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## 问题 Problem 你想搜索一个字符串,获取该子字符串匹配的起始位置或匹配值。 You need to search for a substring, and return either the starting position of the match or the matching value itself. ## 方法 Solution 使用正则表达式有好几种方法来实现,有些是调用`RegExp`字面量或者对象的方法,有的是调用`String`对象上的。 There are several ways to accomplish this using regular expressions. Some methods are called on a `RegExp` pattern or object and some are called on `String` objects. ### `RegExp`对象 `RegExp` objects 第一种方法是调用`RegExp`字面量或者对象上的`test`方法,这个`test`方法会返回一个布尔值: The first way is to call the `test` method on a`RegExp` pattern or object. The `test` method returns a boolean value: ~~~ match = /sample/.test("Sample text") # => false match = /sample/i.test("Sample text") # => true ~~~ 下一种方法是调用`RegExp`字面量或者对象的`exec`方法,这个方法会返回一个数组(包含了匹配信息)或者`null`; The next way to is to call the `exec` method on a `RegExp` pattern or object. The `exec` method returns an array an array with the match information or `null`: ~~~ match = /s(amp)le/i.exec "Sample text" # => [ 'Sample', 'amp', index: 0, input: 'Sample text' ] match = /s(amp)le/.exec "Sample text" # => null ~~~ ### `String`对象 `String` objects `match`方法对一个给定的字符串与`RegExp`匹配。如果带有`g`标志,则返回一个包含了所有匹配的数组,否则只返回第一个匹配值,或者返回`null`,如果没有匹配的话。 The `match` method matches a given string with the `RegExp`. With ‘g’ flag returns an array containing the matches, without ‘g’ flag returns just the first match or if no match is found returns `null`. ~~~ "Watch out for the rock!".match(/r?or?/g) # => [ 'o', 'or', 'ro' ] "Watch out for the rock!".match(/r?or?/) # => [ 'o', index: 6, input: 'Watch out for the rock!' ] "Watch out for the rock!".match(/ror/) # => null ~~~ `search`用来做`RegExp`和字符串的匹配,如果匹配到就返回匹配的起始位置,否则返回-1。 The `search` method matches `RegExp` with string and returns the index of the beginning of the match if found, -1 if not. ~~~ "Watch out for the rock!".search /for/ # => 10 "Watch out for the rock!".search /rof/ # => -1 ~~~ ## 讨论 Discussion 正则表达式是一种测试或者匹配字串的强大的方式。 Regular Expressions are a powerful way to test and match substrings.