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## 1 简介        在PHP中发送邮件,通常都是封装一个php的smtp邮件类来发送邮件。但是PHP底层的socket编程相对于python来说效率是非常低的。CleverCode同时写过用python写的爬虫抓取网页,和用php写的爬虫抓取网页。发现虽然用了php的curl抓取网页,但是涉及到超时,多线程同时抓取等等。不得不说python在网络编程的效率要比PHP好的多。      PHP在发送邮件时候,自己写的smtp类,发送的效率和速度都比较低。特别是并发发送大量带有附件报表的邮件的时候。php的效率很低。建议可以使用php调用python的方式来发送邮件。 ## 2 程序 ### 2.1 python程序       php的程序和python的文件必须是相同的编码。如都是gbk编号,或者同时utf-8编码,否则容易出现乱码。python发送邮件主要使用了email模块。这里python文件和php文件都是gbk编码,发送的邮件标题内容与正文内容也是gbk编码。 ~~~ #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:gbk -*- """ 邮件发送类 """ # # # Copyright (c) 2014 by # # modification history: # -------------------- # 2014/8/15, by CleverCode, Create import threading import time import random from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email import Utils, Encoders import mimetypes import sys import smtplib import socket import getopt import os class SendMail: def __init__(self,smtpServer,username,password): """ smtpServer:smtp服务器, username:登录名, password:登录密码 """ self.smtpServer = smtpServer self.username = username self.password = password def genMsgInfo(self,fromAddress,toAddress,subject,content,fileList,\ subtype = 'plain',charset = 'gb2312'): """ 组合消息发送包 fromAddress:发件人, toAddress:收件人, subject:标题, content:正文, fileList:附件, subtype:plain或者html charset:编码 """ msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = fromAddress msg['To'] = toAddress msg['Date'] = Utils.formatdate(localtime=1) msg['Message-ID'] = Utils.make_msgid() #标题 if subject: msg['Subject'] = subject #内容 if content: body = MIMEText(content,subtype,charset) msg.attach(body) #附件 if fileList: listArr = fileList.split(',') for item in listArr: #文件是否存在 if os.path.isfile(item) == False: continue att = MIMEText(open(item).read(), 'base64', 'gb2312') att["Content-Type"] = 'application/octet-stream' #这里的filename邮件中显示什么名字 filename = os.path.basename(item) att["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename=' + filename msg.attach(att) return msg.as_string() def send(self,fromAddress,toAddress,subject = None,content = None,fileList = None,\ subtype = 'plain',charset = 'gb2312'): """ 邮件发送函数 fromAddress:发件人, toAddress:收件人, subject:标题 content:正文 fileList:附件列表 subtype:plain或者html charset:编码 """ try: server = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtpServer) #登录 try: server.login(self.username,self.password) except smtplib.SMTPException,e: return "ERROR:Authentication failed:",e #发送邮件 server.sendmail(fromAddress,toAddress.split(',') \ ,self.genMsgInfo(fromAddress,toAddress,subject,content,fileList,subtype,charset)) #退出 server.quit() except (socket.gaierror,socket.error,socket.herror,smtplib.SMTPException),e: return "ERROR:Your mail send failed!",e return 'OK' def usage(): """ 使用帮助 """ print """Useage:%s [-h] -s <smtpServer> -u <username> -p <password> -f <fromAddress> -t <toAddress> [-S <subject> -c <content> -F <fileList>] Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. -s, --smtpServer= -u, --username= Login SMTP server username. -p, --password= Login SMTP server password. -f, --fromAddress= Sets the name of the "from" person (i.e., the envelope sender of the mail). -t, --toAddress= Addressee's address. -t ",". -S, --subject= Mail subject. -c, --content= Mail message.-c "content, ......." -F, --fileList= Attachment file name. -h, --help Help documen. """ %sys.argv[0] def start(): """ """ try: options,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hs:u:p:f:t:S:c:F:","--help --smtpServer= --username= --password= --fromAddress= --toAddress= --subject= --content= --fileList=",) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) return smtpServer = None username = None password = None fromAddress = None toAddress = None subject = None content = None fileList = None #获取参数 for name,value in options: if name in ("-h","--help"): usage() return if name in ("-s","--smtpServer"): smtpServer = value if name in ("-u","--username"): username = value if name in ("-p","--password"): password = value if name in ("-f","--fromAddress"): fromAddress = value if name in ("-t","--toAddress"): toAddress = value if name in ("-S","--subject"): subject = value if name in ("-c","--content"): content = value if name in ("-F","--fileList"): fileList = value if smtpServer == None or username == None or password == None: print 'smtpServer or username or password can not be empty!' sys.exit(3) mail = SendMail(smtpServer,username,password) ret = mail.send(fromAddress,toAddress,subject,content,fileList) if ret != 'OK': print ret sys.exit(4) print 'OK' return 'OK' if __name__ == '__main__': start() ~~~ ### 2.2 python程序使用帮助 输入以下命令,可以输出这个程序的使用帮助 `# python --help` ![]( ### 2.3 php程序 这个程序主要是php拼接命令字符串,调用python程序。注意:用程序发送邮件,需要到邮件服务商,开通stmp服务功能。如qq就需要开通smtp功能后,才能用程序发送邮件。开通如下图。 ![]( php调用程序如下: ~~~ <?php /** * SendMail.php * * 发送邮件类 * * Copyright (c) 2015 by * * modification history: * -------------------- * 2015/5/18, by CleverCode, Create * */ class SendMail{ /** * 发送邮件方法 * * @param string $fromAddress 发件人,'' 或者修改发件人名 'CleverCode<>' * @param string $toAddress 收件人,多个收件人逗号分隔,',,', 或者 'test1<>,test2<>,....' * @param string $subject 标题 * @param string $content 正文 * @param string $fileList 附件,附件必须是绝对路径,多个附件逗号分隔。'/data/test1.txt,/data/test2.tar.gz,...' * @return string 成功返回'OK',失败返回错误信息 */ public static function send($fromAddress, $toAddress, $subject = NULL, $content = NULL, $fileList = NULL){ if (strlen($fromAddress) < 1 || strlen($toAddress) < 1) { return '$fromAddress or $toAddress can not be empty!'; } // smtp服务器 $smtpServer = ''; // 登录用户 $username = ''; // 登录密码 $password = '123456'; // 拼接命令字符串,实际是调用了/home/CleverCode/ $cmd = "LANG=C && /usr/bin/python /home/CleverCode/"; $cmd .= " -s '$smtpServer'"; $cmd .= " -u '$username'"; $cmd .= " -p '$password'"; $cmd .= " -f '$fromAddress'"; $cmd .= " -t '$toAddress'"; if (isset($subject) && $subject != NULL) { $cmd .= " -S '$subject'"; } if (isset($content) && $content != NULL) { $cmd .= " -c '$content'"; } if (isset($fileList) && $fileList != NULL) { $cmd .= " -F '$fileList'"; } // 执行命令 exec($cmd, $out, $status); if ($status == 0) { return 'OK'; } else { return "Error,Send Mail,$fromAddress,$toAddress,$subject,$content,$fileList "; } return 'OK'; } } ~~~ ### 2.3 使用样例 压缩excel成附件,发送邮件。 ~~~ <?php /** * test.php * * 压缩excel成附件,发送邮件 * * Copyright (c) 2015 * * modification history: * -------------------- * 2015/5/14, by CleverCode, Create * */ include_once ('SendMail.php'); /* * 客户端类 * 让客户端和业务逻辑尽可能的分离,降低页面逻辑和业务逻辑算法的耦合, * 使业务逻辑的算法更具有可移植性 */ class Client{ public function main(){ // 发送者 $fromAddress = 'CleverCode<>'; // 接收者 $toAddress = ''; // 标题 $subject = '这里是标题!'; // 正文 $content = "您好:\r\n"; $content .= " 这里是正文\r\n "; // excel路径 $filePath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/excel'; $sdate = date('Y-m-d'); $PreName = 'CleverCode_' . $sdate; // 文件名 $fileName = $filePath . '/' . $PreName . '.xls'; // 压缩excel文件 $cmd = "cd $filePath && zip $ $PreName.xls"; exec($cmd, $out, $status); $fileList = $filePath . '/' . $PreName . '.zip'; // 发送邮件(附件为压缩后的文件) $ret = SendMail::send($fromAddress, $toAddress, $subject, $content, $fileList); if ($ret != 'OK') { return $ret; } return 'OK'; } } /** * 程序入口 */ function start(){ $client = new Client(); $client->main(); } start(); ?> ~~~ ### 2.4 程序源码下载 []( **版权声明:** 1)原创作品,出自"CleverCode的博客",转载时请务必注明以下原创地址,否则追究版权法律责任。 2)原创地址:[](转载务必注明该地址)。 3)欢迎大家关注我博客更多的精彩内容:[](。