💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
# Condition If The easiest condition is an if statement and its syntax is `if(condition){ do this … }`. The condition has to be true for the code inside the curly braces to be executed. You can for example test a string and set the value of another string dependent on its value: ~~~ var country = 'France'; var weather; var food; var currency; if(country === 'England') { weather = 'horrible'; food = 'filling'; currency = 'pound sterling'; } if(country === 'France') { weather = 'nice'; food = 'stunning, but hardly ever vegetarian'; currency = 'funny, small and colourful'; } if(country === 'Germany') { weather = 'average'; food = 'wurst thing ever'; currency = 'funny, small and colourful'; } var message = 'this is ' + country + ', the weather is ' + weather + ', the food is ' + food + ' and the ' + 'currency is ' + currency; ~~~ **Note:** Conditions can also be nested. Exercise Fill up the value of `name` to validate the condition. ~~~ var name = if (name === "John") { } ~~~