💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
# 开发者任务分发 TODO Task Claim 本文不定期更新开发者任务,有荔枝派相关的,也有其他小项目的,有兴趣的朋友可以在其下留言或者直接小窗联系我QQ:715805855, 或者邮箱zepanwucai@gmail.com领取任务。 普通简单任务请在一周内完成,困难任务酌情放宽时间。 每个任务同时可由多人认领,由最先完成者获取回报。也可组队认领,回报由队内协商分配 This page update TODO List every week, and every TODO task have its own reward. You can contact me with QQ: 715805855 or email: zepanwucai@gmail.com to get the task. Every TODO Task can be claimed with multiple person, and the first person who finish the task will get the reward. The TODO list is not complete yet, and you can ask me to add some TODO task too. # LicheePi Zero TODO List | 大项 Item | 小项 Sub Item | 详述 description | 预估难度difficulty(1~5) | 预估耗时time cost | 回报 reward | 领取人 contributor | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |教程撰写Tutorial|开箱指南Open Box Tutorial CN|1.Zero各部分简介2.启动方式介绍3.系统镜像组成部分介绍4.系统镜像分类介绍5.镜像烧录及简单演示|1|1~2h|Zero|dž~木耳多糖 5.4 send out| ||Open Box Tutorial EN|1. Zero element intro 2. boot method intro 3. system image partion intro 4. system image intro 5. image download and demonstration|1|1~2h|Zero| 熟悉的陌生人 5.1 send out | ||WiFi/BT module Usage CN|0.模块的焊接演示 1.WiFi的使用及iperf测试 2.BT的使用及连接蓝牙外设的测试|2|2h|ZeroW|| ||WiFi/BT module Usage EN|0.solder method 1.WiFi usgae and iperf test 2.BT usage and test|2|2h|ZeroW|| ||Uboot compile CN|介绍Uboot的结构,menuconfig里的常见配置选项,编译步骤等|1|1h|Zero|飞跃 5.4 send out| ||Uboot compile EN|intro Uboot struct,menuconfig items, compile setps and so on|1|1h|Zero|| ||Linux kernel compile CN|介绍Zero的开发环境搭建,内核配置编译过程,常见驱动的配置等|2|1~2h|ZeroW|亦∮魔 5.4 send out| ||Linux kernel compile EN|Zero's Linux development environment setup,kernel config,driver config, etc.|2|1~2h|ZeroW|| |Uboot调试Uboot Works|SPI启动SPI Nor boot up|SPI NOR flash启动到内核,撰写文档 SPI NOR Flash boot up to kernel, write the document|4|4~8h|ZeroW + 5 inch LCD|| |驱动调试Driver Works|适配以太网驱动 Adapt Ethernet driver|尝试编译以太网驱动,发送给群主验证,并撰写过程文档 compile and debug ethernet driver, write the document|3|2~4h|ZeroW Dock|techping 5.4 send out **finished**| ||Adapt SPI LCD|尝试编译SPI LCD驱动,作为系统主显示,发给群主验证,并记录文档 compile and debug SPI LCD Driver,write the document|3|2~4h|ZeroW Dock|QianFan 5.1 send out| ||Adapt I2C OLED|尝试编译I2C OLED驱动,发给群主验证,并记录文档 compile and debug I2C OLED driver,write the document|3|2~4h|ZeroW Dock|星空 5.4 finished| ||适配OV5647摄像头主线驱动 MIPI CSI and OV5647 driver|尝试移植OV5647驱动,主要是drivers/media/i2c下寄存器操作和drivers/media/platform下平台相关操作。发给群主验证,并撰写移植文档 write and debug MIPI CSI,OV5647 driver,write the document|5|???|$500|| ||官方SDK驱动摄像头 AW SDK MCSI driver|剥离官方SDK的Linux内核,构建可使用摄像头的系统镜像 strip AW SDK's linux, and run camera on it|4|4~8h|$100|王伟 5.4 send out| ||适配HDMI转接板驱动 Adapt HDMI driver|IT66121FN驱动 compile and debug IT66121 driver, write the document|3|2~4h|ZeroW Dock|techping 5.4 send out| ||适配按键手柄驱动 Adapt I2C joystick driver |TCA8418驱动 TCA8418 driver compile and debug, write the document|2|2h|ZeroW|| |PCB相关 PCB Works|底板修改Dock optimizing |修改优化初版底板 Dock optimizing|2|2~4h|ZeroW Dock|| ||I2C手柄修改 I2C joystick optimizing|优化手柄握感 I2C joystick optimizing|2|2h|ZeroW|| ||RGB 40P转50P 转接板设计 RGB 40P to 50P |根据群创通用50P RGB屏的定义,设计40P转50P转接板 RGB 40P to 50P adaptor board design|2|2h|报销打样,元件费用 free PCB and bom|shadow 5.5| |系统镜像|rootfs for lxde|新增lxde的根文件系统|2|2h|ZeroW|Anonym 5.1 **finished**| ||打包镜像package image|打包uboot,内核,根文件系统到单独的dd镜像 package "dd" image|1|1~2h|Zero|Anonym 5.1 **Finished**| ||Qt image|打包Qt镜像,并撰写使用文档 Package Qt image, write document|2|2~4h|ZeroW Dock|fu登ck 5.1| ||openwrt image|打包 Openwrt镜像,包含压缩版和不压缩版,撰写编译,使用文档 package openwrt image(compress and uncompress), write document |2|4h|ZeroW Dock+5inch LCD|| |杂项MISC|名片式说明书设计 specification card design|90x54mm标准名片大小的简易说明书,一面标注Zero的引脚位,一面是各资源链接|1|1~2h|Zero|小白杨 5.2| |其它Other|可以提出其它建议,加入到TODO list清单中 Add more task to this List|||||| # 其它项目 快餐式外包 | 项目 | 详述 | 预估难度 | 预估耗时 | 回报 | 领取人 | |--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |某LED灯板原理图及PCB修改|从单色灯改成双色灯和RGBW灯,单面板|2|2~4h|200 RMB|Sandwich à l'ane 5.1| |某LED灯板闪灯程序修改|从单色灯修改为双色灯和RGBW灯的闪烁方式|2|2~4h|200 RMB|Sandwich à l'ane 5.1| |某GPRS模组MQTT调试|使用上海合宙的Air200模块,Lua编程,自带MQTT库,与我方后端工程师对接调试,需先付开发板押金|2|4~6h|500 RMB|MARtinT3CH 5.1|