🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
` ~~~ <?php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Created by PHPstorm: JRKAdmin框架 [ JRKAdmin ] // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2019~2022 [LuckyHHY] All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | SiteUrl: http://www.luckyhhy.cn // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: LuckyHhy <jackhhy520@qq.com> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Date: 2020/3/12-10:04 // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Description: // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- use \Firebase\JWT\JWT; use think\facade\Log; const ERRNO_MAP = [ 'OK' => '成功', 'DBERR' => '数据库查询错误', 'NODATA' => '无数据', 'DATAEXIST' => '数据已存在', 'DATAERR' => '数据错误', 'SESSIONERR' => '用户未登录', 'LOGINERR' => '用户登录失败', 'PARAMERR' => '参数错误', 'USERERR' => '用户不存在或未激活', 'ROLEERR' => '用户身份错误', 'PWDERR' => '密码错误', 'REQERR' => '非法请求或请求次数受限', 'IPERR' => 'IP受限', 'THIRDERR' => '第三方系统错误', 'IOERR' => '文件读写错误', 'SERVERERR' => '内部错误', 'UNKOWNERR' => '未知错误', ]; const ERRNO = [ 'OK' => '0', 'DBERR' => '4001', 'NODATA' => '4002', 'DATAEXIST' => '4003', 'DATAERR' => '4004', 'SESSIONERR' => '4101', 'LOGINERR' => '4102', 'PARAMERR' => '4103', 'USERERR' => '4104', 'ROLEERR' => '4105', 'PWDERR' => '4106', 'REQERR' => '4201', 'IPERR' => '4202', 'THIRDERR' => '4301', 'IOERR' => '4302', 'SERVERERR' => '4500', 'UNKOWNERR' => '4501', ]; /** * @return \think\response\Json * @throws Exception * @author: LuckyHhy <jackhhy520@qq.com> * @date: 2020/3/12 * @name: ajaxReturn * @describe:向前端返回JSON数据 */ function ajaxReturn() { // 形参个数 $args_num = func_num_args(); // 形参列表 $args = func_get_args(); if (1 === $args_num) { return json([ 'errno' => ERRNO['OK'], 'msg' => '成功', 'data' => $args[0]]); } if (2 === $args_num) { return json([ 'errno' => $args[0], 'msg' => $args[1]]); } if (3 === $args_num) { return json([ 'errno' => $args[0], 'msg' => $args[1], 'data' => $args[2]]); } throw new Exception("Error The number of parameters can be one or two or three"); } /** * @param $data * @return JWT|string * @author: LuckyHhy <jackhhy520@qq.com> * @date: 2020/3/12 * @name: setJWT * @describe:设置JWT */ function setJWT($data) { $jwt = new JWT(); $token = array( // "iss" => "http://example.org", // 签发者 // "aud" => "http://example.com", // 认证者 'iat' => time(), // 签发时间 'nbf' => time(), // 生效时间 'exp' => (time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), // 过期时间 7天后的时间戳 'data' => $data, ); $jwt = $jwt::encode($token, \config('jwt_key'), 'HS256'); return $jwt; } /** * @param $token * @return array|null * @author: LuckyHhy <jackhhy520@qq.com> * @date: 2020/3/12 * @name: getJWT * @describe:获取JWT内容 */ function getJWT($token) { $jwt = new JWT(); $data = null; try { $jwt_data = $jwt::decode($token, \config('jwt_key'), array('HS256')); $data = (array) ($jwt_data->data); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Log::write($e->getMessage(), 'error'); return null; } return $data; } ~~~ `