💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
本节课将介绍如何使用specs —— 一个Scala行为驱动设计(BDD)框架,来进行测试。 [TOC=2,2] ## 扩展规格 让我们直接开始。 ~~~ import org.specs._ object ArithmeticSpec extends Specification { "Arithmetic" should { "add two numbers" in { 1 + 1 mustEqual 2 } "add three numbers" in { 1 + 1 + 1 mustEqual 3 } } } ~~~ **Arithmetic(算术)** 是一个 **规范约束下的系统** **add(加)** 是一个上下文。 **add two numbers(两个数相加)**,和 **add three numbers(三个数字相加)** 是例子。 `mustEqual` 表示 **预期** `1 mustEqual 1` 是编写实际测试前使用的一种常见的 **预期** 占位符。所有的测试用例都应该至少有一个预期。 ### 复制 注意到两个测试都是怎样将 `add` 加在其名称中的吗?我们可以通过 **嵌套** 预期摆脱这种重复。 ~~~ import org.specs._ object ArithmeticSpec extends Specification { "Arithmetic" should { "add" in { "two numbers" in { 1 + 1 mustEqual 2 } "three numbers" in { 1 + 1 + 1 mustEqual 3 } } } } ~~~ ## 执行模型 ~~~ object ExecSpec extends Specification { "Mutations are isolated" should { var x = 0 "x equals 1 if we set it." in { x = 1 x mustEqual 1 } "x is the default value if we don't change it" in { x mustEqual 0 } } } ~~~ ## Setup, Teardown ### doBefore & doAfter ~~~ "my system" should { doBefore { resetTheSystem() /** user-defined reset function */ } "mess up the system" in {...} "and again" in {...} doAfter { cleanThingsUp() } } ~~~ **注意** `doBefore`/`doAfter` 只能运行在叶子用例上。 ### doFirst & doLast `doFirst`/`doLast` 用来做一次性的设置。(需要例子,我不使用这个) ~~~ "Foo" should { doFirst { openTheCurtains() } "test stateless methods" in {...} "test other stateless methods" in {...} doLast { closeTheCurtains() } } ~~~ ## Matchers 你有数据,并且想要确保它是正确的。让我们看看最常用的匹配器是如何帮助你的。 (参考 [匹配器指南](http://code.google.com/p/specs/wiki/MatchersGuide) ) ### mustEqual 我们已经看到几个mustEqual的例子了。 ~~~ 1 mustEqual 1 "a" mustEqual "a" ~~~ 引用相等,值相等。 ### 序列中的元素 ~~~ val numbers = List(1, 2, 3) numbers must contain(1) numbers must not contain(4) numbers must containAll(List(1, 2, 3)) numbers must containInOrder(List(1, 2, 3)) List(1, List(2, 3, List(4)), 5) must haveTheSameElementsAs(List(5, List(List(4), 2, 3), 1)) ~~~ ### 映射中的元素 ~~~ map must haveKey(k) map must notHaveKey(k) map must haveValue(v) map must notHaveValue(v) ~~~ ### 数字 ~~~ a must beGreaterThan(b) a must beGreaterThanOrEqualTo(b) a must beLessThan(b) a must beLessThanOrEqualTo(b) a must beCloseTo(b, delta) ~~~ ### Options ~~~ a must beNone a must beSome[Type] a must beSomething a must beSome(value) ~~~ ### throwA ~~~ a must throwA[WhateverException] ~~~ 这是一个针对try\catch块中有异常抛出的用例的简写。 您也可以期望一个特定的消息 ~~~ a must throwA(WhateverException("message")) ~~~ 您也可以匹配异常: ~~~ a must throwA(new Exception) like { case Exception(m) => m.startsWith("bad") } ~~~ ### 编写你自己的匹配器 ~~~ import org.specs.matcher.Matcher ~~~ #### 作为一个不变量 ~~~ "A matcher" should { "be created as a val" in { val beEven = new Matcher[Int] { def apply(n: => Int) = { (n % 2 == 0, "%d is even".format(n), "%d is odd".format(n)) } } 2 must beEven } } ~~~ 契约是返回一个包含三个值的元组,分别是期望是否为真、为真时的消息和为假时的消息。 #### 作为一个样本类 ~~~ case class beEven(b: Int) extends Matcher[Int]() { def apply(n: => Int) = (n % 2 == 0, "%d is even".format(n), "%d is odd".format(n)) } ~~~ 使用样本类可以增加代码的重用性。 ## Mocks ~~~ import org.specs.Specification import org.specs.mock.Mockito class Foo[T] { def get(i: Int): T } object MockExampleSpec extends Specification with Mockito { val m = mock[Foo[String]] m.get(0) returns "one" m.get(0) there was one(m).get(0) there was no(m).get(1) } ~~~ **参考** [Using Mockito](http://code.google.com/p/specs/wiki/UsingMockito) ## Spies Spies(间谍)可以对真正的对象做一些“局部mocking”: ~~~ val list = new LinkedList[String] val spiedList = spy(list) // methods can be stubbed on a spy spiedList.size returns 100 // other methods can also be used spiedList.add("one") spiedList.add("two") // and verification can happen on a spy there was one(spiedList).add("one") ~~~ 然而,使用间谍可能会出现非常诡异的情况: ~~~ // if the list is empty, this will throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException spiedList.get(0) returns "one" ~~~ 这里必须使用 `doReturn` : ~~~ doReturn("one").when(spiedList).get(0) ~~~ ## 在sbt中运行单个specs ~~~ > test-only com.twitter.yourservice.UserSpec ~~~ 将只运行那个规范。 ~~~ > ~ test-only com.twitter.yourservice.UserSpec ~~~ 将在一个循环中运行该测试,文件的每一次修改都将触发测试运行。 Built at [@twitter](http://twitter.com/twitter) by [@stevej](http://twitter.com/stevej), [@marius](http://twitter.com/marius), and [@lahosken](http://twitter.com/lahosken) with much help from [@evanm](http://twitter.com/evanm), [@sprsquish](http://twitter.com/sprsquish), [@kevino](http://twitter.com/kevino), [@zuercher](http://twitter.com/zuercher), [@timtrueman](http://twitter.com/timtrueman), [@wickman](http://twitter.com/wickman), and[@mccv](http://twitter.com/mccv); Russian translation by [appigram](https://github.com/appigram); Chinese simple translation by [jasonqu](https://github.com/jasonqu); Korean translation by [enshahar](https://github.com/enshahar); Licensed under the [Apache License v2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).