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1. Api information Interface Information Item Content Real environment https://api.howssl.com/Home/User/AccountInfo Request method Post content-type multipart/form-data Description Acquire the user's basic information 1. Parameter definition **Parameter Name** **Parameter Type** **Mandatory** **Illustration** token string Y For Th becoming token, the evidence of identification, please contact the web administrator. Function returns status boolean Y True represents that the request succeeds and the correct parameters are returned while false represents that the request fails. msg string Y Description of the returned data information data JSON Y The returned business data for the successful request code int Y Returned status code 1. Returned parameter illustration (data) Returned Parameter Name Parameter Type Illustration user\_email string User's email user\_amount float User's balance 1. The example of the returned result { "status": true, "msg": "Successfully got the account's basic information" , "data": { "user\_email": "<test@qq.com>", "user\_amount": "0.00" }, "code": 200 } Create the order of SSL certificate 1. Api information Interface information item Content Real environment https://api.howssl.com/Home/Order/createOrder Request method Post content-type multipart/form-data Description The interface is used to verify all the order data that you've transmitted and create orders The related certificate information will be returned if it's true. The corresponding error codes will be returned if it's wrong. 1. Parameter definition Parameter Name Parameter Type Mandatory Illustration token string Y For Th becoming token, the evidence of identification, please contact the web administrator. product\_code string Y Product code and get the product code validity\_period int Y The valid months (Currently only support 12, 24, 36, 48, 60) which will be decided in accordance with the specific products csr string N csr if there is no blank available auto\_info int Y The optional value is 0 or 1. When the ordered product audit type is dv type, the value can be 1. When the product audit type is ov, ev and other non-dv types, the value cannot be 1 and must be 0. Please note that when the filled value is 0, for dv products, the administrator information is mandatory and the company information is not required. For ov, ev products, the information about the administrator and the company is mandatory. When the filled value is 1, for dv products, the following information about the administrator and the company can be left empty. contacter\_job string N The administrator's information: Occupation. When auto\_info value is 0, it is mandatory and the parameter is Y. contacter\_phone string N The administrator's information: Tel. When auto\_info value is 0, it is mandatory and the parameter is Y. contacter\_email string N The administrator's information: Email. When auto\_info value is 0, it is mandatory and the parameter is Y. last\_name string N The administrator's information: Family name. When auto\_info value is 0, it is mandatory and the parameter is Y. first\_name string N The administrator's information: First name. When auto\_info value is 0, it is mandatory and the parameter is Y. company\_province string N The company's information: the province and state where the company is located. When the ordered product is non-dv type and auto\_info value is 0, it's mandatory and the parameter is Y. company\_city string N The company's information: the city where the company is located. When the ordered product is non-dv type and auto\_info value is 0, it's mandatory and the parameter is Y. company\_phone string N The company's information: the company's Tel. When the ordered product is non-dv type and auto\_info value is 0, it's mandatory and the parameter is Y. company\_name string N The company's information: the company's name When the ordered product is non-dv type and auto\_info value is 0, it's mandatory and the parameter is Y. company\_address string N The company's information: the company's detailed address. When the ordered product is non-dv type and auto\_info value is 0, it's mandatory and the parameter is Y. company\_country string N The company's information: the post code of the country where the company is located. When the ordered product is non-dv type and auto\_info value is 0, it's mandatory and the parameter is Y. For specific codes, see Appendix 2: The national codes Illustration Mandatory Parameter Type Parameter Name company\_post\_code string N The company's information: the company's post code. When the ordered product is non-dv type and auto\_info value is 0, it's mandatory and the parameter is Y. check\_way string Y For the method of verifying the certificate of the domain name, the values available are Email, FILE and DNS. For the verification of EMAIL mailbox, single domain name is suggested because multiple domain names are hard to operate with this method. email\_suffix string N For the prefix of the enterprise mailbox for email verification, the values available are admin, administrator, webmaster, postmaster, hostmaster. When the method of verifying the domain name check\_way is EMAIL, the parameter is Y. domain\_show JSON Y For the array of JSON format, see the example: \["howssl.com","[www.howssl.com](http://www.howssl.com/)"\]. Even though it's a domain name, the array form of json is required and a domain name is internally transmitted Function returns status boolean Y True means the request succeeds and the correct parameters are returned while false means the request fails. msg string Y Description of the returned data information data JSON Y Business data for the successful request code int Y Returned status code 1. Returned parameter illustration (data) Name of Returned Parameters Parameter Type Illustration check\_id string The only mark that orders transit 1. The example of the returned result { "status": true, "msg": "Succeeded in gaining data", "data": { "check\_id": "5b1dd643182dc62c995e9bfaefa0a854” }, "code": 200 } Check the order id through check id 1. Api information **Interface Information Item** **Content** Real environment https://api.howssl.com/Home/Order/fromCheck\_idToOrder\_id Request method Post content- type multipart/form-data Description The interface is used to get the order id through the only mark check\_id of the order. The related certificate information will be returned if it's correct. The corresponding error codes will be returned if it's wrong. \[Please note that the order id may change before and after the order is submitted. This is because for some products before the order is submitted, Th hasn't become the order id and therefore the temporary order is used as the substitution. After the order is submitted, the order id is the final id. \] 1. Parameter Definition Parameter Name Parameter Type Mandatory Illustration token string Y For Th becoming token, the evidence of identification, please contact the web administrator. check\_id string Y Since the data is the only mark to check the order id , users need to keep it. Function returns status boolean Y True means the request succeeds and the correct parameters are returned while false means the request fails. msg string Y Description of the returned data information data JSON Y Business data for the successful request \[Please note that the order id here may change before and after the order is submitted. This is because for some products before the order is submitted, Th hasn't become the order id and therefore the temporary order is used as the substitution. After the order is submitted, the order id is the final id. After the order is successfully submitted, it's necessary to get the order id again.\] code int Y Returned status code 1. Returned parameter illustration (data) Name of Returned Parameters Parameter Type Illustration order\_id string Order ID (After the order is placed, the order id is stable and won't change any more!) 1. The example of the returned result { "order\_id": "5853c6aa4d” } } "status": true, "msg": "Succeeded in gaining data", "data": {