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1\.R.W Sperry,“Cerebral Organization and Behavior:The Split Brain Behaves in Many Respects Like Two Separate Brains,Providing New Research Possibilities,”Science 133(1961):1749-57. 2\.不是指左眼和右眼,而是每只眼睛的左边和右边,这一点很关键。 3\.Life Magazine,October 1,1971,p.43.The extract below this quote is also from p.43. 4\.斯佩里,逝于1994年,是安东尼奥E.普恩特(Antonio E.Puente)的导师。普恩特是北卡罗来纳大学威名顿分校的心理学教授,也是斯佩里的传记作者。我们询问他,斯佩里是否想让他的研究促成大众文化中的左右脑故事。他写道:“我所听过的罗杰·斯佩里的最‘令人震惊’的评论发生在他接受美国心理学会颁发的终生成就奖的时候。在他简短的演讲中,他说了一些关于他的左半脑不能充分地表达右半脑所感受的情感。……他的文字和他的科学一样保守。这不是他的意愿,他也很少和人分享。” 5\.R.w.Sperry,“Consciousness,Personal Identity and the Divided Brain,”Neuropsychologia 22(1984):661-73. 6\.See are many other postings.The spinning dancer was revealed to be an optical illusion by Steven Novella,Yale University School of Medicine clinical neurologist,on October 11,2007,in his article“Left Brain-Right Brain and the Spinning Girl,”on his NeuroLogicaBlog:Your Daily Fix of Neuroscience,Skepticism and Critical Thinking.The correct description of the spinning dancer as optical illusion was more widely publicized in the New York Times on April 28,2008,in a blog posting by Tara Parker-Pope,who wrote:“While the dancer does indeed reflect the brain savvy of its creator,Japanese Web designer Nobuyuki Kayahara,it is not a brain test.Instead,it is simply an optical illusion called a reversible,or ambiguous,image.” 7\.See\_right/rb\_test.htm. 8\.See\_leftright brain\_quiz.htm. 9\.See 10\.See\_1\_4?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF88cqid=1315481288&sr=1-4and\_cp\_mov\_1. 11\.See 12\.See\_abacus/abacus-stimulates-whole-brain-deve1opment/. 13\.See\_Brain.html. 14\.About a third of left-handers have the reverse organization,with the left hemisphere performing the functions carried out by the right hemisphere of right-handed people,and vice versa;for simplicity of exposition,we will not reacknowledge this qualification throughout the text. 15\.Winfrey described herself as“a right-brain kind of person”in the De-cember 2008issue of O:The Oprah Magazine. 16\.Daniel H.Pink,A Whole New Mind:Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age.Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future(New York:Riverhead,2005). 17\.Brenda Milner,“Interhemispheric Differences in the Localization of Psychological Processes in Man,”British Medical Bulletin 27(1971):272-77. 18\.S.Harnad and H.Steklis,“Comment on J.Paredes and M.Hepburn’s‘The Split Brain and the Culture-and-Cognition Paradox,’”Current Anthropoloy 17(1976):320-22.