合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
## thinkphp 使用类库导出vcf [GitHub:vcard](https://github.com/jeroendesloovere/vcard) 安装 ``` composer require jeroendesloovere/vcard ``` 例子 ``` <?php namespace app\index\controller; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\VCard as RequVcard; use think\Db; class Vcard { public function index() { // 保存位置 $myfile = fopen(ROOT_PATH . "vcard.vcf", "w") or die("Unable to open file!"); // DB::table('info2')->chunk(100, function ($datas) use ($myfile) { foreach ($datas as $data) { $all_str = $this->make_vcard($data['name'], $data['mobile']); fwrite($myfile, $all_str); } }); fclose($myfile); } public function make_vcard($name = '', $mobile = '') { if (empty($mobile)) { return ''; } $vcard = new RequVcard(); // define variables $lastname = ''; $firstname = "$name"; $additional = ''; $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; // 这里可以不要,默认UTF-8,导出来windows可能会中文乱码,但是手机上不影响 $vcard->setCharset = "GB2312"; $vcard->addName($lastname, $firstname, $additional, $prefix, $suffix); $vcard->addCompany('Siesqo'); $vcard->addJobtitle('Web Developer'); $vcard->addRole('Data Protection Officer'); $vcard->addEmail('info@jeroendesloovere.be'); $vcard->addPhoneNumber((int) $mobile, 'PREF;WORK'); $vcard->addPhoneNumber((int) $mobile, 'WORK'); $vcard->addAddress(null, null, 'street', 'worktown', null, 'workpostcode', 'Belgium'); $vcard->addLabel('street, worktown, workpostcode Belgium'); $vcard->addURL('http://www.jeroendesloovere.be'); // $vcard->addPhoto(__DIR__ . '/landscape.jpeg'); // return vcard as a string return $vcard->getOutput(); // return vcard as a download // return $vcard->download(); } } ``` 保存的文件vcard.vcf ``` BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 REV:2018-06-13T09:37:24Z N;CHARSET=utf-8:Desloovere;Jeroen;;; FN;CHARSET=utf-8:Jeroen Desloovere ORG;CHARSET=utf-8:Siesqo TITLE;CHARSET=utf-8:Web Developer ROLE;CHARSET=utf-8:Data Protection Officer EMAIL;INTERNET:info@jeroendesloovere.be TEL;PREF;WORK:1234121212 TEL;WORK:123456789 ADR;WORK;POSTAL;CHARSET=utf-8:;;street;worktown;;workpostcode;Belgium LABEL:street, worktown, workpostcode Belgium URL:http://www.jeroendesloovere.be END:VCARD ``` 下面是https://github.com/facine/vCard/blob/master/vCard.class.php 参考 ``` <?php /** * @file * A class to generate vCards for contact data. */ class vCard { // An array of this vcard's contact data. protected $data; // Filename for download file naming. protected $filename; // vCard class: PUBLIC, PRIVATE, CONFIDENTIAL. protected $class; // vCard revision date. protected $revision_date; // The vCard gnerated. protected $card; /** * The constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->data = array( 'display_name' => NULL, 'first_name' => NULL, 'last_name' => NULL, 'additional_name' => NULL, 'name_prefix' => NULL, 'name_suffix' => NULL, 'nickname' => NULL, 'title' => NULL, 'role' => NULL, 'department' => NULL, 'company' => NULL, 'work_po_box' => NULL, 'work_extended_address' => NULL, 'work_address' => NULL, 'work_city' => NULL, 'work_state' => NULL, 'work_postal_code' => NULL, 'work_country' => NULL, 'home_po_box' => NULL, 'home_extended_address' => NULL, 'home_address' => NULL, 'home_city' => NULL, 'home_state' => NULL, 'home_postal_code' => NULL, 'home_country' => NULL, 'office_tel' => NULL, 'home_tel' => NULL, 'cell_tel' => NULL, 'fax_tel' => NULL, 'pager_tel' => NULL, 'email1' => NULL, 'email2' => NULL, 'url' => NULL, 'photo' => NULL, 'birthday' => NULL, 'timezone' => NULL, 'sort_string' => NULL, 'note' => NULL, ); return true; } /** * Global setter. * * @param string $key * Name of the property. * @param mixed $value * Value to set. * * @return vCard * Return itself. */ public function set($key, $value) { // Check if the specified property is defined. if (property_exists($this, $key) && $key != 'data') { $this->{$key} = trim($value); return $this; } elseif (property_exists($this, $key) && $key == 'data') { foreach ($value as $v_key => $v_value) { $this->{$key}[$v_key] = trim($v_value); } return $this; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Checks all the values, builds appropriate defaults for * missing values and generates the vcard data string. */ function build() { if (!$this->class) { $this->class = 'PUBLIC'; } if (!$this->data['display_name']) { $this->data['display_name'] = $this->data['first_name'] . ' ' . $this->data['last_name']; } if (!$this->data['sort_string']) { $this->data['sort_string'] = $this->data['last_name']; } if (!$this->data['sort_string']) { $this->data['sort_string'] = $this->data['company']; } if (!$this->data['timezone']) { $this->data['timezone'] = date("O"); } if (!$this->revision_date) { $this->revision_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $this->card = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n"; $this->card .= "VERSION:3.0\r\n"; $this->card .= "CLASS:" . $this->class . "\r\n"; $this->card .= "PRODID:-//class_vCard from WhatsAPI//NONSGML Version 1//EN\r\n"; $this->card .= "REV:" . $this->revision_date . "\r\n"; $this->card .= "FN:" . $this->data['display_name'] . "\r\n"; $this->card .= "N:" . $this->data['last_name'] . ";" . $this->data['first_name'] . ";" . $this->data['additional_name'] . ";" . $this->data['name_prefix'] . ";" . $this->data['name_suffix'] . "\r\n"; if ($this->data['nickname']) { $this->card .= "NICKNAME:" . $this->data['nickname'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['title']) { $this->card .= "TITLE:" . $this->data['title'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['company']) { $this->card .= "ORG:" . $this->data['company']; } if ($this->data['department']) { $this->card .= ";".$this->data['department']; } $this->card .= "\r\n"; if ($this->data['work_po_box'] || $this->data['work_extended_address'] || $this->data['work_address'] || $this->data['work_city'] || $this->data['work_state'] || $this->data['work_postal_code'] || $this->data['work_country']) { $this->card .= "ADR;type=WORK:" . $this->data['work_po_box'] . ";" . $this->data['work_extended_address'] . ";" . $this->data['work_address'] . ";" . $this->data['work_city'] . ";" . $this->data['work_state'] . ";" . $this->data['work_postal_code'] . ";" . $this->data['work_country'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['home_po_box'] || $this->data['home_extended_address'] || $this->data['home_address'] || $this->data['home_city'] || $this->data['home_state'] || $this->data['home_postal_code'] || $this->data['home_country']) { $this->card .= "ADR;type=HOME:" . $this->data['home_po_box'] . ";" . $this->data['home_extended_address'] . ";" . $this->data['home_address'] . ";" . $this->data['home_city'] . ";" . $this->data['home_state'] . ";" . $this->data['home_postal_code'] . ";" . $this->data['home_country'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['email1']) { $this->card .= "EMAIL;type=INTERNET,pref:" . $this->data['email1'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['email2']) { $this->card .= "EMAIL;type=INTERNET:" . $this->data['email2'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['office_tel']) { $this->card .= "TEL;type=WORK,voice:" . $this->data['office_tel'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['home_tel']) { $this->card .= "TEL;type=HOME,voice:" . $this->data['home_tel'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['cell_tel']) { $this->card .= "TEL;type=CELL,voice:" . $this->data['cell_tel'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['fax_tel']) { $this->card .= "TEL;type=WORK,fax:" . $this->data['fax_tel'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['pager_tel']) { $this->card .= "TEL;type=WORK,pager:" . $this->data['pager_tel'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['url']) { $this->card .= "URL;type=WORK:" . $this->data['url'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['birthday']) { $this->card .= "BDAY:" . $this->data['birthday'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['role']) { $this->card .= "ROLE:" . $this->data['role'] . "\r\n"; } if ($this->data['note']) { $this->card .= "NOTE:" . $this->data['note'] . "\r\n"; } $this->card .= "TZ:" . $this->data['timezone'] . "\r\n"; $this->card .= "END:VCARD\r\n"; } /** * Streams the vcard to the browser client. */ function download() { if (!$this->card) { $this->build(); } if (!$this->filename) { $this->filename = $this->data['display_name']; } $this->filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->filename); header("Content-type: text/directory"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $this->filename . ".vcf"); header("Pragma: public"); echo $this->card; return TRUE; } /** * Show the vcard. */ function show() { if (!$this->card) { $this->build(); } return $this->card; } } ```