ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
# 指导规范 [TOC] ## 模块构造 ### 文件夹 模块的文件夹列表及对应作用: * `data/` 演示和实际数据的xml * `models/` 模型定义 * `controllers/` 包含控制器 * `views/` 包含视图和模板 * `static/` 包含页面相关的,一般划分为`css/`,`/js`,`/img`... 其他可选的文件夹: * `wizard/` 放临时的model和视图 * `report/` 存放报表相关的python对象和xml * `tests/` 存放python和yml测试用例 ### 文件命名 一般把后台视图和前端页面视图分两个文件夹存放。一系列业务model放置在一个文件里,如果只有一个model它的名字就与模型名一致。如: * `models/<main_model>.py` * `models/<inherited_main_model>.py` * `views/<main_model>_templates.xml` * `views/<main_model>_views.xml` 数据文件根据其内容分开命名,如果demo和data,文件名是以主模型名命令,并以_demo.xml,_data.xml结尾 控制器中唯一的文件被命名为``。如果需要从其他的模块中继承控制器,就命令为`<module_name>.py` 由于静态文件在前端页面和后台页面是共用的,css、js、xml文件一般以该组的名字来结尾如:`im_chat_common.css, im_chat_common.js`,如果模块只有唯一一个文件,就直接用`module_name.ext` 对于wizards,一般命名为`<main_transient>.py,<main_transient>_views.xml` 对于报表,一般命名为`<report_name_A>,<report_name_A>` 对于打印报表,一般命名为`<print_report_name> , <print_report_name>_templates.xml` 完整的文件列表如下: ~~~ addons/<my_module_name>/ |-- |-- |-- controllers/ | |-- | |-- <inherited_module_name>.py | `-- |-- data/ | |-- <main_model>_data.xml | `-- <inherited_main_model>_demo.xml |-- models/ | |-- | |-- <main_model>.py | `-- <inherited_main_model>.py |-- report/ | |-- | |-- <main_stat_report_model>.py | |-- <main_stat_report_model>_views.xml | |-- <main_print_report>_reports.xml | `-- <main_print_report>_templates.xml |-- security/ | |-- ir.model.access.csv | `-- <main_model>_security.xml |-- static/ | |-- img/ | | |-- my_little_kitten.png | | `-- troll.jpg | |-- lib/ | | `-- external_lib/ | `-- src/ | |-- js/ | | `-- <my_module_name>.js | |-- css/ | | `-- <my_module_name>.css | |-- less/ | | `-- <my_module_name>.less | `-- xml/ | `-- <my_module_name>.xml |-- views/ | |-- <main_model>_templates.xml | |-- <main_model>_views.xml | |-- <inherited_main_model>_templates.xml | `-- <inherited_main_model>_views.xml `-- wizard/ |-- <main_transient_A>.py |-- <main_transient_A>_views.xml |-- <main_transient_B>.py `-- <main_transient_B>_views.xml ~~~ ## XML文件 ### 格式 当定义一个记录的xml时,需要一个`<record>`标记: * 将id属性放在model前面 * 对于字段的字义,name属性放在最前面,然后放`value`,`eval`,之后再按重要程度放其他属性如widget, options * 根据model将record进行分组,但在action/menu/views有依赖关系时该规则不好用 * 使用好的命名习惯 * `<data>`标签只在设置不可更新的数据时用,使用`noupdate=1` ~~~ <record id="view_id" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name"></field> <field name="model">object_name</field> <field name="priority" eval="16"/> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <tree> <field name="my_field_1"/> <field name="my_field_2" string="My Label" widget="statusbar" statusbar_visible="draft,sent,progress,done" /> </tree> </field> </record> ~~~ odoo还支持一些自定义的标签如: * `menuitem` - 用于定义一个`` * `workflow` - `<workflow>`标签向工作流发送信号 * `template` - 用于定义一个只需要`arch`片段的view * `report` - 用于定义报表action * `act_window`- 当record用不了的时候用它 ### 命名xml_id #### 安全、视图和action * 菜单 - `<model_name>_menu` * 视图 - `<model_name>_view_<view_type>`, view_type=>`kanban, form, tree, search...` * action - 主action命名为`<model_name>_action`,其他用`_<detail>`后缀,detail可用于简要描述该action功能 * 分组 - `<model_name>_group_<group_name>` ,`group_name`是分组名如用户、管理员…… * 规则 - `<model_name>_rule_<concerned_group>`,concerned_group 代表对应组的简写如user,public... ~~~ <!-- views and menus --> <record id="model_name_view_form" model="ir.ui.view"> ... </record> <record id="model_name_view_kanban" model="ir.ui.view"> ... </record> <menuitem id="model_name_menu_root" name="Main Menu" sequence="5" /> <menuitem id="model_name_menu_action" name="Sub Menu 1" parent="module_name.module_name_menu_root" action="model_name_action" sequence="10" /> <!-- actions --> <record id="model_name_action" model="ir.actions.act_window"> ... </record> <record id="model_name_action_child_list" model="ir.actions.act_window"> ... </record> <!-- security --> <record id="module_name_group_user" model="res.groups"> ... </record> <record id="model_name_rule_public" model="ir.rule"> ... </record> <record id="model_name_rule_company" model="ir.rule"> ... </record> ~~~ #### 继承xml 继承视图的命名方式是`<base_view>_inherit_<current_module_name>` ~~~ <record id="inherited_model_view_form_inherit_my_module" model="ir.ui.view"> ... </record> ~~~ ## python ### PEP8 使用linter来帮助显示语法错误和警告,odoo遵循了大部分的python标准,但忽略了以下几项: * E501: line too long * E301: expected 1 blank line, found 0 * E302: expected 2 blank lines, found 1 * E126: continuation line over-indented for hanging indent * E123: closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line * E127: continuation line over-indented for visual indent * E128: continuation line under-indented for visual indent * E265: block comment should start with '# ' ### 导入 导入的顺序为: 1. 导入标准库,每个库一行 2. 导入odoo 3. 从odoo模块导入(需要的时候) ~~~ # 1 : imports of python lib import base64 import re import time from datetime import datetime # 2 : imports of odoo import odoo from odoo import api, fields, models # alphabetically ordered from import safe_eval as eval from import _ # 3 : imports from odoo modules from import slug from odoo.addons.web.controllers.main import login_redirect ~~~ ### 符合习惯的python编程 * 每个文件放置`# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-`在头一行 * 从更易读的角度出发 * 不用clone() ~~~ # bad new_dict = my_dict.clone() new_list = old_list.clone() # good new_dict = dict(my_dict) new_list = list(old_list) ~~~ * Python字典:创建和修改 ~~~ # -- creation empty dict my_dict = {} my_dict2 = dict() # -- creation with values # bad my_dict = {} my_dict['foo'] = 3 my_dict['bar'] = 4 # good my_dict = {'foo': 3, 'bar': 4} # -- update dict # bad my_dict['foo'] = 3 my_dict['bar'] = 4 my_dict['baz'] = 5 # good my_dict.update(foo=3, bar=4, baz=5) my_dict = dict(my_dict, **my_dict2) ~~~ * 使用有意义的变量名、函数名、类名 * 临时变量有时可以让赋值给对象更简单: ~~~ # pointless schema = kw['schema'] params = {'schema': schema} # simpler params = {'schema': kw['schema']} ~~~ * 为了简单可使用多重返回 ~~~ # a bit complex and with a redundant temp variable def axes(self, axis): axes = [] if type(axis) == type([]): axes.extend(axis) else: axes.append(axis) return axes # clearer def axes(self, axis): if type(axis) == type([]): return list(axis) # clone the axis else: return [axis] # single-element list ~~~ * 内置函数 * 正确使用list,dict,map * 集合也可以当成布尔型 ~~~ bool([]) is False bool([1]) is True bool([False]) is True ~~~ * 循环 ~~~ # creates a temporary list and looks bar for key in my_dict.keys(): "do something..." # better for key in my_dict: "do something..." # creates a temporary list for key, value in my_dict.items(): "do something..." # only iterates for key, value in my_dict.iteritems(): "do something..." ~~~ * 使用dict.setdefault ~~~ # longer.. harder to read values = {} for element in iterable: if element not in values: values[element] = [] values[element].append(other_value) # better.. use dict.setdefault method values = {} for element in iterable: values.setdefault(element, []).append(other_value) ~~~ * 添加注释 ### odoo中编程 * 避免自定义生成器和装饰器,只使用odoo API已有的 * 使用更易理解的方法名 #### 让你的方法可以批量处理 当添加一个函数时,确保它可以处理多重数据,如通过`api.multi()`装饰器,可以在self上进行循环处理 ~~~ @api.multi def my_method(self) for record in self: record.do_cool_stuff() ~~~ 避免使用``装饰器,因为它可能不会像你想象中一样工作。 为了更好的性能,比如当定义一个状态按钮时,不在api.multi循环里用search和search_count方法,而用read_group一次计算 ~~~ @api.multi def _compute_equipment_count(self): """ Count the number of equipement per category """ equipment_data = self.env[''].read_group([('category_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['category_id'], ['category_id']) mapped_data = dict([(m['category_id'][0], m['category_id_count']) for m in equipment_data]) for category in self: category.equipment_count = mapped_data.get(, 0) ~~~ #### 扩散上下文环境 在新API中,context变量是不能修改的。可以通过`with_context`来使用新的运行环境调用方法。 ~~~ records.with_context(new_context).do_stuff() # all the context is replaced records.with_context(**additionnal_context).do_other_stuff() # additionnal_context values override native context ones ~~~ 如果需要创建一个新的context来对某对象进行操作, 选择一个好名字,以模块名为前缀用隔离它的影响,如:`mail_create_nosubscribe, mail_notrack, mail_notify_user_signature...` #### 尽量使用ORM 当ORM可以实现的时候尽量使用ORM而不要直接写sql,因为它可能会绕过orm的一些规则如权限、事务等 ,还会让代码变得难读且不安全。 ~~~ # very very wrong'SELECT id FROM auction_lots WHERE auction_id in (' + ','.join(map(str, ids))+') AND state=%s AND obj_price > 0', ('draft',)) auction_lots_ids = [x[0] for x in] # no injection, but still wrong'SELECT id FROM auction_lots WHERE auction_id in %s '\ 'AND state=%s AND obj_price > 0', (tuple(ids), 'draft',)) auction_lots_ids = [x[0] for x in] # better auction_lots_ids =[('auction_id','in',ids), ('state','=','draft'), ('obj_price','>',0)]) ~~~ #### 不要进行sql注入 不要用python的+号连接符、%解释符来拼sql ~~~'SELECT distinct child_id FROM account_account_consol_rel ' + 'WHERE parent_id IN ('+','.join(map(str, ids))+')') # better'SELECT DISTINCT child_id '\ 'FROM account_account_consol_rel '\ 'WHERE parent_id IN %s', (tuple(ids),)) ~~~ #### 尽量把方法写的短而简单 #### 不要手动提交事务 odoo有自己的一套机制用于事务处理 #### 正确的使用翻译方法 odoo用一个下划线方法来表明某字段需要翻译,该方法通过`from import _`导入 一般情况下该方法只能被用在手动写在代码里的字符串的翻译,不能用在动态的值中,翻译方法的调用只能是`_('literal string')`,里面不能加其他的。 ~~~ # good: plain strings error = _('This record is locked!') # good: strings with formatting patterns included error = _('Record %s cannot be modified!') % record # ok too: multi-line literal strings error = _("""This is a bad multiline example about record %s!""") % record error = _('Record %s cannot be modified' \ 'after being validated!') % record # bad: tries to translate after string formatting # (pay attention to brackets!) # This does NOT work and messes up the translations! error = _('Record %s cannot be modified!' % record) # bad: dynamic string, string concatenation, etc are forbidden! # This does NOT work and messes up the translations! error = _("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n") # bad: field values are automatically translated by the framework # This is useless and will not work the way you think: error = _("Product %s is out of stock!") % _( # and the following will of course not work as already explained: error = _("Product %s is out of stock!" % # bad: field values are automatically translated by the framework # This is useless and will not work the way you think: error = _("Product %s is not available!") % _( # and the following will of course not work as already explained: error = _("Product %s is not available!" % # Instead you can do the following and everything will be translated, # including the product name if its field definition has the # translate flag properly set: error = _("Product %s is not available!") % ~~~ 格式化字符串如`%s, %d`需要被保留,并以更明确的方式使用: ~~~ # Bad: makes the translations hard to work with error = "'" + question + _("' \nPlease enter an integer value ") # Better (pay attention to position of the brackets too!) error = _("Answer to question %s is not valid.\n" \ "Please enter an integer value.") % question ~~~ ### 符号和习惯 * 模型名-使用`.`分隔,模块名做前缀 * 定义odoo模型时,使用单数形式的名字如res.user,res.partner * 定义wizard时,使用`<related_base_model>.<action>`,related_base_model 代表其所相关的模型名,action是其功能简称,如`account.invoice.make` * 定义报表模型时,使用`<related_base_model>.report.<action>`,和wizard一样 * python类-使用驼峰命名方式 ~~~ class AccountInvoice(models.Model): ... class account_invoice(osv.osv): ... ~~~ * 变量名 * 模型变量使用驼峰命名方式 * 普通变量用下划线+小写字母 * 由于新api中记录是集合形式,当变量不包含id时不以id作后缀 ~~~ ResPartner = self.env['res.partner'] partners = ResPartner.browse(ids) partner_id = partners[0].id ~~~ `One2Many, Many2Many`字段一般以ids作为后缀如:sale_order_line_ids `Many2One` 一般以_id为后缀如:partner_id, user_id * 方法习惯 * 计算字段- 计算方法一般是`_compute_<field_name>` * 搜索方法- `_search_<field_name>` * 默认方法- `_default_<field_name>` * onchange方法- `_onchange_<field_name>` * 约束方法 - `_check_<constraint_name>` * action方法- 一个对象的动作方法一般以action_开头,它的装饰器是`@api.multi`,如果它只使用单条计算,可在方法头添加`self.ensure_one()` * 模型中属性的顺序 * 私有属性:_name, _description, _inherit, ... * 默认方法和_default_get * 字段声明 * 计算和搜索方法和字段声明顺序一致 * 约束方法(`@api.constrains`)和onchange方法(`@api.onchange`) * CRUD方法 * action方法 * 其他业务方法 ~~~ class Event(models.Model): # Private attributes _name = 'event.event' _description = 'Event' # Default methods def _default_name(self): ... # Fields declaration name = fields.Char(string='Name', default=_default_name) seats_reserved = fields.Integer(oldname='register_current', string='Reserved Seats', store=True, readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats') seats_available = fields.Integer(oldname='register_avail', string='Available Seats', store=True, readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats') price = fields.Integer(string='Price') # compute and search fields, in the same order of fields declaration @api.multi @api.depends('seats_max', 'registration_ids.state', 'registration_ids.nb_register') def _compute_seats(self): ... # Constraints and onchanges @api.constrains('seats_max', 'seats_available') def _check_seats_limit(self): ... @api.onchange('date_begin') def _onchange_date_begin(self): ... # CRUD methods (and name_get, name_search, ...) overrides def create(self, values): ... # Action methods @api.multi def action_validate(self): self.ensure_one() ... # Business methods def mail_user_confirm(self): ... ~~~ ## Javascript和CSS javascript: * 在所有javascript文件中使用`use strict;` * 使用linter * 不添加压缩javascript库 * 类名使用驼峰命名 * 如果javascript代码需要全局运行,在website模块中声明一个if_dom_contains 方法 ~~~'.jquery_class_selector', function () { /*your code here*/ }); ~~~ CSS: * 将所有的class命名为`o_<module_name>`,如`o_forum` * 避免使用id * 使用bootstrap的class * 用下划线+小写来命名 ## GIT 建议看专门的GIT教程 # 更新API []( * * * 译自odoo官方文档:[]( ,不当之处欢迎批评指正。 *内容发布自[](,转载请注明出处* 作者:湖南玖零网络科技 链接: 來源:简书 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。