💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
# 1.模块目录 ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/d7bdcb1da00dede47740893362944e54_218x211.png) # 2.消息处理流程 Api.php $engine = new WeEngine();$engine->start(); $message = $this->account->parse($postStr); WeUtility::logging('trace', $message); 输出结果: 2016-06-07 14:27:25 trace : ------------ Array: from : fromUser ; to : toUser ; time : 1465280845 ; type : event ; event : subscribe ; tousername : toUser ; fromusername : fromUser ; createtime : 1465280845 ; msgtype : event ; eventkey : ; msgid : 1234567890123456 ; $pars = $this->analyze($message); private function analyze(&$message) 1)in_array($message['type'], array('event', 'qr')(事件或者扫码消息)call_user_func_array(array($this, 'analyze' . $message['type']), array(&$message)); 2)method_exists($this, 'analyze' . $message['type']) (默认调取analyze+消息类型的方法) $response = $this->process($par); private function process($param) $processor = WeUtility::createModuleProcessor($param['module']); (account.class.php里的createModuleProcessor()根据module名称查询) public static function createModuleProcessor($name) //拼装模块处理类名 $classname = "{$name}ModuleProcessor"; 1)if(!class_exists($classname)) { 不存在模块的类,直接加载插件里面的processor.php中的类声明 $file = IA_ROOT . "/addons/{$name}/processor.php" if(!is_file($file)) { $file = IA_ROOT . "/framework/builtin/{$name}/processor.php"; } 2)$o = new $classname(); load()->model('module'); $o->module = module_fetch($name);//module.mod.php module_fetch() 获取当前公号下安装好的指定模块及模块信息 $o->__define = $file; self::defineConst($o); if($o instanceof WeModule) { return $o; } $response = $processor->respond(); //执行具体的模块的processor.处理逻辑 例如CoverModuleProcessor类的处理逻辑 class CoverModuleProcessor extends WeModuleProcessor { public function respond() { global $_W; $content = $this->message['content']; //查询回复表中的id对应的回复内容 $reply = pdo_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . tablename('cover_reply') . ' WHERE `rid`=:rid', array(':rid' => $this->rule)); if(!empty($reply)) { load()->model('module'); $module = module_fetch($reply['module']); if (empty($module) && !in_array($reply['module'], array('site', 'mc', 'card'))) { return ''; } $url = $reply['url']; if(empty($reply['url'])) { $entry = pdo_fetch("SELECT eid FROM ".tablename('modules_bindings')." WHERE module = :module AND do = :do", array(':module' => $reply['module'], ':do' => $reply['do'])); $url = url('entry', array('eid' => $entry['eid'])); } if (!strexists($url, '&j=') && !empty($_W['acid'])) { $url = str_replace("?i={$_W['uniacid']}&", "?i={$_W['uniacid']}&j={$_W['acid']}&", $url); } $news = array(); $news[] = array( 'title' => $reply['title'], 'description' => $reply['description'], 'picurl' => $reply['thumb'], 'url' => $url ); return $this->respNews($news); } return ''; } if($this->isValidResponse($response)) { $hitParam = $par; if(!empty($par['keyword'])) { $hitKeyword = $par['keyword']; } break; } WeUtility::logging('params', $hitParam); 2016-06-07 14:27:25 params : ------------ Array: message : Array ; module : cover ; rule : 32 ; priority : 0 ; keyword : Array ; WeUtility::logging('response', $response); 2016-06-07 14:27:25 response : ------------ Array: FromUserName : toUser ; ToUserName : fromUser ; MsgType : news ; ArticleCount : 1 ; Articles : Array ; $resp = $this->account->response($response); $resp = $this->clip($resp, $hitParam); if(!empty($_GET['encrypt_type']) && $_GET['encrypt_type'] == 'aes') { $resp = $this->account->encryptMsg($resp); $resp = $this->account->xmlDetract($resp); } echo $resp; $this->receive($hitParam, $hitKeyword, $response); private function receive($par, $keyword, $response) { if (in_array($this->message['event'], array('subscribe', 'unsubscribe')) || in_array($this->message['type'], array('subscribe', 'unsubscribe'))) { if (in_array($this->message['event'], array('subscribe', 'unsubscribe')) || in_array($this->message['type'], array('subscribe', 'unsubscribe'))) { $modules = uni_modules(); $core = array(); $core['name'] = 'core'; $core['subscribes'] = array('core'); array_unshift($modules, $core); foreach($modules as $m) { if(!empty($m['subscribes'])) { if ($m['name'] == 'core' || in_array($this->message['type'], $m['subscribes']) || in_array($this->message['event'], $m['subscribes'])) { $obj = WeUtility::createModuleReceiver($m['name']); $obj->message = $this->message; $obj->params = $par; $obj->response = $response; $obj->keyword = $keyword; $obj->module = $m; $obj->uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; $obj->acid = $_W['acid']; if(method_exists($obj, 'receive')) { @$obj->receive(); } } } } } else { $row = array(); $row['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid']; $row['acid'] = $_W['acid']; $row['dateline'] = $par['message']['time']; $row['message'] = iserializer($par['message']); $row['keyword'] = iserializer($keyword); unset($par['message']); unset($par['keyword']); $row['params'] = iserializer($par); $row['response'] = iserializer($response); $row['module'] = $par['module']; $row['type'] = 1; pdo_insert('core_queue', $row); } } 数据表的查询: Ims_Rule(关键词回复规则表),加载module+processor.php文件时,查询的就是IMS_Rule这个表 # 3.视图页 display.html # 4.文本 消息类型同公众平台官方不同之处在于将 event 类型拆分开为独立的消息类型, 避免了重复判断. 根据消息类型不同, 消息对象结构还存在不同的附加数据,按照类型定义如下: 文本消息 粉丝用户向公众号发送了一条普通文本消息(包括包含表情的消息, 或者纯表情消息) 处理文本消息可以实现简单的文本对话, 结合使用文本上下文(请参阅上下文处理)可以实现调查, 测试等复杂的交互. $text_message = array( // 全局数据 'tousername' => 'toUser' 'fromusername' => 'fromUser' 'createtime' => '123456789' 'msgtype' => 'text' // string: 消息类型 'content' => // string: 文本消息内容 'redirection' => false, // bool: 是否是重定向 'source' => null // string: 消息来源, 消息二次分析(目前来源:qr,click, 将扫码等事件转换为 text 事件.) )