💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
# pywinauto.win32\_element\_info 处理本机元素的类的实现(带句柄的窗口) ## *class* `pywinauto.win32_element_info.HwndElementInfo(handle=None)` Wrapper for window handler > `automation_id` 返回元素的AutomationId > `children`(*\*\*kwargs*) 返回窗口的直接子级列表 > `class_name` Return the class name of the window > `control_id` Return the ID of the window > `control_type` Return control type of the element > `descendants`(*\*\*kwargs*) Return descendants of the window (all children from sub-tree) > `dump_window`() Dump a window as a set of properties > `enabled` Return True if the window is enabled > *classmethod* `from_point`(*x*, *y*) > `full_control_type` 返回元素的完整控制类型字符串 > `handle` Return the handle of the window > `iter_children`(*\*\*kwargs*) Return a generator of immediate children of the window > `name` Return the text of the window > `parent` Return the parent of the window > `process_id` Return the ID of process that controls this window > `rectangle` Return rectangle of the element > `rich_text` Return the text of the window > `set_cache_strategy`(*cached*) Set a cache strategy for frequently used attributes of the element > *classmethod* `top_from_point`(*x*, *y*) > `visible` Return True if the window is visible > `wm_get_ctrl_name` *= -1* > `wm_get_ctrl_type` *= -1*