合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
## 简介 ### 特点 * 语意明确,易于理解。采用\*, >, =, len>, int, (n), (s) 等函数标志,比如(n)表示in\_array, 且必须是数字 * 支持正则表达式验证 * 支持条件验证,条件满足则继续验证后续规则,不满足则表明该字段是可选择 * 支持串联(一个参数多个规则同时满足, &&),并联(一个参数多个规则满足其一, ||)验证 * 支持自定义函数验证 * 支持函数验证时自由传参,@root(原数据), @parent(验证字段的父数据), @me(当前字段),@anything(任意字段) * 支持无限嵌套的数据结构的验证,包括关联数组,索引数组 * 支持特殊的验证规则 * 支持自定义配置,比如规则分隔符号"|",参数分隔符号","等等 * 支持国际化配置,默认英语,支持自定义方法返回错误信息 * 支持一次性验证所有参数(默认),也可设置参数验证失败后立即结束验证 * 支持自定义错误信息,支持多种格式的错误信息,无限嵌套或者一维数组的错误信息格式 * ~暂时想不到,想到了再给你们编。~ ## 2\. 安装 > composer require githusband/validation ## 3\. 完整示例 设想一下,如果用户数据如下,它包含关联数组,索引数组,我们要如何定制规则去验证它,如何做到简单直观呢? ~~~php $data = [ "id" => "", "name" => "12", "email" => "10000@qq.com.123@qq", "phone" => "15620004000-", "education" => [ "primary_school" => "???Qiankeng Xiaoxue", "junior_middle_school" => "Foshan Zhongxue", "high_school" => "Mianhu Gaozhong", "university" => "Foshan", ], "company" => [ "name" => "Qianken", "website" => "https://www.qiankeng.com1", "colleagues" => [ [ "name" => 1, "position" => "Reception" ], [ "name" => 2, "position" => "Financial1" ], [ "name" => 3, "position" => "JAVA" ], [ "name" => "Kurt", "position" => "PHP1" ], ], "boss" => [ "Mike1", "David", "Johnny2", "Extra", ] ], "favourite_food" => [ [ "name" => "HuoGuo", "place_name" => "SiChuan" ], [ "name" => "Beijing Kaoya", "place_name" => "Beijing" ], ] ]; ~~~ ~~~php // $data - 上述待验证的数据 function validate($data) { // 设置验证规则 $rule = [ // id 是必要的且必须匹配正则 /^\d+$/, >> 后面的required 和 正则对应的报错信息 "id" => 'required|/^\d+$/ >> { "required": "用户自定义 - @me 是必要的", "preg": "用户自定义 - @me 必须匹配 @preg" }', // name 是必要的且必须是字符串且长度在区间 【8,32) "name" => "required|string|len<=>:8,32", "email" => "required|email", "phone" => "required|/(^1[3|4|5|6|7|8|9]\d{9}$)|(^09\d{8}$)/ >> 用户自定义 - phone number 错误", // ip 是可选的 "ip" => "optional|ip", "education" => [ // education.primary_school 必须等于 “Qiankeng Xiaoxue” "primary_school" => "required|=:Qiankeng Xiaoxue", "junior_middle_school" => "required|!=:Foshan Zhongxue", "high_school" => "optional|string", "university" => "optional|string", ], "company" => [ "name" => "required|len<=>:8,64", "website" => "required|url", "colleagues.*" => [ "name" => "required|string|len<=>:3,32", // company.colleagues.*.position 必须等于 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA 其中之一 "position" => "required|(s):Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA" ], // 以下三个规则只对 boss.0, boss.1, boss.2 有效,boss.3 及其他都无效 "boss" => [ "required|=:Mike", "required|(s):Johnny,David", "optional|(s):Johnny,David" ] ], // favourite_food 是可选的索引数组,允许为空 "favourite_food[optional].*" => [ // favourite_food.*.name 必须是字符串 "name" => "required|string", "place_name" => "optional|string" ] ]; // 简单的自定义配置,它还不是完整的,也不是必要的 $validation_conf = [ 'language' => 'zh-cn', 'validation_global' => true, ]; // 实例化类,不要忘了事先引用类文件 // 接受一个配置数组,但不必要 $validation = new Validation($validation_conf); // 设置验证规则并验证数据 if($validation->set_rules($rule)->validate($data)) { // 这里获取检测结果,有验证到的参数,成功则修改其值为true,失败则修改其值为错误信息, // 如无验证到的参数,保持原值不变。 return $validation->get_result(); }else { // 这里有两个参数,分别对应不同的错误信息格式,一共有四种错误信息可供选择。 return $validation->get_error(true, false); } } // 可以通过改变get_error 的两个参数,找到适合自己的报错格式 // 例子中的 $data 基本都不满足 $rule ,可以改变 $data 的值,验证规则是否正确 print_r(validate($data)); ~~~ 打印结果为 ~~~php Array ( [id] => 用户自定义 - id 是必要的 [name] => name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 32 [email] => email 必须是邮箱 [phone] => 用户自定义 - phone number 错误 [education.primary_school] => education.primary_school 必须等于 Qiankeng Xiaoxue [education.junior_middle_school] => education.junior_middle_school 必须不等于 Foshan Zhongxue [company.name] => company.name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 64 [company.website] => company.website 必须是网址 [company.colleagues.0.name] => company.colleagues.0.name 必须是字符串 [company.colleagues.1.name] => company.colleagues.1.name 必须是字符串 [company.colleagues.1.position] => company.colleagues.1.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA [company.colleagues.2.name] => company.colleagues.2.name 必须是字符串 [company.colleagues.3.position] => company.colleagues.3.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA [company.boss.0] => company.boss.0 必须等于 Mike [company.boss.2] => company.boss.2 必须是字符串且在此之内 Johnny,David ) ~~~ 理论上,该工具是用于验证复杂的数据结构的,但如果你想验证单一字符串,也可以,例如 ~~~php $validation->set_rules("required|string")->validate("Hello World!"); ~~~ **注意**:在 src/Test 目录下已经内置了完整测试类Tests.php 和单元测试类 Unit.php。 **完整测试类**: ~~~cpp // 上述测试代码 php Tests.php readme_case // 验证成功测试, 返回测试结果: php Tests.php success // 验证成功测试,返回错误信息: php Tests.php error ~~~ **单元测试类**: 包含了所有功能的测试,只包含部分内置函数 原则上修改代码后跑一遍单元测试,确保功能正常。如果测试报错,定位问题再解决。 ~~~kotlin // 测试所有例子: php Unit.php run // 测试单一例子,如测试正则表达式: php Unit.php run test_regular_expression ~~~ ## 4\. 功能介绍 ### 4.1 语意明确 为了便于理解以及使规则更加简短,允许采用一些函数***标志***代表实际的功能。 ~~~php // 名字是必要的,必须是字符串,长度必须大于3且小于等于32 "name" => "required|string|length_greater_lessequal:3,32" // 采用函数标志,同上 // 若是觉得函数标志难以理解,请直接使用函数全称即可 "name" => "required|string|len<=>:3,32" ~~~ 例如: | 标志 | 函数 | 含义 | | --- | --- | --- | | \* | required | 必要的,不允许为空 | | O | optional | 可选的,允许不设置或为空 | | O! | unset\_required | 可选的,允许不设置,一旦设置则不能为空 | | \>:20 | greater\_than | 数字必须大于20 | | len:2,16 | length\_greater\_lessequal | 字符长度必须大于2且小于等于16 | | ip | ip | 必须是ip地址 | **完整功能请查看附录1** ### 4.2 支持正则表达式验证 以 "**/**" 开头,以 "**/**" 结尾,表示是正则表达式 ~~~php // id 必须是数字 "id" => "required|/^\d+$/", ~~~ ### 4.3 条件验证 条件验证标志是 "**if\[01\]?\\?**" 正条件:**if?** 和 **if1?** * 如果条件成立,则继续验证后续规则 * 如果条件不成立,说明该字段是可选的:1. 若该字段为空,立刻返回验证成功;2. 若该字段不为空,则继续验证后续规则 ~~~php $rule = [ "gender" => "required|(s):male,female", // 若性别是女性,则要求年龄大于22岁,若为男性,则对年龄无要求 "age" => "if?=::@gender,female|required|>:22", ], ~~~ 否条件:**if0?** * 如果条件不成立,则继续验证后续规则 * 如果条件成立,说明该字段是可选的:1. 若该字段为空,立刻返回验证成功;2. 若该字段不为空,则继续验证后续规则 ~~~php $rule = [ "gender" => "required|(s):male,female", // 若性别不是女性,则要求年龄大于22岁,若为女性,则对年龄无要求 "age" => "if0?=::@gender,female|required|>:22", ], ~~~ ### 4.4 支持串联,并联验证 * 串联:一个参数多个规则同时满足,标志是 **|** * 并联:一个参数多个规则满足其一,标志是 {字段名} + **\[or\]** ~~~php // 并联 "height[or]" => [ // 若身高单位是cm, 则身高必须大于等于100,小于等于200 "required|=::@height_unit,cm|<=>=:100,200 >> @me should be in [100,200] when height_unit is cm", // 若身高单位是m, 则身高必须大于等于1,小于等于2 "required|=::@height_unit,m|<=>=:1,2 >> @me should be in [1,2] when height_unit is m", ], // 串联,身高单位是必须的,且必须是 cm 或者 m "height_unit" => "required|(s):cm,m", ~~~ ### 4.5 自定义函数验证 本工具已经内置了不少验证函数,例如 \*,>, len>=, ip 等等 如果内置函数无法满足需求,或者验证规则过于复杂,可以使用自定义函数验证 自定义函数验证支持两种方式: * 自定义接口:add\_method ~~~php $validation->add_method('check_postcode', function($company) { if(isset($company['country']) && $company['country'] == "US"){ if(!isset($company['postcode']) || $company['postcode'] != "123"){ return false; } } return true; }); ~~~ * 全局函数 三种函数的优先级是 > add\_method > 内置函数 > 全局函数 如若函数不存在,则报错。 使用函数允许自由传参,每一个参数以 "**,**" 分隔 | 参数 | 含义 | | --- | --- | | @root | 代表参数是整个验证数据$data | | @parent | 代表参数是当前字段的父元素 | | @me | 代表参数是当前字段 | | @field\_name | 代表参数是整个验证数据中的字段名是 field\_name的字段 | | value | 代表参数是value 字符串,允许为空 | 参数的标志是 ":" 和 "::" > ":" 这个标志,如果不存在@me, 会自动添加 @me 参数到第一个参数 > "::" 这个标志,如果不存在@me, 也不会自动添加 ### 4.6 无限嵌套的数据结构的验证 支持无限嵌套的数据结构的验证,包括关联数组,索引数组, 例如: ~~~php $data = [ "name" => "Johnny", "favourite_color" => { "white", "red" }, "favourite_fruits" => { [ "name" => "apple", "color" => "red", "shape" => "circular" ], [ "name" => "banana", "color" => "yellow", "shape" => "long strip" ], } ] // 若要验证上述 $data,规则可以这么写 $rule = [ "name" => "required|len>:4", "favourite_color" => [ "required|len>:4", "required|len>:4", ], "favourite_fruits.*" => [ "name" => "required|len>:4", "color" => "required|len>:4", "shape" => "required|len>:4" ] ] ~~~ **发现了吗?** 关联数组和普通索引数组正常写就可以了,而索引数组里的元素是关联数组,则需要在字段后面加上 "**.\***" 这个标志即可。 **可选数组规则** 有时候,数组也是可选的,但是一旦设置,其中的子元素必须按规则验证,这时候只需要在数组字段名后面加上"**\[optional\]**" 标志,表示该数组可选,如: ~~~dart "favourite_fruits[optional].*" => [ "name" => "required|len>:4", "color" => "required|len>:4", "shape" => "required|len>:4" ] ~~~ ### 4.7 支持特殊的验证规则 支持的特殊规则有: "**\[optional\]**" - 表明单个字段或数组是可选的。 注意,表明单个字段可选,可在字段规则上加上 **optional** 即可。 ~~~php $rule = [ "name" => "optional|string", "gender" => [ "[optional]" => "string" ], // favourite_fruit 是可选的,如果存在,则必须是数组 "favourite_fruit[optional]" => [ "name" => "required|string", "color" => "required|string" ], // 等同于上的写法 "favourite_meat" => [ "[optional]" => [ "name" => "required|string", "from" => "required|string" ] ], ]; ~~~ "**\[or\]**" - 表明单个字段是或规则,多个规则满足其一即可。 ~~~php $rule = [ // name 可以是布尔值或者布尔字符串 "name[or]" => [ "required|bool", "required|bool_str", ], // 等同于上的写法 "height" => [ "[or]" => [ "required|int|>:100", "required|string", ] ] ]; ~~~ "**.\***" - 表明该字段是索引数组。 当索引数组的标志以 . 开头时,在标志不是跟随在字段名后面的情况下,可省略 . ~~~php $rule = [ "person" => [ // 表明 person 是索引数组, person.* 是关联数组 // 在这种情况下,可省略 . ,只写 * "*" => [ "name" => "required|string", // 表明 person.*.relation 是关联数组 "relation" => [ "father" => "required|string", "mother" => "optional|string", "brother" => [ // 表明 person.*.relation.*.brother 是可选的索引数组 "[optional].*" => [ // 表明 person.*.relation.*.brother.* 是索引数组 "*" => [ "name" => "required|string", "level" => [ "[or]" => [ "required|int", "required|string", ] ] ] ] ] ], "fruit" => [ "*" => [ "*" => [ "name" => "required|string", "color" => "optional|string", ] ] ], ] ], ]; // 验证数据格式如下 $data = [ "person" => [ [ "name" => "Devin", "relation" => [ "father" => "fDevin", "mother" => "mDevin", "brother" => [ [ ["name" => "Tom", "level" => 1], ["name" => "Mike", "level" => "Second"], ] ] ], "fruit" => [ [ ["name" => "Apple", "color" => "Red"], ["name" => "Banana", "color" => "Yellow"], ], [ ["name" => "Cherry", "color" => "Red"], ["name" => "Orange", "color" => "Yellow"], ] ] ], [ "name" => "Johnny", "relation" => ["father" => "fJohnny", "mother" => "mJohnny"], "fruit" => [ [ ["name" => "Apple", "color" => "Red"], ["name" => "Banana", "color" => "Yellow"], ], [ ["name" => "Cherry", "color" => "Red"], ["name" => "Orange", "color" => "Yellow"], ] ] ], ], ] ~~~ ### 4.8 支持自定义配置 支持自定义的配置有: ~~~php $config = array( 'language' => 'en-us', // Language, default is en-us 'lang_path' => '', // Customer Language file path 'validation_global' => true, // If true, validate all rules; If false, stop validating when one rule was invalid 'auto_field' => "data", // If root data is string or numberic array, add the auto_field to the root data, can validate these kind of data type. 'reg_msg' => '/ >> (.*)$/', // Set special error msg by user 'reg_preg' => '/^(\/.+\/.*)$/', // If match this, using regular expression instead of method 'reg_if' => '/^if[01]?\?/', // If match this, validate this condition first 'reg_if_true' => '/^if1?\?/', // If match this, validate this condition first, if true, then validate the field 'reg_if_false' => '/^if0\?/', // If match this, validate this condition first, if false, then validate the field 'symbol_rule_separator' => '|', // Rule reqarator for one field 'symbol_param_classic' => ':', // If set function by this symbol, will add a @me parameter at first 'symbol_param_force' => '::', // If set function by this symbol, will not add a @me parameter at first 'symbol_param_separator' => ',', // Parameters separator, such as @me,@field1,@field2 'symbol_field_name_separator' => '.', // Field name separator, suce as "fruit.apple" 'symbol_required' => '*', // Symbol of required field, Same as "required" 'symbol_optional' => 'O', // Symbol of optional field, can be unset or empty, Same as "optional" 'symbol_unset_required' => 'O!', // Symbol of optional field, can only be unset or not empty, Same as "unset_required" 'symbol_or' => '[||]', // Symbol of or rule, Same as "[or]" 'symbol_array_optional' => '[O]', // Symbol of array optional rule, Same as "[optional]" 'symbol_index_array' => '.*', // Symbol of index array rule ); ~~~ 例如: ~~~php $validation_conf = array( 'language' => 'en-us', // Language, default is en-us 'lang_path' => '/my_path/', // Customer Language file path 'validation_global' => true, // If true, validate all rules; If false, stop validating when one rule was invalid. 'auto_field' => "param", // If root data is string or numberic array, add the auto_field to the root data, can validate these kind of data type. 'reg_msg' => '/ >>>(.*)$/', // Set special error msg by user 'reg_preg' => '/^Reg:(\/.+\/.*)$/', // If match this, using regular expression instead of method 'reg_if' => '/^IF[yn]?\?/', // If match this, validate this condition first 'reg_if_true' => '/^IFy?\?/', // If match this, validate this condition first, if true, then validate the field 'reg_if_false' => '/^IFn\?/', // If match this, validate this condition first, if false, then validate the field 'symbol_rule_separator' => '&&', // Rule reqarator for one field 'symbol_param_classic' => '~', // If set function by this symbol, will add a @me parameter at first 'symbol_param_force' => '~~', // If set function by this symbol, will not add a @me parameter at first 'symbol_param_separator' => ',', // Parameters separator, such as @me,@field1,@field2 'symbol_field_name_separator' => '->', // Field name separator, suce as "fruit.apple" 'symbol_required' => '!*', // Symbol of required field, Same as "required" 'symbol_optional' => 'o', // Symbol of optional field, can be unset or empty, Same as "optional" 'symbol_unset' => 'O!', // Symbol of optional field, can only be unset or not empty, Same as "unset_required" 'symbol_or' => '[or]', // Symbol of or rule, Same as "[or]" 'symbol_array_optional' => '[o]', // Symbol of array optional rule, Same as "[optional]" 'symbol_index_array' => '[N]', // Symbol of index array rule ); ~~~ 相关规则可以这么写: ~~~php $rule = [ "id" => "!*&&int&&Reg:/^\d+$/i", "name" => "!*&&string&&len<=>~8,32", "gender" => "!*&&(s)~male,female", "dob" => "!*&&dob", "age" => "!*&&check_age~@gender,30 >>>@me is wrong", "height_unit" => "!*&&(s)~cm,m", "height[or]" => [ "!*&&=~~@height_unit,cm&&<=>=~100,200 >>>@me should be in [100,200] when height_unit is cm", "!*&&=~~@height_unit,m&&<=>=~1,2 >>>@me should be in [1,2] when height_unit is m", ], "education" => [ "primary_school" => "!*&&=~Qiankeng Xiaoxue", "junior_middle_school" => "!*&&!=~Foshan Zhongxue", "high_school" => "IF?=~~@junior_middle_school,Mianhu Zhongxue&&!*&&len>~10", "university" => "IFn?=~~@junior_middle_school,Qiankeng Zhongxue&&!*&&len>~10", ], "company" => [ "name" => "!*&&len<=>~8,64", "country" => "o&&len>=~3", "addr" => "!*&&len>~16", "colleagues[N]" => [ "name" => "!*&&string&&len<=>~3,32", "position" => "!*&&(s)~Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA" ], "boss" => [ "!*&&=~Mike", "!*&&(s)~Johnny,David", "o&&(s)~Johnny,David" ] ], "favourite_food[o][N]" => [ "name" => "!*&&string", "place_name" => "o&&string" ] ]; ~~~ ### 4.9 支持国际化配置 配置文件名和类名都采用大驼峰命名方式。 调用时,支持使用标准的语言代码,如"zh-cn", "en-us"等。 目前支持的语言有,"zh-cn", "en-us",默认语言是"en-us"英语。 ~~~php // 调用接口 $validation->set_language('zh-cn'); //将加载 ZhCn.php 配置文件 // 或者在实例化类的时候加入配置 $validation_conf = [ 'language' => 'zh-cn', ]; $validation = new Validation($validation_conf); ~~~ **自定义国际化文件** 如 /MyPath/MyLang.php。 内容如下: ~~~php <?php class MyLang { public $error_template = array( 'check_custom' => '@me error!(CustomLang File)' ); } ~~~ 修改语言文件路径 ~~~php // You should add CustomLang.php in '/MyPath/' $validation->set_config(array('lang_path' => /MyPath/'))->set_language('MyLang'); ~~~ 实际上,国际化配置,配置的是每个验证函数返回的错误信息,也可以自由地覆盖增加你的验证函数返回的错误信息。 ~~~php // 必须是对象 $lang_config = (object)array(); $lang_config->error_template = array( 'check_id' => '@me error!(customed)' ); $validation->custom_language($lang_config); ~~~ 以上为错误模版增加了一个check\_id, 如果check\_id 函数验证错误,则返回信息 ~~~bash '@me error!(customed)' ~~~ ### 4.10 支持一次性验证所有参数 支持一次性验证所有参数(默认),也可设置参数验证失败后立即结束验证 ~~~php // 调用接口 $validation->set_validation_global(false); // 或者在实例化类的时候加入配置 $validation_conf = [ 'validation_global' => false, ]; $validation = new Validation($validation_conf); ~~~ ### 4.11 支持自定义错误信息 自定义错误信息的标志是 " >> ", 注意前后空格。 例如: 1. \*或者**正则**或者=方法 错误都报错 "id is incorrect." ~~~dart "id" => 'required|/^\d+$/|<=>=:1,100| >> @me is incorrect.' ~~~ 2. 支持JSON 格式错误信息,为每一个方法设置不同的错误信息 ~~~csharp "id" => 'required|/^\d+$/|<=>=:1,100| >> { "required": "Users define - @me is required", "preg": "Users define - @me should be \"MATCHED\" @preg"}' # 对应的报错信息为 # id - Users define - id is required # /^\d+$/ - Users define - id should be \"MATCHED\" /^\d+$/ # <=>= - id must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 100 ~~~ 3. 支持特殊格式错误信息,为每一个方法设置不同的错误信息,同JSON ~~~csharp "id" => "required|/^\d+$/|<=>=:1,100| >> [required]=> Users define - @me is required [preg]=> Users define - @me should be \"MATCHED\" @preg" # 对应的报错信息为 # id - Users define - id is required # /^\d+$/ - Users define - id should be \"MATCHED\" /^\d+$/ # <=>= - id must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 100 ~~~ **自定义函数也可自定义错误信息, 优先级低于 " >> "** 当函数返回值 === true 时,表示验证成功,否则表示验证失败 所以函数允许三种错误返回: 1. 直接返回 false 2. 返回错误信息字符串 3. 返回错误信息数组,默认有两个字段,error\_type 和 message,支持自定义字段 ~~~php function check_age($data, $gender, $param) { if($gender == "male") { // if($data > $param) return false; if($data > $param) return "@me should be greater than @p1 when gender is male"; }else { if($data < $param) return array( 'error_type' => 'server_error', 'message' => '@me should be less than @p1 when gender is female', "extra" => "extra message" ); } return true; } ~~~ ### 4.12 支持多种错误信息格式 如果是验证一旦错误则立即返回的情况下,有两种错误信息格式可以返回: 返回错误信息字符串 > $validation->get\_error(false, true); ~~~bash "id 必须是整型" ~~~ 返回错误信息数组,默认有两个字段,error\_type 和 message,支持自定义字段 > $validation->get\_error(false, false); ~~~json { "error_type": "validation", "message": "id 必须是整型" } ~~~ 如果是验证所有字段的情况下,有两种错误信息格式可以返回: 详见附录 2 * * * ## 附录 1 | 标志 | 函数 | 含义 | | --- | --- | --- | | \* | required | 必要的,@me 不能为空 | | O | optional | 可选的,允许不设置或为空 | | O! | symbol\_unset\_required | 可选的,允许不设置,一旦设置则不能为空 | | \= | equal | @me 必须等于 @p1 | | != | not\_equal | @me 必须不等于 @p1 | | \== | identically\_equal | @me 必须全等于 @p1 | | !== | not\_identically\_equal | @me 必须不全等于 @p1 | | \> | greater\_than | @me 必须大于 @p1 | | < | less\_than | @me 必须小于 @p1 | | \>= | greater\_than\_equal | @me 必须大于等于 @p1 | | <= | less\_than\_equal | @me 必须小于等于 @p1 | | <> | interval | @me 必须大于 @p1 且小于 @p2 | | | greater\_lessequal | @me 必须大于 @p1 且小于等于 @p2 | | <>= | greaterequal\_less | @me 必须大于等于 @p1 且小于 @p2 | | = | greaterequal\_lessequal | @me 必须大于等于 @p1 且小于等于 @p2 | | (n) | in\_number | @me 必须是数字且在此之内 @p1 | | !(n) | not\_in\_number | @me 必须是数字且不在此之内 @p1 | | (s) | in\_string | @me 必须是字符串且在此之内 @p1 | | !(s) | not\_in\_string | @me 必须是字符串且不在此之内 @p1 | | len= | length\_equal | @me 长度必须等于 @p1 | | len!= | length\_not\_equal | @me 长度必须不等于 @p1 | | len> | length\_greater\_than | @me 长度必须大于 @p1 | | len< | length\_less\_than | @me 长度必须小于 @p1 | | len>= | length\_greater\_than\_equal | @me 长度必须大于等于 @p1 | | len<= | length\_less\_than\_equal | @me 长度必须小于等于 @p1 | | len<> | length\_interval | @me 长度必须大于 @p1 且小于 @p2 | | len | length\_greater\_lessequal | @me 长度必须大于 @p1 且小于等于 @p2 | | len<>= | length\_greaterequal\_less | @me 长度必须大于等于 @p1 且小于 @p2 | | len= | length\_greaterequal\_lessequal | @me 长度必须大于等于 @p1 且小于等于 @p2 | | int | integer | @me 必须是整型 | | float | float | @me 必须是小数 | | string | string | @me 必须是字符串 | | arr | arr | @me 必须是数组, | | bool | bool | @me 必须是布尔型 | | bool= | bool | @me 必须是布尔型且等于 @p1 | | bool\_str | bool\_str | @me 必须是布尔型字符串 | | bool\_str= | bool\_str | @me 必须是布尔型字符串且等于 @p1 | | email | email | @me 必须是邮箱 | | url | url | @me 必须是网址 | | ip | ip | @me 必须是IP地址 | | mac | mac | @me 必须是MAC地址 | | dob | dob | @me 必须是正确的日期 | | file\_base64 | file\_base64 | @me 必须是正确的文件的base64码 | | uuid | uuid | @me 必须是 UUID | * * * * * * ## 附录 2 ### 第一种 > $validation->get\_error(false, true); ~~~json { "id": "用户自定义 - id 是必要的", "name": "name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 32", "email": "email 必须是邮箱", "phone": "用户自定义 - phone number 错误", "education.primary_school": "education.primary_school 必须等于 Qiankeng Xiaoxue", "education.junior_middle_school": "education.junior_middle_school 必须不等于 Foshan Zhongxue", "company.name": "company.name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 64", "company.website": "company.website 必须是网址", "company.colleagues.0.name": "company.colleagues.0.name 必须是字符串", "company.colleagues.1.name": "company.colleagues.1.name 必须是字符串", "company.colleagues.1.position": "company.colleagues.1.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA", "company.colleagues.2.name": "company.colleagues.2.name 必须是字符串", "company.colleagues.3.position": "company.colleagues.3.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA", "company.boss.0": "company.boss.0 必须等于 Mike", "company.boss.2": "company.boss.2 必须是字符串且在此之内 Johnny,David" } ~~~ ### 第二种 > $validation->get\_error(false, false); ~~~json { "id": { "error_type": "required_field", "message": "用户自定义 - id 是必要的" }, "name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 32" }, "email": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "email 必须是邮箱" }, "phone": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "用户自定义 - phone number 错误" }, "education.primary_school": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "education.primary_school 必须等于 Qiankeng Xiaoxue" }, "education.junior_middle_school": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "education.junior_middle_school 必须不等于 Foshan Zhongxue" }, "company.name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 64" }, "company.website": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.website 必须是网址" }, "company.colleagues.0.name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.0.name 必须是字符串" }, "company.colleagues.1.name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.1.name 必须是字符串" }, "company.colleagues.1.position": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.1.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA" }, "company.colleagues.2.name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.2.name 必须是字符串" }, "company.colleagues.3.position": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.3.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA" }, "company.boss.0": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.boss.0 必须等于 Mike" }, "company.boss.2": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.boss.2 必须是字符串且在此之内 Johnny,David" } } ~~~ ### 第三种 > $validation->get\_error(true, true); ~~~json { "id": "用户自定义 - id 是必要的", "name": "name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 32", "email": "email 必须是邮箱", "phone": "用户自定义 - phone number 错误", "education": { "primary_school": "education.primary_school 必须等于 Qiankeng Xiaoxue", "junior_middle_school": "education.junior_middle_school 必须不等于 Foshan Zhongxue" }, "company": { "name": "company.name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 64", "website": "company.website 必须是网址", "colleagues": [ { "name": "company.colleagues.0.name 必须是字符串" }, { "name": "company.colleagues.1.name 必须是字符串", "position": "company.colleagues.1.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA" }, { "name": "company.colleagues.2.name 必须是字符串" }, { "position": "company.colleagues.3.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA" } ], "boss": { "0": "company.boss.0 必须等于 Mike", "2": "company.boss.2 必须是字符串且在此之内 Johnny,David" } } } ~~~ ### 第四种 > $validation->get\_error(true, false); ~~~json { "id": { "error_type": "required_field", "message": "用户自定义 - id 是必要的" }, "name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 32" }, "email": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "email 必须是邮箱" }, "phone": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "用户自定义 - phone number 错误" }, "education": { "primary_school": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "education.primary_school 必须等于 Qiankeng Xiaoxue" }, "junior_middle_school": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "education.junior_middle_school 必须不等于 Foshan Zhongxue" } }, "company": { "name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.name 长度必须大于 8 且小于等于 64" }, "website": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.website 必须是网址" }, "colleagues": [ { "name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.0.name 必须是字符串" } }, { "name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.1.name 必须是字符串" }, "position": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.1.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA" } }, { "name": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.2.name 必须是字符串" } }, { "position": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.colleagues.3.position 必须是字符串且在此之内 Reception,Financial,PHP,JAVA" } } ], "boss": { "0": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.boss.0 必须等于 Mike" }, "2": { "error_type": "validation", "message": "company.boss.2 必须是字符串且在此之内 Johnny,David" } } } } ~~~