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[![Uploadify - JQuery File Upload Plugin Script](https://box.kancloud.cn/2015-11-02_5636cc82d8b6c.png)](http://www.uploadify.com) # .uploadifySettings() **$('#someID').uploadifySettings(name,value,resetObject);** The **.uploadifySettings()** method can be used to change certain settings for an instance of the Uploadify uploader. This method takes two(2) arguments. The first argument is the name of the setting you would like to change. The second argument is the new value you would like to use for the setting. If the second argument is omitted, the method will return the current value of that setting. The following settings can be changed: - buttonImg - buttonText - cancelImg - fileDesc - fileExt - folder - height - hideButton - script - scriptData - simUploadLimit - sizeLimit - width Note: When changing the value of the scriptData setting, use a JSON object containing name/value pairs as the value. If a scriptData key already exists, the value will update. If the key does not exist, it will be created. To remove a key, set the value to null. If updating the **scriptData** option via **uploadifySettings()**, it will not update due to synchronization issues with **onOpen**. Instead, use the **onSelectOnce** function to change the **scriptData** variable during an auto upload. ### Arguments **name **The name of the setting you want to change/update. **value** (optional)** **The value you would like to set. If omitted, the current value for the setting will be returned. **resetObject** (optional) Set this to **true** when updating the scriptData value to clear the existing object. ### Demo Javascript Code 1. $('#file_upload').uploadify({ 1.   'uploader'    : '/uploadify/uploadify.swf', 1.   'script'      : '/uploadify/uploadify.php', 1.   'cancelImg'   : '/uploadify/cancel.png', 1.   'folder'      : '/uploads', 1.   'auto'        : true 1. }); HTML Code 1. <inputtype="file"id="file_upload"name="file_upload"/> 1. <ahref="javascript:$('#file_upload').uploadifySettings('buttonText','Browse');">Change Button Text</a> [Change Button Text](#) [![Download the Latest Version](https://box.kancloud.cn/2015-11-02_5636cc82ea7d9.png)](#) Help keep Uploadify free and support the development of other excellent apps! ![](../image/564003e19e6a7.gif) [home](#)  |  [about](#)  |  [download](#)  |  [demos](#)  |  [documentation](#)  |  [faqs](#)  |  [forums](#) ©2011 by [Reactive Apps](http://www.reactiveapps.com)