🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
This course will let you to learn how to use laravel in a shorter time. As the same time, you are making a little to do list project. <br/> Add what can the to do list function can do? You can go to see Ho Source website: [http://yuan.network](http://yuan.network/), this is a middle to do list project, major use to do list function to manage the targets. It can let you manage your target in your life, and improve your ability to live. <br/> How to learn Laravel: 1.Take the following programming while watching the course 2.When have something question, search google or search Laravel document: https://laravel.com/ 3.Keep learning, then you will master the skills of this course.