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# 第一个例子 你可以在这里找到JVM平台几种语言的例子 [language adaptor](https://github.com/ReactiveX/): * [RxGroovy 示例](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxGroovy/tree/1.x/src/examples/groovy/rx/lang/groovy/examples) * [RxClojure 示例](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxClojure/tree/0.x/src/examples/clojure/rx/lang/clojure/examples) * [RxScala 示例](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxScala/tree/0.x/examples/src/main/scala) 下面的示例从一个字符串列表创建一个Observable,然后使用一个方法订阅这个Observable。 ### Java ```java public static void hello(String... names) { Observable.from(names).subscribe(new Action1<String>() { @Override public void call(String s) { System.out.println("Hello " + s + "!"); } }); } ``` ```java hello("Ben", "George"); Hello Ben! Hello George! ``` ### Groovy ```groovy def hello(String[] names) { Observable.from(names).subscribe { println "Hello ${it}!" } } ``` ```groovy hello("Ben", "George") Hello Ben! Hello George! ``` ### Clojure ```clojure (defn hello [&rest] (-> (Observable/from &rest) (.subscribe #(println (str "Hello " % "!"))))) ``` ``` (hello ["Ben" "George"]) Hello Ben! Hello George! ``` ### Scala ```scala import rx.lang.scala.Observable def hello(names: String*) { Observable.from(names) subscribe { n => println(s"Hello $n!") } } ``` ```scala hello("Ben", "George") Hello Ben! Hello George! ``` # 如何使用RxJava 要使用RxJava,首先你需要创建Observable(它们发射数据序列),使用Observable操作符变换那些Observables,获取严格符合你要求的数据,然后观察并处理对这些数据序列(通过实现观察者或订阅者,然后订阅变换后的Observable)。 ## 创建Observables 要创建Observable,你可以手动实现Observable的行为,也可以传递一个函数给[`create( )`](../operators/Create.md),还可以使用这些 [创建操作符](../operators/Creating-Observables.md) 将一个已有的数据结构转换为Observable。 ### 已有的数据结构创建Observable 你可以使用[`just( )`](../operators/Just.md) 和[`from( )`](../operators/From.md) 方法将对象,列表,对象属性转换为发射那些对象的Observable: ```java Observable<String> o = Observable.from("a", "b", "c"); def list = [5, 6, 7, 8] Observable<Integer> o = Observable.from(list); Observable<String> o = Observable.just("one object"); ``` 转换后的Observable每发射一项数据,会同步地调用任何订阅者的[`onNext()`](../Observables.md#回调方法)方法,最后会调用订阅者的[`onCompleted()`](../Observables.md#回调方法)方法。 ### 使用`create( )`创建一个Observable 使用 [`create( )`](../operators/Create.md) 方法,你可以创建你自己的Observable,可以实现异步I/O,计算操作,甚至是无限的数据流。 #### 同步的Observable示例 ```groovy /** * 这个例子展示了一个自定义的Observable,当有订阅时他会阻塞当前线程。 */ def customObservableBlocking() { return Observable.create { aSubscriber -> 50.times { i -> if (!aSubscriber.unsubscribed) { aSubscriber.onNext("value_${i}") } } // after sending all values we complete the sequence if (!aSubscriber.unsubscribed) { aSubscriber.onCompleted() } } } // To see output: customObservableBlocking().subscribe { println(it) } ``` #### 异步的Observable示例 The following example uses Groovy to create an Observable that emits 75 strings. 下面的例子使用`Groovy`创建了一个发射75个字符串的Observable。 为了让它更清楚,例子很详细,使用静态类型和匿名内部类`Func1`: ```groovy /** * This example shows a custom Observable that does not block * when subscribed to as it spawns a separate thread. */ def customObservableNonBlocking() { return Observable.create({ subscriber -> Thread.start { for (i in 0..<75) { if (subscriber.unsubscribed) { return } subscriber.onNext("value_${i}") } // after sending all values we complete the sequence if (!subscriber.unsubscribed) { subscriber.onCompleted() } } } as Observable.OnSubscribe) } // To see output: customObservableNonBlocking().subscribe { println(it) } ``` 这是一个用`Clojure`写的例子,使用Future(而不是直接用线程),实现很简洁: ```clojure (defn customObservableNonBlocking [] "This example shows a custom Observable that does not block when subscribed to as it spawns a separate thread. returns Observable<String>" (Observable/create (fn [subscriber] (let [f (future (doseq [x (range 50)] (-> subscriber (.onNext (str "value_" x)))) ; after sending all values we complete the sequence (-> subscriber .onCompleted)) )) )) ``` ```clojure ; To see output (.subscribe (customObservableNonBlocking) #(println %)) ``` 这个例子从维基百科网站抓取文章,每抓取一篇会调用一次`onNext`: ```clojure (defn fetchWikipediaArticleAsynchronously [wikipediaArticleNames] "Fetch a list of Wikipedia articles asynchronously. return Observable<String> of HTML" (Observable/create (fn [subscriber] (let [f (future (doseq [articleName wikipediaArticleNames] (-> subscriber (.onNext (http/get (str "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" articleName))))) ; after sending response to onnext we complete the sequence (-> subscriber .onCompleted)) )))) ``` ```clojure (-> (fetchWikipediaArticleAsynchronously ["Tiger" "Elephant"]) (.subscribe #(println "--- Article ---\n" (subs (:body %) 0 125) "..."))) ``` 回到`Groovy`,同样是从维基百科抓取文章,这儿使用闭包代替匿名内部类: ```groovy /* * Fetch a list of Wikipedia articles asynchronously. */ def fetchWikipediaArticleAsynchronously(String... wikipediaArticleNames) { return Observable.create { subscriber -> Thread.start { for (articleName in wikipediaArticleNames) { if (subscriber.unsubscribed) { return } subscriber.onNext(new URL("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/${articleName}").text) } if (!subscriber.unsubscribed) { subscriber.onCompleted() } } return subscriber } } fetchWikipediaArticleAsynchronously("Tiger", "Elephant") .subscribe { println "--- Article ---\n${it.substring(0, 125)}" } ``` 结果: ```text --- Article --- <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr" class="client-nojs"> <head> <title>Tiger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</title> ... --- Article --- <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" dir="ltr" class="client-nojs"> <head> <title>Elephant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</tit ... ``` Note that all of the above examples ignore error handling, for brevity. See below for examples that include error handling. More information can be found on the [[Observable]] and [[Creating Observables|Creating-Observables]] pages. 注意:为了简洁,上面的所有例子都忽略了错误处理,查看下面包含错误处理的例子。 更多的信息可以在这里找到:[`Observable`](Observables.md) 和 [`Creating Observables`](../operators/Creating-Observables.md)。 ## 使用变换操作 RxJava让你可以链式使用`操作符`用来转换和组合多个Observables。 The following example, in Groovy, uses a previously defined, asynchronous Observable that emits 75 items, skips over the first 10 of these ([`skip(10)`](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/skip.html)), then takes the next 5 ([`take(5)`](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/take.html)), and transforms them ([`map(...)`](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/map.html)) before subscribing and printing the items: 下面是一个`Groovy`的例子,使用之前的定义,它会异步发射75个字符串,跳过最开始的10个(([`skip(10)`](../operators/Skip.md)),然后获取接下来的5个([`take(5)`](../operators/Taks.md)),在订阅之前使用[`map()`](../operators/Map.md)转换它们,然后打印结果字符串。 ```groovy /** * Asynchronously calls 'customObservableNonBlocking' and defines * a chain of operators to apply to the callback sequence. */ def simpleComposition() { customObservableNonBlocking().skip(10).take(5) .map({ stringValue -> return stringValue + "_xform"}) .subscribe({ println "onNext => " + it}) } ``` 输出结果 ```text onNext => value_10_xform onNext => value_11_xform onNext => value_12_xform onNext => value_13_xform onNext => value_14_xform ``` 这里有一个图例解释了转换过程: <img src="../images/operators/Composition.1.png" width="640" height="536" /> 这一个例子使用`Clojure`,使用了三个异步的Observable,其中一个依赖另一个,使用[`zip`](../operators/Zip.md)组合这三个发射的数据项为一个单个数据项,最后使用[`map()`](../operators/Map.md)转换这个结果: ```clojure (defn getVideoForUser [userId videoId] "Get video metadata for a given userId - video metadata - video bookmark position - user data return Observable<Map>" (let [user-observable (-> (getUser userId) (.map (fn [user] {:user-name (:name user) :language (:preferred-language user)}))) bookmark-observable (-> (getVideoBookmark userId videoId) (.map (fn [bookmark] {:viewed-position (:position bookmark)}))) ; getVideoMetadata requires :language from user-observable so nest inside map function video-metadata-observable (-> user-observable (.mapMany ; fetch metadata after a response from user-observable is received (fn [user-map] (getVideoMetadata videoId (:language user-map)))))] ; now combine 3 observables using zip (-> (Observable/zip bookmark-observable video-metadata-observable user-observable (fn [bookmark-map metadata-map user-map] {:bookmark-map bookmark-map :metadata-map metadata-map :user-map user-map})) ; and transform into a single response object (.map (fn [data] {:video-id videoId :video-metadata (:metadata-map data) :user-id userId :language (:language (:user-map data)) :bookmark (:viewed-position (:bookmark-map data)) }))))) ``` 输出是这样的: ```clojure {:video-id 78965, :video-metadata {:video-id 78965, :title House of Cards: Episode 1, :director David Fincher, :duration 3365}, :user-id 12345, :language es-us, :bookmark 0} ``` 这里有一个图例解释了这个过程: <img src="../images/operators/Composition.2.png" width="640" height="742" /> The following example, in Groovy, comes from [Ben Christensen’s QCon presentation on the evolution of the Netflix API](https://speakerdeck.com/benjchristensen/evolution-of-the-netflix-api-qcon-sf-2013). It combines two Observables with the [`merge`](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/merge.html) operator, then uses the [`reduce`](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/reduce.html) operator to construct a single item out of the resulting sequence, then transforms that item with [`map`](http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/map.html) before emitting it: 下面的例子使用`Groovy`,来自这里 [Ben Christensen’s QCon presentation on the evolution of the Netflix API](https://speakerdeck.com/benjchristensen/evolution-of-the-netflix-api-qcon-sf-2013),它使用[`merge`](../operators/Merge.md)操作结合两个Observables,使用[`reduce`](../operators/Reduce.md)操作符从结果序列构建一个单独的结果数据项,然后在发射之前,使用[`map()`](../operators/Map.md)变换那个结果。 ```groovy public Observable getVideoSummary(APIVideo video) { def seed = [id:video.id, title:video.getTitle()]; def bookmarkObservable = getBookmark(video); def artworkObservable = getArtworkImageUrl(video); return( Observable.merge(bookmarkObservable, artworkObservable) .reduce(seed, { aggregate, current -> aggregate << current }) .map({ [(video.id.toString() : it] })) } ``` 这里也有一个图例解释[`reduce`](../operators/Reduce.md)从多个Observable的结果构建一个单一结构的过程: <img src="../images/operators/Composition.3.png" width="640" height="640" /> ## 错误处理 这里是另一个版本的维基百科的例子,包含错误处理代码: ```groovy /* * Fetch a list of Wikipedia articles asynchronously, with error handling. */ def fetchWikipediaArticleAsynchronouslyWithErrorHandling(String... wikipediaArticleNames) { return Observable.create({ subscriber -> Thread.start { try { for (articleName in wikipediaArticleNames) { if (true == subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) { return; } subscriber.onNext(new URL("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"+articleName).getText()); } if (false == subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) { subscriber.onCompleted(); } } catch(Throwable t) { if (false == subscriber.isUnsubscribed()) { subscriber.onError(t); } } return (subscriber); } }); } ``` 下面的例子使用`Groovy`,注意错误发生时现在是如何调用[`onError(Throwable t)`](Observables.md#回调函数)的,下面的代码传递给[`subscribe()`](../operators/Subscribe.md)第二个方法用户处理`onError`通知: ```groovy fetchWikipediaArticleAsynchronouslyWithErrorHandling("Tiger", "NonExistentTitle", "Elephant") .subscribe( { println "--- Article ---\n" + it.substring(0, 125) }, { println "--- Error ---\n" + it.getMessage() }) ``` 查看 [`错误处理操作符`](../operators/Error-Handling-Operators.md) 这一页了解更多RxJava中的错误处理技术,包括使用 [`onErrorResumeNext()`和`onErrorReturn()`](../operators/Catch.md)等方法,它们让你可以从错误中恢复。 这里是一个`Groovy`的例子: ```groovy myModifiedObservable = myObservable.onErrorResumeNext({ t -> Throwable myThrowable = myCustomizedThrowableCreator(t); return (Observable.error(myThrowable)); }); ```