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[TOC] > [参考鸟哥](https://www.laruence.com/2020/02/15/4982.html) >[asd 官网](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Anything-sync-daemon_(%E7%AE%80%E4%BD%93%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87)) ## 概述 使用内存硬盘(tmpfs)来加速你的网站,操作前必须备份原始目录内容 ## 创建内存硬盘目录 ``` mount -t tmpfs -o size=256M tmpfs /ramdisk ``` 256M,会按实际占用的大小分配内存,不会直接占用256M ## Anything-sync-daemon 同步目录 ``` wget https://github.com/graysky2/anything-sync-daemon/archive/master.zip cd anything-sync-daemon-master/ make install-systemd-all ``` 问题:如果 没有把服务安装到 /usr/lib/systemd/system 下 手动移动 ``` mv asd-resync.service asd-resync.timer asd.service /lib/systemd/system systemctl daemon-reload ``` ### 修改 asd.conf `/etc/asd.conf` or `/run/asd.conf` ``` #要同步的目录 ,多目录用逗号隔开 WHATTOSYNC=('/home/huixinchen/www/htdocs/') VOLATILE="/ramdisk" // tmpfs目录 ``` ### 设置同步时间 vim /lib/systemd/system/asd-resync.timer ``` [Unit] Description=Timer for Anything-sync-daemon - 1Hour PartOf=asd-resync.service asd.service [Timer] # 分钟 10min OnUnitActiveSec=24h ``` ### `asd p` 检查 ``` $ asd p Anything-sync-daemon v5.85 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Daemon pid file is not present. Resync cronjob is not present. Overlayfs technology is currently inactive. Asd will manage the following per /etc/asd.conf settings: owner/group id: huixinchen/1000 target to manage: /home/huixinchen/www/htdocs sync target: /home/huixinchen/www/.htdocs-backup_asd tmpfs target: /ramdisk/asd-huixinchen/home/huixinchen/www/htdocs dir size: 237M recovery dirs: none ``` 1. asd会把`/home/huixinchen/www/htdocs `目录同步到 `/ramdisk/asd-huixinchen/home/huixinchen/www/htdocs` 2. 并且会把tmpfs上的更新内容按照时间写回到 `/home/huixinchen/www/.htdocs-backup_asd` 3. 当我们停止asd的服务的时候,asd会把`.htdocs-backup_asd`在mv成`htdocs`,这样就不用担心你的内容会因为服务器突然断电丢失了 ### 启动 asd ``` systemctl restart asd ``` ### 软连接映射 * 启动 asd 后 `/home/huixinchen/www` 下的`htdocs`自动映射到 `/ramdisk/asd-huixinchen/home/huixinchen/www/htdocs/` * 关闭 asd,映射自动取消,所以 nginx 或apache 的 htdocs 不需要改 ``` > systemctl stop asd > ll im_webserver drwxrwxr--. 14 im_user im_user 4096 Feb 17 09:24 apache drwxrwxr-x. 2 im_user im_user 4096 May 25 2017 common drwxrwxrwx. 15 im_user im_user 4096 Feb 17 09:24 mysql drwxrwxr--. 7 im_user im_user 60 Feb 17 09:24 php drwxrwxr-x. 7 im_user im_user 4096 Feb 17 15:11 www > systemctl start asd > ll /home/im_user/im_server/im_webserver drwxrwxr--. 14 im_user im_user 4096 Feb 17 09:24 apache drwxrwxr-x. 2 im_user im_user 4096 May 25 2017 common drwxrwxrwx. 15 im_user im_user 4096 Feb 17 09:24 mysql drwxrwxr--. 7 im_user im_user 60 Feb 17 09:24 php lrwxrwxrwx. 1 im_user im_user 60 Feb 18 11:18 www -> /ramdisk/asd-im_user/home/im_user/im_server/im_webserver/www ```