企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持知识库和私有化部署方案 广告
这篇文档描述怎样使用Shipyard CLI(command line interface)来工作。 ## 查看帮助 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard help NAME: shipyard - manage a shipyard cluster USAGE: shipyard [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 2.0.3 COMMANDS: login login to a shipyard cluster change-password update your password accounts show accounts add-account add account delete-account delete account containers list containers inspect inspect container run run a container stop stop a container restart restart a container scale scale a container logs show container logs destroy destroy a container engines list engines add-engine add shipyard engine remove-engine removes an engine inspect-engine inspect an engine service-keys list service keys add-service-key adds a service key remove-service-key removes a service key extensions show extensions add-extension add extension remove-extension remove an extension webhook-keys list webhook keys add-webhook-key adds a webhook key remove-webhook-key removes a webhook key info show cluster info events show cluster events help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --help, -h show help --generate-bash-completion --version, -v print the version ~~~ ## 登录 登录Shipyard集群。将会保存授权信息到`~/.shipyardrc`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard login URL: http://localhost:8080 Username: admin Password: ********** ~~~ ## 修改密码 只要登录了系统,你就可以使用 `change-password`来修改账户的密码。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard change-password Password: ********** Confirm: ********** ~~~ ## 账户列表 列出所有Shipyard账户 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard accounts Username Role admin admin demo user ~~~ ## 增加账户 使用命令 `add-account`。 ### 可选项 * `--username,-u`:账户名称 * `--password,-p`:账户密码 * `--role,-r`:账户角色(admin/user) ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-account -u demo -p demo123 -r user ~~~ ## 删除账户 使用命令`delete-account`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard delete-account demo ~~~ ## 查看容器列表 查看集群所有容器列表使用 `containers`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard containers ID Name Host Ports 7b55a8eb9f57 redis:2.8.11 local tcp/49167:6379 3e532b000891 ehazlett/go-demo:latest local tcp/49155:8080 ~~~ ## 查看容器详情 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard inspect 3e53 { "id": "3e532b000891e90e93ca3781031e7c1ddb76d8378dfdfd3a34f", "image": { "name": "ehazlett/go-demo:latest", "cpus": 0.08, "memory": 256, "environment": { "GOPATH": "/gopath", "GOROOT": "/goroot" }, "hostname": "demo-1", "type": "service", "labels": [ "local" ], "restart_policy": {} }, "engine": { "id": "local", "addr": "", "cpus": 4, "memory": 8192, "labels": [ "dev", "local" ] }, "ports": [ { "proto": "tcp", "port": 49155, "container_port": 8080 } ] } ~~~ ## 发布容器 使用命令 `run`。 ### 可选项 * `--name`:Docker镜像名称 * `--container-name`:容器名称 * `--cpus`:可使用的cpus * `--memory`:可使用的内存单位MB * `--type`:容器类型(service,host,unique) * `--hostname`:容器主机名 * `--domain`:容器域名 * `--env`:设置容器环境变量 * `--link`:连接其他容器 * `--arg`:容器命令行参数 * `--vol`:容器挂载点(`/host/path:/container/path`或者`/container/path`) * `--label`:用来调度的标签 * `--port`:容器暴露的端口(`/::`) * `--publish`:暴露所有端口 * `--pull`:启动之前获取最新镜像 * `--count`:容器启动数量 * `--restart`:重启策略(失败时,总是,失败次数:5等等) ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard run --name ehazlett/go-demo \ --cpus 0.1 \ --memory 32 \ --type service \ --hostname demo-test \ --domain local \ --link redis:db \ --port tcp/ \ --port tcp/::8000 \ --restart "on-failure:5" \ --env FOO=bar \ --label dev \ --pull started 407e39dc1ccc on local ~~~ ## 容器扩展 将扩展容器到想要的数量。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard scale --id 407e --count 10 scaled 407e39dc1ccc to 10 ~~~ ## 查看容器日志 显示容器的日志。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard logs 407e39 listening on :8080 ~~~ ## 销毁容器 杀掉和删除容器。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard destroy 407e destroyed 407e39dc1ccc ~~~ ## 查看引擎列表 显示集群上的引擎列表。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard engines ID Cpus Memory Host Labels local 4.00 8192.00 dev,local ~~~ ## 增加引擎 使用`add-engine`。 ### 可选项 * `--id`:引擎id * `--addr`:引擎地址(例如:[]( * `--cpus`:引擎cpus * `--memory`:引擎内存 * `--label`:调度使用的标签 * `--ssl-cert`:(可选)ssl证书地址 * `--ssl-key`:(可选)ssl key * `--ca-cert`:(可选)ca证书地址 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-engine --id demo --add --cpus 4.0 --memory 4096 --label local --label dev ~~~ ## 查看引擎详情 使用`inspect-engine`查看引擎详情。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard inspect-engine local { "engine": { "labels": [ "local", "dev" ], "memory": 2048, "cpus": 4, "addr": "", "id": "local" }, "id": "a08b8518-e963-4eb5-959a-566bd270cd28" } ~~~ ## 删除引擎 使用 `remove-engine`从集群中删除引擎 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard remove-engine demo ~~~ ## 创建Service key 使用 `add-service-key`。 ## 可选项 * `--description,-d`:key的描述 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard add-service-key -d "test key" created key: Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry ~~~ ## 查看Service key列表 使用 `service-keys`查看集群的service key 列表 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard service-keys Key Description Z2uwezQGoaIcfiRSQBRbktrzdbFRWKlVTEry test key ~~~ ## 查看集群信息 使用 `info`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard info Cpus: 4.00 Memory: 8192.00 MB Containers: 2 Images: 5 Engines: 1 Reserved Cpus: 4.00% (0.16) Reserved Memory: 3.52% (288.00 MB) ~~~ ## 查看事件列表 使用`events`。 ~~~ shipyard cli> shipyard events Time Message Engine Type Tags Sep 09 06:58:13 2014 container:6c07 local start docker Sep 09 06:58:13 2014 container:6c07 local create docker ~~~