组件 可以拖动tabPanel的组件 ![]( ![]( 需要用到的文件 DDTabPanel组件文件:Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel.js DDTabPanel运行示例文件:Ext.hoo.form.DDTabPanel.js 代码如下 ddTabPanelExample.htm ~~~ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Basic Component -- DDTabPanel</title> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"/> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"/> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"/> <meta http-equiv="content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <meta http-equiv="author" content="hoojo"/> <meta http-equiv="email" content=""/> <meta http-equiv="ext-lib" content="version 3.2"/> <meta http-equiv="blog" content=""/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext2/resources/css/ext-all.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/DDTabPanel.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext2/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext2/ext-all.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext2/build/locale/ext-lang-zh_CN-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Ext.hoo.form.DDTabPanel.js"></script> </head> <body> </body> </html> ~~~ DDTabPanel.css ~~~ .dd-arrow-down.dd-arrow-down-invisible { display: none; visibility: hidden; } .dd-arrow-down { background-image: url(../images/dd-arrow-down.gif); display: block; visibility: visible; z-index: 20000; position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0; left: 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; } html, body { font: 10pt "Segoe UI","Tahoma","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif; padding: 5px; } #container { margin: 5px 10px; } ~~~ dd-arrow-down.gif  ![]( Ext.hoo.form.DDTabPanel.js ~~~ /** * @function 可以拖拽的tabPanel * @auhor: hoojo * @createDate: Sep 16, 2010 9:25:12 PM * @blog: * @email: * @class Ext.hoo.form.DDTabPanel * @extends Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel */ Ext.ns("Ext.hoo.form"); Ext.hoo.form.DDTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel, { constructor: function () {, { renderTo: Ext.getBody(), height: 500, items: [{ title: "我的主页", html: "这是一个主页" }, { title: "站内新闻", html: "重大新闻" }, { title: "关于我们", html: "网址建设" }] }); } }); Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = "../ext2/resources/images/default/s.gif"; Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = "qtip"; new Ext.hoo.form.DDTabPanel(); }); ~~~ Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel.js ~~~ /*global Ext*/ Ext.namespace('Ext.ux.panel'); /** * <p>A tab panel which supports drag and drop behaviour for tabs. Usage and configuration are identical to {@link Ext.TabPanel}, with the sole exception of two extra configuration options to adjust the drop arrow indicator position.</p> * <p>This extension can also be created using the <b>ddtabpanel</b> xtype.<br/> </p> * <p>Based on the code of <a href="">thommy</a> and <a href="">rizjoj</a> in the topic <a href="">Draggable Panel in a TabPanel</a>.</p> * <p>Demo link: <a href=""></a> * <br />Forum thread: <a href=""></a><br/> </p> * <b>CSS Styles:</b> * <pre><code>.dd-arrow-down.dd-arrow-down-invisible { display: none; visibility: hidden; } .dd-arrow-down { background-image: url( <your_down_arrow_image> ); display: block; visibility: visible; z-index: 20000; position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0; left: 0; }</code></pre> * <br /><b>Example Usage:</b> * <pre><code>var tabs = new Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), items: [{ title: 'Tab 1', html: 'A simple tab' },{ title: 'Tab 2', html: 'Another one' }] });</code></pre> * @class Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel * @extends Ext.TabPanel * @author Original by <a href="">thommy</a> and <a href="">rizjoj</a><br />Published and polished by: Mattias Buelens (<a href="">Matti</a>) * @license Licensed under the terms of the Open Source <a href="">LGPL 3.0 license</a>. Commercial use is permitted to the extent that the code/component(s) do NOT become part of another Open Source or Commercially licensed development library or toolkit without explicit permission. * @version 1.0.2 (Dec 18, 2008) */ Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.TabPanel, { /** * @cfg {Number} arrowOffsetX * The horizontal offset for the drop arrow indicator, in pixels (defaults to -9). */ arrowOffsetX: -9, /** * @cfg {Number} arrowOffsetY * The vertical offset for the drop arrow indicator, in pixels (defaults to -8). */ arrowOffsetY: -8, // Overwritten: assign the drag and drop group id /** @private */ initComponent: function() {; this.ddGroupId = 'dd-tabpanel-group-' +; }, // Overwritten: declare the tab panel as a drop target /** @private */ initEvents: function(){; // Create a drop target for this tab panel var tabsDDGroup = this.ddGroupId; this.dd = new Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel.DropTarget(this, { ddGroup: tabsDDGroup }); // Create a drop arrow indicator this.arrow = Ext.DomHelper.append( Ext.getBody(), '<div class="dd-arrow-down dd-arrow-down-invisible"></div>', true ); // = "none";//初始化的时候隐藏 this.arrow.setStyle({display: "none"}); }, // Overwritten: init the drag source after (!) rendering the tab /** @private */ initTab: function(tab, index){, tab, index); // Set the initial tab position tab.position = (index + 1) * 2; // 2, 4, 6, 8, ... (2n) tab.on('render', function(tab){ // Make this tab a drag source var id = + '__' +; var tabsDDGroup = this.ddGroupId; tab.ds = new Ext.dd.DragSource(id, { ddGroup: tabsDDGroup, dropEl: tab, dropElHeader: Ext.get(id, true) }); // Activate this tab before starting the drag action tab.ds.beforeDragEnter = function(target, event, id){ target.tabpanel.activate(this.dropEl); // = "block";//显示放入的时候,显示图标 //target.tabpanel.arrow.setStyle({display: "block"}); }; // Activate this tab on mouse down // Fixed bug which prevents a tab from being activated by clicking it tab.ds.onMouseDown = (function(event){ this.activate(tab); }).createDelegate(this); }, this); // Force the tab to render; } }); // Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel.DropTarget // Implements the drop behavior of the tab panel /** @private */ Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel.DropTarget = Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DropTarget, { constructor: function(tabpanel, config){ this.tabpanel = tabpanel; // The drop target is the header area of the given tab panel var target ='div.x-tab-panel-header', false, tabpanel.getEl().dom).elements[0];, target, config); }, notifyOver: function(dd, e, data){ var tabs = this.tabpanel.items; var last = tabs.length; if (last < 2) { return 'x-dd-drop-nodrop'; } var larrow = this.tabpanel.arrow; // Getting the absolute X,Y coordinates by encapsulating the dom // element into an Ext.Element and using getX() and getY() methods. var panelDom = new Ext.Element(this.el.dom); var tabPanelLeft = panelDom.getX(); var tabPanelTop = panelDom.getY(); var left; var eventPosX = e.getPageX(); for (var i = 0; i < last; i++) { var tab = tabs.itemAt(i); // Is this tab target of the drop operation? var tabDom = tab.ds.dropElHeader.dom; // Getting the absolute X,Y coordinates by encapsulating the dom // element into an Ext.Element and using getX() and getY() methods. var tabLeft = new Ext.Element(tabDom).getX(); var tabMiddle = tabLeft + tabDom.clientWidth / 2; if (eventPosX <= tabMiddle) { left = tabLeft; break; } } if (typeof(left) == 'undefined') { var lastTab = tabs.itemAt(last - 1); var dom = lastTab.ds.dropElHeader.dom; left = (tabPanelLeft + dom.offsetLeft + dom.clientWidth) + 3; } larrow.setTop(tabPanelTop + this.tabpanel.arrowOffsetY); larrow.setLeft(left + this.tabpanel.arrowOffsetX); larrow.removeClass('dd-arrow-down-invisible'); larrow.setStyle({display: "block"}); return 'x-dd-drop-ok'; }, notifyDrop: function(dd, e, data){ this.tabpanel.arrow.addClass('dd-arrow-down-invisible'); var tabPanelOffset = this.tabpanel.el.dom.offsetLeft; var tabs = this.tabpanel.items; // At this point the items in 'tabs' are sorted by their positions var tabDom = new Ext.Element(this.tabpanel.el.dom); // Getting the absolute X,Y coordinates by encapsulating the dom // element into an Ext.Element and using getX() and getY() methods. var eventPosX = e.getPageX() - tabDom.getX(); var last = tabs.length; var newPos = last; dd.dropEl.position = last * 2 + 1; // default: 'behind the rest' for (var i = 0; i < last; i++) { var tab = tabs.itemAt(i); // Is this tab target of the drop operation? var dom = tab.ds.dropElHeader.dom; var tabLeft = tabPanelOffset + dom.offsetLeft; var tabRight = tabLeft + dom.clientWidth; var tabMiddle = tabLeft + dom.clientWidth / 2; if (eventPosX <= tabRight) { dd.dropEl.position = eventPosX > tabMiddle ? tab.position + 1 : tab.position - 1; newPos = eventPosX > tabMiddle ? i + 1 : i; break; } } dd.proxy.hide(); dd.el.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(dd.el.dom, dd.el.dom.parentNode.childNodes[newPos]); // Sort tabs by their actual position tabs.sort('ASC', function(a, b){ return a.position - b.position; }); // Adjust tab position values tabs.each(function(tab, index){ tab.position = (index + 1) * 2; }); var larrow = this.tabpanel.arrow; larrow.setStyle({display: "none"}); // = "none"; return true; }, notifyOut: function(dd, e, data) { this.tabpanel.arrow.addClass('dd-arrow-down-invisible'); } }); Ext.reg('ddtabpanel', Ext.ux.panel.DDTabPanel); ~~~ ### 二、Images choose选择控件 可以选择图片、过滤图片,及显示图片详情 ![]( ![]( 需要用到的文件 Ext.ux.ImageChooser.css style.css chooser.js chooser组件:Ext.ux.form.ImageField.js Ext.ux.ImageChooser.js 示例:Ext.hoo.form.FoodImageField.js   代码如下 imageSelectedExample.htm ~~~ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Basic Component -- imageChooser</title> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"/> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"/> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"/> <meta http-equiv="content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <meta http-equiv="author" content="hoojo"/> <meta http-equiv="email" content=""/> <meta http-equiv="ext-lib" content="version 3.2"/> <meta http-equiv="blog" content=""/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext2/resources/css/ext-all.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/Ext.ux.ImageChooser.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/style.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext2/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext2/ext-all.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext2/build/locale/ext-lang-zh_CN-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Ext.ux.form.ImageField.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Ext.ux.ImageChooser.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="chooser.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="Ext.hoo.form.FoodImageField.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="show" style="margin: 50px;"></div> <div id="showField" style="margin: 50px;"></div> <div id="buttons" style="margin:20px;"></div> <div id="images" style="margin:20px;width:600px;"></div> </body> </html> ~~~ Ext.ux.ImageChooser.css ~~~ /* * Ext JS Library 2.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * * * */ #img-chooser-dlg .details{ padding: 10px; text-align: center; } #img-chooser-dlg .details-info{ border-top: 1px solid #cccccc; font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin-top: 5px; padding-top: 5px; text-align: left; } #img-chooser-dlg .details-info b{ color: #555555; display: block; margin-bottom: 4px; } #img-chooser-dlg .details-info span{ display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 5px; } #img-chooser-view{ background: white; font: 11px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } #img-chooser-view .thumb{ background: #dddddd; padding: 3px; } #img-chooser-view .thumb img{ height: 30px; width: 40px; } #img-chooser-view .thumb-wrap{ float: left; margin: 4px; margin-right: 0; padding: 5px; } #img-chooser-view .thumb-wrap span{ display: block; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } #img-chooser-view .x-view-over{ border:1px solid #dddddd; background: #efefef url(../resources/images/default/grid/row-over.gif) repeat-x left top; padding: 4px; } #img-chooser-view .x-view-selected{ background: #DFEDFF; border: 1px solid #6593cf; padding: 4px; } #img-chooser-view .x-view-selected .thumb{ background:transparent; } #img-chooser-view .x-view-selected span{ color:#1A4D8F; } #img-chooser-view .loading-indicator { font-size:11px; background-image:url('../resources/images/grid/loading.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left; padding-left:20px; margin:10px; } ~~~ style.css ~~~ .x-form-field-wrap .x-form-trigger{ background:transparent url(../ext2/resources/images/default/form/search-trigger.gif) no-repeat 0 0 !important; } .x-form-imagefield { text-align:right; padding-right:17px; } .ext-safari .x-form-field-wrap .x-form-trigger { right:-17px !important; } .x-form-imagefield-image { width:34px; height:34px; background:#fff; border: 1px solid #B5B8C8; } .images-view .x-window-body{ background: #ffffff; color: #000000; } .images-view .thumb{ border:1px solid #dddddd; padding: 0px; height: 34px; width: 34px; } .images-view .thumb-wrap{ float: left; margin: 4px; margin-right: 0; padding: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .images-view .x-view-over{ border:1px solid #cccccc; background: #eeeeee; padding: 4px; } .images-view .x-view-selected{ background: #ccddee; border:1px solid #6699cc; padding: 4px; } .images-view .x-view-selected .thumb{ border:1px solid #6699cc; } ~~~ chooser.js ~~~ /* * Ext JS Library 2.2.1 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * * * */ /* * Ext JS Library 2.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * * * */ var ImageChooser = function(config){ this.config = config; } ImageChooser.prototype = { // cache data by image name for easy lookup lookup : {}, show : function(el, callback){ if(!{ this.initTemplates(); = new{ url: this.config.url, root: 'images', fields: [ 'name', 'url', {name:'size', type: 'float'}, {name:'lastmod', type:'date', dateFormat:'timestamp'} ], listeners: { 'load': {fn:function(){; }, scope:this, single:true} } });; var formatSize = function(data){ if(data.size < 1024) { return data.size + " bytes"; } else { return (Math.round(((data.size*10) / 1024))/10) + " KB"; } }; var formatData = function(data){ data.shortName =; data.sizeString = formatSize(data); data.dateString = new Date(data.lastmod).format("m/d/Y g:i a"); this.lookup[] = data; return data; }; this.view = new Ext.DataView({ tpl: this.thumbTemplate, singleSelect: true, overClass:'x-view-over', itemSelector: 'div.thumb-wrap', emptyText : '<div style="padding:10px;">No images match the specified filter</div>', store:, listeners: { 'selectionchange': {fn:this.showDetails, scope:this, buffer:100}, 'dblclick' : {fn:this.doCallback, scope:this}, 'loadexception' : {fn:this.onLoadException, scope:this}, 'beforeselect' : {fn:function(view){ return > 0; }} }, prepareData: formatData.createDelegate(this) }); var cfg = { title: 'Choose an Image', id: 'img-chooser-dlg', layout: 'border', minWidth: 500, minHeight: 300, modal: true, closeAction: 'hide', border: false, items:[{ id: 'img-chooser-view', region: 'center', autoScroll: true, items: this.view, tbar:[{ text: 'Filter:' },{ xtype: 'textfield', id: 'filter', selectOnFocus: true, width: 100, listeners: { 'render': {fn:function(){ Ext.getCmp('filter').getEl().on('keyup', function(){ this.filter(); }, this, {buffer:500}); }, scope:this} } }, ' ', '-', { text: 'Sort By:' }, { id: 'sortSelect', xtype: 'combo', typeAhead: true, triggerAction: 'all', width: 100, editable: false, mode: 'local', displayField: 'desc', valueField: 'name', lazyInit: false, value: 'name', store: new{ fields: ['name', 'desc'], data : [['name', 'Name'],['size', 'File Size'],['lastmod', 'Last Modified']] }), listeners: { 'select': {fn:this.sortImages, scope:this} } }] },{ id: 'img-detail-panel', region: 'east', split: true, width: 150, minWidth: 150, maxWidth: 250 }], buttons: [{ id: 'ok-btn', text: 'OK', handler: this.doCallback, scope: this },{ text: 'Cancel', handler: function(){; }, scope: this }], keys: { key: 27, // Esc key handler: function(){; }, scope: this } }; Ext.apply(cfg, this.config); = new Ext.Window(cfg); } this.reset();; this.callback = callback; this.animateTarget = el; }, initTemplates : function(){ this.thumbTemplate = new Ext.XTemplate( '<tpl for=".">', '<div class="thumb-wrap" id="{name}">', '<div class="thumb"><img src="{url}" title="{name}"></div>', '<span>{shortName}</span></div>', '</tpl>' ); this.thumbTemplate.compile(); this.detailsTemplate = new Ext.XTemplate( '<div class="details">', '<tpl for=".">', '<img src="{url}"><div class="details-info">', '<b>Image Name:</b>', '<span>{name}</span>', '<b>Size:</b>', '<span>{sizeString}</span>', '<b>Last Modified:</b>', '<span>{dateString}</span></div>', '</tpl>', '</div>' ); this.detailsTemplate.compile(); }, showDetails : function(){ var selNode = this.view.getSelectedNodes(); var detailEl = Ext.getCmp('img-detail-panel').body; if(selNode && selNode.length > 0){ selNode = selNode[0]; Ext.getCmp('ok-btn').enable(); var data = this.lookup[]; detailEl.hide(); this.detailsTemplate.overwrite(detailEl, data); detailEl.slideIn('l', {stopFx:true,duration:.2}); }else{ Ext.getCmp('ok-btn').disable(); detailEl.update(''); } }, filter : function(){ var filter = Ext.getCmp('filter');'name', filter.getValue());; }, sortImages : function(){ var v = Ext.getCmp('sortSelect').getValue();, v == 'name' ? 'asc' : 'desc');; }, reset : function(){ if({ Ext.getCmp('filter').reset(); this.view.getEl().dom.scrollTop = 0; };; }, doCallback : function(){ var selNode = this.view.getSelectedNodes()[0]; var callback = this.callback; var lookup = this.lookup;, function(){ if(selNode && callback){ var data = lookup[]; callback(data); } }); }, onLoadException : function(v,o){ this.view.getEl().update('<div style="padding:10px;">Error loading images.</div>'); } }; String.prototype.ellipse = function(maxLength){ if(this.length > maxLength){ return this.substr(0, maxLength-3) + '...'; } return this; }; ~~~   Ext.ux.form.ImageField.js ~~~ Ext.namespace('Ext.ux.form'); /** * @class Ext.form.ImageField * @extends Ext.BoxComponent * Class for form image fields that provides event handling value handling and other functionality. * @constructor * Creates a new ImageField * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Ext.ux.form.ImageField = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, { /** * @cfg {String} fieldLabel The label text to display next to this field (defaults to '') */ /** * @cfg {String} labelStyle A CSS style specification to apply directly to this field's label (defaults to the * container's labelStyle value if set, or ''). For example, <code>labelStyle: 'font-weight:bold;'</code>. */ /** * @cfg {String} labelSeparator The standard separator to display after the text of each form label (defaults * to the value of {@link Ext.layout.FormLayout#labelSeparator}, which is a colon ':' by default). To display * no separator for this field's label specify empty string ''. */ /** * @cfg {Boolean} hideLabel True to completely hide the label element (defaults to false) */ /** * @cfg {String} clearCls The CSS class used to provide field clearing (defaults to 'x-form-clear-left') */ /** * @cfg {String} itemCls An additional CSS class to apply to the wrapper's form item element of this field (defaults * to the container's itemCls value if set, or ''). Since it is applied to the item wrapper, it allows you to write * standard CSS rules that can apply to the field, the label (if specified) or any other element within the markup for * the field. NOTE: this will not have any effect on fields that are not part of a form. */ /** * @cfg {String} inputType The type attribute for this field -- this is required for all form fields * to render properly in a FormLayout as it does check this value to determine whether of not to render it. * 'image' is the default and only value for this property. */ inputType : 'image', /** * @cfg {Mixed} value A value to initialize this field with (defaults to ''). */ value : '', /** * @cfg {String} name The field's HTML name attribute (defaults to ""). */ name : '', /** * @cfg {String} cls A custom CSS class to apply to the field's underlying element (defaults to ""). */ /** * @cfg {String} invalidClass The CSS class to use when marking a field invalid (defaults to "x-form-imagefield-invalid") */ invalidClass : "x-form-imagefield-invalid", /** * @cfg {String} invalidText The error text to use when marking a field invalid and no message is provided * (defaults to "The value in this field is invalid") */ invalidText : "This field is required", /** * @cfg {String/Boolean} validationEvent The event that should initiate field validation. Set to false to disable automatic validation (defaults to false). */ validationEvent : 'change', /** * @cfg {Number} validationDelay The length of time in milliseconds after a validation event occurs until validation * is initiated (defaults to 250) */ validationDelay : 250, /** * @cfg {String/Object} autoCreate A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to * {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "20", autocomplete: "off"}) */ defaultAutoCreate : {tag: "div"}, /** * @cfg {String} fieldClass The default CSS class for the field (defaults to "x-form-image") */ fieldClass : "x-form-imagefield", /** * @cfg {String} msgTarget The location where error text should display. Should be one of the following values * (defaults to 'qtip'): */ msgTarget : 'qtip', /** * @cfg {String} msgFx <b>Experimental</b> The effect used when displaying a validation message under the field * (defaults to 'normal'). */ msgFx : 'normal', /** * @cfg {Boolean} disabled True to disable the field (defaults to false). */ disabled : false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} optional True allow the image field to not have a value (value == '') * Set this to true when the image field is not required to be specified * (defaults to false) */ optional : false, /** * @cfg {Boolean} hideTrigger True to hide the trigger element and display only the base text field (defaults to false) */ hideTrigger : false, /** * @cfg {String} triggerClass A CSS class to apply to the trigger */ triggerClass : '', /** * @cfg {String} defaultImage The default image to display in the field (default to Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL) */ defaultImage: Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, /** * @cfg {Number} browserWidth The width of the image browser window */ browserWidth: 300, /** * @cfg {Number} browserHeight The height of the image browser window */ browserHeight: 300, /** * @cfg {String} browserTitle The title of the image browser window */ browserTitle: '请选择图片', /** * @cfg {Boolean} alwaysLoadStore True reload the data store every time the image browser opens */ alwaysLoadStore: false, /** * @cfg {Object} windowConfig Additional configuration for the image browser window */ windowConfig: {}, /** * @cfg {Object} view The {Ext.DataView} of the image browser */ view: {}, /** * @cfg {String} valueField The data store field to return as the field's value */ valueField : 'url', // Private isStoreLoaded: false, // private isFormField : true, // Private selections: [], // Private selectedRecords: [], // private initComponent : function(){; this.addEvents( /** * @event change * Fires if the field value has changed. * @param {Ext.ux.form.ImageField} this * @param {String} newValue The new value * @param {String} oldValue The original value */ 'change', /** * @event invalid * Fires after the field has been marked as invalid. * @param {Ext.ux.form.ImageField} this * @param {String} msg The validation message */ 'invalid', /** * @event valid * Fires after the field has been validated with no errors. * @param {Ext.ux.form.ImageField} this */ 'valid', /** * @event expand * Fires when the image browser is expanded * @param {Ext.ux.form.ImageField} this * @param {Ext.DataView} view The Ext.DataView of the image browser */ 'expand', /** * @event collapse * Fires when the image browser is collapsed * @param {Ext.ux.form.ImageField} this * @param {Ext.DataView} view The Ext.DataView of the image browser */ 'collapse' ); // if store was auto loaded, mark it as loaded if ( { this.isStoreLoaded = true; } }, /** * Returns the name attribute of the field if available * @return {String} name The field name */ getName: function(){ return this.rendered && ? : ''; }, getSelectedRecords : function(){ this.selections = this.view.getSelectedIndexes(); this.selectedRecords = this.view.getSelectedRecords(); return this.selectedRecords; }, // private onRender : function(ct, position){, ct, position); if(!this.el){ var cfg = this.getAutoCreate(); this.el = ct.createChild(cfg, position); } this.imageEl = this.el.insertFirst({tag: 'img', src: this.defaultImage }); // create hidden field to hold the value for the image field this.hiddenField = this.imageEl.insertSibling({tag:'input', type:'hidden', name:, id: + '-hidden'}, 'before'); this.el.addClass([this.fieldClass, this.cls]); this.imageEl.addClass(this.fieldClass + '-image'); this.initValue(); // wrap it up this.wrap = this.imageEl.wrap({cls: "x-form-field-wrap"}); this.trigger = this.wrap.createChild({tag: "img", src: Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, cls: "x-form-trigger"}); if(this.hideTrigger){ this.trigger.setDisplayed(false); } this.initTrigger(); }, // private initTrigger : function(){ this.trigger.on("click", this.onTriggerClick, this, {preventDefault:true}); this.trigger.addClassOnOver('x-form-trigger-over'); this.trigger.addClassOnClick('x-form-trigger-click'); }, // private onDestroy : function(){ if(this.trigger){ this.trigger.removeAllListeners(); this.trigger.remove(); } this.wrap.remove();; }, // private onDisable : function(){ this.wrap.addClass('x-item-disabled'); this.hiddenField.dom.disabled = true; }, // private onEnable : function(){ this.wrap.removeClass('x-item-disabled'); this.hiddenField.dom.disabled = false; }, // private onShow : function(){ = ''; = 'visible'; }, // private onHide : function(){ = 'none'; }, // private onSelect: function(){ var selectedRecords = ''; var returnValue = (this.getSelectedRecords().length > 0) ? this.selectedRecords[0].get(this.valueField) : ''; if (returnValue !== this.value) { this.setValue(returnValue); } this.window.hide(); this.fireEvent('collapse', this, this.view); }, /** * The function that should handle the trigger's click event. This method does nothing by default until overridden * by an implementing function. * @method * @param {EventObject} e */ onTriggerClick : function(e){ if(this.disabled){ return; } // load the data store if (!this.isStoreLoaded) {; this.isStoreLoaded = true; } else if (this.alwaysLoadStore === true) {; } // setup window with forced config this.windowConfig = Ext.apply(this.windowConfig, { title: this.browserTitle, width: this.browserWidth, height: this.browserHeight, draggable: false, resizable: false, closable: false, autoScroll: true, layout: 'fit', bbar: [{ text: '选择', handler: this.onSelect, scope: this },'->',{ text: '取消', handler: function(){ this.view.clearSelections(); this.window.hide(); this.fireEvent('collapse', this, this.view); }, scope: this }], items: this.view },{ shadow: false, frame: true }); // create the image browser window if(!this.window){ this.window = new Ext.Window(this.windowConfig); this.window.setPagePosition(this.trigger.getRight(), this.trigger.getTop()); this.view.on('dblclick', this.onSelect, this); } // show the image browser window; this.fireEvent('expand', this, this.view); }, // private initValue : function(){ if(this.value !== undefined){ this.hiddenField.dom.value = (this.value === null || this.value === undefined ? '' : this.value); } else { this.hiddenField.dom.value = ''; } }, /** * Returns true if this field has been changed since it was originally loaded and is not disabled. */ isDirty : function() { if(this.disabled) { return false; } return String(this.getValue()) !== String(this.originalValue); }, // private afterRender : function(){; this.initEvents(); }, /** * Resets the current field value to the originally loaded value and clears any validation messages */ reset : function(){ this.setValue(this.originalValue); this.clearInvalid(); }, // private initEvents : function(){ if(this.validationEvent !== false){ this.el.on(this.validationEvent, this.validate, this, {buffer: this.validationDelay}); } // reference to original value for reset this.originalValue = this.getValue(); }, /** * Returns whether or not the field value is currently valid * @param {Boolean} preventMark True to disable marking the field invalid * @return {Boolean} True if the value is valid, else false */ isValid : function(preventMark){ if(this.disabled){ return true; } var restore = this.preventMark; this.preventMark = preventMark === true; var v = this.validateValue(this.processValue(this.getRawValue())); this.preventMark = restore; return v; }, /** * Validates the field value * @return {Boolean} True if the value is valid, else false */ validate : function(){ if(this.disabled || this.validateValue(this.processValue(this.getRawValue()))){ this.clearInvalid(); return true; } return false; }, // protected - should be overridden by subclasses if necessary to prepare raw values for validation processValue : function(value){ return value; }, // private validateValue : function(value){ if (this.hiddenField.dom.value === '') { this.markInvalid(); return false; } else { return true; } }, /** * Mark this field as invalid, using {@link #msgTarget} to determine how to display the error and * applying {@link #invalidClass} to the field's element. * @param {String} msg (optional) The validation message (defaults to {@link #invalidText}) */ markInvalid : function(msg){ if(!this.rendered || this.preventMark){ // not rendered return; } this.el.addClass(this.invalidClass); msg = msg || this.invalidText; switch(this.msgTarget){ case 'qtip': this.el.dom.qtip = msg; this.el.dom.qclass = 'x-form-invalid-tip'; if(Ext.QuickTips){ // fix for floating editors interacting with DND Ext.QuickTips.enable(); } break; case 'title': this.el.dom.title = msg; break; case 'under': if(!this.errorEl){ var elp = this.getErrorCt(); this.errorEl = elp.createChild({cls:'x-form-invalid-msg'}); this.errorEl.setWidth(elp.getWidth(true)-20); } this.errorEl.update(msg); Ext.ux.form.ImageField.msgFx[this.msgFx].show(this.errorEl, this); break; case 'side': if(!this.errorIcon){ var elp = this.getErrorCt(); this.errorIcon = elp.createChild({cls:'x-form-invalid-icon'}); } this.alignErrorIcon(); this.errorIcon.dom.qtip = msg; this.errorIcon.dom.qclass = 'x-form-invalid-tip';; this.on('resize', this.alignErrorIcon, this); break; default: var t = Ext.getDom(this.msgTarget); t.innerHTML = msg; = this.msgDisplay; break; } this.fireEvent('invalid', this, msg); }, // private getErrorCt : function(){ return this.el.findParent('.x-form-element', 5, true) || // use form element wrap if available this.el.findParent('.x-form-field-wrap', 5, true); // else direct field wrap }, // private alignErrorIcon : function(){ this.errorIcon.alignTo(this.el, 'tl-tr', [2, 0]); }, /** * Clear any invalid styles/messages for this field */ clearInvalid : function(){ if(!this.rendered || this.preventMark){ // not rendered return; } this.el.removeClass(this.invalidClass); switch(this.msgTarget){ case 'qtip': this.el.dom.qtip = ''; break; case 'title': this.el.dom.title = ''; break; case 'under': if(this.errorEl){ Ext.ux.form.ImageField.msgFx[this.msgFx].hide(this.errorEl, this); } break; case 'side': if(this.errorIcon){ this.errorIcon.dom.qtip = ''; this.errorIcon.hide(); this.un('resize', this.alignErrorIcon, this); } break; default: var t = Ext.getDom(this.msgTarget); t.innerHTML = ''; = 'none'; break; } this.fireEvent('valid', this); }, /** * Returns the raw data value which may or may not be a valid, defined value. To return a normalized value see {@link #getValue}. * @return {Mixed} value The field value */ getRawValue : function(){ var v = this.rendered ? this.hiddenField.getValue() : Ext.value(this.value, ''); return v; }, /** * Returns the normalized data value (undefined will be returned as ''). To return the raw value see {@link #getRawValue}. * @return {Mixed} value The field value */ getValue : function(){ if(!this.rendered) { return this.value; } var v = this.hiddenField.getValue(); if(v === undefined){ v = ''; } return v; }, /** * Sets the underlying DOM field's value directly, bypassing validation. To set the value with validation see {@link #setValue}. * @param {Mixed} value The value to set */ setRawValue : function(v){ return this.hiddenField.dom.value = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); }, /** * Sets a data value into the field and validates it. To set the value directly without validation see {@link #setRawValue}. * @param {Mixed} value The value to set */ setValue : function(v){ var original = this.value; this.value = v; if(this.rendered){ this.hiddenField.dom.value = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); this.imageEl.dom.src = (v === null || v === undefined ? '' : v); this.fireEvent('change', this, original, v); this.validate(); } } }); // anything other than normal should be considered experimental Ext.ux.form.ImageField.msgFx = { normal : { show: function(msgEl, f){ msgEl.setDisplayed('block'); }, hide : function(msgEl, f){ msgEl.setDisplayed(false).update(''); } }, slide : { show: function(msgEl, f){ msgEl.slideIn('t', {stopFx:true}); }, hide : function(msgEl, f){ msgEl.slideOut('t', {stopFx:true,useDisplay:true}); } }, slideRight : { show: function(msgEl, f){ msgEl.fixDisplay(); msgEl.alignTo(f.el, 'tl-tr'); msgEl.slideIn('l', {stopFx:true}); }, hide : function(msgEl, f){ msgEl.slideOut('l', {stopFx:true,useDisplay:true}); } } }; Ext.reg('imagefield', Ext.ux.form.ImageField); ~~~ Ext.ux.ImageChooser.js ~~~ Ext.ux.ImageChooser = function(config) { this.config = config; this.initTemplates(); = new{ url: this.config.url, root: 'images', fields: [ 'name', 'url' ], listeners: { //'load': {fn:function(){; }, scope:this, single:true} } });; this.view = new Ext.DataView({ tpl: this.thumbTemplate, singleSelect: true, overClass:'x-view-over', itemSelector: 'div.thumb-wrap', emptyText : '<div style="padding:10px;">没有图片,请上传</div>', store:, listeners: { 'selectionchange': {fn:this.setHideValue, scope:this, buffer:100}, 'dblclick' : {fn:this.canelSelect, scope:this, buffer:100} } }); var cfg = { id: 'img-chooser-dlg', layout: 'border', border: false, items:[{ id: 'img-chooser-view', region: 'center', autoScroll: true, items: this.view }//,{xtype:'textfield',id: this.hideId} ] }; Ext.apply(cfg, this.config); this.hideId = this.config.hideId;, cfg); if(this.hideId) this.add({xtype:'hidden',id: this.hideId}); }; Ext.extend(Ext.ux.ImageChooser, Ext.Panel, { initTemplates : function(){ this.thumbTemplate = new Ext.XTemplate( '<tpl for=".">', '<div class="thumb-wrap" id="{name}">', '<div class="thumb"><img src="{url}" title="{name}"></div>', '</div>',//<span>{shortName}</span> '</tpl>' ); this.thumbTemplate.compile(); }, setHideValue : function(){ var selNodes = this.view.getSelectedNodes(); var hideObj = Ext.getCmp(this.hideId); if(selNodes&&selNodes.length>0) hideObj.setValue(selNodes[0].id); }, setValue : function(value){ if(value); }, canelSelect : function(view,index,node,e){ view.deselect(index); var hideObj = Ext.getCmp(this.hideId); hideObj.setValue(''); } }); ~~~   Ext.hoo.form.FoodImageField.js ~~~ /** * @function 可以选择图片的field * @auhor: hoojo * @createDate: Sep 17, 2010 10:59:58 PM * @blog: * @email: * @class Ext.hoo.form.FoodImageField * @extends Ext.ux.ImageChooser */ Ext.ns("Ext.hoo.form"); Ext.hoo.form.FoodImageChooser = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.ImageChooser, { constructor: function () {, { renderTo: "show", hideId: 'iconImagesURL', //fieldLabel: '图标', url: 'images.json', height: 120, width: 225 }); } }); Ext.hoo.form.FoodImageField = Ext.extend(Ext.ux.form.ImageField, { constructor: function () { = new{ autoLoad: true, url: "images.json", root: 'images', fields: [ 'name', 'url' ], listeners: { //'load': {fn:function(){; }, scope:this, single:true} } }); this.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate( '<tpl for=".">', '<div class="thumb-wrap" id="{name}">', '<div class="thumb"><img src="{url}" title="{name}"></div>', '</div>',//<span>{shortName}</span> '</tpl>' ); this.view = new Ext.DataView({ singleSelect: true, emptyText : '<div style="padding:10px;">没有图片,请上传</div>', store:, tpl: this.tpl });, { renderTo: "showField", //fieldLabel: '图标', defaultImage: '../images/2.png', height: 120, width: 225 }); } }); Ext.onReady(function () { Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = "../ext2/resources/images/default/s.gif"; Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = "qtip"; //new Ext.hoo.form.FoodImageChooser(); //new Ext.hoo.form.FoodImageField(); var chooser, btn; function insertImage(data){ Ext.DomHelper.append('images', { tag: 'img', src: data.url, style:'margin:10px;visibility:hidden;' }, true).show(true).frame(); btn.focus(); }; function choose(btn){ if(!chooser){ chooser = new ImageChooser({ url:'images2.json', width:515, height:350 }); }, insertImage); }; btn = new Ext.Button({ text: "Insert Image", handler: choose, renderTo: 'buttons' }); }); ~~~ Images.json 测试数据 ~~~ {images:[{ name:'水果1号',url:'../images/2.png' },{ name:'水果2号',url:'../images/2.png' },{ name:'水果3号',url:'../images/2.png' },{ name:'水果4号',url:'../images/2.png' },{ name:'水果5号',url:'../images/2.png' },{ name:'水果6号',url:'../images/2.png' }]} ~~~ Images2.json ~~~ {images:[{ name:'水果1号',url:'../images/2.png',size: 22.2, lastmod: 2009-06-05 },{ name:'水果2号',url:'../images/2.png',size: 52.2, lastmod: 2009-08-07 },{ name:'水果3号',url:'../images/2.png',size: 44.2, lastmod: 2009-03-06 },{ name:'水果4号',url:'../images/2.png',size: 25.7, lastmod: 2009-06-04 },{ name:'水果5号',url:'../images/2.png',size: 55.3, lastmod: 2010-06-22 },{ name:'水果6号',url:'../images/2.png',size: 77.8, lastmod: "2009-09-15" }]} ~~~