💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
## PLC下发失败错误码 ~~~ case 6: ("the CPU does not support reading a bit block of length") case 10: ("the desired item is not available in the PLC") case 3: ("the desired item is not available in the PLC (200 family)") case 5: ("the desired address is beyond limit for this PLC") case -124: ("the PLC returned a packet with no result data") case -125: ("the PLC returned an error code not understood by this library") case -126: ("this result contains no data") case -127: ("cannot work with an undefined result set") case -128: ("Unexpected function code in answer") case -129: ("PLC responds with an unknown data type") case -123: ("cannot evaluate the received PDU") case 7: ("Write data size error") case 1: ("No data from I/O module") case -1024: ("Short packet from PLC") case -1025: ("Timeout when waiting for PLC response") case -130: ("No buffer provided") case -131: ("Function not supported for S5") case -20: ("Serial read error") case -21: ("can't a 0xE5 response") case -22: ("do not write completely") case -23: ("Data type unsuport") case -24: ("unknown data type,please check the ppi table") case -25: ("data lenth of written is beyond the limition") case -26: ("PLC return format error of read") case -27: ("PLC return format error of write") case -28: ("return data lenth of read is beyond the limition") case 0x8000: ("function already occupied.") case 0x8001: ("not allowed in current operating status.") case 0x8101: ("hardware fault.") case 0x8103: ("object access not allowed.") case 0x8104: ("context is not supported. Step7 says:Function not implemented or error in telgram.") case 0x8105: ("invalid address.") case 0x8106: ("data type not supported.") case 0x8107: ("data type not consistent.") case 0x810A: ("object does not exist.") case 0x8301: ("insufficient CPU memory ?") case 0x8402: ("CPU already in RUN or already in STOP ?") case 0x8404: ("severe error ?") case 0x8500: ("incorrect PDU size.") case 0x8702: ("address invalid.") case 0xd002: ("Step7:variant of command is illegal.") case 0xd004: ("Step7:status for this command is illegal.") case 0xd0A1: ("Step7:function is not allowed in the current protection level.") case 0xd201: ("block name syntax error.") case 0xd202: ("syntax error function parameter.") case 0xd203: ("syntax error block type.") case 0xd204: ("no linked block in storage medium.") case 0xd205: ("object already exists.") case 0xd206: ("object already exists.") case 0xd207: ("block exists in EPROM.") case 0xd209: ("block does not exist/could not be found.") case 0xd20e: ("no block present.") case 0xd210: ("block number too big.") case 0xd240: ("Coordination rules were violated.") case 0xd241: ("Operation not permitted in current protection level.") case 0xd242: ("protection violation while processing F-blocks. F-blocks can only be processed after password input.") case 0xd401: ("invalid SZL ID.") case 0xd402: ("invalid SZL index.") case 0xd406: ("diagnosis: info not available.") case 0xd409: ("diagnosis: DP error.") case 0xdc01: ("invalid BCD code or Invalid time format") case -201: ("Start PLC faild") case -202: ("Stop PLC faild") case -203: ("Online read bytes error") case -204: ("Online write bytes error") case -205: ("Online write bits error") case -1 : ("string to number error") case -2 : ("formula calculation error") case -3 : ("number type conversion error") case -4 : ("number to byte error") case -5 : ("number type unmatch") case -6 : ("modbus send error") case -7 : ("number type matching failed") case -8 : ("value is illegle") case -10 : ("name matching failed") case 302 : ("不合法数值(如10进制格式中有16进制数字)") case 303 : ("禁止写入(PLC使用ROM PACK)") case 304 : ("不合法之命令格式(含不合法之命令码),或通讯命令无法执行") case 305 : ("不能激活(下RUN命令但Ladder Checksum 不合)") case 306 : ("不能激活(下RUN命令但PLC ID != Ladder ID)") case 307 : ("不能激活(下RUN命令但程序语法错误)") case 309 : ("不能激活(下RUN命令,但Ladder之程序指令PLC无法执行)") case 310 : ("不合法之地址") case 327 : ("LRC CHK ERROR OR COMMUNICATION COMMAND FORMAT INVALID") case 322 : ("DEVICE ADDRESS INVALID") case 323 : ("要求的资料超过范围") case 321 : ("COMMAND CODE INVALID") default: ("no message defined") ~~~