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### multi_match查询 multi_match查询提供了一个简便的方法用来对多个字段执行相同的查询。 > 提示:存在几种类型的multi_match查询,其中的3种正好和在["单一查询字符串"小节中"了解你的数据"单元](../110_Multi_Field_Search/10_Single_query_string.md)中提到的几种类型相同:best_fields,most_fields以及cross_fields。 默认情况下,该查询以best_fields类型执行,它会为每个字段生成一个match查询,然后将这些查询包含在一个dis_max查询中。下面的dis_max查询: ```Javascript { "dis_max": { "queries": [ { "match": { "title": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "minimum_should_match": "30%" } } }, { "match": { "body": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "minimum_should_match": "30%" } } }, ], "tie_breaker": 0.3 } } ``` 可以通过multi_match简单地重写如下: ```Javascript { "multi_match": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "type": "best_fields", <1> "fields": [ "title", "body" ], "tie_breaker": 0.3, "minimum_should_match": "30%" <2> } } ``` // SENSE: 110_Multi_Field_Search/25_Best_fields.json <1> 注意到以上的type属性为best_fields。 <2> minimum_should_match和operator参数会被传入到生成的match查询中。 #### 在字段名中使用通配符 字段名可以通过通配符指定:任何匹配了通配符的字段都会被包含在搜索中。你可以通过下面的查询来匹配book_title,chapter_title以及section_title字段: ```Javascript { "multi_match": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "fields": "*_title" } } ``` #### 加权个别字段 个别字段可以通过caret语法(^)进行加权:仅需要在字段名后添加^boost,其中的boost是一个浮点数: ```Javascript { "multi_match": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "fields": [ "*_title", "chapter_title^2" ] <1> } } ``` <1> chapter_title字段的boost值为2,而book_title和section_title字段的boost值为默认的1。 <!-- [[multi-match-query]] === multi_match Query The `multi_match` query provides ((("multifield search", "multi_match query")))((("multi_match queries")))((("match query", "multi_match queries"))) a convenient shorthand way of running the same query against multiple fields. [NOTE] ==== There are several types of `multi_match` query, three of which just happen to coincide with the three scenarios that we listed in <<know-your-data>>: `best_fields`, `most_fields`, and `cross_fields`. ==== By default, this query runs as type `best_fields`, which means((("best fields queries", "multi-match queries")))((("dis_max (disjunction max) query", "multi_match query wrapped in"))) that it generates a `match` query for each field and wraps them in a `dis_max` query. This `dis_max` query [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "dis_max": { "queries": [ { "match": { "title": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "minimum_should_match": "30%" } } }, { "match": { "body": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "minimum_should_match": "30%" } } }, ], "tie_breaker": 0.3 } } -------------------------------------------------- could be rewritten more concisely with `multi_match` as follows: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "multi_match": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "type": "best_fields", <1> "fields": [ "title", "body" ], "tie_breaker": 0.3, "minimum_should_match": "30%" <2> } } -------------------------------------------------- // SENSE: 110_Multi_Field_Search/25_Best_fields.json <1> The `best_fields` type is the default and can be left out. <2> Parameters like `minimum_should_match` or `operator` are passed through to the generated `match` queries. ==== Using Wildcards in Field Names Field names can be specified with wildcards: any field that matches the wildcard pattern((("multi_match queries", "wildcards in field names")))((("wildcards in field names")))((("fields", "wildcards in field names"))) will be included in the search. You could match on the `book_title`, `chapter_title`, and `section_title` fields, with the following: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "multi_match": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "fields": "*_title" } } -------------------------------------------------- ==== Boosting Individual Fields Individual fields can be boosted by using the caret (`^`) syntax: just add `^boost` after the field((("multi_match queries", "boosting individual fields")))((("boost parameter", "boosting individual fields in multi_match queries"))) name, where `boost` is a floating-point number: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "multi_match": { "query": "Quick brown fox", "fields": [ "*_title", "chapter_title^2" ] <1> } } -------------------------------------------------- <1> The `chapter_title` field has a `boost` of `2`, while the `book_title` and `section_title` fields have a default boost of `1`. -->