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最近项目中遇到加载数据的性能问题, 原因是.net4.0的虚拟化支持不够完成,有好多bug在4.5才修复。 我们只能利用大家通用的做法来延迟加载数据: 每次加载固定少量的数据,当拖动到底后,继续加载后续相同数量的数据。 思路: 监听ScrollViewer的VerticalOffsetProperty,如果值达到允许滚动的高度ScrollableHeight,则发出event通知外部处理加载逻辑。 使用方法: 1.对于ItemsControl编辑控件模板,在其中的ScrollViewer中加入behavior。 <ScrollViewer x :Name="DG_ScrollViewer" Focusable="false">                                                                                                                                 <i: Interaction.Behaviors>                                                                                                                                                 <local: ReachingBottomBehavior ReachingBottomEvent="LazyLoadingBehavior_OnReachingBottomEvent" />                                                                                                                                 </i: Interaction.Behaviors> 在blend中,比较简单,直接对控件右键,编辑模板/副本,进入ScrollViewer后,把这个behavior拖到ScrollViewer的元素下即可, 生成的代码就是上面的内容。 xmlns:i ="" 2.实现上面ReachingBottomEvent的处理逻辑。比如:  private void LazyLoadingBehavior_OnReachingBottomEvent ()        {            var vm = LayoutRoot. DataContext as MainViewModel;            if (vm != null)            {                int count = dtgRoot. Items .Count ;                for (int i = count ; i < count + 30; i ++)                {                    vm .DataItems . Add(                                     new DataItem ()                                     {                                         Item1 = i . ToString(),                                         Item2 = i . ToString() + i .ToString ()                                     });                }            }        } 代码如下: public class ReachingBottomBehavior : Behavior< ScrollViewer>    {        public ReachingBottomBehavior ()        {            // Insert code required on object creation below this point.        }        protected override void OnAttached()        {            base.OnAttached ();            // Insert code that you would want run when the Behavior is attached to an object.            var dpd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor. FromProperty(ScrollViewer .VerticalOffsetProperty, AssociatedType);            dpd.AddValueChanged (                                AssociatedObject,                                (sender,                                 args) =>                                {                                    RaiseReachingBottomEvent();                                });        }        protected override void OnDetaching()        {            base.OnDetaching ();            // Insert code that you would want run when the Behavior is removed from an object.        }        private void RaiseReachingBottomEvent()        {            bool isReachingBottom = AssociatedObject. VerticalOffset >= AssociatedObject .ScrollableHeight;            if (isReachingBottom )            {                if (this .ReachingBottomEvent != null)                {                    this.ReachingBottomEvent ();                }            }        }        public event Action ReachingBottomEvent;    } ![]( [![](image/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.png)](#)