合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
- 用途:为当前后台框架中的列表加上一个可动态选择显隐的按钮列表 ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/1c7f0c27fd1c2cd6e2994f26e5861f24_176x197.png) 可控表格对应列的显隐; - 使用方法:在页面引用插件后,新建一个 ColumnSwitcher对象; 在页面Razor组件queryed回调函数中,调 用 ColumnSwitcher.Update ()方法即可 - 使用范例: ``` var tool = new Sail.RazorPage( "" , "Student" , "StudentId" ); //新建 ColumnSwitcher 对象 var switcher = new ColumnSwitcher(); tool.CreatePage({ titles: [ "姓名" , "学号" , "年级" , "性别" , "年龄" , "操作" ], titleWidth: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120], queryed: function (result) { //调用UpdateTable方法 switcher.UpdateTable( ); } }); ``` - 源码详解 ```javascript //引号中为默认值: //list: ".tableColumn",按钮下拉菜单容器 //table: "#pageList",页面表单的容器 //listTmpl: "#columnTmpl", 按钮下拉菜单的模版 //cookieName: "listModel" 保存时的名称后缀 function ColumnSwitcher(settings) { var set = $.extend({ list: ".tableColumn", table: "#pageList", listTmpl: "#columnTmpl", cookieName: "listModel" }, settings); this.model = []; this.cookieName = set.cookieName; this.list = set.list; this.table = set.table; this.listTmpl = set.listTmpl; this.diff = false; } ``` ```javascript //获取当前页面列表的显隐结构生成数据,若已存cookie则读取其中的数据 //selector为表格所在容器,默认为#pageList //indexStart,indexEnd为需动态显隐的列表起始序号与结尾序号,默认为第二列至倒数第二列; //当indexStart,indexEnd不为默认值时会重置cookie ColumnSwitcher.getModel = function (selector, indexStart, indexEnd) {} var model = []; if (indexStart !== 0 && !indexStart) { indexStart = 1; } else { indexStart = indexStart === 0 ? 0 : indexStart - 1; $.cookie(this.cookieName, ""); } $(selector).find("thead th").each(function () { model.push({ key: $(this).text(), value: true }); }); if (!indexEnd) { indexEnd = model.length - 1; } else { $.cookie(this.cookieName, ""); } return model.slice(indexStart, indexEnd); } ``` ```javascript //控制表格列动态显隐的方法,参数默认为ColumnSwitcher的table参数 ColumnSwitcher.prototype.display = function (selector) { var that = this; $(selector).find("li").each(function () { var table = that.table; var isShow = $(this).data("value"); var index = $(this).data("key"); var title = $(table).find("thead th").eq(index); var length = $(table).find("thead th").length; var foot = $(table).find("tr").last().find("th").eq(index); if (isShow) { title.show(); foot.show(); } else { title.hide(); foot.hide(); } $(table).find("tbody tr") .each(function () { var actuallyLen = $(this).find("td").length; console.log(index - (length - actuallyLen)) var column = $(this).find("td").eq(index - (length - actuallyLen)); isShow ? column.show() : column.hide(); }); }); } ``` ```javascript //根据getModel获得数据渲染按钮下拉列表 ColumnSwitcher.prototype.renderList = function () { var selector = $(this.table).find(this.list); var cookie = $.cookie(this.cookieName); console.log(this.model); if (cookie) { this.model = JSON.parse(cookie); } $(selector).Link(this.listTmpl, this.model); this.display(selector); } ```javascript //为下拉列表按钮绑定click事件 ColumnSwitcher.prototype.bindList = function () { var that = this; $(this.list).on("click", "li", function () { var $this = $(this); var index = $this.data("key"); var value = $this.data("value"); var temp = that.model; temp[index - 1].value = !value; $.observable(that.model).refresh(temp); $.cookie(that.cookieName, JSON.stringify(temp), { exprires: 30 }); that.display(that.list); }); } ``` ```javascript //暂定为需外部显式调用的函数 //prefix为cookie名称的前缀,若不传则用默认值 //indexStart,indexEnd为需动态显隐的列表起始序号与结尾序号,默认为第二列至倒数第二列; //当indexStart,indexEnd不为默认值时会重置cookie ColumnSwitcher.prototype.ControllerList = function (prefix, indexStart, indexEnd) { if (prefix && !this.diff) { this.cookieName = prefix + "_" + this.cookieName; this.diff = true; } this.model = this.getModel(this.table, indexStart, indexEnd); this.renderList(); this.bindList(); } ```