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## 29 一手交钱,一手交货—Exchanger详解 > 世上无难事,只要肯登攀 > ——毛泽东 Exchanger 从字面来看是一个交换器,它用来在线程间交换数据。如果两个线程并行处理,但在某个时刻需要互相交换自己已经处理完的中间数据,然后才能继续往下执行。这个时候就可以使用 Exchanger。 两个线程不用谋面,但是通过 Exchanger 就能实现数据交换,这是如何做到的呢?我们可以认为 Exchanger 有两个槽位,线程可以向其中放入自己想要交换的数据,然后阻塞在此,等待其它线程填充另外的槽位。等两个槽位都填充数据后,Exchanger 会把槽位调换位置,让线程取到另外线程放入的数据。如下图所示: ![图片描述](https://img.mukewang.com/5dd5fb5f00016d5b16000815.jpg) 前面的描述只是为了帮助理解,其实Exchanger 真实的设计更为复杂。下面我们先通过一个简单的例子来看看如何使用 Exchanger。 ## 1、Exchanger 的使用 我们设想如下场景:如果今天上午你需要给你女朋友快递一部手机,但是突然你要去一个紧急的会议。于是你把快递的东西留给你的同事。当快递取件员上门时,他会把快递底单给你同事,你同事则会把快递给取件员。然后你的同事再把快递底单给你。 这个场景里,你和快递员就是两个不同的线程。而你的同事是 Exchanger,负责你和快递员间进行物品交换。我们看看代码应该如何编写: ~~~java public class ExchangerClient { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Exchanger<String> workmate = new Exchanger<>(); Thread michael = new Thread(() -> { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); try { System.out.println(threadName+": I'm Michael and want to delivery a phone to my friend"); System.out.println(threadName+": There is an emergency meeting"); System.out.println(threadName+": I give the phone to my workmate."); System.out.println(threadName+": He will help me to delivery the phone and return the express document to me"); String expressDocument = workmate.exchange("---phone---"); System.out.println(threadName+": I got the express document"+ expressDocument); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } },"Michael"); Thread deliveryman = new Thread(() -> { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); try { System.out.println(threadName+": I'm a deliveryman"); System.out.println(threadName+": I'm going to get Michael's express from his workmate and give the express document to his workmate"); String expressGoods = workmate.exchange("---phone express document----"); System.out.println(threadName+": I got the goods of "+expressGoods); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } },"Deliveryman"); michael.start(); TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); deliveryman.start(); } } ~~~ Michael 通过 Exchanger 的实例 workmate,把 phone 交给了快递员。而快递员也通过 workmate 把快递单据给了 Michael。我们看一下输出: ~~~ Michael: I'm Michael and want to delivery a phone to my friend Michael: There is an emergency meeting Michael: I give the phone to my workmate. Michael: He will help me to delivery and return the express document to me Deliveryman: I'm a deliveryman Deliveryman: I'm going to get Michael's express from his workmate and give the express document to his workmate Deliveryman: I got the goods of ---phone--- Michael: I got the express document---phone express document---- ~~~ 可以看出 Michael 在调用 workmate.exchange("—phone—") 后被阻塞。而当 deliveryman 调用 workmate.exchange("—phone express document——") 后,两个线程才继续往下走,并且进行了数据交换。 Michael 发出了货物 “—phone—”,得到了 “—phone express document----”。而 deliveryman 则得到了 “—phone—”,发出了 “—phone express document——”。 两个线程通过 Exchanger 实现了数据的交换。 ## 2、多于两个线程使用 Exchanger Exchanger 支持两个线程数据互换,那么你有没有想过多于两个线程使用 Exchanger 做数据交换会怎么样呢?我们把上买呢例子改一下,假如另外一个同事 Green 也想通过 workmate 协助发送快递,那么会怎么样? ~~~java public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Exchanger<String> workmate = new Exchanger<>(); Thread michael = new Thread(() -> { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); try { System.out.println(threadName+": I'm Michael and want to delivery a phone to my friend"); System.out.println(threadName+": There is an emergency meeting"); System.out.println(threadName+": I give the phone to my workmate."); System.out.println(threadName+": He will help me to delivery the phone and return the express document to me"); String expressDocument = workmate.exchange("---phone---"); System.out.println(threadName+": I got the express document"+ expressDocument); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } },"Michael"); Thread green = new Thread(() -> { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); try { System.out.println(threadName+": I'm green and want to delivery a macbook to my friend"); System.out.println(threadName+": There is an emergency meeting"); System.out.println(threadName+": I give the macbook to my workmate."); System.out.println(threadName+": He will help me to delivery the macbook and return the express document to me"); String expressDocument = workmate.exchange("---macbook---"); System.out.println(threadName+": I got the express document"+ expressDocument); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } },"Green"); Thread deliveryman = new Thread(() -> { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); try { System.out.println(threadName+": I'm a deliveryman"); System.out.println(threadName+": I'm going to get Michael's express from his workmate and give the express document to his workmate"); String expressGoods = workmate.exchange("---phone express document----"); System.out.println(threadName+": I got the goods of "+expressGoods); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } },"Deliveryman"); michael.start(); TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); green.start(); TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100); deliveryman.start(); } ~~~ 我们加入 Green 线程,并且在 Michael 线程启动后,先启动 Green 线程。输出如下: ~~~ Michael: I'm Michael and want to delivery a phone to my friend Michael: There is an emergency meeting Michael: I give the phone to my workmate. Michael: He will help me to delivery the phone and return the express document to me Green: I'm green and want to delivery a macbook to my friend Green: There is an emergency meeting Green: I give the macbook to my workmate. Green: He will help me to delivery the macbook and return the express document to me Green: I got the express document---phone--- Michael: I got the express document---macbook--- Deliveryman: I'm a deliveryman Deliveryman: I'm going to get Michael's express from his workmate and give the express document to his workmate ~~~ 可见 Michael 和 Green 进行了数据交换,双方都没有和 Deliveryman 做数据交换。结果是双方的快递都没送到快递员手中,而快递员由于没有收到快递,所以一直被阻塞住了。 根据以上实验结果我们总结一下: 1、Exchanger 支持多个线程做数据交换; 2、多个线程使用同一个 Exchanger 做数据交换时,结果随机,只要凑满一对,就会进行交换。 ## 3、Exchanger实现分析 Exchanger 虽然使用起来很简单,但是其源码还是比较复杂的。下面我们来分析它实现的原理。 Exchanger 类中的注解很详细地阐述了其实现原理,并且用一段伪代码描述了它的原理: ~~~java for (;;) { if (slot is empty) { // offer place item in a Node; if (can CAS slot from empty to node) { wait for release; return matching item in node; } } else if (can CAS slot from node to empty) { // release get the item in node; set matching item in node; release waiting thread; } // else retry on CAS failure } ~~~ 可以看到 Exhcanger 使用 slot 作为容器,保存数据 item。当 A 线程进入时,如果发现 slot 是空的,则把 item 放入 node,然后放入 slot。A 线程此时开始阻塞。B 线程进入后发现 slot 不为空,则从 slot 中取出node,把 slot 置空。此线程从 node 中取出数据,并且把自己的数据放入 node 中,然后通知阻塞的线程恢复,阻塞线程恢复后从 node 中取出数据。从而实现了数据的交换。 Java5 的时候,采用的就是这种算法。一般来说没有什么问题。但是当大量并发时,会存在激烈的竞争。于是在Java6 开始,加入 slot 数组,让不同线程使用不同的 slot,提升并发的性能。不过在没有并发的时候还是使用一个 slot 来做交换。 我们看下核心的 exchange 方法代码: ~~~java public V exchange(V x) throws InterruptedException { Object v; Object item = (x == null) ? NULL_ITEM : x; // translate null args if ((arena != null || (v = slotExchange(item, false, 0L)) == null) && ((Thread.interrupted() || // disambiguates null return (v = arenaExchange(item, false, 0L)) == null))) throw new InterruptedException(); return (v == NULL_ITEM) ? null : (V)v; } ~~~ arena 为 slot 数组。可以看到 arena 为 null 时,还是使用的 slot 交换算法 slotExchange。如果 arena 不为 null进入 if 的 && 的第二个条件判断。在判断中执行了 arenaExchange,此时通过 arena 也就是 slot 数组完成交换。 具体的算法不再详述,和上面伪代码的思想是一致的。 ## 4、总结 Exchanger 在我们实际开发中使用不多,但是我们也应该了解其用法和原理,以便在合适场景出现时,我们能识别出应该采用 Exchanger。在 Exchanger 类的注解中,可以看到它适用于基因算法。因为不同基因的搭配测试就应该是随机进行交换的。此外还适用于管道的设计(pipeline desig