企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
本文实例作者:冀云 本文整理作者:杨红伟 ## (一)官方地址: ## (二)本站代码 **本站代码** **本站测试及调试** ![mark]( ## 原理: ![mark]( ## (三)最简DEMO ### 1、HTML ``` <h2>第一步:获取公钥</h2> <button id="getKey">点击获取公钥</button> <hr/> <h2>第二步:将本地数据加密后,在远程进行解密</h2> <input id="dataText1" placeholder="本地数据"/> <button id="sendButton">发送</button> <input id="dataText2" placeholder="远程解密"/> ``` ### 2、JS ``` (function(window) { 'use strict'; var rsa = function(params) { $.extend(this.params, params); this._init(); }; rsa.prototype = { params: { publicKey: '', }, _init: function() { var that = this; that.getKeyClick(); that.sendButton(); }, /** * 获取公钥 */ getKeyClick: function() { var that = this; $('#getKey').click(function() { $.get('testrsa.php', {act: 'get'}, function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); // 保存公钥 that.params.publicKey = result['publicKey']; }); }); }, /** * 发送测试数据 */ sendButton: function() { var that = this; $('#sendButton').click(function() { var dataText1 = $('#dataText1').val(); // step1:本地加密 var encrypt = new JSEncrypt(); encrypt.setPublicKey(that.params.publicKey); var encrypted = encrypt.encrypt(dataText1); console.log(encrypted); // step2:服务器上私钥解密 $.get('testrsa.php', {act: 'data',dataText: encrypted}, function (result) { result = $.parseJSON(result); console.log(result['code']); console.log(result['decrypted']); $('#dataText2').val(result['decrypted']); }); }); } }; window.rsa = rsa; })(window); ``` ### 3、PHP ``` <?php require_once('test.php'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept'); $key = array(); $act = $_REQUEST['act']; $rsa = new Rsa(); session_start(); if ( $act == 'get' ) { $key = $rsa->getKeys(); $arr = array('code'=>200, 'publicKey'=>$key['publicKey']); // echo $key['publicKey']; echo json_encode($arr); $_SESSION['publickey'] = $key['publicKey']; $_SESSION['privateKey'] = $key['privateKey']; } else if ( $act == 'data' ) { $dataText = $_REQUEST['dataText']; $decrypted = $rsa->decrypt($dataText, $_SESSION['privateKey']); $arr = array('code'=>200, 'decrypted'=>$decrypted); echo json_encode($arr); } ```