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# alertmanager报警规则详解 * * * * * 这篇文章介绍prometheus和alertmanager的报警和通知规则,prometheus的配置文件名为prometheus.yml,alertmanager的配置文件名为alertmanager.yml 报警:指prometheus将监测到的异常事件发送给alertmanager,而不是指发送邮件通知 通知:指alertmanager发送异常事件的通知(邮件、webhook等) ## 报警规则 在prometheus.yml中指定匹配报警规则的间隔 # How frequently to evaluate rules. [ evaluation_interval: <duration> | default = 1m ] 在prometheus.yml中指定规则文件(可使用通配符,如rules/*.rules) # Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'. rule_files: - "/etc/prometheus/alert.rules" 并基于以下模板: ALERT <alert name> IF <expression> [ FOR <duration> ] [ LABELS <label set> ] [ ANNOTATIONS <label set> ] 其中: Alert name是警报标识符。它不需要是唯一的。 Expression是为了触发警报而被评估的条件。它通常使用现有指标作为/metrics端点返回的指标。 Duration是规则必须有效的时间段。例如,5s表示5秒。 Label set是将在消息模板中使用的一组标签。 在prometheus-k8s-statefulset.yaml 文件创建ruleSelector,标记报警规则角色。在prometheus-k8s-rules.yaml 报警规则文件中引用 ruleSelector: matchLabels: role: prometheus-rulefiles prometheus: k8s 在prometheus-k8s-rules.yaml 使用configmap 方式引用prometheus-rulefiles apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: prometheus-k8s-rules namespace: monitoring labels: role: prometheus-rulefiles prometheus: k8s data: pod.rules.yaml: |+ groups: - name: noah_pod.rules rules: - alert: Pod_all_cpu_usage expr: (sum by(name)(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{image!=""}[5m]))*100) > 10 for: 5m labels: severity: critical service: pods annotations: description: 容器 {{ $ }} CPU 资源利用率大于 75% , (current value is {{ $value }}) summary: Dev CPU 负载告警 - alert: Pod_all_memory_usage expr: sort_desc(avg by(name)(irate(container_memory_usage_bytes{name!=""}[5m]))*100) > 1024*10^3*2 for: 10m labels: severity: critical annotations: description: 容器 {{ $ }} Memory 资源利用率大于 2G , (current value is {{ $value }}) summary: Dev Memory 负载告警 - alert: Pod_all_network_receive_usage expr: sum by (name)(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total{container_name="POD"}[1m])) > 1024*1024*50 for: 10m labels: severity: critical annotations: description: 容器 {{ $ }} network_receive 资源利用率大于 50M , (current value is {{ $value }}) summary: network_receive 负载告警 配置文件设置好后,prometheus-opeartor自动重新读取配置。 如果二次修改comfigmap 内容只需要apply kubectl apply -f prometheus-k8s-rules.yaml 将邮件通知与rules对比一下(还需要配置alertmanager.yml才能收到邮件) ![报警聚合功能]( ## 通知规则 设置alertmanager.yml的的route与receivers global: # ResolveTimeout is the time after which an alert is declared resolved # if it has not been updated. resolve_timeout: 5m # The smarthost and SMTP sender used for mail notifications. smtp_smarthost: 'xxxxx' smtp_from: 'xxxxxxx' smtp_auth_username: 'xxxxx' smtp_auth_password: 'xxxxxx' # The API URL to use for Slack notifications. slack_api_url: '' # # The directory from which notification templates are read. templates: - '*.tmpl' # The root route on which each incoming alert enters. route: # The labels by which incoming alerts are grouped together. For example, # multiple alerts coming in for cluster=A and alertname=LatencyHigh would # be batched into a single group. group_by: ['alertname', 'cluster', 'service'] # When a new group of alerts is created by an incoming alert, wait at # least 'group_wait' to send the initial notification. # This way ensures that you get multiple alerts for the same group that start # firing shortly after another are batched together on the first # notification. group_wait: 30s # When the first notification was sent, wait 'group_interval' to send a batch # of new alerts that started firing for that group. group_interval: 5m # If an alert has successfully been sent, wait 'repeat_interval' to # resend them. #repeat_interval: 1m repeat_interval: 15m # A default receiver # If an alert isn't caught by a route, send it to default. receiver: default # All the above attributes are inherited by all child routes and can # overwritten on each. # The child route trees. routes: - match: severity: critical receiver: email_alert receivers: - name: 'default' email_configs: - to : '' send_resolved: true - name: 'email_alert' email_configs: - to : '' send_resolved: true ### 名词解释 ### Route `route`属性用来设置报警的分发策略,它是一个树状结构,按照深度优先从左向右的顺序进行匹配。 // Match does a depth-first left-to-right search through the route tree // and returns the matching routing nodes. func (r *Route) Match(lset model.LabelSet) []*Route { ### Alert `Alert`是alertmanager接收到的报警,类型如下。 // Alert is a generic representation of an alert in the Prometheus eco-system. type Alert struct { // Label value pairs for purpose of aggregation, matching, and disposition // dispatching. This must minimally include an "alertname" label. Labels LabelSet `json:"labels"` // Extra key/value information which does not define alert identity. Annotations LabelSet `json:"annotations"` // The known time range for this alert. Both ends are optional. StartsAt time.Time `json:"startsAt,omitempty"` EndsAt time.Time `json:"endsAt,omitempty"` GeneratorURL string `json:"generatorURL"` } > 具有相同Lables的Alert(key和value都相同)才会被认为是同一种。在prometheus rules文件配置的一条规则可能会产生多种报警 ### Group alertmanager会根据group_by配置将Alert分组。如下规则,当go_goroutines等于4时会收到三条报警,alertmanager会将这三条报警分成两组向receivers发出通知。 ALERT test1 IF go_goroutines > 1 LABELS {label1="l1", label2="l2", status="test"} ALERT test2 IF go_goroutines > 2 LABELS {label1="l2", label2="l2", status="test"} ALERT test3 IF go_goroutines > 3 LABELS {label1="l2", label2="l1", status="test"} ### 主要处理流程 1. 接收到Alert,根据labels判断属于哪些Route(可存在多个Route,一个Route有多个Group,一个Group有多个Alert) 2. 将Alert分配到Group中,没有则新建Group 3. 新的Group等待group_wait指定的时间(等待时可能收到同一Group的Alert),根据resolve_timeout判断Alert是否解决,然后发送通知 4. 已有的Group等待group_interval指定的时间,判断Alert是否解决,当上次发送通知到现在的间隔大于repeat_interval或者Group有更新时会发送通知 ## Alertmanager Alertmanager是警报的缓冲区,它具有以下特征: 可以通过特定端点(不是特定于Prometheus)接收警报。 可以将警报重定向到接收者,如hipchat、邮件或其他人。 足够智能,可以确定已经发送了类似的通知。所以,如果出现问题,你不会被成千上万的电子邮件淹没。 Alertmanager客户端(在这种情况下是Prometheus)首先发送POST消息,并将所有要处理的警报发送到/ api / v1 / alerts。例如: [ { "labels": { "alertname": "low_connected_users", "severity": "warning" }, "annotations": { "description": "Instance play-app:9000 under lower load", "summary": "play-app:9000 of job playframework-app is under lower load" } }] ### alert工作流程 一旦这些警报存储在Alertmanager,它们可能处于以下任何状态: ![alert 报警流程]( * Inactive:这里什么都没有发生。 * Pending:客户端告诉我们这个警报必须被触发。然而,警报可以被分组、压抑/抑制或者静默/静音。一旦所有的验证都通过了,我们就转到Firing。 * Firing:警报发送到Notification Pipeline,它将联系警报的所有接收者。然后客户端告诉我们警报解除,所以转换到状Inactive状态。 Prometheus有一个专门的端点,允许我们列出所有的警报,并遵循状态转换。Prometheus所示的每个状态以及导致过渡的条件如下所示: 规则不符合。警报没有激活。 ![]( 规则符合。警报现在处于活动状态。 执行一些验证是为了避免淹没接收器的消息。 ![]( 警报发送到接收者 ![]( ### Inhibition 抑制是指当警报发出后,停止重复发送由此警报引发其他错误的警报的机制。 例如,当警报被触发,通知整个集群不可达,可以配置Alertmanager忽略由该警报触发而产生的所有其他警报,这可以防止通知数百或数千与此问题不相关的其他警报。 抑制机制可以通过Alertmanager的配置文件来配置。 Inhibition允许在其他警报处于触发状态时,抑制一些警报的通知。例如,如果同一警报(基于警报名称)已经非常紧急,那么我们可以配置一个抑制来使任何警告级别的通知静音。 alertmanager.yml文件的相关部分如下所示: inhibit_rules:- source_match: severity: 'critical' target_match: severity: 'warning' equal: ['low_connected_users'] 配置抑制规则,是存在另一组匹配器匹配的情况下,静音其他被引发警报的规则。这两个警报,必须有一组相同的标签。 # Matchers that have to be fulfilled in the alerts to be muted. target_match: [ <labelname>: <labelvalue>, ... ] target_match_re: [ <labelname>: <regex>, ... ] # Matchers for which one or more alerts have to exist for the # inhibition to take effect. source_match: [ <labelname>: <labelvalue>, ... ] source_match_re: [ <labelname>: <regex>, ... ] # Labels that must have an equal value in the source and target # alert for the inhibition to take effect. [ equal: '[' <labelname>, ... ']' ] ### Silences Silences是快速地使警报暂时静音的一种方法。 我们直接通过Alertmanager管理控制台中的专用页面来配置它们。在尝试解决严重的生产问题时,这对避免收到垃圾邮件很有用。 ![]( [alertmanager 参考资料]( [抑制规则 inhibit_rule参考资料](