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# 21 自定义时间处理过滤器案例 ```text from flask import Flask,render_template from datetime import datetime app = Flask(__name__) app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True # @app.route('/') # def hello_world(): # return render_template('index.html',position="-9") @app.route('/') def index(): context = { 'position':-9, # 'signature':None, 'signature': 1, 'article':'hello zhiliao world hello', # 'create_time':datetime.now(), 'create_time': datetime(2018,4,27,23,14,0), } signature = 1 a = signature or '默认值' return render_template('index.html',**context) # 指定一个名字 @app.template_filter('my_cut') def cut(value): value = value.replace("hello",'') return value @app.template_filter('handle_time') def handle_time(time): """ time 距离现在的时间是多少 如果时间间隔小于1分钟以内,那么就显示'刚刚' 如果是大于1分钟小于等于1小时以内,那么就显示'xx分钟前' 如果是大于1小时小于等于24小时内,那么就显示'xx小时前' 如果大于24小时小于30天以内,那么就显示'xx天前' 否则就是具体时间:例2017年10月20日 :param time: :return: """ if isinstance(time,datetime): now = datetime.now() # 两个时间相减,得到描述 timestamp = (now - time).total_seconds() if timestamp < 60: return '刚刚' elif timestamp < 60*60 and timestamp >= 60: minutes = timestamp/60 return "%s 分钟前" % int(minutes) elif timestamp >= 60*60 and timestamp < 60*60*24: hours = timestamp/(60*60) return "%s 小时前" % int(hours) elif timestamp>= 60*60*24 and timestamp < 60*60*24*30: days = timestamp / (60*60*24) return "%s 天前" % int(days) else: return time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') else: return time if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(debug=True) **************************************************** <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>MIKU</title> </head> <body> {# <p>位置的绝对值是:{{ position }}</p>#} {# <p>位置的绝对值是:{{ position|wordcount }}</p>#} {# <p>个性签名:{{ signature|default('Angle','boolean')}}</p>#} {# <p>个性签名:{{ signature|default('Angle',boolean=True)}}</p>#} {# <p>个性签名:{{ signature or 'angle'}}</p>#} {# <p>{{ article|my_cut }}</p>#} {# <p>{{ article}}</p>#} <p>发表时间:{{ create_time|handle_time }}</p> </body> </html> ```