ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、视频、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
商城翻译文件 `shop/messages/en_US/app.php` <?php return array ( 'lang' => 'en_US', '全国' => 'The National', '我的订单' => 'My Orders', '实物订单' => 'Real Orders', '虚拟订单' => 'Virtual Orders', '我的收藏' => 'My Favorites', '店铺收藏' => 'Store Collections', '商品收藏' => 'Goods Collectios', '我的足迹' => 'My Footprints', '购物车' => 'Cart', '客服中心' => 'Customer Service Center', '帮助中心' => 'Help Center', '售后服务' => 'After Service', '手机版' => 'Mobile Client', '宝贝' => 'Treasures', '店铺' => 'Store', '搜索' => 'Search', '我的购物车' => 'My Cart', '全部分类' => 'All Categories', '线上团' => 'Online Group', '虚拟团' => 'Virtual Group', '每天整点开抢' => 'Daily Flash Sale', '更多' => 'More', '顶部' => 'Top', '推广商品' => 'Promotion Of Goods', '点击按上架时间升序' => 'Ascending by the time', '上架时间' => 'Shelf time', '点击按销量升序' => 'Ascending by the sales', '销量' => 'Sales', '点击按价格升序' => 'Ascending by the price', '价格' => 'Price', '点击按评论数升序' => 'Ascending by Comments', '评论数' => 'Comments', '搜索词' => 'The search term', '确定' => 'Comfirm', '配送至' => 'Delivery to ', '请选择' => 'Please select a', '关闭' => 'Close', '仅显示有货' => 'Show only the available', '仅显示促销商品' => 'Show only the sales promotion goods', '平台自营' => 'Platform proprietary', '暂无符合条件的数据记录' => 'No qualified data records', '账户登录' => 'Login', '邮箱/用户名/已验证手机' => 'Email/Username/Phone', '密码' => 'Password', '大小写锁定已打开' => 'Case lock has been opened', '登&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;录' => 'Deng & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent record', '忘记密码' => 'Forgot password', '立即注册' => 'Register now', '不能购买自己的商品' => 'Will not buy their goods', '加入购物车' => 'Add to cart', '操作失败!' => 'Operation failed!', '不能购买自己的商品!' => 'Cant buy their goods!', '正在登录...' => 'Please wait ...', '女' => 'Female', '男' => 'Male', '保密' => 'Secret', '欢迎来' => 'Welcome', '退出' => 'Exit', 'Hi~你好!' => 'Hi~', '退货保障' => 'Return Guarantee', '极速退款' => 'A Fast Refund', '招商入驻' => 'Investment', '申请商家入驻' => 'Apply for entry', '全屏查看' => 'Full Scren', '公告为空' => 'Announcement is empty', '购物车为空' => 'Cart is empty', '积分' => 'Points', '成长值' => 'Growth value', '店铺收藏为空' => 'Store collection is empty', '你没有浏览商品' => 'No browsing history', '你没有收藏商品为空' => 'Collection of goods is empty', '通知' => 'Notice', '在线联系' => 'Online Contact', '我的资产' => 'My Assets', '我的关注' => 'My Attention', 'success' => 'success', '查看购物车商品清单,增加减少商品数量,并勾选想要的商品进入下一步操作。' => 'Check cart items, increase/reduce the amount of goods, and check goods into the next steps.', '确认订单' => 'Comfirm Order', '支付提交' => 'Payment submitted', '订单完成' => 'The order finished', '您的购物车还是空的' => 'Your cart is empty', '马上去购物' => 'Go to shopping', '查看自己的订单' => 'Check your order', '买家' => 'Buyers', '商家' => 'Merchants', '系统' => 'System', '无退货' => 'No return', '退货中' => 'In return', '退货完成' => 'Return finished', '我的商城' => 'My mall', '返回商城首页' => 'Return to the homepage', '首页' => 'Home', '用户设置' => 'User Settings', '安全设置' => 'Security Settings', '手机绑定' => 'Mobile phone binding', '邮件绑定' => 'Mail binding', '修改头像' => 'Modify the picture', '修改密码' => 'Change the password', '个人资料' => 'Personal Information', '兴趣标签' => 'Interest Tab', '消息接收设置' => 'Message Settings', '会员级别' => 'Membership Level', '账户财产' => 'Account Assets', '我的代金券' => 'My Coupons', '我的积分' => 'My Points', '消息' => 'Message', '请输入商品名字' => 'Please input the product name', '确认删除?' => 'Confirm to delete?', '删除成功!' => 'Deleted successfully!', '删除失败!' => 'Delete failed!', '错误' => 'Error', '抱歉,该商品已下架或者该店铺已关闭!' => 'Sorry, the goods has been off the shelves or the store closed!', '点击进入首页' => 'Click to enter the home page', '待付款' => 'Awaiting Payment', '已付款' => 'Payment Completed', '待发货' => 'Awaiting Shipment', '已发货' => 'Shipped', '已签收' => 'Received', '已完成' => 'Order Completed', '已取消' => 'Cancelled', '退款中' => 'In Refund', '已退款' => 'Refund', '待自提' => 'Waiting to take', '无退款' => 'No refund', '退款完成' => 'Refund to complete', 'PC端' => 'PC', '移动端' => 'Mobile Client', '未评价' => 'No evaluation', '已评价' => 'Evaluation', '全部订单' => 'All orders', '待收货' => 'For the goods', '下单时间' => 'The order time', '开始时间' => 'The start time', '结束时间' => 'The end time', '订单号' => 'The order number', '订单回收站' => 'Order recycler', '商品' => 'Goods', '单价' => 'Unit price', '数量' => 'Quantity', '售后维权' => 'After activist', '订单金额' => 'Order amount', '交易状态' => 'Trading status', '操作' => 'Operation', '接口出现异常' => 'Interface is abnormal', '请登录' => 'Please log in', '免费注册' => 'Free registration', '会员登录' => 'Member login', '需要登录' => 'Need to log in ', '全部商品' => 'All goods', '开店成功' => 'Open a store successfully', '否' => 'No', '开启' => 'Open', '审核中' => 'Under review', '保证金审核中' => 'Margin in the audit', '审核通过' => 'Approved', '审核失败' => 'Audit failure', '等待审核保证金' => 'Margin of waiting for audit', '未回复' => 'Not reply', '已回复' => 'Replied', '商品编号:' => 'Product ID:', '无' => 'None', '分享' => 'Share', '收藏' => 'Favorites', '举报' => 'Report', '分享到微信' => 'Share to WeChat', '分享到QQ空间' => 'Share to QQ space', '分享到新浪微博' => 'Share to sina weibo', '分享到人人网' => 'Share to renren', '分享到腾讯微博' => 'Share to tencent weibo', '分享到网易微博' => 'Share to netease weibo', '分享到凤凰微博' => 'Share to phoenix weibo', '分享到搜狐微博' => 'Share to sohu weibo', '分享到豆瓣' => 'Share to douban', '分享到开心网' => 'Share to happy net', '分享到天涯' => 'Share to TianYa', '分享到百度空间' => 'Share to baidu space', '分享到朋友网' => 'Share to net friends', '分享到淘江湖' => 'Share to TaoJiangHu', '分享到飞信' => 'Share to Fetion', '分享到Facebook' => 'Share to Facebook', '分享到电子邮件' => 'Share by E-mail', '可开具增值税发票' => 'Can issue VAT invoices', '市场价:' => 'Market price:', '商城价:' => 'Mall price:', '商品评分:' => 'Commodity score:', '条评论' => 'Comments', '扫描二维码' => 'Scan the QR code', '手机上购物' => 'Shopping on your mobile phone', '配送至:' => 'Shipping to:', '请选择地区' => 'Please select a region', '有货' => 'In stock', '数量:' => 'Quantity:', '-' => '-', '+' => '+', '每人限购' => 'Each of', '件' => 'a', '立即购买' => 'Buy now', '店铺动态评分' => 'Store dynamic rating', '同行业相比' => 'Compared', '描述相符:' => 'Description:', '高于' => 'above', '%' => '%', '服务态度:' => 'Service attitude:', '发货速度:' => 'Delivery speed:', '所 在 地 :' => 'Location:', '进入店铺' => 'Enter the store', '收藏店铺' => 'Collection of stores', '商品分类' => 'Classification of goods', '按新品' => 'According to the new product', '按价格' => 'According to the price', '按销量' => 'According to the sales', '按人气' => 'According to the popularity,', '搜索店内商品' => 'Search the store goods', '商品排行' => 'Commodity Ranking', '热销商品排行' => 'Hot salse ranking', '热门收藏排行' => 'Popular favorites ranking', '出售:' => 'For sale:', '收藏人气:' => 'Favorite:', '查看本店其他商品' => 'Brows our other goods', '商品详情' => 'Goods details', '商品评论' => 'Goods comments', '(' => '(', ')' => ')', '包装清单' => 'Packing list', '售后保障' => 'After-sale guarantee', '购买咨询' => 'Consultation', '发起咨询' => 'To Consultation', '不能购买自己商店的商品!' => 'Cant buy goods for your own shop!', '您已达购买上限!' => 'You have reach thr purchase limit!', '该商品每人限购' => 'Purchase limit', '件!' => 'A!!!!', '查看门店' => 'Check the store', '无货' => 'Sold out', '全部商品分类' => 'All goods classification', '全部品牌' => 'All brands', '本周关注排行榜' => 'Weekly ranking', '人气指数' => 'Popularity ranking', '初始化用户出错!' => 'Initialize Error!', '注意:' => 'Note:', '购买的价格不可能是由于店铺往期促销活动引起的,详情库咨询卖家' => 'Purchase price cant be caused by shops past promotional activities, Consultation the seller for details', '宝贝名称' => 'The name of the goods', '首页推荐' => 'Home Recommendation', '正常' => 'Normal', '实物' => 'Physical', '首页大图推荐' => 'Larger picture at home recommendation', '团购中心' => 'Group purchase center', '我要团' => 'I want to group', '原价' => 'Original price', '折扣' => 'Discount', '立减' => 'Knock', '评分' => 'Score', '本商品已被团购' => 'The goods have been purchased', '数量有限,欲购从速!' => 'Quantity is limited, to buy quickly!', '剩余时间' => 'Rest of time', '天' => 'day', '小时' => 'hours', '分' => 'minutes', '秒' => 'seconds', '本期热门团购' => 'This popular group', '全部热门团购' => 'All popular group', '销售记录' => 'Sales record', '推荐商品' => 'Recommend commodities', '请先登录!' => 'Please login !', '进入商家中心' => 'Enter the merchant center', '数据库连接失败!' => 'Database connection failed!', '我要提问' => 'I want to ask questions', '全部' => 'all', '(原售价:' => '(original price:', ')' => ')', '促&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;销:' => 'To promote & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent Pin:', '品牌' => 'brand', '好评价' => 'A good evaluation', '好评' => 'High praise', '中评' => 'In the evaluation of', '差评' => 'Bad review', '全部评论' => 'All comments', '晒图' => 'print', '出价' => 'offer', '购买数量' => 'Purchase quantity', '生成时间' => 'Order time', '交易中心' => 'Trading center', '虚拟兑换订单' => 'Virtual exchange orders', '门店自提订单' => 'Stores to the order', '交易评价/晒单' => 'Trading evaluation/single', '交易评价' => 'Trading evaluation', '关注中心' => 'Notice center', '客户服务' => 'Customer service', '退款及退货' => 'Refund & Return', '交易投诉' => 'Complaints', '商品咨询' => 'Consultation', '违规举报' => 'Report', '平台客服' => 'Customer service', '会员中心' => 'Member center', '我的级别' => 'My level', '会员信息' => 'Member information', '账户安全' => 'Account Security', '密码修改' => 'Change Password', '收货地址' => 'Shipping Address', '我的消息' => 'My news', '我的好友' => 'My friends', '子账号设置' => 'Subaccount Settings', '财产中心' => 'Property Center', '我的红包' => 'Red Packets', '账号安全' => 'Account Security', '低' => 'Low', '余额' => 'Balance', '代金卷' => 'Vouchers', '白条' => 'Blank note', '未激活' => 'Inactive', '查看全部订单' => 'Check all order', '您买的东西太少了,这里都空空的,快去挑合适的商品吧!' => 'Lets go shopping!', '查看所有商品' => 'Check all the goods', '您的购物车还是空的哦!' => 'Your cart is empty!', '查看更多' => 'More', '您还没有收藏任何商品,看到感兴趣的就果断收藏吧!' => 'You have no favorites, Lets collect something you interest', '您的商品浏览记录为空' => 'Your browsing history is empty', '您还没有收藏店铺哦!' => 'You havent collected the store!', '全部结果' => 'All Results', '我的白条' => 'My blank note', '品牌列表' => 'Brand', '积分商城' => 'Points mall', '商家中心' => 'Merchant Center', '商家店铺' => 'Merchant Store', '平台红包' => 'Platform red packet', '拼团活动' => 'Group purchase', '账户余额' => 'Account balance', '上海' => 'Shanghai', '会员注册' => 'Membership registration', '商家拒绝退货' => 'Merchant refuses to return the goods', '商家拒绝退款' => 'Merchant refuses to refund', '待评价' => 'To be evaluated', '商品名称或订单号' => 'Commodity name or order number', '中' => 'in', '仅显示折扣商品' => 'Only show discounted goods', '分销商的商品不可以购买!' => 'The distributor goods cannot be purchased!', '部分规格缺货,请进入详情购买!' => 'Some specifications are out of stock, please enter the details for purchase!', '该商品已售空!' => 'This goods has been sold out!', '点击按上架时间降序' => 'Click on the shelf time', '点击按销量降序' => 'Click on sales volume', '点击按价格降序' => 'Clicks are descended by price', '点击按评论数降序' => 'Click the number of comments in descending order', '排序' => 'sort', '默认' => 'default', '商家入驻' => 'Merchant entry', '商家入驻申请' => 'Merchant application', '亲爱的:' => 'Daring!', '若您还没有在支付中心填写实名认证资料' => 'If you have not completed the real name authentication information at the payment center', '请点击' => 'Please click', '实名认证' => 'Verified', '”进行实名资料填写' => '"Fill in the real name information."', '若您还没有填写入驻申请资料' => 'If you have not filled in the application information', '我要入驻' => 'Im going to be in', '”进行入驻资料填写' => '"Fill in the information."', '若您的店铺还未开通' => 'If your store is not open yet', '请通过“' => 'Please pass "', '查看入驻进度' => 'Check in progress', '”了解店铺开通的最新状况' => '"Understand the latest situation in the shop opening', '入驻流程' => 'Admission process', '签署入驻协议' => 'Sign in agreement', '商家信息提交' => 'Merchant information submission', '平台审核资质' => 'Platform audit qualification', '商家缴纳费用' => 'Merchant payment', '店铺开通' => 'Shop opening', '入驻指南' => 'Admission guide', '默认排序' => 'Default sort', '点击按成收藏量从高到低排序' => 'Click on the volume from high to low', '收藏量' => 'Collection', '红包' => 'Red packet', '红包列表' => 'List of red packets', '当前等级' => 'Current level', '当前经验值' => 'Current experience value', '需经验值' => 'Experience value', '还差' => 'Even worse', '经验值即可升级成为V' => 'Experience values can be upgraded to V', '等级会员' => 'Level membership', '张' => 'Zhang', '可用代金券' => 'Available vouchers', '平台红包列表' => 'Platform red packet list', '个' => 'individual', '已兑换礼品' => 'Exchanged gifts', '礼品兑换购物车' => 'Gift exchange cart', '排序方式' => 'sort order', '加入成功!' => 'Join successfully!', '加入失败!' => 'Fail to join.', '等待卖家审核' => 'Wait for the seller to review', '卖家审核通过' => 'Seller reviews passed', '卖家审核未通过' => 'The sellers audit failed to pass', '等待平台审核' => 'Waiting platform audit', '退款/货完成' => 'Refund / delivery', '退款' => 'Refund', '退货' => 'Return', '虚拟订单退款' => 'Virtual order refund', '退款申请' => 'Refund application', '退货申请' => 'Return application', '虚拟兑码退款' => 'Virtual refunds', '申请时间' => 'Application time', '退款编号' => 'Refund number', '退款商品' => 'Refunds', '退款数量' => 'Amount of refunds', '退款金额' => 'Refund amount', '审核状态' => 'Audit status', '新投诉' => 'New complaints', '待申诉' => 'Awaiting complaints', '对话中' => 'In the dialogue', '待仲裁' => 'To be arbitrated', '已关闭' => 'Closed', '投诉管理' => 'Manage Complaint ', '选择状态' => 'Selected state', '投诉商品' => 'Complaint goods', '投诉主题' => 'Complaint theme', '投诉时间' => 'Time of complaint', '投诉状态' => 'State of complaint', '全部咨询' => 'All consultations', '未回复咨询' => 'Unanswered counselling', '已回复咨询' => 'Reply to counselling', '咨询/回复' => 'Counselling / Reply', '举报有效' => 'Effective Report', '举报无效' => 'Ineffective Report', '未处理' => 'Unprocessed', '已处理' => 'Already processed', '相关商品' => 'Related goods', '举报时间' => 'Reporting time', '状态处理结果' => 'State processing results', '平台客服咨询列表' => 'Customer service consultation list', '咨询内容' => 'Consultation content', '咨询时间' => 'Consultation time', '状态' => 'State', '最后回复时间' => 'Final reply time', '您的会员级别是:' => 'Your membership level is:', '无限期' => 'Indefinite period', '距离成为' => 'Distance becomes', '还需' => 'still need sth.', '权利及优惠:' => 'Rights & Discounts:', '1.可以享受' => '1. can enjoy', '部分商品' => 'Part of the goods', '会员级别图示:' => 'Membership level diagram:', '注册成功即成为' => 'Register to become', '成长值达到' => 'Growth value', '使用代收货(自提)' => 'Use of a collection of goods (self-lifting)', '使用自提服务站' => 'Use the self-lifting service station', '新增地址' => 'New address', '收货人' => 'Receiver', '所在地区' => 'Region', '街道地址' => 'Street address', '电话/手机' => 'Telephone / Mobile phone', '分销系统,批发市场' => 'Distribution system, wholesale market', 'sucess' => 'sucess', '是' => 'Yes', 'failure' => 'Failure', '头部' => 'Head', '启用' => 'Enable', '添加成功' => 'Add successfully', '没有数据' => 'No data', 'success 1 20' => 'success 1 20', '用户已经存在,请更换用户名!' => 'The user has already existed, please change the username!', '创建用户信息失败' => 'Failure to create user information', 'female' => 'Female', '没有满足条件的结果哦' => 'No query results satisfying the condition.', '已出账' => 'Already out of account', '商家已确认' => 'Merchant has confirmed', '平台已审核' => 'Platform has audited', '结算完成' => 'Settlement completed', '广告条板块只能添加一个' => 'The advertising section can only add one', '热卖推荐' => 'HOT SALE', '您已选择' => 'You have chosen', '品牌:' => 'Brand:', '下级分类:' => 'Lower classification:', '不能跟自己聊天' => 'You cant chat with yourself', '出售中的商品' => 'Goods sold', '商品发布' => 'Commodity release', '仓库中的商品' => 'Goods in the warehouse', '已下架的商品' => 'Goods that have been laid down', '外部导入待上架商品' => 'External introduction of goods to be on shelf', '等待审核的商品' => 'Goods waiting to be audited', '未通过审核的商品' => 'Goods that are not audited', '待发布的商品' => 'Goods to be released', '违规的商品' => 'Irregularities', '分销商品' => 'Distribution of goods', '关联版式' => 'Associated layout', '商品规格' => 'Commodity specification', '图片空间' => 'Picture space', '未分组' => 'Non grouping', '淘宝导入' => 'Taobao introduction', '导入CSV文件' => 'Import the CSV file', '上传商品图片' => 'Uploading a picture of a commodity', '订单物流' => 'Logistics', '已售订单管理' => 'Out of order management', '所有订单' => 'All orders', '回收站' => 'recycle bin', '订单详情' => 'Order details', '发货' => 'Deliver goods', '虚拟兑码订单' => 'Virtual exchange code order', '校验兑换码' => 'Check exchange code', '发货中' => 'Consignment', '已收货' => 'Have received the goods', '发货设置' => 'Delivery setting', '地址库' => 'Address Library', '默认物流公司' => 'Default logistics company', '免运费额度' => 'Free freight line', '发货单打印设置' => 'Print setting', '运单模板' => 'Waybill', '模板绑定' => 'Template binding', '自建模板' => 'Self built template', '选择模板' => 'Select the template', '模板设置' => 'Template setting', '添加模板' => 'add template', '编辑模板' => 'Edit template', '设计模板' => 'Design template', '评价管理' => 'Evaluation management', '来自买家的评价' => 'Evaluation from buyers', '物流工具' => 'Logistics tools', '售卖区域' => 'Sale area', '促销' => 'Promotion', '团购管理' => 'Group purchase management', '团购列表' => 'List of group purchase', '新增团购' => 'New group purchase', '新增虚拟团购' => 'New virtual group purchase', '套餐管理' => 'Management of set meal', '加价购' => 'Purchase price', '活动列表' => 'Activity list', '添加活动' => 'Add activity', '限时折扣' => 'Discount', '新增活动' => 'New activities', '满即送' => 'Full free', '满送列表' => 'Full list', '代金券管理' => 'Voucher management', '添加代金券' => 'Add vouchers', '分销管理' => 'Distribution management', '分销设置' => 'Distribution setting', '我的分销员' => 'My distributor', '添加分销商品' => 'Add distribution goods', '分销业绩' => 'Distribution performance', '拼团管理' => 'Collage management', '拼团列表' => 'Collage list', '店铺设置' => 'Shop setting', '店铺幻灯' => 'Shop slide', '店铺模板' => 'Shop template', '店铺装修' => 'Shop decoration', '店铺导航' => 'Shop navigation', '店铺分类' => 'Shop classification', '自销产品供应商' => 'Marketing products suppliers', '实体店铺' => 'Entity shop', '品牌申请' => 'Brand application', '店铺信息' => 'Store information', '消费者保障服务' => 'Consumer security services', '门店帐号' => 'Store account', '我的分销商' => 'My distributor', '分销商等级' => 'Distributor grade', '等级设置' => 'Hierarchy', '分销产品供应商' => 'Distribution product supplier', '我的供应商' => 'My supplier', '供应商申请' => 'Supplier application', '分销明细' => 'Distribution details', '我的采购单' => 'My purchase order', '批发市场' => 'Wholesale market', '咨询管理' => 'Consulting management', '退款管理' => 'Refund management', '退货管理' => 'returns management', '统计结算' => 'Statistical settlement', '店铺概况' => 'Shop profile', '商品分析' => 'Commodity analysis', '热卖商品' => 'Hot selling goods', '运营报告' => 'Operation report', '实物结算' => 'Physical settlement', '实物订单结算' => 'Real order settlement', '虚拟结算' => 'Virtual settlement', '虚拟订单结算' => 'Virtual order settlement', '客服消息' => 'Message', '客服设置' => 'Customer service setting', '系统消息' => 'System message', '系统公告' => 'System Bulletin', '账号' => 'Account', '子账号' => 'Subaccount', '权限组' => 'Permission group', '导航管理' => 'Navigation management', '管理导航' => 'Management navigation', '小提示' => 'Little tip', '添加您经常使用的功能到首页侧边栏' => 'Add the functionality that you often use to the home side sidebar', '方便操作' => 'Convenient operation', '添加为常用功能菜单' => 'Add to common function menus', '商城商品搜索' => 'Commercial city commodity search', '当前用户' => 'Current user', '前往商城' => 'Go to the mall', '前往店铺' => 'Go to the shop', '基本信息' => 'Essential information', '安全退出' => 'Safe exit', '编辑店铺设置' => 'Edit shop setting', '用户名' => 'Username', '店铺等级' => 'Shop grade', '有 效 期' => 'Term of validity', '最后登录' => 'Last log in', 'iP地址' => 'IP address', '店铺及商品提示' => 'Shop and commodity tips', '您需要关注的店铺信息以及待处理事项' => 'The store information you need to pay attention to and the items to be treated', '店铺商品发布情况' => 'Store merchandise release', '图片空间使用' => 'Use of picture space', '出售中商品' => 'Sale of goods', '待审核商品' => 'Goods to be audited', '仓库中商品' => 'Goods in the warehouse', '违规下架商品' => 'Illegal merchandise', '交易提示' => 'Transaction hints', '您需要立即处理的交易订单' => 'The transaction order you need to deal with immediately', '近期售出' => 'Sales in the near future', '交易中的订单' => 'Order in the transaction', '维权提示' => 'Claim for rights', '收到维权投诉' => 'Receive a claim for rights', '待付款订单' => 'Order to be paid', '待发货订单' => 'Order to be delivered', '退款订单' => 'Refund order', '退货订单' => 'Return order', '销售情况统计' => 'Sales statistics', '按周期统计商家店铺的订单量和订单金额' => 'Count the order amount and order amount of business shop by cycle', '订单量' => 'Order quantity', '今日销量' => 'Todays sales', '周销量' => 'Weekly sales', '月销量' => 'Monthly sales', '单品销售排名' => 'Single product sales ranking', '掌握30日内最热销的商品及时补充货源' => 'Mastering the most hot selling goods within 30 days and replenishing the source in time', '排名' => 'ranking', '商品信息' => 'Commodity information', '店铺运营推广' => 'Shop operation and promotion', '合理参加促销活动可以有效提升商品销量' => 'Reasonable participation in promotional activities can effectively improve the sales of goods', '团购' => 'Group purchase', '未开通' => 'Not open', '参与平台发起的团购活动提高商品成交量及店铺浏览量' => 'Participate in the group buying activities initiated by the platform to increase the volume of commodity turnover and shop browsing', '商品优惠套餐、多重搭配更多实惠、商家必备营销方式' => 'Preferential packages, multi collocation and more benefits, and the necessary marketing methods for merchants', '在规定时间段内对店铺中所选商品进行打折促销活动' => 'Discounts and promotions of the goods selected in the store within a specified period of time', '商家自定义满即送标准与规则,促进购买转化率' => 'Full custom business rules and standards, to promote the purchase, conversion rate', '代金券' => 'Cash coupon', '自定义代金券使用规则并由平台统一展示供买家领取' => 'Custom vouchers to use the rules by a unified platform for buyers to receive show', '销售员' => 'Salesperson', '已开通' => 'Already opened', '让客户来推广店铺,获得佣金' => 'Let the customers promote the shop and get the Commission', '平台联系方式' => 'Platform contact mode', '有相关不懂得地方可以咨询平台' => 'There is no understanding of the local consulting platform', '客服电话' => 'customer service telephone numbers', '客服邮箱' => 'Customer service mailbox', '普通发票' => 'General invoice', '电子发票' => 'Electronic invoice', '增值税发票' => 'VAT invoice', '商家管理中心' => 'Business management center', '店铺名称:' => 'Shop name:', '店铺等级:' => 'Shop grade:', '店铺logo:' => 'Store logo:', '图片上传' => 'Picture uploading', '此处为店铺页logo;' => 'Here is the store page logo;', '建议使用宽200像素*高60像素内的GIF或PNG透明图片;点击下方"确认提交"按钮后生效。' => 'It is recommended to use a wide 200 pixel * high 60 pixel GIF or PNG transparent picture; click the "confirm submission" button below to take effect.', '店铺条幅:' => 'Shop banners:', '此处为店铺条幅:' => 'Here is the shop banners:', '建议使用宽1200像素*高150像素的图片;点击下方"确认提交"按钮后生效。' => 'It is recommended to use a picture with a wide 1200 pixel * height of 150 pixels; click the "confirm submission" button below to take effect.', '二级域名:' => 'Two level domain name:', '可留空,域名长度应为:' => 'The domain name can be left blank, the length should be:', '还可以修改' => 'It can also be modified', '次' => 'second', 'QQ:' => 'QQ:', '旺旺:' => 'Wangwang:', '电话:' => 'Telephone:', '确认提交' => 'Confirmation of submission', '请输入正确qq' => 'Please enter the correct QQ', '请输入正确的手机号码' => 'Please enter the correct phone number', '操作成功!' => 'The operation is successful!', '添加分类' => 'Add classification', '分类名称' => 'Classification name', '是否显示' => 'Does it show', '全选' => 'Select', '删除' => 'delete', '删除一级分类,下面的子类也会删除,您确定要删除吗?' => 'Delete the first class, and the subclass below will be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete it?', '添加店铺分类' => 'Add shop classification', '分类名称:' => 'Classified Name:', '是否显示:' => 'Does it show:', '上级分类:' => 'Classification of superiors:', '提示:不选择就是添加一级分类' => 'Hint: no choice is to add first class classification', '提示:0-255之间,不填默认为0' => 'Hint: 0-255, do not default to 0', '门店列表' => 'Shop list', '添加门店' => 'Add a store', '门店名称' => 'Store name', '门店地址' => 'Store address', '您确定要删除吗?' => 'Are you sure you want to delete it?', '经营类目' => 'Business category', '续签申请' => 'Renew the application', '添加类目' => 'Add class', '分佣比例' => 'Proportion of domestic workers', '添加经营类目' => 'Adding business category', '搜索经营类目:' => 'Search business category:', '按经营类目名称搜索' => 'Search by the name of the business category', '经营类目:' => 'Business category:', '未审核' => 'Unaudited', '取消选择' => 'Cancel the choice', 'Points Mall' => 'Points Mall', '待审核付款' => 'Payment to be audited', '已审核' => 'Audited', '提交申请' => 'Submission', '公司资质信息' => 'Company qualification information', '财务资质信息' => 'Financial qualification information', '店铺经营信息' => 'Store management information', '合同签订及缴费' => 'Contract signing and payment', '签订入驻协议' => 'Sign in agreement', '已经提交,请等待管理员核对后为您开通店铺' => 'Already submitted, please wait for the administrator to check for you to open the shop', '操作失败' => 'operation failed', '身份证' => 'ID', '分销' => 'Distribution', '供货商' => 'supplier', '退款记录' => 'Refunds record', '退货记录' => 'Return record', '账号列表' => 'Account list', '账号组' => 'Account group', '账号日志' => 'Account log', '不启用' => 'Not enabled', '请输入商品名称' => 'Please enter the name of the product', '商品名称' => 'Commodity name', '库存' => 'Stock', '发布时间' => 'Release time', '您确定要下架吗' => 'Are you sure you want to go down', '下架成功' => 'Success of the next shelf', '下架失败' => 'Failure of the next shelf', '请选择需要操作的记录' => 'Please select the records that you need to operate', '您确定要上架吗' => 'Are you sure you want to go on the shelf', '请修改虚拟商品过期时间' => 'Please modify the expiration date of the virtual goods', '上架成功' => 'Success on the shelf', '上架失败' => 'Failure on the shelf', '批量导入' => 'Batch import', 'STEP 1' => 'STEP 1', '选择分类' => 'Selection classification', 'STEP 2' => 'STEP 2', '填写信息' => 'Fill in information', 'STEP 3' => 'STEP 3', '上传图片' => 'Upload a picture', 'STEP 4' => 'STEP 4', '发布成功' => 'Release success', 'STEP 5' => 'STEP 5', '平台审核' => 'Platform audit', '加载中' => 'Loading', '请选择商品分类' => 'Please choose the classification of goods', '您当前选择的商品类别是' => 'The category of goods you are currently selecting is', '下一步,填写商品信息' => 'Next, fill in the commodity information', '表示该项必填' => 'Indicates that the item is required', '商品基本信息' => 'Commodity basic information', '编辑' => 'edit', '商品属性' => 'Commodity property', '填错商品属性,可能会引起商品下架,影响您的正常销售。请认真准确填写' => 'The wrong commodity property may cause the commodity to be under the shelf, affecting your normal sales. Please fill in it carefully and accurately', '商品标题最长32个中文字符' => 'The longest 32 Chinese characters in the title of a commodity', '副标题' => 'Subtitle', '副标题最长32个中文字符' => 'The longest 32 Chinese characters in the subtitle', '商品价格' => 'commodity price', '价格必须是0.01~9999999之间的数字,且不能高于市场价。' => 'The price must be a number between 0.01~9999999 and not higher than the market price.', '此价格为商品实际销售价格,如果商品存在规格,该价格显示最低价格。' => 'This price is the actual sale price of the commodity. If the commodity is in the specification, the price shows the lowest price.', '市场价' => 'Market value', '价格必须是0.01~9999999之间的数字,此价格仅为市场参考售价,请根据该实际情况认真填写。' => 'The price must be the number between the 0.01~9999999, this price is only the market reference price, please fill in it carefully according to the actual situation.', '成本价' => 'Cost price', '价格必须是0.00~9999999之间的数字,此价格为商户对所销售的商品实际成本价格进行备注记录,非必填选项,不会在前台销售页面中显示。' => 'The price must be between 0.00~9999999 numbers, the price for the merchants recorded on the actual cost of commodity prices and sales, non mandatory option will not be displayed in the front desk sales page.', '添加规格值' => 'Add specification value', '规格值名称' => 'Specification value name', '确认' => 'confirm', '取消' => 'cancel', '库存配置' => 'Inventory allocation', '预警值' => 'Early-warning value', '商家货号' => 'Business item', '商品规格的价格,必须在供应商设置的最低零售价和最高零售价之间。' => 'The price of the commodity specification must be between the minimum retail price set by the supplier and the highest retail price.', '若分销商填写的价格高于最高零售价,系统会自动调整为最高零售价' => 'If the distributors price is higher than the highest retail price, the system will automatically adjust to the highest retail price.', '商品库存' => 'Commodity stock', '商铺库存数量必须为0~99999999之间的整数' => 'The number of store inventory must be an integer between 0~99999999', '若启用了库存配置,则系统自动计算商品的总数,此处无需卖家填写' => 'If the inventory configuration is enabled, the system automatically calculates the total number of goods, and there is no need for the seller to fill out the total.', '库存预警值' => 'Stock early-warning value', '设置最低库存预警值。当库存低于预警值时商家中心商品列表页库存列红字提醒。' => 'Set the minimum stock early-warning value. The Merchant Center commodity list page is reminding for the red letter when the stock is lower than the warning value.', '请填写0~999的数字,0为不预警。' => 'Please fill in the number of 0~999, 0 is not early warning.', '商家货号是指商家管理商品的编号' => 'The merchant number refers to the number of business management products', '最多可输入20个字符,支持输入字母、数字' => 'A maximum of 20 characters can be input to support the input letters and numbers', '商品图片' => 'Commodity picture', '上传商品默认主图,如多规格值时将默认使用该图或分规格上传各规格主图;支持jpg、gif、png格式上传,建议使用' => 'The default main map of uploaded goods, such as multiple specifications, will be uploaded to the main specifications by default using this map or sub specification. Support for JPG, GIF and PNG format uploading is recommended.', '尺寸800x800像素以上、大小不超过1M的正方形图片' => 'A square picture with a size of more than 800X800 pixels and a size not more than 1M', '从图片空间选择' => 'Selection from picture space', '商品详情描述' => 'Description of commodity details', '商品描述' => 'Commodity Description', '电脑端' => 'Computer terminal', '关联顶部版式' => 'Associated top layout', '添加新版式' => 'Add a new version', '关联底部版式' => 'Associated bottom layout', '商品物流信息' => 'Commodity logistics information', '选择售卖区域' => 'Select the selling area', '前往设置' => 'Go to set up', '运费模板' => 'Freight formwork', '查看' => 'See', '商品重量' => 'Commodity weight', '售后保障信息' => 'After-sale security information', '售后服务如不填写,将调用 "商家管理中心 -> 店铺 -> 店铺设置 -> 售后服务" 中自定义的' => 'Customer service service if not filled, the custom called "business management center - > - > Settings > store shop customer service service" in the', '售后服务不能超过200个汉字' => 'After-sales service can not exceed 200 Chinese characters', '其他信息' => 'Other information', '包装清单不能超过200个汉字' => 'The packing list cant exceed 200 Chinese characters', '本店分类' => 'Classification of our shop', '新增分类' => 'New classification', '商品可以从属于店铺的多个分类之下' => 'Goods can be classified under several categories of stores', '店铺分类可以由 "商家管理中心 -> 店铺 -> 店铺分类" 中自定义' => 'You can store classification by "business management center - shop - > store classification" custom', '立即发布' => 'Immediately release', '时' => 'time', '放入仓库' => 'Put in the warehouse', '商品推荐' => 'Commodity recommendation', '被推荐的商品会显示在店铺首页' => 'The recommended goods will be displayed on the front page of the shop', '提交' => 'Submit', '价格不能高于市场价' => 'The price should not be higher than the market price', '售卖区域模板设置' => 'Sale area template setting', '添加区域模板' => 'Add the area template', '模板名称' => 'Template name', '运费模板设置' => 'Freight template setting', '添加运费模板' => 'Add freight template', '*' => '*', '模板名称:' => 'Template name:', '模板状态:' => 'Template state:', '计费规则:' => 'Billing rules:', '按重量' => 'By weight', '详细设置' => 'Detailed settings', '运送地区' => 'Transport area', '首重' => 'The first heavy', '首费' => 'The first fee', '续重' => 'Continued heavy', '续费' => 'renew', '添加规则' => 'Add rules', '注:没有设置规则的地区,默认免运费。' => 'Note: there is no rule in the area, the default free freight.', '选择地区' => 'Selection area', 1 => 'One', '华北' => 'North China', '添加售卖区域' => 'Add and sell areas', '选择区域:' => 'Selected areas:', '设置成功' => 'Set up success', '添加运费模版' => 'Add freight template', '序号' => 'Serial number', '选择' => 'Choice', '北京' => 'Beijing', 37 => 'Thirty-seven', '东城区' => 'Dongcheng District', 566 => 'Five hundred and sixty-six', '其他' => 'Other', 54 => 'Fifty-four', '延庆县' => 'Yanqing County', 53 => 'Fifty-three', '密云县' => 'Miyun', 38 => 'Thirty-eight', '西城区' => 'Xicheng District', 41 => 'Forty-one', '朝阳区' => 'Chaoyang District', 42 => 'Forty-two', '丰台区' => 'Fengtai District', 43 => 'Forty-three', '石景山区' => 'Shijingshan District', 44 => 'Forty-four', '海淀区' => 'Haidian District', 45 => 'Forty-five', '门头沟区' => 'Mentougou District', 46 => 'Forty-six', '房山区' => 'Fangshan District', 47 => 'Forty-seven', '通州区' => 'Tongzhou District', 48 => 'Forty-eight', '顺义区' => 'Shunyi District', 49 => 'Forty-nine', '昌平区' => 'Changping District', 50 => 'Fifty', '大兴区' => 'Daxing District', 51 => 'Fifty-one', '怀柔区' => 'Huairou District', 52 => 'Fifty-two', '平谷区' => 'Pinggu District', '天津' => 'Tianjin', 55 => 'Fifty-five', '和平区' => 'Zone of peace', 56 => 'Fifty-six', '河东区' => 'Hedong District', 57 => 'Fifty-seven', '河西区' => 'Hexi District', 58 => 'Fifty-eight', '南开区' => 'Nankai District', 59 => 'Fifty-nine', '河北区' => 'Hebei District', 60 => 'Sixty', '红桥区' => 'Hongqiao District', 61 => 'Sixty-one', '塘沽区' => 'Tanggu District', 64 => 'Sixty-four', '东丽区' => 'dongli district', 65 => 'Sixty-five', '西青区' => 'Xiqing District', 66 => 'Sixty-six', '津南区' => 'jinnan district', 67 => 'Sixty-seven', '北辰区' => 'Beichen District', 68 => 'Sixty-eight', '武清区' => 'Wuqing District', 69 => 'Sixty-nine', '宝坻区' => 'Baodi District', 70 => 'Seventy', '宁河县' => 'Ninghe County', 71 => 'Seventy-one', '静海县' => 'Jinghai County', 72 => 'Seventy-two', '蓟县' => 'Jixian County', '河北' => 'Hebei', 73 => 'Seventy-three', '石家庄市' => 'Shijiazhuang City', 74 => 'Seventy-four', '唐山市' => 'Tangshan City', 75 => 'Seventy-five', '秦皇岛市' => 'Qinhuangdao City', 76 => 'Seventy-six', '邯郸市' => 'Handan City', 77 => 'Seventy-seven', '邢台市' => 'Xingtai City', 78 => 'Seventy-eight', '保定市' => 'Baoding City', 79 => 'Seventy-nine', '张家口市' => 'Zhangjiakou City', 80 => 'Eighty', '承德市' => 'Chengde City', 81 => 'Eighty-one', '衡水市' => 'Hengshui City', 82 => 'Eighty-two', '廊坊市' => 'Langfang City', 83 => 'Eighty-three', '沧州市' => 'Cangzhou City', '山西' => 'Shanxi', 88 => 'Eighty-eight', '晋城市' => 'Jincheng City', 89 => 'Eighty-nine', '朔州市' => 'Shuozhou City', 90 => 'Ninety', '晋中市' => 'Jinzhong', 91 => 'Ninety-one', '运城市' => 'Yuncheng City', 92 => 'Ninety-two', '忻州市' => 'xinzhou', 93 => 'Ninety-three', '临汾市' => 'Linfen City', 94 => 'Ninety-four', '吕梁市' => 'Lüliang City', 87 => 'Eighty-seven', '长治市' => 'Changzhi City', 86 => 'Eighty-six', '阳泉市' => 'Yangquan City', 85 => 'Eighty-five', '大同市' => 'Datong', 84 => 'Eighty-four', '太原市' => 'Taiyuan City', '内蒙古' => 'Inner Mongolia', 102 => 'One hundred and two', '巴彦淖尔市' => 'Bayannaoer City', 103 => 'One hundred and three', '乌兰察布市' => 'Wulanchabu City', 104 => 'One hundred and four', '兴安盟' => 'hinggan league', 105 => 'One hundred and five', '锡林郭勒盟' => 'Xilinguole Meng', 106 => 'One hundred and six', '阿拉善盟' => 'alxa league', 95 => 'Ninety-five', '呼和浩特市' => 'Hohhot City', 96 => 'Ninety-six', '包头市' => 'Baotou City', 97 => 'Ninety-seven', '乌海市' => 'Wuhai City', 98 => 'Ninety-eight', '赤峰市' => 'Chifeng City', 99 => 'Ninety-nine', '通辽市' => 'Tongliao City', 100 => 'One hundred', '鄂尔多斯市' => 'ordos city', 101 => 'One hundred and one', '呼伦贝尔市' => 'Hulun Buir City', 2 => 'Two', '东北' => 'Northeast', '辽宁' => 'Liaoning', 119 => 'One hundred and nineteen', '朝阳市' => 'Chaoyang City', 120 => 'One hundred and twenty', '葫芦岛市' => 'Huludao City', 118 => 'One hundred and eighteen', '铁岭市' => 'tieling city', 117 => 'One hundred and seventeen', '盘锦市' => 'Panjin City', 116 => 'One hundred and sixteen', '辽阳市' => 'Liaoyang City', 107 => 'One hundred and seven', '沈阳市' => 'Shenyang City', 108 => 'One hundred and eight', '大连市' => 'Dalian', 109 => 'One hundred and nine', '鞍山市' => 'Anshan City', 110 => 'One hundred and ten', '抚顺市' => 'Fushun City', 111 => 'One hundred and eleven', '本溪市' => 'Benxi City', 112 => 'One hundred and twelve', '丹东市' => 'Dandong City', 113 => 'One hundred and thirteen', '锦州市' => 'Jinzhou City', 114 => 'One hundred and fourteen', '营口市' => 'Yingkou City', 115 => 'One hundred and fifteen', '阜新市' => 'Fuxin City', '吉林' => 'Jilin', 121 => 'One hundred and twenty-one', '长春市' => 'Changchun City', 122 => 'One hundred and twenty-two', '吉林市' => 'Jilin City', 123 => 'One hundred and twenty-three', '四平市' => 'Siping City', 124 => 'One hundred and twenty-four', '辽源市' => 'Liaoyuan City', 125 => 'One hundred and twenty-five', '通化市' => 'Tonghua City', 126 => 'One hundred and twenty-six', '白山市' => 'Baishan City', 127 => 'One hundred and twenty-seven', '松原市' => 'Songyuan City', 128 => 'One hundred and twenty-eight', '白城市' => 'Baicheng City', 129 => 'One hundred and twenty-nine', '延边朝鲜族自治州' => 'Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture', '黑龙江' => 'Heilongjiang', 130 => 'One hundred and thirty', '哈尔滨市' => 'Harbin City', 131 => 'One hundred and thirty-one', '齐齐哈尔市' => 'Qigihar City', 132 => 'One hundred and thirty-two', '鸡西市' => 'Jixi City', 133 => 'One hundred and thirty-three', '鹤岗市' => 'Hegang City', 134 => 'One hundred and thirty-four', '双鸭山市' => 'Shuangyashan City', 135 => 'One hundred and thirty-five', '大庆市' => 'Daqing City', 136 => 'One hundred and thirty-six', '伊春市' => 'Yichun City', 137 => 'One hundred and thirty-seven', '佳木斯市' => 'Jiamusi City', 138 => 'One hundred and thirty-eight', '七台河市' => 'Qitaihe City', 139 => 'One hundred and thirty-nine', '牡丹江市' => 'Mudanjiang City', 140 => 'One hundred and forty', '黑河市' => 'Heihe City', 141 => 'One hundred and forty-one', '绥化市' => 'Suihua City', 142 => 'One hundred and forty-two', '大兴安岭地区' => 'Da Hinggan Ling Prefecture', 3 => 'Three', '华东' => 'East China', 150 => 'One hundred and fifty', '虹口区' => 'Hongkou District', 151 => 'One hundred and fifty-one', '杨浦区' => 'yangpu district', 152 => 'One hundred and fifty-two', '闵行区' => 'Minhang District', 153 => 'One hundred and fifty-three', '宝山区' => 'Baoshan District', 154 => 'One hundred and fifty-four', '嘉定区' => 'Jiading District', 155 => 'One hundred and fifty-five', '浦东新区' => 'Pudong New Area', 156 => 'One hundred and fifty-six', '金山区' => 'Jinshan District', 157 => 'One hundred and fifty-seven', '松江区' => 'Songjiang District', 158 => 'One hundred and fifty-eight', '青浦区' => 'Qingpu District', 159 => 'One hundred and fifty-nine', '南汇区' => 'Nanhui District', 160 => 'One hundred and sixty', '奉贤区' => 'Fengxian District', 161 => 'One hundred and sixty-one', '崇明县' => 'Chongming County', 149 => 'One hundred and forty-nine', '闸北区' => 'zhabei district', 148 => 'One hundred and forty-eight', '普陀区' => 'Putuo District', 147 => 'One hundred and forty-seven', '静安区' => 'Jingan District', 143 => 'One hundred and forty-three', '黄浦区' => 'Huangpu District', 144 => 'One hundred and forty-four', '卢湾区' => 'luwan district', 145 => 'One hundred and forty-five', '徐汇区' => 'Xuhui District', 146 => 'One hundred and forty-six', '长宁区' => 'Changning District', '江苏' => 'Jiangsu', 162 => 'One hundred and sixty-two', '南京市' => 'Nanjing City', 163 => 'One hundred and sixty-three', '无锡市' => 'Wuxi City', 164 => 'One hundred and sixty-four', '徐州市' => 'Xuzhou City', 165 => 'One hundred and sixty-five', '常州市' => 'Changzhou City', 166 => 'One hundred and sixty-six', '苏州市' => 'Suzhou City', 167 => 'One hundred and sixty-seven', '南通市' => 'Nantong City', 168 => 'One hundred and sixty-eight', '连云港市' => 'Lianyungang City', 169 => 'One hundred and sixty-nine', '淮安市' => 'Huaian City', 170 => 'One hundred and seventy', '盐城市' => 'yancheng', 171 => 'One hundred and seventy-one', '扬州市' => 'Yangzhou City', 172 => 'One hundred and seventy-two', '镇江市' => 'Zhenjiang City', 173 => 'One hundred and seventy-three', '泰州市' => 'Taizhou City', 174 => 'One hundred and seventy-four', '宿迁市' => 'Suqian City', '浙江' => 'Zhejiang', 181 => 'One hundred and eighty-one', '舟山市' => 'Zhoushan City', 182 => 'One hundred and eighty-two', '衢州市' => 'Quzhou City', 183 => 'One hundred and eighty-three', '金华市' => 'Jinhua City', 184 => 'One hundred and eighty-four', '台州市' => 'Taizhou City', 185 => 'One hundred and eighty-five', '丽水市' => 'Lishui City', 180 => 'One hundred and eighty', '绍兴市' => 'Shaoxing City', 179 => 'One hundred and seventy-nine', '湖州市' => 'Huzhou City', 178 => 'One hundred and seventy-eight', '嘉兴市' => 'Jiaxing City', 175 => 'One hundred and seventy-five', '杭州市' => 'Hangzhou City', 176 => 'One hundred and seventy-six', '宁波市' => 'Ningbo City', 177 => 'One hundred and seventy-seven', '温州市' => 'Wenzhou City', '安徽' => 'Anhui', 186 => 'One hundred and eighty-six', '合肥市' => 'Hefei City', 187 => 'One hundred and eighty-seven', '芜湖市' => 'Wuhu City', 188 => 'One hundred and eighty-eight', '蚌埠市' => 'Bengbu City', 189 => 'One hundred and eighty-nine', '淮南市' => 'Huainan City', 190 => 'One hundred and ninety', '马鞍山市' => 'Maanshan City', 191 => 'One hundred and ninety-one', '淮北市' => 'Huaibei City', 192 => 'One hundred and ninety-two', '铜陵市' => 'tongling', 193 => 'One hundred and ninety-three', '安庆市' => 'Anqing City', 194 => 'One hundred and ninety-four', '黄山市' => 'Huangshan City', 195 => 'One hundred and ninety-five', '滁州市' => 'Chuzhou City', 196 => 'One hundred and ninety-six', '阜阳市' => 'Fuyang City', 197 => 'One hundred and ninety-seven', '宿州市' => 'Suzhou City', 198 => 'One hundred and ninety-eight', '巢湖市' => 'Chaohu City', 199 => 'One hundred and ninety-nine', '六安市' => 'Luan City', 200 => 'Two hundred', '亳州市' => 'Bozhou City', 201 => 'Two hundred and one', '池州市' => 'chizhou', 202 => 'Two hundred and two', '宣城市' => 'Xuancheng City', '江西' => 'Jiangxi', 212 => 'Two hundred and twelve', '南昌市' => 'Nanchang City', 213 => 'Two hundred and thirteen', '景德镇市' => 'Jingdezhen City', 214 => 'Two hundred and fourteen', '萍乡市' => 'Pingxiang City', 215 => 'Two hundred and fifteen', '九江市' => 'Jiujiang', 216 => 'Two hundred and sixteen', '新余市' => 'Xinyu City', 217 => 'Two hundred and seventeen', '鹰潭市' => 'Yingtan City', 218 => 'Two hundred and eighteen', '赣州市' => 'Ganzhou City', 219 => 'Two hundred and nineteen', '吉安市' => 'Jian City', 220 => 'Two hundred and twenty', '宜春市' => 'Yichun City', 221 => 'Two hundred and twenty-one', '抚州市' => 'Fuzhou City', 222 => 'Two hundred and twenty-two', '上饶市' => 'Shangrao City', '山东' => 'Shandong', 226 => 'Two hundred and twenty-six', '枣庄市' => 'Zaozhuang City', 227 => 'Two hundred and twenty-seven', '东营市' => 'Dongying City', 228 => 'Two hundred and twenty-eight', '烟台市' => 'Yantai City', 229 => 'Two hundred and twenty-nine', '潍坊市' => 'Weifang City', 230 => 'Two hundred and thirty', '济宁市' => 'Jining City', 231 => 'Two hundred and thirty-one', '泰安市' => 'Taian City', 232 => 'Two hundred and thirty-two', '威海市' => 'Weihai City', 233 => 'Two hundred and thirty-three', '日照市' => 'Rizhao City', 234 => 'Two hundred and thirty-four', '莱芜市' => 'Laiwu', 235 => 'Two hundred and thirty-five', '临沂市' => 'Linyi City', 236 => 'Two hundred and thirty-six', '德州市' => 'Dezhou City', 237 => 'Two hundred and thirty-seven', '聊城市' => 'LiaoCheng', 238 => 'Two hundred and thirty-eight', '滨州市' => 'Binzhou City', 239 => 'Two hundred and thirty-nine', '菏泽市' => 'HeZe', 223 => 'Two hundred and twenty-three', '济南市' => 'Jinan City', 224 => 'Two hundred and twenty-four', '青岛市' => 'Qingdao City', 225 => 'Two hundred and twenty-five', '淄博市' => 'Zibo City', 4 => 'Four', '华南' => 'south China', '福建' => 'Fujian', 211 => 'Two hundred and eleven', '宁德市' => 'Ningde City', 210 => 'Two hundred and ten', '龙岩市' => 'Longyan City', 209 => 'Two hundred and nine', '南平市' => 'Nanping City', 203 => 'Two hundred and three', '福州市' => 'Fuzhou City', 204 => 'Two hundred and four', '厦门市' => 'Xiamen City', 205 => 'Two hundred and five', '莆田市' => 'Putian City', 206 => 'Two hundred and six', '三明市' => 'Sanming City', 207 => 'Two hundred and seven', '泉州市' => 'Quanzhou City', 208 => 'Two hundred and eight', '漳州市' => 'Zhangzhou City', '广东' => 'Guangdong', 305 => 'Three hundred and five', '东莞市' => 'Dongguan City', 306 => 'Three hundred and six', '中山市' => 'zhongshan', 307 => 'Three hundred and seven', '潮州市' => 'Chaozhou City', 308 => 'Three hundred and eight', '揭阳市' => 'Jieyang City', 309 => 'Three hundred and nine', '云浮市' => 'Yunfu City', 304 => 'Three hundred and four', '清远市' => 'Qingyuan City', 303 => 'Three hundred and three', '阳江市' => 'Yangjiang City', 302 => 'Three hundred and two', '河源市' => 'Heyuan City', 289 => 'Two hundred and eighty-nine', '广州市' => 'Guangzhou City', 290 => 'Two hundred and ninety', '韶关市' => 'Shaoguan City', 291 => 'Two hundred and ninety-one', '深圳市' => 'Shenzhen City', 292 => 'Two hundred and ninety-two', '珠海市' => 'Zhuhai City', 293 => 'Two hundred and ninety-three', '汕头市' => 'Shantou City', 294 => 'Two hundred and ninety-four', '佛山市' => 'Foshan City', 295 => 'Two hundred and ninety-five', '江门市' => 'Jiangmen City', 296 => 'Two hundred and ninety-six', '湛江市' => 'Zhanjiang City', 297 => 'Two hundred and ninety-seven', '茂名市' => 'Maoming City', 298 => 'Two hundred and ninety-eight', '肇庆市' => 'Zhaoqing City', 299 => 'Two hundred and ninety-nine', '惠州市' => 'Huizhou City', 300 => 'Three hundred', '梅州市' => 'Meizhou City', 301 => 'Three hundred and one', '汕尾市' => 'Shanwei City', '广西' => 'Guangxi', 310 => 'Three hundred and ten', '南宁市' => 'Nanning City', 311 => 'Three hundred and eleven', '柳州市' => 'Liuzhou City', 312 => 'Three hundred and twelve', '桂林市' => 'Guilin City', 313 => 'Three hundred and thirteen', '梧州市' => 'Wuzhou City', 314 => 'Three hundred and fourteen', '北海市' => 'Beihai City', 315 => 'Three hundred and fifteen', '防城港市' => 'Fangchenggang City', 316 => 'Three hundred and sixteen', '钦州市' => 'Qinzhou City', 317 => 'Three hundred and seventeen', '贵港市' => 'Guigang City', 318 => 'Three hundred and eighteen', '玉林市' => 'Yulin City', 319 => 'Three hundred and nineteen', '百色市' => 'Baise', 320 => 'Three hundred and twenty', '贺州市' => 'Hezhou', 321 => 'Three hundred and twenty-one', '河池市' => 'Hechi City', 322 => 'Three hundred and twenty-two', '来宾市' => 'Laibin City', 323 => 'Three hundred and twenty-three', '崇左市' => 'Chongzuo City', '海南' => 'Hainan', 336 => 'Three hundred and thirty-six', '白沙黎族自治县' => 'Baisha Li Autonomous County', 337 => 'Three hundred and thirty-seven', '昌江黎族自治县' => 'Changjiang', 338 => 'Three hundred and thirty-eight', '乐东黎族自治县' => 'Ledong Li Autonomous County', 339 => 'Three hundred and thirty-nine', '陵水黎族自治县' => 'Lingshui Li Autonomous County', 340 => 'Three hundred and forty', '保亭黎族苗族自治县' => 'Baoting Li nationality and Miao Autonomous County', 341 => 'Three hundred and forty-one', '琼中黎族苗族自治县' => 'Qiongzhong', 342 => 'Three hundred and forty-two', '西沙群岛' => 'Paracel Islands', 343 => 'Three hundred and forty-three', '南沙群岛' => 'Spratly Islands', 344 => 'Three hundred and forty-four', '中沙群岛的岛礁及其海域' => 'The sea islands and Zhongsha Islands', 335 => 'Three hundred and thirty-five', '临高县' => 'Lingao County', 334 => 'Three hundred and thirty-four', '澄迈县' => 'Chengmai County', 333 => 'Three hundred and thirty-three', '屯昌县' => 'Tunchang County', 324 => 'Three hundred and twenty-four', '海口市' => 'Haikou City', 325 => 'Three hundred and twenty-five', '三亚市' => 'The city of Sanya', 326 => 'Three hundred and twenty-six', '五指山市' => 'Five Fingers Group City', 327 => 'Three hundred and twenty-seven', '琼海市' => 'Qionghai City', 328 => 'Three hundred and twenty-eight', '儋州市' => 'Danzhou City', 329 => 'Three hundred and twenty-nine', '文昌市' => 'Wenchang City', 330 => 'Three hundred and thirty', '万宁市' => 'Wanning City', 331 => 'Three hundred and thirty-one', '东方市' => 'Oriental City', 332 => 'Three hundred and thirty-two', '定安县' => 'Dingan County', 5 => 'Five', '华中' => 'Central China', '河南' => 'Henan', 243 => 'Two hundred and forty-three', '平顶山市' => 'Pingdingshan City', 244 => 'Two hundred and forty-four', '安阳市' => 'Anyang City', 245 => 'Two hundred and forty-five', '鹤壁市' => 'Hebi City', 246 => 'Two hundred and forty-six', '新乡市' => 'Xinxiang City', 247 => 'Two hundred and forty-seven', '焦作市' => 'Jiaozuo City', 248 => 'Two hundred and forty-eight', '濮阳市' => 'Puyang City', 249 => 'Two hundred and forty-nine', '许昌市' => 'Xuchang City', 250 => 'Two hundred and fifty', '漯河市' => 'Luohe City', 251 => 'Two hundred and fifty-one', '三门峡市' => 'Sanmenxia City', 252 => 'Two hundred and fifty-two', '南阳市' => 'Nanyang City', 253 => 'Two hundred and fifty-three', '商丘市' => 'Shangqiu City', 254 => 'Two hundred and fifty-four', '信阳市' => 'Xinyang City', 255 => 'Two hundred and fifty-five', '周口市' => 'Zhoukou', 242 => 'Two hundred and forty-two', '洛阳市' => 'Luoyang City', 241 => 'Two hundred and forty-one', '开封市' => 'Kaifeng City', 240 => 'Two hundred and forty', '郑州市' => 'Zhengzhou City', 256 => 'Two hundred and fifty-six', '驻马店市' => 'zhumadian', 257 => 'Two hundred and fifty-seven', '济源市' => 'Jiyuan City', '湖北' => 'Hubei', 274 => 'Two hundred and seventy-four', '神农架林区' => 'Shennongjia Forestry District', 273 => 'Two hundred and seventy-three', '天门市' => 'Tianmen', 272 => 'Two hundred and seventy-two', '潜江市' => 'Qianjiang', 271 => 'Two hundred and seventy-one', '仙桃市' => 'Xiantao', 258 => 'Two hundred and fifty-eight', '武汉市' => 'Wuhan City', 259 => 'Two hundred and fifty-nine', '黄石市' => 'Huangshi City', 260 => 'Two hundred and sixty', '十堰市' => 'Shiyan City', 261 => 'Two hundred and sixty-one', '宜昌市' => 'Yichang City', 262 => 'Two hundred and sixty-two', '襄樊市' => 'Xiangfan City', 263 => 'Two hundred and sixty-three', '鄂州市' => 'Ezhou City', 264 => 'Two hundred and sixty-four', '荆门市' => 'Jingmen City', 265 => 'Two hundred and sixty-five', '孝感市' => 'Xiaogan City', 266 => 'Two hundred and sixty-six', '荆州市' => 'jingzhou', 267 => 'Two hundred and sixty-seven', '黄冈市' => 'Huanggang City', 268 => 'Two hundred and sixty-eight', '咸宁市' => 'Xianning', 269 => 'Two hundred and sixty-nine', '随州市' => 'suizhou', 270 => 'Two hundred and seventy', '恩施土家族苗族自治州' => 'Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture', '湖南' => 'Hunan', 288 => 'Two hundred and eighty-eight', '湘西土家族苗族自治州' => 'Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Xiangxi', 275 => 'Two hundred and seventy-five', '长沙市' => 'Changsha City', 276 => 'Two hundred and seventy-six', '株洲市' => 'Zhuzhou City', 277 => 'Two hundred and seventy-seven', '湘潭市' => 'Xiangtan City', 278 => 'Two hundred and seventy-eight', '衡阳市' => 'Hengyang City', 279 => 'Two hundred and seventy-nine', '邵阳市' => 'Shaoyang City', 280 => 'Two hundred and eighty', '岳阳市' => 'Yueyang City', 281 => 'Two hundred and eighty-one', '常德市' => 'Changde City', 282 => 'Two hundred and eighty-two', '张家界市' => 'Zhangjiajie City', 283 => 'Two hundred and eighty-three', '益阳市' => 'Yiyang City', 284 => 'Two hundred and eighty-four', '郴州市' => 'Chenzhou City', 285 => 'Two hundred and eighty-five', '永州市' => 'yongzhou city', 286 => 'Two hundred and eighty-six', '怀化市' => 'huaihua', 287 => 'Two hundred and eighty-seven', '娄底市' => 'Loudi City', 6 => 'Six', '西南' => 'Southwest', '重庆' => 'Chongqing', 350 => 'Three hundred and fifty', '沙坪坝区' => 'shapingba district', 367 => 'Three hundred and sixty-seven', '城口县' => 'Chengkou County', 368 => 'Three hundred and sixty-eight', '丰都县' => 'Fengdu County', 369 => 'Three hundred and sixty-nine', '垫江县' => 'Dianjiang County', 370 => 'Three hundred and seventy', '武隆县' => 'Wulong County', 371 => 'Three hundred and seventy-one', '忠县' => 'Zhongxian', 372 => 'Three hundred and seventy-two', '开县' => 'Kaixian', 373 => 'Three hundred and seventy-three', '云阳县' => 'Yunyang County', 374 => 'Three hundred and seventy-four', '奉节县' => 'Fengjie County', 375 => 'Three hundred and seventy-five', '巫山县' => 'Wushan County', 376 => 'Three hundred and seventy-six', '巫溪县' => 'Wuxi County', 377 => 'Three hundred and seventy-seven', '石柱土家族自治县' => 'Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County', 378 => 'Three hundred and seventy-eight', '秀山土家族苗族自治县' => 'Xiushan Tujia and Miao Autonomous County', 379 => 'Three hundred and seventy-nine', '酉阳土家族苗族自治县' => 'Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County', 366 => 'Three hundred and sixty-six', '梁平县' => 'Liangping County', 365 => 'Three hundred and sixty-five', '璧山县' => 'Bishan County', 364 => 'Three hundred and sixty-four', '荣昌县' => 'Rongchang County', 351 => 'Three hundred and fifty-one', '九龙坡区' => 'jiulongpo district', 352 => 'Three hundred and fifty-two', '南岸区' => 'Nanan District', 353 => 'Three hundred and fifty-three', '北碚区' => 'Beibei District', 354 => 'Three hundred and fifty-four', '双桥区' => 'Shuangqiao District', 355 => 'Three hundred and fifty-five', '万盛区' => 'Wansheng District', 356 => 'Three hundred and fifty-six', '渝北区' => 'Yubei District', 357 => 'Three hundred and fifty-seven', '巴南区' => 'banan district', 358 => 'Three hundred and fifty-eight', '黔江区' => 'Qianjiang district', 359 => 'Three hundred and fifty-nine', '长寿区' => 'changshou district', 360 => 'Three hundred and sixty', '綦江县' => 'Qijiang County', 361 => 'Three hundred and sixty-one', '潼南县' => 'Tongnan County', 362 => 'Three hundred and sixty-two', '铜梁县' => 'Tongliang County', 363 => 'Three hundred and sixty-three', '大足县' => 'Dazu County', 380 => 'Three hundred and eighty', '彭水苗族土家族自治县' => 'pengshui miao and tujia autonomous county', 381 => 'Three hundred and eighty-one', '江津市' => 'Gotsu', 382 => 'Three hundred and eighty-two', '合川市' => 'hechuan city', 383 => 'Three hundred and eighty-three', '永川市' => 'Yeongcheon', 384 => 'Three hundred and eighty-four', '南川市' => 'Nanchuan City', 345 => 'Three hundred and forty-five', '万州区' => 'Wanzhou District', 346 => 'Three hundred and forty-six', '涪陵区' => 'fuling district', 347 => 'Three hundred and forty-seven', '渝中区' => 'Yuzhong District', 348 => 'Three hundred and forty-eight', '大渡口区' => 'dadukou district', 349 => 'Three hundred and forty-nine', '江北区' => 'jiangbei district', '四川' => 'Sichuan', 398 => 'Three hundred and ninety-eight', '广安市' => 'Guangan City', 399 => 'Three hundred and ninety-nine', '达州市' => 'Dazhou City', 400 => 'Four hundred', '雅安市' => 'Yaan City', 401 => 'Four hundred and one', '巴中市' => 'Bazhong City', 402 => 'Four hundred and two', '资阳市' => 'Ziyang City', 403 => 'Four hundred and three', '阿坝藏族羌族自治州' => 'Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture', 404 => 'Four hundred and four', '甘孜藏族自治州' => 'Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', 405 => 'Four hundred and five', '凉山彝族自治州' => 'Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture', 397 => 'Three hundred and ninety-seven', '宜宾市' => 'Yibin City', 396 => 'Three hundred and ninety-six', '眉山市' => 'Meishan City', 395 => 'Three hundred and ninety-five', '南充市' => 'Nanchong City', 385 => 'Three hundred and eighty-five', '成都市' => 'Chengdu City', 386 => 'Three hundred and eighty-six', '自贡市' => 'Zigong City', 387 => 'Three hundred and eighty-seven', '攀枝花市' => 'Panzhihua City', 388 => 'Three hundred and eighty-eight', '泸州市' => 'Luzhou City', 389 => 'Three hundred and eighty-nine', '德阳市' => 'deyang', 390 => 'Three hundred and ninety', '绵阳市' => 'Mianyang City', 391 => 'Three hundred and ninety-one', '广元市' => 'Guangyuan City', 392 => 'Three hundred and ninety-two', '遂宁市' => 'suining city', 393 => 'Three hundred and ninety-three', '内江市' => 'Neijiang City', 394 => 'Three hundred and ninety-four', '乐山市' => 'Leshan City', '贵州' => 'Guizhou', 406 => 'Four hundred and six', '贵阳市' => 'Guiyang City', 407 => 'Four hundred and seven', '六盘水市' => 'liupanshui city', 408 => 'Four hundred and eight', '遵义市' => 'Zunyi City', 409 => 'Four hundred and nine', '安顺市' => 'Anshun City', 410 => 'Four hundred and ten', '铜仁地区' => 'Tongren region', 411 => 'Four hundred and eleven', '黔西南布依族苗族自治州' => 'Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture', 412 => 'Four hundred and twelve', '毕节地区' => 'Bijie region', 413 => 'Four hundred and thirteen', '黔东南苗族侗族自治州' => 'Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture', 414 => 'Four hundred and fourteen', '黔南布依族苗族自治州' => 'Qiannan', '云南' => 'Yunnan', 429 => 'Four hundred and twenty-nine', '怒江傈僳族自治州' => 'Nu River Lisu Autonomous Prefecture', 430 => 'Four hundred and thirty', '迪庆藏族自治州' => 'Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', 428 => 'Four hundred and twenty-eight', '德宏傣族景颇族自治州' => 'Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture', 427 => 'Four hundred and twenty-seven', '大理白族自治州' => 'Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture', 426 => 'Four hundred and twenty-six', '西双版纳傣族自治州' => 'Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture', 415 => 'Four hundred and fifteen', '昆明市' => 'Kunming City', 416 => 'Four hundred and sixteen', '曲靖市' => 'Qujing', 417 => 'Four hundred and seventeen', '玉溪市' => 'YuXi', 418 => 'Four hundred and eighteen', '保山市' => 'baoshan', 419 => 'Four hundred and nineteen', '昭通市' => 'zhaotong', 420 => 'Four hundred and twenty', '丽江市' => 'lijiang', 421 => 'Four hundred and twenty-one', '思茅市' => 'Simao', 422 => 'Four hundred and twenty-two', '临沧市' => 'Lincang', 423 => 'Four hundred and twenty-three', '楚雄彝族自治州' => 'Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture', 424 => 'Four hundred and twenty-four', '红河哈尼族彝族自治州' => 'Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture', 425 => 'Four hundred and twenty-five', '文山壮族苗族自治州' => 'Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture', '西藏' => 'Tibet', 431 => 'Four hundred and thirty-one', '拉萨市' => 'Lhasa City', 432 => 'Four hundred and thirty-two', '昌都地区' => 'Changdu region', 433 => 'Four hundred and thirty-three', '山南地区' => 'Shannan Area', 434 => 'Four hundred and thirty-four', '日喀则地区' => 'Shigatse region', 435 => 'Four hundred and thirty-five', '那曲地区' => 'Nagqu area', 436 => 'Four hundred and thirty-six', '阿里地区' => 'Ali Area', 437 => 'Four hundred and thirty-seven', '林芝地区' => 'nyingchi prefecture', 7 => 'Seven', '西北' => 'Northwest', '陕西' => 'Shaanxi', 438 => 'Four hundred and thirty-eight', '西安市' => 'Xian City', 439 => 'Four hundred and thirty-nine', '铜川市' => 'Tongchuan City', 440 => 'Four hundred and forty', '宝鸡市' => 'Baoji City', 441 => 'Four hundred and forty-one', '咸阳市' => 'Xianyang City', 442 => 'Four hundred and forty-two', '渭南市' => 'Weinan City', 443 => 'Four hundred and forty-three', '延安市' => 'Yanan City', 444 => 'Four hundred and forty-four', '汉中市' => 'Hanzhoung City', 445 => 'Four hundred and forty-five', '榆林市' => 'Yulin City', 446 => 'Four hundred and forty-six', '安康市' => 'Ankang City', 447 => 'Four hundred and forty-seven', '商洛市' => 'shangluo', '甘肃' => 'Gansu', 460 => 'Four hundred and sixty', '临夏回族自治州' => 'Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture', 461 => 'Four hundred and sixty-one', '甘南藏族自治州' => 'Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', 459 => 'Four hundred and fifty-nine', '陇南市' => 'Longnan City', 458 => 'Four hundred and fifty-eight', '定西市' => 'dingxi', 457 => 'Four hundred and fifty-seven', '庆阳市' => 'qingyang', 448 => 'Four hundred and forty-eight', '兰州市' => 'Lanzhou City', 449 => 'Four hundred and forty-nine', '嘉峪关市' => 'Jiayuguan City', 450 => 'Four hundred and fifty', '金昌市' => 'Jinchang', 451 => 'Four hundred and fifty-one', '白银市' => 'Baiyin', 452 => 'Four hundred and fifty-two', '天水市' => 'Tianshui', 453 => 'Four hundred and fifty-three', '武威市' => 'Wuwei City', 454 => 'Four hundred and fifty-four', '张掖市' => 'Zhangye City', 455 => 'Four hundred and fifty-five', '平凉市' => 'Pingliang', 456 => 'Four hundred and fifty-six', '酒泉市' => 'jiuquan', '青海' => 'Qinghai', 462 => 'Four hundred and sixty-two', '西宁市' => 'Xining City', 463 => 'Four hundred and sixty-three', '海东地区' => 'Haidong Prefecture', 464 => 'Four hundred and sixty-four', '海北藏族自治州' => 'Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', 465 => 'Four hundred and sixty-five', '黄南藏族自治州' => 'Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', 466 => 'Four hundred and sixty-six', '海南藏族自治州' => 'Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', 467 => 'Four hundred and sixty-seven', '果洛藏族自治州' => 'Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', 468 => 'Four hundred and sixty-eight', '玉树藏族自治州' => 'Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', 469 => 'Four hundred and sixty-nine', '海西蒙古族藏族自治州' => 'Haixi Mongol and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture', '宁夏' => 'Ningxia', 474 => 'Four hundred and seventy-four', '中卫市' => 'Zhong Wei City', 470 => 'Four hundred and seventy', '银川市' => 'Yinchuan City', 471 => 'Four hundred and seventy-one', '石嘴山市' => 'Shizuishan', 472 => 'Four hundred and seventy-two', '吴忠市' => 'Wuzhong city', 473 => 'Four hundred and seventy-three', '固原市' => 'Guyuan City', '新疆' => 'Xinjiang', 491 => 'Four hundred and ninety-one', '图木舒克市' => 'Tumxuk', 492 => 'Four hundred and ninety-two', '五家渠市' => 'Wujiaqu', 490 => 'Four hundred and ninety', '阿拉尔市' => 'Alar City', 489 => 'Four hundred and eighty-nine', '石河子市' => 'Shihezi City', 488 => 'Four hundred and eighty-eight', '阿勒泰地区' => 'Aletai region', 475 => 'Four hundred and seventy-five', '乌鲁木齐市' => 'Urumqi City', 476 => 'Four hundred and seventy-six', '克拉玛依市' => 'Karamay City', 477 => 'Four hundred and seventy-seven', '吐鲁番地区' => 'Turpan region', 478 => 'Four hundred and seventy-eight', '哈密地区' => 'Hami region', 479 => 'Four hundred and seventy-nine', '昌吉回族自治州' => 'Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture', 480 => 'Four hundred and eighty', '博尔塔拉蒙古自治州' => 'Bortala Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture', 481 => 'Four hundred and eighty-one', '巴音郭楞蒙古自治州' => 'Bayinguoleng Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture', 482 => 'Four hundred and eighty-two', '阿克苏地区' => 'Akesu region', 483 => 'Four hundred and eighty-three', '克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州' => 'Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture', 484 => 'Four hundred and eighty-four', '喀什地区' => 'Kashi region', 485 => 'Four hundred and eighty-five', '和田地区' => 'Hetian Area', 486 => 'Four hundred and eighty-six', '伊犁哈萨克自治州' => 'Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture', 487 => 'Four hundred and eighty-seven', '塔城地区' => 'Tacheng region', 8 => 'Eight', '港澳台' => 'Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan', '台湾' => 'Taiwan', 493 => 'Four hundred and ninety-three', '台北市' => 'Taipei City', 494 => 'Four hundred and ninety-four', '高雄市' => 'Kaohsiung City', 495 => 'Four hundred and ninety-five', '基隆市' => 'Keelung City', 496 => 'Four hundred and ninety-six', '台中市' => 'Taichung City', 497 => 'Four hundred and ninety-seven', '台南市' => 'Tainan City', 498 => 'Four hundred and ninety-eight', '新竹市' => 'Hsinchu City', 499 => 'Four hundred and ninety-nine', '嘉义市' => 'chiayi city', 500 => 'Five hundred', '台北县' => 'Taipei County', 501 => 'Five hundred and one', '宜兰县' => 'yilan county', 502 => 'Five hundred and two', '桃园县' => 'taoyuan county', 503 => 'Five hundred and three', '新竹县' => 'Hsinchu County', 504 => 'Five hundred and four', '苗栗县' => 'miaoli county', 505 => 'Five hundred and five', '台中县' => 'taichung county', 506 => 'Five hundred and six', '彰化县' => 'changhua county', 507 => 'Five hundred and seven', '南投县' => 'Nantou County', 508 => 'Five hundred and eight', '云林县' => 'yunlin county', 509 => 'Five hundred and nine', '嘉义县' => 'Chiayi County', 510 => 'Five hundred and ten', '台南县' => 'Tainan County', 511 => 'Five hundred and eleven', '高雄县' => 'kaohsiung county', 512 => 'Five hundred and twelve', '屏东县' => 'Pingtung County', 513 => 'Five hundred and thirteen', '澎湖县' => 'penghu county', 514 => 'Five hundred and fourteen', '台东县' => 'Taitung', 515 => 'Five hundred and fifteen', '花莲县' => 'Hualien County', '香港' => 'Hong Kong', 522 => 'Five hundred and twenty-two', '黄大仙区' => 'Huang Da Xian District', 523 => 'Five hundred and twenty-three', '湾仔区' => 'wan chai', 524 => 'Five hundred and twenty-four', '油尖旺区' => 'Mong District', 525 => 'Five hundred and twenty-five', '离岛区' => 'islands', 526 => 'Five hundred and twenty-six', '葵青区' => 'Kwai Tsing District', 527 => 'Five hundred and twenty-seven', '北区' => 'North Area', 528 => 'Five hundred and twenty-eight', '西贡区' => 'Sai Kung District', 529 => 'Five hundred and twenty-nine', '沙田区' => 'sha tin district', 530 => 'Five hundred and thirty', '屯门区' => 'Tuen Mun', 531 => 'Five hundred and thirty-one', '大埔区' => 'Tai Po', 532 => 'Five hundred and thirty-two', '荃湾区' => 'Tsuen Wan District', 533 => 'Five hundred and thirty-three', '元朗区' => 'Yuen Long District', 521 => 'Five hundred and twenty-one', '深水埗区' => 'Sham Shui Po District', 520 => 'Five hundred and twenty', '南区' => 'South Area', 519 => 'Five hundred and nineteen', '观塘区' => 'Kwun Tong District', 516 => 'Five hundred and sixteen', '中西区' => 'Western and Western Region', 517 => 'Five hundred and seventeen', '东区' => 'East Area', 518 => 'Five hundred and eighteen', '九龙城区' => 'Kowloon City', '澳门' => 'Macao', 534 => 'Five hundred and thirty-four', '澳门特别行政区' => 'Macao Special Administrative Region', 9 => 'Nine', '海外' => 'overseas', 45055 => 'Forty-five thousand and fifty-five', '未添加地区' => 'Non added area', '元' => 'element', '编辑运送区域' => 'Edit the transport area', '确认删除吗' => 'Do you confirm the deletion', '颜色' => 'colour', '设为主图' => 'Set the main graph', '移除' => 'remove', '上传' => 'upload', '从图片空间中选择' => 'Select from the picture space', '上传要求:' => 'Upload requirements:', '请使用jpg\\jpeg\\png等格式、单张大小不超过1M的正方形图片。' => 'Please use jpg\\jpeg\\png and other 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the details of the goods', '请选择分类' => 'Please choose the classification', '回复咨询' => 'Reply counseling', '所在地' => 'Location', '共有' => 'Share', '件商品' => 'Piece goods', '店铺评分' => 'Store score', '商品满意度' => 'Commodity satisfaction', '服务满意度' => 'Service satisfaction', '物流满意度' => 'Logistics satisfaction', '同类对比' => 'Similar comparison', '售出' => 'Sold', '你还没有购买套餐或套餐已经过期,请购买或续费套餐' => 'You havent bought a package or packages has expired, please purchase or renewal packages', '1、点击套餐管理或续费套餐可以购买或续费套餐' => '1, click on the package or packages can be purchased or renew management renewal package', '相关费用会在店铺的账期结算中扣除' => 'The related expenses will be deducted from the account balance of the store', '请选择团购类型' => 'Please choose the type of group purchase', '请选择活动状态' => 'Please select the active state', '已结束' => 'Finished', '管理员关闭' => 'Administrator closes', '请输入团购名称' => 'Please enter the name of the group purchase', '团购名称' => 'Name of group purchase', '浏览数' => 'Browse number', '已购买' => 'Already purchased', '活动状态' => 'Active state', '点击套餐管理可以购买或续费套餐' => 'Click on the package management can buy or renew packages', '点击添加活动按钮可以添加加价购活动,点击编辑按钮可以对加价购活动进行编辑' => 'Click Add activity button to add the purchase activity. Click the Edit button to edit the purchase activity.', '点击删除按钮可以删除加价购活动' => 'Click the delete button to delete the purchase activity', '请输入活动名称' => 'Please enter the name of the activity', '活动名称' => 'Activity name', '1、消费限制:用户必须在本店铺消费并且满足设置的消费金额限制时,才能申请成为该店铺的分销员。' => '1, consumption restriction: the user must apply for the stores distributor when the user must consume in the store and meet the set of consumption limits.', '2、消费金额限制设置为0,表示消费金额不做限制,用户只要在本店铺成功消费,即可申请成为该店铺的分销员。' => '2, the limit of the consumption amount is set to 0, which means that the consumption amount is not restricted, and the user can apply for the distributor of the store as long as it is consumed successfully in the store.', '消费金额限制:' => 'Consumption limit:', '兑换量' => 'Exchange rate', '兑换面额' => 'Exchange denomination', '只看我能兑换' => 'Just see I can exchange it', '套餐购买数量' => 'Package purchase quantity', '个月' => 'A month', '购买单位为月(30天),您可以在所购买的周期内发布团购活动' => 'The purchase unit is a month (30 days), and you can release the group buying activities within the period of the purchase.', '每月您需要支付' => 'You need to pay every month', '店铺购买团购活动消费' => 'Shop purchase for group shopping activities', '套餐过期时间' => 'Overdue time', '团购标题名称长度最多可输入30个字符' => 'The name of the group purchase title is up to 30 characters in length', '团购副标题' => 'Subtitle of group purchase', '团购活动副标题最多可输入60个字符' => 'The group purchase activity subtitle can enter up to 60 characters', '团购开始时间不能小于' => 'The start time of the group purchase can not be less than', '团购结束时间不能大于' => 'The end time of group purchase cannot be greater than', '团购商品' => 'Group buying goods', '' => NULL, '销售价' => 'Sales price', '选择商品' => 'Choice of goods', '点击上方输入框从已发布商品中选择要参加团购的商品' => 'Click on the upper input box to choose from the published goods to take part in the group purchase', '团购生效后该商品的所有规格SKU都将执行统一的团购价格' => 'After the group purchase is effective, all the specifications of the SKU will carry out the unified group purchase price', '店铺价格' => 'Shop price', '团购价格' => 'Group purchase price', '团购价格为该商品参加活动时的促销价格' => 'The price of the group purchase is the promotion price of the goods when they participate in the activities', '必须是0.01~1000000之间的数字' => 'It must be a number between 0.01~1000000', '单位:' => 'Company:', '团购活动图片' => 'Group shopping activities', '此处为团购活动图片' => 'Here is a group shopping activity picture', '建议使用宽400像素-高400像素内的透明图片,点击下方"提交"按钮后生效' => 'It is recommended to use a wide 400 pixel - high 400 - pixel transparent picture, and click the "submit" button below to take effect.', '团购推荐位图片' => 'Group purchase recommendation picture', '此处为团购推荐位图片' => 'Here is a group purchase recommendation picture', '建议使用宽612像素-高318像素内的透明图片;点击下方"提交"按钮后生效' => 'It is recommended to use a wide 612 pixel - high 318 - pixel transparent picture; click the "submission" button below to take effect.', '团购类别' => 'Group purchase category', '不限' => 'Unlimited', '请选择团购商品的所属类别' => 'Please choose the category of the group buying goods', '虚拟数量' => 'Virtual quantity', '虚拟购买数量,只用于前台显示,不影响成交记录' => 'The number of virtual purchases, only for the front display, does not affect the record of the transaction', '每个买家ID可团购的最大数量,不限数量请填 "0"' => 'The maximum number of ID can be bought by each buyer. Please fill in "0" for unlimited quantity.', '图片裁剪' => 'KJNova Clipper', '团购价格必须小于商品价格!' => 'The price of the group purchase must be less than the commodity price.', '活动开始时间不能小于' => 'The start time of the activity should not be less than', '活动结束时间不能大于' => 'The end time of the activity can not be greater than', '结束时间必须大于开始时间' => 'The end time must be greater than the start time', '该商品已经参加了同时段的活动' => 'The commodity has taken part in the activities at the same time', '正在处理中...' => 'In the process of processing...', '操作成功!' => 'The operation is successful!', '该商品已参加活动!' => 'The goods have been involved in the activities!', '价格:' => 'Price:', '立即抢购' => 'Immediate rush to buy', '已售:' => 'Sold:', '选择为团购商品' => 'Choose to buy a group of goods', '演示' => 'Demonstration', '带裁剪功能' => 'Clipping function', '选择文件' => 'Select the file', '上传所选区域' => 'Upload selected area', '该商品尚未参加过同时段的活动!' => 'The product has not yet participated in the activities at the same time.', '添加成功!' => 'Add success!', '您未达到购买下限!' => 'You have not reached the purchase limit!', '免运费' => 'Free freight', '运费' => 'freight', '¥' => '¥', '立即去团' => 'Immediately go to the League', '距结束' => 'Distance from the end', '件已团购' => 'Group purchase', '团购:' => 'Group purchase:', '立即登录' => 'Login', '热门礼品兑换' => 'Hot Gift Exchange', '热门代金券' => 'Hot Vouchers', '获知会员信息详情' => 'Learned member details', '店铺代金券' => 'Store vouchers', '换取店铺代金券购买商品更划算' => 'Exchange for shop vouchers', '积分兑换礼品' => 'Points redeem gift', '可使用积分兑换商城超值礼品' => 'Exchange for goods', );