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# Go Makes Things Simple If you have built a web application before, you surely know that there arequite a lot of concepts to keep in your head. HTTP, HTML, CSS, JSON, databases,sessions, cookies, forms, middleware, routing and controllers are just a fewamong the many things your web app *may* need to interact with. While each one of these things *can be important* in the building of your webapplications, not every one of them *is important* for any given app. Forinstance, a web API may just use JSON as its serialization format, thus makingconcepts like HTML not relevant for that particular web app. ## The Go Way The Go community understands this dilemma. Rather than rely on large,heavyweight frameworks that try to cover all the bases, Go programmers pull inthe bare necessities to get the job done. This minimalist approach to webprogramming may be off-putting at first, but the result of this effort is a muchsimpler program in the end. **Go makes things simple,** it's as easy as that. If we train ourselves toalign with the *"Go way"* of programming for the web, we will end up with more**simple**, **flexible**, and **maintainable** web applications. ## Power in Simplicity As we go through the exercises in this book, I think you will be surprised byhow simple some of these programs can be whilst still affording a bunch offunctionality. When sitting down to craft your own web applications in Go, think hard aboutthe components and concepts that your app will be focused on, and use justthose pieces. This book will be covering a wide array of web topics, but do notfeel obligated to use them all. In the words of our friend Lonestar, *"Takeonly what you need to survive"*. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2015-09-05_55ea61c51bab4.png)