企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
> 这一篇应该是mesos文档里面最难翻译的一篇,如何准确的去理解每一个配置选项正确的含义,需要对mesos有完整的理解,并且深入的实践.因为并不是每一个参数,都那么常用,甚至很多都很少被使用.这是一个长期的过程,此文档翻译暂停(最后做),请参考原文: ## mesos配置 Mesos master和agent可以从命令行或环境变量接收一系列配置选项.通过运行```mesos-master --help```或者```mesos-agent --help```可以查看可用配置选项.每个选项都可以通过2个途径进行设置: * 执行命令的时候,使用```--option_name=value```,即直接指定选项值.或者指定一个包含选项的文件(--option_name=file://path/to/file).文件路径可以是绝对路径,也可以时相对当前目录的路径. * 通过设置环境变量```MESOS_OPTION_NAME```,这些option都是以MESOS_为前缀 配置选项取值,先搜索环境变量,然后才是命令行. **重要的配置选项** 如果你有特殊的编译需求,当你配置mesos时候,请参考```./configure --help```.这个文档只列出了最新版本的配置选项.如果你想查看你手上mesos版本命令的配置选项,请运行```命令 --help```,比如:``` mesos-master --help``` ### master 和 agent 配置选项 |参数|说明| |---|---| |--advertise_ip=VALUE|Mesos master/agent对公发布的ip地址,这个ip地址不与master和agent绑定.这个ip地址用于访问该master/agent| |--advertise_port=VALUE|master/agent对公发布的ip地址端口,这个ip地址端口不与master和agent绑定.这个ip地址端口用于访问该master/agent| |--[no-]authenticate_http|If true, only authenticated requests for HTTP endpoints supporting authentication are allowed. If false, unauthenticated requests to HTTP endpoints are also allowed. (default: false)| |--[no-]authenticate_http_frameworks| If true, only authenticated HTTP based frameworks are allowed to register. If false, HTTP frameworks are not authenticated. For more about HTTP frameworks see the Scheduler HTTP API documentation. (default: false)| |--firewall_rules=VALUE|The value could be a JSON-formatted string of rules or a file path containing the JSON-formatted rules used in the endpoints firewall. Path must be of the form file:///path/to/file or /path/to/file.<br>See the Firewall message in flags.proto for the expected format.<br>Example:<br><pre><code> { "disabled_endpoints" : { "paths" : [ "/files/browse", "/metrics/snapshot" ] } } </code></pre>| |--[no-]help| 输出帮助信息. (默认值: false)| |--http_authenticators=VALUE| HTTP authenticator implementation to use when handling requests to authenticated endpoints. Use the default basic, or load an alternate HTTP authenticator module using --modules.<br>Currently there is no support for multiple HTTP authenticators. (default: basic)| |--http_framework_authenticators=VALUE|HTTP authenticator implementation to use when authenticating HTTP frameworks. Use the basic authenticator or load an alternate HTTP authenticator module using --modules. This must be used in conjunction with --authenticate_http_frameworks.<br>Currently there is no support for multiple HTTP authenticators.| |--ip=VALUE|监听的ip地址. 不能与--ip_discovery_command一起使用 . (master 默认: 5050; agent 默认: 5051)| |--ip_discovery_command=VALUE|Optional IP discovery binary: if set, it is expected to emit the IP address which the master/agent will try to bind to. Cannot be used in conjunction with --ip.| |--port=VALUE|Port to listen on.| |--[no-]version|Show version and exit. (default: false)| |--hooks=VALUE|A comma-separated list of hook modules to be installed inside master/agent.| |--hostname=VALUE|The hostname the agent node should report, or that the master should advertise in ZooKeeper. If left unset, the hostname is resolved from the IP address that the master/agent binds to; unless the user explicitly prevents that, using --no-hostname_lookup, in which case the IP itself is used.| |--[no-]hostname_lookup|Whether we should execute a lookup to find out the server's hostname, if not explicitly set (via, e.g., --hostname). True by default; if set to false it will cause Mesos to use the IP address, unless the hostname is explicitly set. (default: true)| |--modules=VALUE |List of modules to be loaded and be available to the internal subsystems.<br>Use --modules=filepath to specify the list of modules via a file containing a JSON-formatted string. filepath can be of the form file:///path/to/file or /path/to/file.<br>Use --modules="{...}" to specify the list of modules inline.<br>Example:<br><pre><code>{ "libraries": [ { "file": "/path/to/", "modules": [ { "name": "org_apache_mesos_bar", "parameters": [ { "key": "X", "value": "Y" } ] }, { "name": "org_apache_mesos_baz" } ] }, { "name": "qux", "modules": [ { "name": "org_apache_mesos_norf" } ] } ] }</code></pre>|