ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
##发贴功能 模板所在位置: `/theme/default/addc.html` PHP页面 `addc.php` ####操作流程 1. 用户点击进入发贴页的时候,将所选版块的ID带上。URL示例如下:。我们就可以知道用户是向哪个版块发贴。 2. 判断用户是否存在 3. 判断版块是否存在,如果不存在的话,插入的版块即非法。我们让用户发贴不能成功。 4. 展示导航,版块名等基本信息,渲染进入模板 5. 准本好要插入的基本信息,拼接SQL语句,并插入库 6. 判断是否写入成功 7. 成功给用户金币(积分),跳转至贴子页 ####1. 判断用户是否登陆,未登陆不能发贴 ~~~ //包含公共组件 include './common/common.php'; //判断用户是否登录 if(!$_COOKIE['uid']) { $notice = '抱歉,您尚未登录,没有权限在该版块发帖'; include 'close.php'; exit; } ~~~ ####2.判断ID是否存在 ~~~ if(empty($_REQUEST['classid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['classid'])) { $msg = '<font color=red><b>禁止非法操作</b></font>'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $style = 'alert_error'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; } $classId = $_REQUEST['classid']; ~~~ ####3. 读取版块相关的基本信息 ~~~ $category = dbSelect('category','cid,classname,parentid','parentid<>0 and cid='.$classId.'','',1); if($category){ $smallName = $category[0]['classname']; $smallId = $category[0]['cid']; $parentCategory = dbSelect('category','cid,classname','cid='.$category[0]['parentid'].'','',1); if($parentCategory) { $bigName=$parentCategory[0]['classname']; $bigId=$parentCategory[0]['cid']; }else{ $msg = '<font color=red><b>非法操作</b></font>'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $style = 'alert_error'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; exit; } }else{ $msg = '<font color=red><b>非法操作</b></font>'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $style = 'alert_error'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; exit; } ~~~ ####4.准备发布内容 ~~~ $authorid = $_COOKIE['uid']; //发布人ID $title = strMagic($_POST['subject']); //标题 $content = strMagic($_POST['content']); //内容 $addtime = time(); //发表时间 $addip = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);//发布人IP $classId = $_POST['classid']; //类别ID $rate = $_POST['price']; //帖子售价 $n = 'first, authorid, title, content, addtime, addip, classid, rate'; $v = '1, '.$authorid.', "'.$title.'", "'.$content.'", '.$addtime.', '.$addip.', '.$classId.', '.$rate.''; $result = dbInsert('details', $n, $v); ~~~ ##整体代码展示 ~~~ <?php /** * 发帖子 */ include './common/common.php'; //判断用户是否登录 if(!$_COOKIE['uid']) { $notice = '抱歉,您尚未登录,没有权限在该版块发帖'; include 'close.php'; exit; } //判断ID是否存在 if(empty($_REQUEST['classid']) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST['classid'])) { $msg = '<font color=red><b>禁止非法操作</b></font>'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $style = 'alert_error'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; } $classId = $_REQUEST['classid']; //读取导航索引 $category = dbSelect('category','cid,classname,parentid','parentid<>0 and cid='.$classId.'','',1); if($category){ $smallName = $category[0]['classname']; $smallId = $category[0]['cid']; $parentCategory = dbSelect('category','cid,classname','cid='.$category[0]['parentid'].'','',1); if($parentCategory) { $bigName=$parentCategory[0]['classname']; $bigId=$parentCategory[0]['cid']; }else{ $msg = '<font color=red><b>非法操作</b></font>'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $style = 'alert_error'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; exit; } }else{ $msg = '<font color=red><b>非法操作</b></font>'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $style = 'alert_error'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; exit; } //发布帖子 if($_POST['topicsubmit']) { $authorid = $_COOKIE['uid']; //发布人ID $title = strMagic($_POST['subject']); //标题 $content = strMagic($_POST['content']); //内容 $addtime = time(); //发表时间 $addip = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);//发布人IP $classId = $_POST['classid']; //类别ID $rate = $_POST['price']; //帖子售价 $n = 'first, authorid, title, content, addtime, addip, classid, rate'; $v = '1, '.$authorid.', "'.$title.'", "'.$content.'", '.$addtime.', '.$addip.', '.$classId.', '.$rate.''; $result = dbInsert('details', $n, $v); $insert_id = dbSelect('details','id','title="'.$title.'"','id desc',1); $insertId = $insert_id[0]['id']; if(!$result){ $msg = '<font color=red><b>帖子发表失败,请联系管理员</b></font>'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $style = 'alert_error'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; exit; }else{ $money = REWARD_T; //发帖赠送积分 $result = dbUpdate('user', "grade=grade+{$money}", 'uid='.$_COOKIE['uid'].''); //更新版块表的主题数量[Motifcount](跟帖是回复数量[eplycount])和最后发表[lastpost] $last = $insertId.'+||+'.$title.'+||+'.$addtime.'+||+'.$_COOKIE['username']; $result = dbUpdate('category', 'motifcount=motifcount+1, lastpost="'.$last.'"', 'cid='.$classId.''); $msg = '<font color=red><b>帖子发表成功</b></font>'; $url = 'detail.php?id='.$insertId; $style = 'alert_right'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; $msg = '发帖赠送'; include 'layer.php'; exit; } } $OnMenu = dbSelect('category','cid,classname','cid='.$classId.' and ispass=1','orderby desc,cid desc'); if(!$OnMenu) { $msg = '<font color=red><b>没有找到该版块</b></font>'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $style = 'alert_error'; $toTime = 3000; include 'notice.php'; }else{ $OnCid = $OnMenu[0]['cid']; $OnCname = $OnMenu[0]['classname']; } $title = '发表帖子'.$OnCname.' - '.WEB_NAME; $menu = WEB_NAME; include template("addc.html"); ~~~