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# Debug ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-01-09_56911dc95ba51.jpg) debug的入口在CtsConsole类,所以我们把第一个断点打在249行: ~~~ Console console = new CtsConsole(); ~~~ 按F6再按F5进入到Console.startConsole方法中。 ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-01-09_56911dc99ecf3.jpg) 按F5进入GlobalConfiguration.createGlobalConfiguration方法中。 ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-01-09_56911dca00f6c.jpg) 该方法内主要是读取全局配置文件并设置IGlobalConfiguration接口对象sInstance。主要方法为95行读取文件的getGlobalConfigPath(): ~~~ private static String getGlobalConfigPath() throws ConfigurationException {         String path = System.getenv(GLOBAL_CONFIG_VARIABLE);         if (path != null) {             // don't actually check for accessibility here, since the variable             // might be specifying             // a java resource rather than a filename. Even so, this can help             // the user figure out             // which global config (if any) was picked up by TF.             System.err                     .format("Attempting to use global config \"%s\" from variable $%s.\n",                             path, GLOBAL_CONFIG_VARIABLE);             return path;         }         File file = new File(GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILENAME);         if (file.exists()) {             path = file.getPath();             System.err.format(                     "Attempting to use auto detected global config \"%s\".\n",                     path);             System.err.flush();             return path;         }         // FIXME: search in tradefed.sh launch dir (or classpath?)         return null;     } ~~~ **首先判断是否设置了全局配置文件的系统变量,如果没有设置,那直接在当前文件目录下找tf_global_config.xml文件**。很显然,本程序这些都没有,所以该方法返回的结果应该是null。回到了createGlobalConfiguration(String[] args)方法中: ~~~ if (globalConfigPath != null) { // Found a global config file; attempt to parse and use it sInstance = configFactory.createGlobalConfigurationFromArgs( ArrayUtil.buildArray(new String[] { globalConfigPath }, args), nonGlobalArgs); System.err.format("Success! Using global config \"%s\"\n", globalConfigPath); } else { // Use default global config sInstance = new GlobalConfiguration(); nonGlobalArgs = Arrays.asList(args); } return nonGlobalArgs; ~~~ 因为返回的路径为null,所以直接跳转到else语句块中,new一个新对象,没有设置任何属性。最后将命令行参数封装在list中返回,然后console设置参数,最终启动线程来执行任务。所以第二个断点要打在Console的run方法里,然后按F8进入run方法。 ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-01-09_56911dca49e6e.jpg) run方法中先做一些参数的判断,如果为空,启动CommandScheduler线程,里面会去从执行队列中拿出队首元素,如果取得的队列为空就会结束。 如果参数不为空,除了启动CommandScheduler线程外还会执行其他的操作,如下: ~~~ public void run() { List<String> arrrgs = mMainArgs; // Fallback, in case this isn't set already if (mScheduler == null) { mScheduler = new CommandScheduler(); } try { // Check System.console() since jline doesn't seem to consistently know whether or not // the console is functional. if (!isConsoleFunctional()) { if (arrrgs.isEmpty()) { printLine("No commands for non-interactive mode; exiting."); // FIXME: need to run the scheduler here so that the things blocking on it // FIXME: will be released. mScheduler.start(); mScheduler.await(); return; } else { printLine("Non-interactive mode: Running initial command then exiting."); mShouldExit = true; } } // Wait for the CommandScheduler to start. It will hold the JVM open (since the Console // thread is a Daemon thread), and also we require it to have started so that we can // start processing user input. mScheduler.start(); mScheduler.await(); String input = ""; CaptureList groups = new CaptureList(); String[] tokens; // Note: since Console is a daemon thread, the JVM may exit without us actually leaving // this read loop. This is by design. do { if (arrrgs.isEmpty()) { input = getConsoleInput(); if (input == null) { // Usually the result of getting EOF on the console printLine(""); printLine("Received EOF; quitting..."); mShouldExit = true; break; } tokens = null; try { tokens = QuotationAwareTokenizer.tokenizeLine(input); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { printLine(String.format("Invalid input: %s.", input)); continue; } if (tokens == null || tokens.length == 0) { continue; } } else { printLine(String.format("Using commandline arguments as starting command: %s", arrrgs)); if (mConsoleReader != null) { // Add the starting command as the first item in the console history // FIXME: this will not properly escape commands that were properly escaped // FIXME: on the commandline. That said, it will still be more convenient // FIXME: than copying by hand. final String cmd = ArrayUtil.join(" ", arrrgs); mConsoleReader.getHistory().addToHistory(cmd); } tokens = arrrgs.toArray(new String[0]); //置空 arrrgs = Collections.emptyList(); } Runnable command = mCommandTrie.retrieve(groups, tokens); if (command != null) { executeCmdRunnable(command, groups); } else { printLine(String.format( "Unable to handle command '%s'. Enter 'help' for help.", tokens[0])); } RunUtil.getDefault().sleep(100); } while (!mShouldExit); } catch (Exception e) { printLine("Console received an unexpected exception (shown below); shutting down TF."); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { mScheduler.shutdown(); // Make sure that we don't quit with messages still in the buffers System.err.flush(); System.out.flush(); } } ~~~ 上面这段代码主要看846行左右的 ~~~ executeCmdRunnable(command, groups); ~~~ 我们来看这个方法里面的实现: ~~~ /** * Execute a command. * <p /> * Exposed for unit testing */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void executeCmdRunnable(Runnable command, CaptureList groups) { if (command instanceof ArgRunnable) { // FIXME: verify that command implements ArgRunnable<CaptureList> instead // FIXME: of just ArgRunnable ((ArgRunnable<CaptureList>)command).run(groups); } else { command.run(); } } ~~~ 会发现程序会跳转到 ~~~ ((ArgRunnable)command).run(groups); ~~~ 然后再按F5就跳转不进去了,这个时候程序进入到了 ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-01-09_56911dca9b391.jpg) 所以在这个地方打个断点,重新启动debug,会进入到这个地方。该方法调用了CommandScheduler.addCommand方法,进入该方法 ~~~ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean addCommand(String[] args, long totalExecTime) { try { //得到cts配置文件的信息 IConfiguration config = getConfigFactory().createConfigurationFromArgs(args); //打印帮助信息,只打印Importance类型的option信息 if (config.getCommandOptions().isHelpMode()) { getConfigFactory().printHelpForConfig(args, true, System.out); System.out.flush(); //打印所有option信息 } else if (config.getCommandOptions().isFullHelpMode()) { getConfigFactory().printHelpForConfig(args, false, System.out); } else if (config.getCommandOptions().isDryRunMode()) { if (config.getCommandOptions().isNoisyDryRunMode()) { CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.DEBUG, "DRY RUN: %s", Arrays.toString(args)); } else { CLog.d("Dry run mode; skipping adding command: %s", Arrays.toString(args)); } } else { config.validateOptions(); if (config.getCommandOptions().runOnAllDevices()) { addCommandForAllDevices(totalExecTime, args); } else { CommandTracker cmdTracker = createCommandTracker(args); cmdTracker.incrementExecTime(totalExecTime); ExecutableCommand cmdInstance = createExecutableCommand(cmdTracker, config, false); addExecCommandToQueue(cmdInstance, 0); } return true; } } catch (ConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // FIXME: do this with jline somehow for ANSI support // note: make sure not to log (aka record) this line, as (args) may contain passwords. System.out.println(String.format("Error while processing args: %s", Arrays.toString(args))); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println(); } return false; } ~~~ 先来看第一行代码: ~~~ IConfiguration config = getConfigFactory().createConfigurationFromArgs(args); ~~~ 该方法会根据参数中的第二个参数来找到config目录下的xml文件,读取里面的内容,然后配置CTS框架的9大组件(这个内容放在下一篇文章讲)。得到Config对象后,会判断是全设备运行还是单个设备运行,默认是全设备运行。如果是单设备运行,需要指定设备的sn号,框架根据SN号来找到设备。最后将执行计划放入到队列中。 ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-01-09_56911dcacc868.jpg) 到此任务的添加就完成了。任务队列不断的接受新的任务,然后CommandScheduler的run方法里有一个循环,每次都取第一个任务出来执行。 ~~~ try { // Notify other threads that we're running. mRunLatch.countDown(); IDeviceManager manager = getDeviceManager(); while (!isShutdown()) { ExecutableCommand cmd = dequeueConfigCommand(); if (cmd != null) { IDeviceSelection options = cmd.getConfiguration().getDeviceRequirements(); ITestDevice device = manager.allocateDevice(0, options); if (device != null) { // Spawn off a thread to perform the invocation InvocationThread invThread = startInvocation(manager, device, cmd); addInvocationThread(invThread); if (cmd.isLoopMode()) { addNewExecCommandToQueue(cmd.getCommandTracker()); } } else { // no device available for command, put back in queue // increment exec time to ensure fair scheduling among commands when devices // are scarce cmd.getCommandTracker().incrementExecTime(1); addExecCommandToQueue(cmd, NO_DEVICE_DELAY_TIME); //CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.ERROR,String.format("Can't find device %s.",options.getSerials())); } } } mCommandTimer.shutdown(); CLog.i("Waiting for invocation threads to complete"); List<InvocationThread> threadListCopy; synchronized (this) { threadListCopy = new ArrayList<InvocationThread>(mInvocationThreads.size()); threadListCopy.addAll(mInvocationThreads); } for (Thread thread : threadListCopy) { waitForThread(thread); } closeRemoteClient(); if (mRemoteManager != null) { mRemoteManager.cancel(); } exit(manager); cleanUp(); CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "All done"); } finally { // Make sure that we don't quit with messages still in the buffers System.err.flush(); System.out.flush(); } ~~~ 到此任务的添加就算讲完了, [下一篇文章](http://blog.csdn.net/itfootball/article/details/com.android.cts.tradefed.result.IssueReporter@b279f3]%7D)解析一下是如何解析配置文件的。