💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
#### 1. 文档头部注释 ``` File > Settings > Editor > File and Code Templates > Includes选项卡 > PHP File Header /** * * * @category Learn * @package PSR * @subpackage Documentation\API * @author xxx <xxx@xxx.com> * @license GPL https://xxx.com * @link https://xxx.com * @ctime: ${DATE} ${TIME} */ ``` #### 2. 函数头部设置 ``` File > Settings > Editor > File and Code Templates > Includes选项卡 > PHP Function Doc Comment /** * ${NAME} * ${PARAM_DOC} #if (${TYPE_HINT} == "void") * @return void #else * @return ${TYPE_HINT} #end */ ``` #### 3. 设置注释符缩进位置 ``` File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > PHP > Other 选项卡 取消勾选Line comment at first column 勾选Add a space at comment start 可在 // 后自动添加一个空格 ``` #### 4. 将Tab制表符替换成4个空格 ``` File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > PHP > Tabs and indents选项卡 取消勾选Use tab character ```