🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
[69.1. 运行时暴露属性](69.1. Automatically expand properties at build time.md) [69.2. 外部化SpringApplication配置](69.2. Externalize the configuration of SpringApplication.md) [69.3 改变应用程序外部配置文件的位置](69.3 Change the location of external properties of an application.md) [69.4 使用'short'命令行参数](69.4 Use ‘short’ command line arguments.md) [69.5 使用YAML配置外部属性](69.5 Use YAML for external properties.md) [69.6 设置生效的Spring profiles](69.6 Set the active Spring profiles.md) [69.7 根据环境改变配置](69.7 Change configuration depending on the environment.md) [69.8 发现外部属性的内置选项](69.8 Discover built-in options for external properties.md)