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# 14数据库 ### MongoDB ### 问题 你需要与一个 MongoDB 数据库连接的接口。 ### 解决方案 #### 对于 Node.js ##### 安装 - 如果你的计算机中还没有 [MongoDB](http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Quickstart) ,需要安装。 - [安装本地 MongoDB 模块](https://github.com/christkv/node-mongodb-native)。 ##### 保存记录 ~~~ mongo = require 'mongodb'   server = new mongo.Server "", 27017, {}   client = new mongo.Db 'test', server, {w:1}   # save() updates existing records or inserts new ones as needed   exampleSave = (dbErr, collection) -> console.log "Unable to access database: #{dbErr}" if dbErr collection.save { _id: "my_favorite_latte", flavor: "honeysuckle" }, (err, docs) -> console.log "Unable to save record: #{err}" if err client.close()   client.open (err, database) -> client.collection 'coffeescript_example', exampleSave ~~~ ##### 查找记录 ~~~ mongo = require 'mongodb'   server = new mongo.Server "", 27017, {}   client = new mongo.Db 'test', server, {w:1}   exampleFind = (dbErr, collection) -> console.log "Unable to access database: #{dbErr}" if dbErr collection.find({ _id: "my_favorite_latte" }).nextObject (err, result) -> if err console.log "Unable to find record: #{err}" else console.log result # => { id: "my_favorite_latte", flavor: "honeysuckle" } client.close()   client.open (err, database) -> client.collection 'coffeescript_example', exampleFind ~~~ ##### 对于浏览器 一个[基于 REST 的接口](https://github.com/tdegrunt/mongodb-rest)在工程中,会提供基于 AJAX 的访问通道。 ### 讨论 这个方法将 save 和 find 分开进单独的实例,其目的是分散 MongoDB 指定的连接任务的关注点以及回收任务。[async 模块](https://github.com/caolan/async)可以帮助这样的异步调用。 ### SQLite ### 问题 你需要 Node.js 内部与 [SQLite](http://www.sqlite.org/) 数据库连接的接口。 ### 解决方案 使用 [SQLite 模块](http://code.google.com/p/node-sqlite/)。 ~~~ sqlite = require 'sqlite'   db = new sqlite.Database   # The module uses asynchronous methods,   # so we chain the calls the db.execute   exampleCreate = -> db.execute "CREATE TABLE snacks (name TEXT(25), flavor TEXT(25))", (exeErr, rows) -> throw exeErr if exeErr exampleInsert()   exampleInsert = -> db.execute "INSERT INTO snacks (name, flavor) VALUES ($name, $flavor)", { $name: "Potato Chips", $flavor: "BBQ" }, (exeErr, rows) -> throw exeErr if exeErr exampleSelect()   exampleSelect = -> db.execute "SELECT name, flavor FROM snacks", (exeErr, rows) -> throw exeErr if exeErr console.log rows[0] # => { name: 'Potato Chips', flavor: 'BBQ' }   # :memory: creates a DB in RAM   # You can supply a filepath (like './example.sqlite') to create/open one on disk   db.open ":memory:", (openErr) -> throw openErr if openErr exampleCreate() ~~~ ### 讨论 你也可以提前准备你的 SQL 查询语句。 ~~~ sqlite = require 'sqlite' async = require 'async' # Not required but added to make the example more concise   db = new sqlite.Database   createSQL = "CREATE TABLE drinks (name TEXT(25), price NUM)"   insertSQL = "INSERT INTO drinks (name, price) VALUES (?, ?)"   selectSQL = "SELECT name, price FROM drinks WHERE price < ?"   create = (onFinish) -> db.execute createSQL, (exeErr) -> throw exeErr if exeErr onFinish()   prepareInsert = (name, price, onFinish) -> db.prepare insertSQL, (prepErr, statement) -> statement.bindArray [name, price], (bindErr) -> statement.fetchAll (fetchErr, rows) -> # Called so that it executes the insert onFinish()   prepareSelect = (onFinish) -> db.prepare selectSQL, (prepErr, statement) -> statement.bindArray [1.00], (bindErr) -> statement.fetchAll (fetchErr, rows) -> console.log rows[0] # => { name: "Mia's Root Beer", price: 0.75 } onFinish()   db.open ":memory:", (openErr) -> async.series([ (onFinish) -> create onFinish, (onFinish) -> prepareInsert "LunaSqueeze", 7.95, onFinish, (onFinish) -> prepareInsert "Viking Sparkling Grog", 4.00, onFinish, (onFinish) -> prepareInsert "Mia's Root Beer", 0.75, onFinish, (onFinish) -> prepareSelect onFinish ]) ~~~ [SQL 的 SQLite 版本](http://www.sqlite.org/lang.html)的以及 [node-SQLite](https://github.com/orlandov/node-sqlite#readme) 模块文档提供了更完整的信息。