企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
# demo * 部署服务器 * 代码解读 * node的代码 * 模型 * 测试 * api * 前端weui代码 * index.html * example.js * 实现tab * 绑定实践 * 微信配置说明 * 总结 ## 部署服务器 阿里云 ubuntu 14.10 LTS 64位 ## 登录远端服务器 ssh root@ip ## 创建用户 ~~~ # sudo useradd -m -d /home/sang -s /bin/bash -c "the sang user" -U sang # passwd sang Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully ~~~ * useradd创建登录用户 * passwd设置用户登录密码 ## 赋予sudo权限 如果有必要使用sudu权限,请修改 ~~~ # sudo vi /etc/sudoers ~~~ 复制root行改为sang即可 ~~~ # User privilege specification root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL sang ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL ~~~ ## 切换用户 ~~~ # su - sang $ ls $ $ pwd /home/sang $ ~~~ ## 安装必备软件 ### 安装git 如果上面没有复制给sang账户sudo权限,请切换到root账户操作 ~~~ sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git ~~~ ### 安装nginx ~~~ sudo apt-get install nginx ~~~ ### 开机启动 ([]( ~~~ sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf sudo sysv-rc-conf nginx on ~~~ 注意:Ubuntu系统中服务的运行级别 * 0 系统停机状态 * 1 单用户或系统维护状态 * 2~5 多用户状态 * 6 重新启动 ### 准备工作目录 ~~~ mkdir -p workspace/github cd workspace/github ~~~ ## 安装nodejs ### 安装nvm ~~~ $ curl -o- | bash % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 7766 100 7766 0 0 28614 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 28656 => Downloading nvm as script to '/home/sang/.nvm' => Appending source string to /home/sang/.bashrc => Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm $ source ~/.bashrc $ nvm Node Version Manager ~~~ 安装nodejs lts版本 ~~~ $ nvm install 4 Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% Now using node v4.3.2 (npm v2.14.12) Creating default alias: default -> 4 (-> v4.3.2) $ node -v v4.3.2 ~~~ 使之成为默认 ~~~ $ nvm alias default 4.3 default -> 4.3 (-> v4.3.2) ~~~ ### 确认npm版本 ~~~ $ npm -v 2.14.12 ~~~ 只要大于2.9.1即可,如不是,请`npm i -g npm@2.9.1` ### 安装nrm ~~~ $ npm i -g nrm npm WARN deprecated npmconf@0.1.16: this package has been reintegrated into npm and is now out of date with respect to npm /home/sang/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.2/bin/nrm -> /home/sang/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.2/lib/node_modules/nrm/cli.js nrm@0.3.0 /home/sang/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.2/lib/node_modules/nrm ├── ini@1.3.4 ├── only@0.0.2 ├── extend@1.3.0 ├── async@0.7.0 ├── open@0.0.5 ├── commander@2.9.0 (graceful-readlink@1.0.1) ├── npmconf@0.1.16 (inherits@2.0.1, osenv@0.0.3, ini@1.1.0, semver@2.3.2, mkdirp@0.3.5, once@1.3.3, nopt@2.2.1, config-chain@1.1.10) ├── node-echo@0.0.6 (jistype@0.0.3, mkdirp@0.3.5, coffee-script@1.7.1) └── request@2.69.0 (aws-sign2@0.6.0, forever-agent@0.6.1, tunnel-agent@0.4.2, oauth-sign@0.8.1, is-typedarray@1.0.0, caseless@0.11.0, stringstream@0.0.5, isstream@0.1.2, json-stringify-safe@5.0.1, extend@3.0.0, tough-cookie@2.2.1, node-uuid@1.4.7, qs@6.0.2, combined-stream@1.0.5, form-data@1.0.0-rc3, mime-types@2.1.10, aws4@1.3.2, hawk@3.1.3, bl@1.0.3, http-signature@1.1.1, har-validator@2.0.6) ~~~ 测速 ~~~ $ nrm test * npm ---- 274ms cnpm --- 6868ms taobao - 716ms edunpm - 5598ms eu ----- Fetch Error au ----- Fetch Error sl ----- 1234ms nj ----- 2228ms pt ----- Fetch Error ~~~ 切换源 ~~~ $ nrm use npm Registry has been set to: ~~~ ## 部署nodejs应用 ### 基础 * git clone * npm i * pm2 start ### 修改nginx ~~~ cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default upstream backend_nodejs { server max_fails=0 fail_timeout=10s; #server; keepalive 512; } server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; #root /usr/share/nginx/html; root /home/sang/workspace/oschina/base2-wechat-jssdk/public; index index.html index.htm; # Make site accessible from http://localhost/ server_name; client_max_body_size 16M; keepalive_timeout 10; location / { # First attempt to serve request as file, then # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404. #try_files $uri $uri/ =404; # Uncomment to enable naxsi on this location # include /etc/nginx/naxsi.rules proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true; proxy_redirect off; proxy_next_upstream error timeout http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504; proxy_set_header Connection ""; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_pass http://backend_nodejs; } } ~~~ 注意 * upstream backend_nodejs定义的代理转发的api地址 * location /下面的proxy_pass,从upstream里取 * root下面放的是静态资源,比如express下的public目录 然后重启nginx即可 ~~~ sudo nginx -s reload ~~~ ### 了解MONGODB的部署 * replset * shard 我写的《 mongodb运维之副本集实践》 []( on ubuntu []( ## 代码部署 ssh免登陆 ~~~ git clone ~~~ * 调整nginx * pm2 ## node的代码 ### 模型 * 目录结构 * 表间关系 User用户 ~~~ username: {// 真实姓名 type: String }, password : String, unionid : String, openid: {// from weixin openid type: String, required: true, index: { unique: true } }, nickname : String,// from weixin 昵称 sex : String,// from weixin 性别 0->女 1->男 language : String,// from weixin 语言 city : String,// from weixin 城市 province : String,// from weixin country : String,// from weixin headimgurl : String,// from weixin 头像路径 privilege : [], // from weixin created_at : { type: Date, "default": } ~~~ Course课程 ~~~ name: {// 课程名 type: String }, pic: {// 课程图片 type: String, "default": "/images/logo.png" }, desc: {// 描述 type: String, "default": "这是StuQ的一门在线课程" }, price: {// 价格 type: Number }, docent: {// 讲师 type: String }, content: {// 大纲 type: String }, owner_id: { //user_id type: Schema.ObjectId, index: true, required: true, ref: 'User' }, created_at: { type: Date, "default": } ~~~ 订单 ~~~ desc: {// 订单说明 type: String }, "user_id": { //user_id type: Schema.ObjectId, index: true, required: true, ref: 'User' }, user_name: {// 用户名 type: String }, "course_id": { //user_id type: Schema.ObjectId, index: true, required: true, ref: 'Course' }, course_name: {// 课程名 type: String }, created_at : { type: Date, "default": } ~~~ 问题 * 如何查看我的课程? * 如果查看我购买的课程? 源码介绍的时候,穿插robo和dash用法 ### 测试 user ~~~ var request = require('supertest'); var assert = require('chai').assert; var expect = require('chai').expect; require('chai').should(); require('../db') var User = require('../app/models/user') // 测试代码基本结构 describe('用户User', function(){ before(function(d) { // runs before all tests in this block User.remove({"openid":"ss"},function(){ d() }) }) after(function(){ // runs after all tests in this block // User.remove({},function(err, user){ // }); }) beforeEach(function(){ // runs before each test in this block }) afterEach(function(){ // runs after each test in this block }) describe('#save()', function(){ this.timeout(30000); it('should return stuq when user save', function(done){ User.create({"username":"stuq","password":"password", "openid":"ss"},function(err, user){ if(err){ console.log(err) expect(err); done(); } expect(user.username)'string'); expect(user.username).to.equal('stuq'); done(); }); }) }) }) ~~~ 用户与课程 ~~~ var request = require('supertest'); var assert = require('chai').assert; var expect = require('chai').expect; require('chai').should(); require('../db') var User = require('../app/models/user') var Course = require('../app/models/course') var Order = require('../app/models/order') var _user; // 测试代码基本结构 describe('课程Course', function(){ before(function(done) { // runs before all tests in this block User.removeAsync({"username":"stuq","password":"password", "openid":"ss"}).then(function(){ return User.createAsync({"username":"stuq","password":"password", "openid":"ss"}) }).then(function(user){ _user = user; return Course.removeAsync({"name":"Node.js微信开发"}); }).then(function(){ done(); }); }) after(function(){ // runs after all tests in this block // User.remove({},function(err, user){ // }); }) beforeEach(function(){ // runs before each test in this block }) afterEach(function(){ // runs after each test in this block }) describe('#save()', function(){ it('should return Node.js微信开发 when Course save', function(done){ Course.create({ "name":"Node.js微信开发","desc":"stuq在线课程", "docent":"桑世龙", owner_id: _user._id, desc:"通过学习Node.js基础和express,微信开发常用库,h5,最后达到学会Node.js开发的目的,该课程以实战为主,深入浅出" },function(err, c){ if(err){ console.log(err) expect(err); done(); } expect('string'); expect('Node.js微信开发'); done(); }); }) }) }) ~~~ 三个表相关的订单 ~~~ var request = require('supertest'); var assert = require('chai').assert; var expect = require('chai').expect; require('chai').should(); require('../db') var User = require('../app/models/user') var Order = require('../app/models/order') var Course = require('../app/models/course') var _user, _course; // 测试代码基本结构 describe('订单Order', function(){ before(function(done) { // runs before all tests in this block User.removeAsync({"openid":"ss1"}).then(function(){ return Course.removeAsync({"name":"Node.js微信开发1"}); }).then(function(){ User.create({"username":"stuq1","password":"password", "openid":"ss1"},function(err, user){ _user = user; // console.log(err) // console.log(_user) return Course.create({"name":"Node.js微信开发1","desc":"stuq在线课程", "docent":"桑世龙", owner_id: _user._id},function(err1, c){ // console.log(c) _course = c; done(); }); }); }) }) after(function(){ }) beforeEach(function(){ // runs before each test in this block }) afterEach(function(){ // runs after each test in this block }) describe('#save()', function(){ it('should return order when order save', function(done){ Order.create({ "desc":"a order" ,"user_id":_user._id , "user_name": _user.username ,course_id : _course._id ,course_name : },function(err, order){ if(err){ console.log(err) expect(err); done(); } expect(order.desc)'string'); expect(order.desc).to.equal('a order'); done(); }); }) }) }) ~~~ 另外举例runkoa没有ci引发的血案 ### api 自动挂载路由 ~~~ var mount = require('mount-routes'); // simple mount(app, __dirname + '/app/routes'); ~~~ 示例 ~~~ var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); var User = require('../../models/user') var Course = require('../../models/course') var Order = require('../../models/order') router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { Course.find({},function(err, courses){ res.json({ status:{ code:0, msg:'sucess' }, data:courses }); }); }) module.exports = router; ~~~ 测试 ~~~ curl ~~~ 或者`postman` ## 前端weui代码 weui v0.4.x新增了路由和tab等组件,问题还是挺多的 frontend目录随便配,目的就是为了让大家理解前后端分离 ### 路由 定义骨架 ~~~ var router = new Router({ container: '#container', enterTimeout: 250, leaveTimeout: 250 }); ~~~ 然后 ~~~ // course var course = { url: '/course', className: 'panel', render: function () { // alert(getQueryStringByName('id')); return $('#tpl_course').html(); }, bind: function () { $('.pay_btn').on('click', function(){ var id = getQueryStringByName('id'); pay_h5(id); }) } }; // tabbar var tabbar = { url: '/home', className: 'tabbar', render: function () { var _t = this; setTimeout(function(){ _t.bind() },100) return $('#tpl_tabbar').html(); }, bind: function () { $('.course_list').html(all_courses_html); $('.weui_tabbar_content').eq(0).show() $('.weui_tabbar_item').on('click', function () { $('.weui_tabbar_item').eq($('.weui_tabbar_item').index(this)).addClass('weui_bar_item_on').siblings().removeClass('weui_bar_item_on') $('.weui_tabbar_content').eq($('.weui_tabbar_item').index(this)).show().siblings().hide(); }); } }; router.push(tabbar) .push(course) .setDefault('/home') .init(); ~~~ ### example.js 根据query的参数名,取值 ~~~ function getQueryStringByName(name){ var result = location.hash.match(new RegExp("[\?\&]" + name+ "=([^\&]+)","i")); if(result == null || result.length < 1){ return ""; } return result[1]; } ~~~ ajax ~~~ var all_courses_html; $.getJSON('/api/courses',function(res){ // alert(res) var item_html = "" for(var i in{ console.log(i); var course =[i]; var item = " <a href='#/course?id=" + course._id + "' class='weui_media_box weui_media_appmsg'>" +" <div class='weui_media_hd'>" +" <img class='weui_media_appmsg_thumb' src='" + course.pic + "' alt=''>" +" </div>" +" <div class='weui_media_bd'>" +" <h4 class='weui_media_title'>" + + "</h4>" +" <p class='weui_media_desc'>" + course.desc + "</p>" +" </div>" +" </a>" item_html += item; } all_courses_html = "<div class='weui_panel_bd'> " + item_html + " </div><a class='weui_panel_ft' href='javascript:void(0);'>查看更多</a>" // alert(all); $('.course_list').html(all_courses_html); }) ~~~ 这样首页是ok了,但是里面呢? ~~~ // tabbar var tabbar = { url: '/home', className: 'tabbar', render: function () { var _t = this; setTimeout(function(){ _t.bind() },100) return $('#tpl_tabbar').html(); }, bind: function () { $('.course_list').html(all_courses_html); $('.weui_tabbar_content').eq(0).show() $('.weui_tabbar_item').on('click', function () { $('.weui_tabbar_item').eq($('.weui_tabbar_item').index(this)).addClass('weui_bar_item_on').siblings().removeClass('weui_bar_item_on') $('.weui_tabbar_content').eq($('.weui_tabbar_item').index(this)).show().siblings().hide(); }); } }; ~~~ * setTimeout * $('.course_list').html(all_courses_html); ### 实现tab ~~~ <script type="text/html" id="tpl_tabbar"> <div class="weui_tab"> <div class="weui_tab_bd"> <div class="weui_tabbar_content"> <div class="hd"> <h1 class="page_title">StuQ课程</h1> <p class="page_desc"> 提升你的IT职业技能最好的在线学习平台</p> </div> <div class="weui_panel weui_panel_access"> <div class="weui_panel_hd">课程列表</div> <div class='course_list'></div> </div> </div> <div class="weui_tabbar_content"> </div> </div> <div class="weui_tabbar"> <a href="javascript:;" class="weui_tabbar_item"> <div class="weui_tabbar_icon"> <img src="./images/icon_nav_article.png" alt=""> </div> <p class="weui_tabbar_label">课程</p> </a> <a href="javascript:;" class="weui_tabbar_item"> <div class="weui_tabbar_icon"> <img src="./images/icon_nav_cell.png" alt=""> </div> <p class="weui_tabbar_label">我</p> </a> </div> </div> </script> ~~~ 留意weui_tabbar_content ~~~ $('.weui_tabbar_content').eq(0).show() $('.weui_tabbar_item').on('click', function () { $('.weui_tabbar_item').eq($('.weui_tabbar_item').index(this)).addClass('weui_bar_item_on').siblings().removeClass('weui_bar_item_on') $('.weui_tabbar_content').eq($('.weui_tabbar_item').index(this)).show().siblings().hide(); }); ~~~ 参见[]( ### 绑定事件 * on * live * bind ## 微信配置说明 Stuq微信开发测试账号信息 ### 公众平台 []( * 微信名:StuQ课课程测试账号 * 微信账户 * 密码:duanmu5061656 ~~~ { "app_id": "wx1207227ce79d76c3", "app_secret": "b1693148b1b26318c9d8224a17ff0ee1" } ~~~ ### 微信支付 []( 微信支付商户号 1299809901 商户平台登录帐号 1299809901@1299809901 商户平台登录密码 000090 安装操作证书 * 安装安全控件 * 安装操作证书(请事先联系海角,获取对应的短信验证码,输入短信验证码和验证码就自动安装完成了) 然后点击api安全 * 有手机号授权找海角 * 有域名ip地址指定找i5ting ## 总结 ### 关于StuQ ![]( 软件公司招聘需要巨大,但入门难,技术发展过快(指数),而人的曲线成长较慢,现在的慕客形式又过于老旧,呆板,少互动,所以社群时代的在线教育,一定是专业的、互动的、深入浅出、共同成长,这些正是StuQ最擅长的方面,我个人特别看好StuQ这个品牌,真心推荐,如果不是股份绑定,我一定会加入StuQ ### 我的近况 * 新书《更了不起的 Node 4:将下一代 Web 框架 Koa 进行到底》,预计2到3个月就能和大家见面 * StuQ-Koa在线课程,准备招生 ## 写给大家 * 学不学在自己,会不会也在自己 * 少抱怨、多思考、未来更美好 * 闲时要有吃紧的心思 * 一万个小时就能成为专家,难在坚持 * 掌握了学习方法,以后职业不愁